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The fall of Dawn

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  • The fall of Dawn

    I'm playing this game with my friend over the E-mail; he is the Cyborgs and I am the Pirates. Its a very fun game so far (MY 2310 or something) but the Cult has been a constant annoyance to both of us. Now we plan to finally put an end to his scheming. I wrote this bit of fiction a few days ago, inspired by the coming war.
    Now this is one of my first attempts at writing fiction, so there's probably can could be better. Any comments are welcome!

    And a final note: I know it features quite some stereotypes, but its not meant to be completely serious.

    Now, here comes:

    Cha Dawn looked at his row of commeyes in dismay. Everywhere his soldiers were defeated, bases in ruin, worms were being flamed. A commeye with "Stigmata of Chiron" above it showed a Cult regiment coming under fire of two Pirate resonance bolt needlejets. Explosions ripped men and women apart, tossed them around like rag dolls. Then, from the corner of the street, squad after squad of Cybertroops, marching in rigid lines, each squad firing at once, covering the other squads. His troops broke and routed, pursued by the Consciousness soldiers and harried by the Pirate needlejets.

    Cha Dawn wondered how it had all gone so wrong. Not so long ago he had led a great faction, consisting of many bases; his citizens had adored him! How had Svensgaard and that cyborg Aki suddenly gotten so vengeful? Ok, so he had been a constant pain in their ass, building bases in territory they had claimed, plunging his knife in their backs when their army was fighting somewhere else, he had accepted their gifts and given none in return, broken treaties when he liked to, but that wasn't reason to get so angry? It wasn't, was it? It was all so unfair, thought Cha, as he saw another perimeter defense being swarmed over by Consciousness worms. He had the right to reign over Chiron, he knew what Planet wanted! All the other factions were just looking for their own profits.

    He wondered if he should call Conqueror Marr to ask for a pact against the alliance, when a huge explosion rocked his office. One wall fell in a shower of dust and brick, and Cha quickly sought cover under his desk. When the smoke cleared somewhat, he peered out from under the ornate piece of furniture, and decided that it was safe for now. He ran over to the hole in the wall of his office, and looked out. Under him lay the large buildings of Dawn of Planet, but Dawn's heart now didn't swell with pride when looking at them. He surveyed the sea, and saw what he had hoped never to see. A large squadron of Pirate cruisers. Tiny flickers of light indicated that their guns were in full action. Below him, the base was in disarray, citizens fleeing, buildings burning, large navyshells exploding amidst habcomplexes. Dreadful.

    While concentrating on the fighting below, Cha hadn't noticed the sounds of fighting in the corridor. Suddenly the door blew inward, crashing on his desk, and bouncing on one of the walls. In the door stood a trooper. He was clad in a black and green uniform, a resonance rifle in his hands, a targeting laser on his head peering through the smoke until it found the quivering form of the Cult leader. "Logic dictates that you do not attempt do resist. Power down any weaponry, and raise your hands above your hand. Failure in doing so could have very inconvenient consequences. We advise you to comply to our suggestions."

    Cha's maw dropped in astonishment, but then a second figure appeared behind the cyborg. This was a large man, holding a pistol in one hand and a chainsword in the other. The chainsword looked like it had been used a lot today, and the Pirate looked like he had spent the day in an abbatoir. "What he means, ya worm-feeding landlubber, is that you give up, or we will BLOW YOU TO KINGDOM COME! It that clear, ya son of a *****ing worm-loving piece of crap?!"

    Cha Dawn realized that he had lost, and began to sob. He longed for a caring person, a mother, to flee in her lap, but he knew that the only caresses he could expect were those of the punishment sphere...