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Beyond Alpha Centauri :::

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  • Unknown Location

    In a nondescript gray metallic sideways corridor, a human hand reached out for a holo-panel set in a metallic wall. The fingers deftly touched the correct three dimensional sequence key codes required to raise another hidden holo-panel. However, another hand joined in the mid-air melee, adding its digits to the exquisite dancing on the second holo-panel. A click could be heard upon the shimmering holo-panel's dissipation back into its hidden position. The wall itself melted away as nanites opened a doorway for the unseen entity to enter a plain looking corridor. There were two slight differences, which were barely noticeable to the untrained eye. Along the entire length of the corridor, the middle of the walls were raised just a few millimeters above the upper and lower walls, while the fluorescent lighting was just a couple shades darker.

    The unseen entity walked quickly down the corridor as the seemingly magical doorway sealed itself, creating the look of a standard sealed container. A holo-panel sprang up from the ground in the middle of the corridor, and the air dancing resumed on the holo-panel. The holo-panel faded just as quickly as it appeared.

    After seventy-two heartbeats, the focus rotated 180 degrees, back towards the dead-end where the door sealed itself. Another click could be heard, as a holo-panel, identical to the one prior to the opening of the door, flared to life. The entity entered a key code, then did the same task over again as another hidden holo-panel, similar to the first hidden one, appeared. The doorway melted again, revealing a quite different area from where the entity entered the odd corridor. The doorway sealed itself again after the entity entered the new blue tinted corridor, which went in a straight direction from the doorway, rather than a sideways intersection like at the first corridor.

    The entity reached the other end of the corridor, and underwent the exact same sequence of events, for the entire location required absolute and maximum security possible. Several corridors later, the entity arrived at an actual doorway. One can only wonder what secrets are held within the doors, for the doorways had interlacing armored neutronium plates fit for a battleship. As the doors opened, the entity had to walk four meters through the doorway, with two moderately armored and armed Mechanoid sentinels at both sides of the doorway. A disembodied voice droned after the doors grinded shut.

    "Confirmed Identity at Checkpoint One."

    Several minutes passed as the entity walked through the new area, with greenish tinted corridors now covered in basic armor plating set in a diamond pattern. The yet nameless and unknown entity reached a similar doorway to the one at Checkpoint One, with a major difference. There were four moderately armored and armed Mechanoids standing guard. The same artificial voice came out of nowhere.

    "Confirmed Identity now entering restricted areas past Checkpoint Two."

    The entity glanced at the wide new orange tinted corridors, covered in medium armor plating, with several diamond patterns overlapping each other.

    The entity increased its walking speed, and after a short while, the final checkpoint known to it approached. This time, however, there were four heavily armored and armed Mechanoids guarding the doorway, as well as a Plato class hover-tank parked opposite the doorway. The doorway opened after a triple holo-panel within a holo-panel within a holo-panel code was entered. Two Plato tanks and eight heavily armored and armed Mechanoids were protecting the other side of the doorway. The corridor was in a gold tone, with battleship class interlaced heavy armor.

    The entity chuckled.

    Such fools! They underestimated us. We may not have the fleets or the firepower, but we have unparalleled subversion and spying abilities. We shall preserve, as we always have done so.

    The chuckle faded as the entity's vision became dim within a few seconds. Another several seconds passed by and the entity fell to the ground. It didn't even have time to think or react.

    Two men, clad in black uniforms with several objects attached to their belts. approached the now comatose spy.

    "Phil, scan it for confirmation."

    "Sir, the scan shows code green."

    "Excellent. He fell for it. These creatures are so predictable."

    "Sergei, you'd think they'd have learned their lesson a long time ago not to mess with us humans, or as they affectionately call us, the Tauri."

    "Right. Deactivate code Alpha-Tango-Sigma-Alpha-Zeta-Zero-One-One."

    The entire corridor, the Mechanoids, and the Plato tanks faded into white nothingness. The only remains of the whole base were the two men and the comatose spy.

    A third man, in a black officer's uniform, entered the white void from a doorway that materialized on the opposite side of the comatose spy.

    He approached the two men as the men picked up the spy.


    "Good, sir. The holographics worked. The symbiote inside the spy is in a comatose state, ready for interrogation."

    "Excellent. Bring the spy and its Goa'uld symbiote inside the true base. Prep the Bio-Genetics division for this one."

