Ok. I'll provide my reasoning for three topics.
I won't use the Warlock ships. I'm getting a little annoyed, because I honestly don't know who has dibs on which ships.
LMP just wrote down his list of dibs, so it would be a good idea if everyone else could do it. That way we can avoid stepping on each other's toes.
I'd like to have two ship standard designs. One is the Imperial star destroyer style, and the other... I have to find a way to take a pic and then paste it here. Its a more circular version of the star destroyers, in a tubelike shape. When I manage to download a free photoshop (Like hell I'm paying 400 dollars for one
!!!) I can try and make a rough sketch of the tube-like star destroyers, and post it here (If I manage to get the computer to post the pics here
Ok, next topic.
About the Prometheus.
I thought that University would have had a lead in FTL research and technologies. They invented FTL in the late 24th century, a full 100 years before Protectorate tested its FTL drive. Yet the Protectorate has 15 ly per day rate while the Chironians had almost a century head start over Protectorate. And all Chironians except University has 10 ly per day FTL rate.
Granted, the other Chironian factions don't research FTL or develop it as much as University does. University has the 15 ly per day FTL drives installed in all their ships like the Protectorate.
Prometheus is an EXPERIMENTAL SHIP, with the very latest in new technologies, including new sensors, weaponary, only ship to have AI, experimental new propulsion systems, new types of equipment, etc. Some of these new systems will flop and fail, while others may become successes.
University is experimenting with a new propulsion core seeing that University should be in the fore-front of new FTL technology research (meaning research into ways to increase FTL speeds). The new reactor provides 10 - 15% more power than regular antimatter reactors, thereby giving a 1 - 3 ly per day boost.
I know you guys said no quantum or singularity engines or reactors, so the experimental reactor will be somewhere between Antimatter and Quantum. Prometheus is the only ship to use the new experimental reactor, and the rest of the space-fleet won't get the upgrades to the new reactor for 10 - 20 more years.
Some of you are probably thinking I want a "Super ship that is undefeatable and unbeatable". You can rest easy, because I have absouletely no intention of involving Prometheus in invasions and taking over worlds. It will play a purely explorationary and defensive role. It won't kill 100 ships in 1 volley or go 100 ly per second, that kind of nonsense.
Prometheus will be exploring several new star systems for a potential 6th or 7th colonization venue. In addition, it will serve as Randius's new base of operations where he'll be safe from assassins, poison, sabotage, etc. So it will be his personal ship, transporting him to important events, political, civil, or military. (It will only defend Randius in the military events, it won't take the offensive or attack enemys unless attacked first.)
So, Prometheus won't be a *big* factor in military events and wars. It would be similiar to the Hive Emperor class battleship that FC posted in his ships homepage.
Next topic.
Berrik Metallic hydrogen ruins.
I was planning to base the Berrik Metallic hydrogen ruins found there on the ones found in Gas Giant Nona in the Lalande system that the Cyborgs currently occupy.
Let me ask you. In the Civ 2: ToT Sci-Fi game, there is a "Mysterious Long Dead Empire" that left orbital platforms, metallic hydrogen cities and bases in a gas giant, and left technological wonders like the monopole magnets all over the Lalande system. Surely an empire capable of these feats is capable of colonizing other star systems, wouldn't you agree?
The Spira solar system happens to be one of the few solar systems that this "Long dead mysterious empire" had colonized, including the Lalande system. The metallic hydrogen just found in Berrik would share extremely similiar, if not exact same, properties of the metallic hydrogen found in the Lalande system.
Don't worry. University will send a team of scientists and researchers to investigate the metallic hydrogen ruins. However, they will spend 10 - 20 years to work on applications of metallic hydrogen such as ship hydrogen plating, metallic hydrogen skycrapers, metallic hydrogen bridges, and so forth.
Basically, the new 18 ly per day engines and the metallic hydrogen won't be widely used in University until 2720 - 2730, or later. Thats a good 20+ years from the current time in the storyline. By then, overall human technology would have improved.
Also, keep in mind the Prometheus is an experimental ship, not meant to go on the offensive war, but rather for a "base of operations" and a defensive ship.