    The two men snickered.

    The officer arched an eyebrow.

    "Pardon me?"

    Phil stood at attention, as he replied.

    "Sorry, sir. I find it funny that the Goa'uld, calling themselves gods and omniscient, fell for such a simple trap, as old as time itself. Dummy bases."

    "Right. Carry on, men."


    Elsewhere, across the University Alliance's territory, all the Goa'uld spies were either captured, or fed false information. Little did the Goa'uld know that their own weapons would be used against them, due to the University Alliance's extensive security scanners and systems.

    A report from the head of the University Alliance Intelligence Agency reached the Academician the next day.

    11 Goa'uld symbiotes captured and are undergoing interrogation.

    Thanks to new advances in scanning technology that you demanded two decades ago, not even the Goa'uld symbiotes or their brainwashed assassins are able to pass into University territory without us knowing about it.

    The Jaffa Solution is nearing completion. Several issues are being resolved, but it will be finished within a month or two if things go well.

    If everything goes as planned, the Goa'uld issue will be fixed permanently within the end of the year.
    Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


    • Ptah's Homeworld

      A large flying reptile, resembling an ancient Terran Pteradon, hissed as it flew up from its large rocky nest near a cave. The cave is one of the reptile's prized hunting grounds, since several native rodent creatures and the occasional dogget, a wolf-like creature with armored plating on its back and a tail with quills, seek refuge in the cave.

      Today was different.

      Today, the hunter is the hunted.

      An energy blast smashed into the reptile's nest, scattering its eggs, small boulders, and some half eaten carrion. The reptile roared in anger, then swiftly flipped sideways as another blast whizzed past. The reptile felt the urge for vengeance, as it dived into the forest, hoping to mislead its attacker. The trees were rather large, with trunks measuring several meters across. The reptile weaved through the trees by flipping sideways when spaces got too tight for it to fly normally. After a while, realizing there were no blasts following it, it became confident that it lost the attacker. It shot up, then in a loop, trying to catch the hunter by surprise.

      A blast erupted from seemingly nowhere and hit the reptile in its left wing. As it plummeted to the ground, another blast hit the reptile square in its chest.

      The reptile was no more.

      A second later, a sleek triangular ship with two wings burst up from the treetops. One man could be seen piloting the ship through its viewport. The man was wearing a few metallic pieces of clothing, as well as a staff with large elongated spheres at both ends stored back of his piloting seat.

      A voice chimed inside the aircraft.

      "Flyer 743, return to base and prepare to be evaluated on your aerial performance."

      Flyer 743 swerved around in a sharp banking turn to its new heading, nearly opposite from its original direction. It tilted upwards just slightly, to clear the looming mountain. The scattered remains of the now non-existent reptile's nest could still be seen smoldering to the right of Flyer 743. Upon passing the snow capped summit of the jagged mountain, Flyer 743 could see several huge pyramid structures next to a river, and a shield generator complex at the other side of the river, opposite the pyramids.

      Flyer 743 switched a button to signal subspace communication.

      "Flyer 743 now approaching. Request clearance on Platform 5."

      "Clearance granted."

      The glider type aircraft dipped its nose, made several slight turns, then lined up with a landing strip rapidly growing visible. Flyer 743 didn't feel any excitement or fear, for he had done this more times than he could keep track of. His god did not want him to understand numbers. Numbers were meant for the First Primes, and Jaffa Officers.

      Flyer 743 exited his glider upon a flawless landing. Failures were not an option, for punishment for any sin was terrible, slow, and painful. He marched to the center of the platform, and waited several minutes for the troop signal to activate. Several returning Jaffa flyers marched to Flyer 743's position, then shortly thereafter, they marched towards the pyramid in front of them in a formation.

      Upon entering the pyramid, the formation kept marching through several golden plated corridors with hieroglyphics and cuneiform writing on the walls. A Jaffa with full body armor, a force pike, and a full-face helmet that resembles a cobra, stood at the end of the fifth hallway, and shouted to the approaching Jaffa formation.

      "Halt! Kree!"

      The formation stopped as one, and saluted.


      "Glider Group 88, report to the Officer at the end of the hallway to my left."


      The formation turned smartly to the left, and marched towards the officer. The officer wore similar garb to the cobra-hood guard at the intersection, except facial armor or a helmet. He was holding a datapad in his left hand, and the force pike in his right hand.

      "I am both pleased and disappointed in your performance, Glider Group 88. All of you performed at standard levels of expectation, and your god is pleased. However, one of you did not destroy your intended training target quick enough. Battle requires lighting fast reflexes, and quick thinking. The longer you allow the enemy to live, the more likely he will be able to kill you."

      The officer walked right up to the formation, raised his force pike, and ran it through the Jaffa pilot standing to Flyer 743's right.

      "Failure in any combat situation is penalized by death. Your god, Ptah, does not tolerate cowards, or weak warriors."

      The rest of the Jaffa troop still stood at attention, despite the death of one of its troops. The officer spoke again.

      "Your next assignment is to support several of our new Motherships in their counter-attack against the infidel University Alliance's invasion of our research planet, PX-973. Return to your gliders and meet up with the fleet in orbit."

      "Kree! It shall be done!"

      "Kree! Go with Ptah."

      The Jaffa troop quickly returned to their gliders, because they knew Ptah's wrath would be severe if they were too slow, as proved by the death of Flyer 226 at the officer's hands. They took off the landing strip, and then assembled a wedge formation with their gliders.

      Several hours later, the assembled Goa'uld fleet, consisting of ten of the newest Motherships, thirty of the obsolete Ha'tak Motherships, and five Asgard / Fraal engineered ships departed for PX-973.
      Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


      • PX-973 System

        "Fighter Squadrons Eight and Fourteen, cover that damaged Einstein Battleship's flank!"

        Grand Admiral Devlin Yezprach walked around the three dimensional battlemap situated in the bridge of the newly refit UAS Solaris.

        Chief Tactical officer Lianna shouted to be heard over the shudders as the Solaris was taking fire from three Ha'tak Motherships.

        "The Koenigsburg and Wales are reporting they are inflicting moderate damage upon the two remaining Super-Motherships. However, the two Terran Battlecruisers are taking heavy fire."

        Yezprach took in that new information, and put it through the never-ending battle calculations going in inside his superior tactical mind.

        "Divert twelve fighter squadrons to assist the Terran Battlecruisers."

        Lianna looked slightly startled.

        "Fighters? Against these two five kilometer monsters?"

        "Yes. I want these Motherships intact. The Academician has standing orders to acquire any large Goa'uld ships by any means necessary."

        "I know the General Order, but fighters? Wait a minute, you intend to distract most of the weapons with fighters, and have them tear up power conduits to the large cannons."


        Several brilliant explosions could be seen as several Ha'tak Motherships exploded under fire from three University Strike Cruisers and four Relativity class Battleships.

        Lianna spoke up again.

        "Four Ha'tak Motherships destroyed. Only five remain. Sir! One of our fighters reports a core build-up in one of the Super-Motherships. It looks like it's going to self-destruct."

        "How's the other one?"

        "Still firing, but our troop pods managed to get inside. It won't be lo-"

        A huge fireball blossomed as the crippled Super-Mothership finally completed its self-destruction. The expanding debris obliterated several dozen fighters, as well as seriously damaging the Wales. Two University destroyers and a light cruiser were critically damaged as well, taking them out of the fight.

        "Sir! The second Super-Mothership has a core build-up."


        "Hold on, sir. I'm now receiving updated telemetry. The core build-up seems to have reversed. I'm receiving a transmission from the ship."

        "Admiral Yezprach, this is Marine Commander Stephen Policano. We have finally secured the Mothership, after considerable casualties. We have managed to capture several hundred Jaffa warriors, by stun and sleep gas."

        "Excellent work, Commander."

        "Thank you, sir. Policano out."

        Yezprach breathed a sigh of relief. No doubt the Academician will be happy to acquire one of the Goa'uld's advanced and biggest warships.

        "Finish off these remaining five Ha'tak Motherships."

        "Yes, Sir."

        "When are these new Titan class warships arriving?"

        "Any minute now. This seems like overkill."

        "We need these new warships to secure the captured Goa'uld planets."

        "Understood. It looks like we fina- Holy hell!"

        Yezprach arched an eyebrow.

        "Swearing? You know Bridge conduct regulations."

        "There are thirty Ha'tak Motherships, ten of these Super-Motherships, and five unidentified vessels approaching our position. Fast."