Hope that clears things up.
I won't use the Warlock ships. I'm getting a little annoyed, because I honestly don't know who has dibs on which ships.
LMP just wrote down his list of dibs, so it would be a good idea if everyone else could do it. That way we can avoid stepping on each other's toes.
I'd like to have two ship standard designs. One is the Imperial star destroyer style, and the other... I have to find a way to take a pic and then paste it here. Its a more circular version of the star destroyers, in a tubelike shape. When I manage to download a free photoshop (Like hell I'm paying 400 dollars for one

Ok, next topic.
About the Prometheus.
I thought that University would have had a lead in FTL research and technologies. They invented FTL in the late 24th century, a full 100 years before Protectorate tested its FTL drive. Yet the Protectorate has 15 ly per day rate while the Chironians had almost a century head start over Protectorate. And all Chironians except University has 10 ly per day FTL rate.
Granted, the other Chironian factions don't research FTL or develop it as much as University does. University has the 15 ly per day FTL drives installed in all their ships like the Protectorate.
Prometheus is an EXPERIMENTAL SHIP, with the very latest in new technologies, including new sensors, weaponary, only ship to have AI, experimental new propulsion systems, new types of equipment, etc. Some of these new systems will flop and fail, while others may become successes.
University is experimenting with a new propulsion core seeing that University should be in the fore-front of new FTL technology research (meaning research into ways to increase FTL speeds). The new reactor provides 10 - 15% more power than regular antimatter reactors, thereby giving a 1 - 3 ly per day boost.
I know you guys said no quantum or singularity engines or reactors, so the experimental reactor will be somewhere between Antimatter and Quantum. Prometheus is the only ship to use the new experimental reactor, and the rest of the space-fleet won't get the upgrades to the new reactor for 10 - 20 more years.
Some of you are probably thinking I want a "Super ship that is undefeatable and unbeatable". You can rest easy, because I have absouletely no intention of involving Prometheus in invasions and taking over worlds. It will play a purely explorationary and defensive role. It won't kill 100 ships in 1 volley or go 100 ly per second, that kind of nonsense.
Prometheus will be exploring several new star systems for a potential 6th or 7th colonization venue. In addition, it will serve as Randius's new base of operations where he'll be safe from assassins, poison, sabotage, etc. So it will be his personal ship, transporting him to important events, political, civil, or military. (It will only defend Randius in the military events, it won't take the offensive or attack enemys unless attacked first.)
So, Prometheus won't be a *big* factor in military events and wars. It would be similiar to the Hive Emperor class battleship that FC posted in his ships homepage.
Next topic.
Berrik Metallic hydrogen ruins.
I was planning to base the Berrik Metallic hydrogen ruins found there on the ones found in Gas Giant Nona in the Lalande system that the Cyborgs currently occupy.
Let me ask you. In the Civ 2: ToT Sci-Fi game, there is a "Mysterious Long Dead Empire" that left orbital platforms, metallic hydrogen cities and bases in a gas giant, and left technological wonders like the monopole magnets all over the Lalande system. Surely an empire capable of these feats is capable of colonizing other star systems, wouldn't you agree?
The Spira solar system happens to be one of the few solar systems that this "Long dead mysterious empire" had colonized, including the Lalande system. The metallic hydrogen just found in Berrik would share extremely similiar, if not exact same, properties of the metallic hydrogen found in the Lalande system.
Don't worry. University will send a team of scientists and researchers to investigate the metallic hydrogen ruins. However, they will spend 10 - 20 years to work on applications of metallic hydrogen such as ship hydrogen plating, metallic hydrogen skycrapers, metallic hydrogen bridges, and so forth.
Basically, the new 18 ly per day engines and the metallic hydrogen won't be widely used in University until 2720 - 2730, or later. Thats a good 20+ years from the current time in the storyline. By then, overall human technology would have improved.
Also, keep in mind the Prometheus is an experimental ship, not meant to go on the offensive war, but rather for a "base of operations" and a defensive ship.
Hope that clears things up.