        "Speak of the devil."

        Yezprach studied the updated holographic battle sphere just for a moment. Then his face transformed into his infamous cold smile.

        "We just might have a chance. Split the taskforce into three double-deep formations. Start charging up all our Yamato cannons on every ship that has one. The ships that doesn't have any, charge up all the main guns."

        "Sir, I'm receiving an one-way transmission from the Titans."

        "Put it on."

        "This is Admiral Antonio Stravonich. My boys and I will arrive at your position in fifteen minutes."

        Lianna barely restrained herself from grinding her teeth in frustration.

        "Fifteen minutes is too long!"

        "We will have to do with the time we are given. Signal the captured Mothership to make random hyper jumps around the system if possible."

        "The fleet is ready to execute your orders."


        The battleships seemed to retreat, flying backwards from the impending battle. Suddenly, the smaller ships sped up to maximum speed, trying to catch the battleships. The Goa'uld fired first, raking several ships with intense fire, destroying a couple of destroyers.

        As the ships formed up, the tough neutronium armor on the University Alliance's ships kept taking a pounding, becoming scarred and scorched in multiple areas. But the armor held.

        The Goa'uld decided to form the same pattern with their ships, as they believed they would do it better than the University, therefore humiliating the University.

        "Lianna, fire."
        Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


        • PX-973 System

          Several dozen Goa'uld gliders flew in a perfect formation, towards the heathen's fleet.

          Flyer 743 flicked his communications channel on.

          "Glider Group 88 leader to all gliders. Our savior, Ptah, has provided us with a target. Focus on the largest heathen ship in the middle of that line formation."

          A chorus of "Kree!" signaled acknowledgement.

          The squadron made a beeline towards the six-kilometer long ship that was apparently the heathen's flagship. However, several Jaffa started to notice something quite odd.

          "Flyer 198 to Flyer 743. I don't see any heathen fighters at all."

          "Perhaps they don't have any. This proves their stupidity and inferiority to the grace of Ptah."

          The flagship loomed larger and larger. Flyer 743 opened his communication channel once again.

          "Punish them in the name of Ptah!"

          The gliders scattered, hitting various targets on the topside of the flagship. To the frustration of Flyer 743 and his squadron, the energy blasts seemed to have little or no effect, due to the sheer number of targets to destroy, as well as the seemingly endless expanse of metal.

          "Flyer 334 to Flyer 743. The infidel Tauri are supposed to fall easily. What demons possessed the Tauri to create such gigantic ships?"

          "I don't know. No matter. We must cleanse them, so they may welcome Ptah."

          As Flyer 743 closed his communication channel, several hundred small anti-fighter batteries opened fire upon the Jaffa squad in a blinding display of light.

          Some gliders had several parts simply vaporized or blown cleanly off, while several others simply ceased to exist in any definitive form.

          "Keep cleansing them! Ptah will provide us with victory!"

          "Flyer 198 to Flyer 743. Are you alive?"


          "I don't believe this. Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

          "That looks like hellfire. May Ptah protect us!"

          Several seconds later, the anti-fighter batteries opened fire again, but at a lower intensity compared to the previous salvo. The remaining gliders were either crippled or destroyed, leaving Flyer 743 the survivor.

          A single barrel turret swiveled around, tracking Flyer 743 at its maximum range. If sounds could be heard through space, Flyer 743 would have heard a brief humming sound as the energy charged up inside the turret. Time seemed to slow down as a white globe of energy closed onto the remaining glider. All Flyer 743 saw before his world turned black was dozens of reddish hellfire beams slamming into the Goa'uld fleet.


          Dozens of Yamato cannon beams tore the small Goa'uld Motherships apart. Their relatively minor shields could not sufficiently absorb terawatts upon terawatts of pure energy all at once. However, the Super-Motherships and the five unidentified ships withstood the energy assault with minor to moderate shield loss.

          Likewise, the return Goa'uld fire was almost as devastating. Half of the remaining destroyers and cruisers were becoming expanding clouds of ice, metal, frozen flesh and blood, and energy.

          Lianna was grinding her teeth.

          "Cursed shielding!"

          Yezprach kept his stony expression, despite Lianna's outburst.

          "Lianna, there is always a way. If you have another outburst like that, consider yourself relieved of duty."

          The communication console near Lianna beeped.

          "Captain Mathias of the UAS Dragon to Grand Admiral Devlin Yezprach."

          "Go ahead."

          "Several of our fighters have breached the shielding of the nearest Super-Mothership and are assaulting its main guns."

          "Thank you. That will be all."

          The admiral walked to the opposite side of the floating holographic globe.

          "Interesting. Shielding doesn't seem to deflect solid objects."

          He turned towards Lianna.

          "There is your answer. Inform the fleet to arm all of their Xaos missiles, and launch all fighters. If I am correct, the Goa'uld will have a rude surprise."

          Several minutes later, a swarm erupted from the University fleet, seemingly like a swarm of very angry bees. Literally hundreds of missiles, along with several thousand fighters descended upon the Goa'uld super-ships.

          The Goa'uld weren't equipped with missiles of their own, due to the fact that they favor their effective energy blasts. All the Goa'uld could do was attempt to shoot down as many of the missiles and fighters as possible. It didn't amount to much, thanks to the sheer numbers of projectiles being launched by the University.

          As the first missiles slammed into the remaining Goa'uld ships, space ripped apart in a blue-white vortex, as three Titans roared out of the fissure. At nine kilometers, the largest class of Human ship to date, they cast an imposing shadow across the small Goa'uld Motherships. Each Titan had enough firepower and ordinance for a small fleet, and had heavier armor than the refit UAS Solaris. They were truly the flying fortresses of interstellar space.

          "Admiral Antonio here. The UAS Athena, UAS Zeus, and UAS Apollo are ready for your instructions."

          "Antonio, assist in attempting to capture these unidentified ships and the Super-Motherships."

          "Roger that. My boys will get the job done, sir."

          With the extreme firepower provided by the three Titans, as well as their massive missile and marine complements, the battle was a foregone conclusion.


          Grand Admiral Devlin Yezprach reporting.

          We have captured three additional Goa'uld Super-Motherships, as well as the one we captured prior to the reinforcements. We were able to capture one unidentified ship, since the others self destructed before we even got close. Apparently a missile hit an energy conduit or something to that effect, disabling the self-destruct of the single captured unidentified ship.

          The Super-Motherships self-destructed, but it was the valor of our marines and several lucky shots by our fighters that prevented or slowed down the self-destruction of the ones we captured.

          Also, several gliders were recovered, and the surviving Jaffa pilots were taken prisoner.

          We have suffered considerable losses, losing two dozen destroyers, ten cruisers, and two battleships. Several ships were critically damaged, and will need to return to our territory for extensive repairs.

          The Goa'uld's prime research and development world is now effectively in our hands. The only thing left to do is clean up the planetary ground forces, but they have no space support. We have space superiority.

          Bombardment of several barrack complexes is now underway. As of this report, we have recovered several research files from the planet.

          Within the next couple of weeks, we will have full control of the planet.


          The Academician smiled as he finished reading Yezprach's report.

          Finally. New technologies.
          Last edited by Sovereign; March 10, 2004, 01:41.
          Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


          • New Management

            Emergency Command Post, beneath Laekdaemon Central

            "Menelas is dead."

            The low hum of conversation among the gathered officers cut off as though slashed with a knife. The haggard-looking medical officer who had delivered the news cleared his throat, twice, before continuing hoarsely.

            "We did our best to save him, but the wounds he suffered in the explosion were too great. He was pronounced dead a little over seven minutes ago, from massive fluid loss and shock. As we have not yet perfected our braintaping technology, we could not use that to save him. I hate to say it, ladies and gentlemen, but it seems we must choose a new leader."

            The occupants of the room stared at one another. There were procedures, of course - far too many Cadre eladers had died unexpectedly for it to be otherwise - but no one had expected that they would have to be used now, after the Spartan threat was gone, in the midst of civil war. The silence dragged on, until someone spoke up.

            "Very well, then. After that... ah... 'incident'... who are the highest-ranking officers left?"

            There was some more silence, broken only by the sound of someone's fingers on a keyboard as they brought up the relevant data, before one of the officers spoke up.

            "I believe that would Commander Michael Kane, currently in orbit organising patrols of the system. He will need to be informed of this, along with the rest of our forces, and we will need to begin planning for our retaliation..."

            Now finally having something to do, the meeting picked up steam. Messages went out, information was called up, maps were plotted, and encoded notifications were sent out to the Spartan Federation and the Free Drone Republic.
            Last edited by GeneralTacticus; March 10, 2004, 04:25.


            • The Derelict

              An unnamed star system, approximately 6 light years from Laekdaemon:

              The Cadre scout probe slid silently across the void of space, a small, bulbous shape consisting almost entirely of fuel tanks, engines, sensor arrays, and a computer AI. It had been in this system for weeks now, scanning, catalouging, and transmitting reports back to Laekdaemon Prime; the recent wars there meant little to it, a thing created solely to gather information. Had it been human, the ship might have called what it did boring beyond belief; indeed, it most certainly would have. As it was, the very concept of boredom, or any kind of dissatisfaction, was simply beyond it's grasp. It had been made to explore, and that was what it did, every second of every day as long as it was out exploring.

              Having completed a survey of the system's two vaguely earth-sized inner planets, and found them both useless for any purpose save research, their surfaces airless, volcanic, and pitted with cracks running all the way down to the mantles, the probe swung around in a long loop and engaged a small FTL drive, taking it to the enxt item of interest: a massive gas cloud in the outer reaches of the system, suspected to be a gas giant in the process of formation. Any data gathered there could give great insight into the processes involved, and that knowledge could be valuable.

              A few minutes later, the probe dropped out of FTL speed and put itself into a long loop around the cloud, intending to make a complete circuit before moving through the centre of the cloud itself. As it did so, it fed all the information gathered by it's sensors back to Laekdaemon in real time, though the signal would not arrive for another 14 hours.

              Some hours later - 3 hours and 47 minutes, to be precise - the probe's sensors detected something that flooded it with something approximating shock. A metallic, clearly artificial object of massive proportions was sitting close to the middle of the cloud, almost obscured from sensors. Moreover, it's profile did not match that of any known ship class or spacefaring species.

              The probe's artificial brain 'thought' furiously for a few moments as it processed this new information, before arriving at a decision: whatever the value of planetary formation data, the potential value of some new technology or other data that could be gleaned from the ship far outweighed that. Sending a top-priority transmission to Leakdaemon, it fired thrusters to adjust it's path directly toward the object.


              • Cadre Communications Centre, Laekdaemon Central

                "Very well, gentlemen, as we are all here, let us begin. Dr. Mernok, you said you had something big to tell us."

                At that, the officers and officials sitting around the meeting table leaned forward expectantly, and Mernok, head of the Cadre space program, stood and walked to the control panel for the holographic projector unit. After some fiddling with the controls, he turned toward the table and began to speak.

                "Gentlemen, approximately two hours ago we received a transmission from our scout probe in the system currently designated Delta-323. After sending us some quite interesting data on the two inner planets in the system, it jumped into the outer system, to observe what appears to be a gas giant in the process of forming. While scanning it for research purposes, it detected this."

                At that point, the doctor pressed a key on the control console, and an image shimmered into being in the centre of the table: an enhanced optical view of the object the probe had detected.

                "Along with the report was a note that the probe would be moving further into the cloud to get a better look. Here's what it saw."

                Mernok adjusted another control, and the image changed swiftly; evidently Mernok was speeding it up. It continued to show the object as the probe grew closer, and within a few minutes the probe was close enough to get a clear view. A collective gasp ran around the table as they got a good look at the ship, a long, stark black shape studded with weapons, landing bays, sensor arrays, and quite a lot of battle damage.

                "Impressive, isn't it? the thing must be at least 12 kilometres long from end to end, and I'd wager it's even bigger than those new University ships we've been hearing rumours about, never mind anyone else's capships. We haven't had time to do a lot of analysis - the probe is doing that as we speak, and we've diverted another one to help it - but it's clearly in advance of our present technology, if not so spectacular as that of the University or the Protectorate.

                "At first, we thought we had no records of this class of ship at al; our scout craft certainly carried none. However, after a lot of digging through our older ones, we found some Progenitor files we dug out of Spartan archives on Chiron and never had much use for until now. They mention a single ship of this time - a very old one, a thousand years at the very least - which belonged to some other, unnamed species from well outside Human Space.They don't say much, except that it was quite powerful a centrepiece for that race's fleet, and that it was lost during an engagement with an enemy they referred to as "the Destroyers". No information is given about this other species or force, either, leaving us with a lot of loose ends to chase down if we can.

                "Anyway, we should have some more data within an hour or so; in the meantime, I'd like to request a significant diversion of forces to the area, so as to secure the ship and, hopefully, allow it to be converted for our use. Obviously, this would have to be kept secret, and it would detract from our fighting ability here, but if we can actually get control of that ship, we could end the war with ease. I call for a show of hands on this motion."

                Every hand in the room went up immediately, and General Kane smiled.

                "Motion carried. Mernok, do you have any other information about this ship?"

                "None, sir."

                "Then I want you to get to work planning the the expedition to hold the place. If any knew information comes through, tell us immediately. For now, get cracking."


                • Summit, Part Three.


                  The Grand Council hall was cavernous, and crammed with 3 dozen representitives and thier hangers-ons. This wasn't even a complete representation of the Assorted Faction leaders, just the ones with over a thousand capital ships. Shagrat was always awed by the sight of the chambers, but now even more so. For the first time in an age, the Grand Council of the Proginators had been called, and unity finally seemed to be in reach.

                  Off to the side were the Hferhin Entire Representatives (actually, they were thralls to the Usurpers), and Lord Ptah himself, in his strange body that he had genetically engineered as a host, looking much like a tall Fraal-Asgard with a smaller head. The only reason why the Go'auld were present was because their domain sat astride the routes any Proginator invasion force would take to the Orion arm.

                  "The Proginator Grand council is convened." The Presiding Officer said after the required ceremonies. "Is there any new buisness?"

                  A Faction Lord named Modren sat up and transmitted "I propose a new Supreme Leader be chosen!"

                  There was a roar of aproval. The chamber shook, Shagrat smiled to himself, Modren had always been one for getting to the point. Modren continued. "The Vedic Systems nominates Shagrat of the Usurpers!"

                  There was another thunder, with a hissing incoproated from the Caretakers. One of the Caretaker representitives, a pink carapaced female named Larel, stood up and quivered with rage.

                  "We will not follow such a madman! He would seize the manifolds for himself!"

                  "Honored Representitive, the nomination of Shagrat is on the table. A vote must be taken immediately."

                  Still quivering, Larel sat down.

                  "Cast your votes." the PO intoned.

                  "The Vote is....72 for, 14 againest. The Motion carries." The PO turned to Shagrat. "Command us, Supreme Leader."

                  There was a roar of dismay from the caretakers. for years they had been fighting againest reconveneing the Grand Council because the votes were binding, and they knew the Usurpers would be elevated to a position of command. Now, it had finally happen.

                  "Shagrat will lead us to ruin! He would be willing to destroy you all just to access a Manifold!" Larel shouted.

                  That's certainly true, Shagrat thought, but didn't transmitt. He spoke.

                  "Honored brothers and Sisters, thank you for having the faith to place our species in my hands. With our Race re-unified, we can restore our rightful place in the Cosmos! We can return to dominateing the Galaxy, and civilization the younger races! Too long we have searched for manifolds, when we know where one is! The Humans are insects to us, that shall be swept away! Godhood shall be Ours!!!"

                  The roar was deafening, A chant of "sha-grat! Sha-grat!" started, then died down.

                  Larel spoke again, "Oh yes! Seizing the Orion sector is such an easy means! There's only the little matter of the Sashianians being directly within our path from here to there...or perhaps you'd rather we fight a war with a supply route leading all over the Galaxy?"

                  There was some mmurmering of assent. Larel you fool, your day will come

                  "Honored Representitive, it is true that the Sashanians are stronger than any single Proginator faction, but we are united! We shall crush them and make them Thralls, make them the servitor race that they deserve to be. The Humans shall be the same! We shall be Gods!"

                  The Chamber was roaring again. And off to the side, behing Ptah, one of his servitors was fidgeting. He would have to pass this on the the Nautilus Pirates.
                  Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                  • . . . But You Can't Come In

                    The Hiverian Fringe

                    "Hiverians closing fast, sir!"

                    Franco spun towards the viewscreen. Sure enough, it showed three Hive ships with a generally cross-shaped design accelerating rapidly out of the unknown space. "Patch me the sensor readings," he ordered. "What astrometry have we got on those things?"

                    "Length, approximately 750 metres." Astrometry was several decks below the Command Center, so the voice was transmitted through the commlink to the command crews' earpieces. "The engine emissions are highly masked. I cannot estimate maximum speed."

                    "Red alert!" the commodore snapped. "Battle Group Northshire: engage the enemy. Repeat: Battle Group Northshire engage the enemy. The other groups are to adopt offensive formation Zero-Tau."

                    The DRS Emancipator and the four other ships of Battle Group Northshire broke from the diamond and rushed to meet the enemy. Franco stared impassively at his sensor readout, watching the group's two cruisers lead the assault.

                    Warning: Offensive Communications Jamming in Progress. Maintain Safe Distance From DRS Castillo and Blackburn.

                    The warning was necessary at this stage, as the offensive communications jamming procedure could affect friendly ships that strayed into the resonance field. As such, the Emancipator and her two frigates hung back.

                    The Hiverian ships slowed. This, said Franco to himself, was an encouraging sign, as it suggested they were unable to communicate with each other and hence to formulate an attack plan -

                    - it happened so fast the commodore almost missed it. The Hiverian ships abruptly broke formation and surged directly into the middle of Battle Group Northshire's formation, one between the two cruisers and one on each of the outer wings. At the same time, they unleashed a withering stream of impacted particles.

                    The cruisers never stood a chance. Huge chunks were blown off their superstructure from nose to tail. The Blackburn's main power conduit overloaded and it exploded in a silent crimson fireball. Castillo fared no better. Her hull integrity gone, Franco watched helplessly as her power readings dwindled to nothing.

                    All hell broke loose. Emancipator fired a barrage of torpedoes that sheared away part of the central Hiverian's underhull. It was not sufficient; the enemy's return volley struck, whether by design or luck, the destroyer's command center. Mission-killed, the ship slowly listed on its side.

                    Now it was three on two at the front line. As Franco ordered his flotilla forward, he wondered what other nasty surprises the Hive fleet had waiting for him . . .
                    Last edited by Mr. President; March 12, 2004, 00:51.
                    Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                    • Lubrecht Research Facility
                      500 Kilometers deep inside the planetary mantle of Nova Secundis VIII

                      “What is the progress on Subject 87,463?”

                      “The Subject has shown significant response to the experiment.”

                      “I was under the impression that the drug would cause severe brain damage, due to disruption of neural activity between the host’s brain and the symbiote.”

                      “The Subject has responded to several rudimentary commands, such as ‘sit’ and ‘raise arms’. However, there still are issues with higher brain functions.”

                      “Such as?”

                      “Subjects have failed to think for themselves. They cannot formulate solutions to problems, and they have shown no signs of creativity that is the sign of sentient species. Their communication is nonexistent. They do understand our commands, but fail to procure any verbal or intelligent response to any type of conversation.”

                      “We must have these Subjects retain their higher brain functions. Otherwise, the Academician will be quite upset by the loss of untapped resources.”

                      “The problem is our viral agent. It keeps attacking the Reasoning centers of the brain, instead of the Memory centers. The actual problem lies in that the Reasoning center cells seem to be, for a lack of a better word, more ‘delicious’ to the viral agent. One other problem is that the symbiote overcomes the virus, due to its regenerative abilities. Once the virus is eliminated, the symbiote ‘re-boots’ the Jaffa’s mentality.”

                      “Fix it. You know the price of failure.”

                      “I have been trying for the past few weeks!”

                      “This facility has the most advanced bio-genetic technology, tools, and devices in the Human Sector. There is no excuse for failure, given the circumstances and the tools at your disposal.”

                      The tall and slender officer in a pure black uniform latched his steely glare on the thin, pale skinned, and bald scientist.

                      “If you persist in making excuses for not making progress, we will have to make the effort to have you reassigned.”

                      The officer leaned across the comatose body of Subject 87,463 and drew out the syllables of the last word.

                      Two long heartbeats later, a plump scientist ran into the laboratory room, out of breath. His hair was slightly disheveled, eyes widened a little too much, and had several sweat drops forming on his forehead.

                      “The two new RNA strands did it! It has finally achieved the solution to our problems! With the addition of the strand, the virus rejects the ‘taste’ of the Reasoning centers in Subject 5,291’s brain. Instead, it flocks to the Memory centers, rewriting memories, and erasing the memories we do not want him to keep. In addition, the second RNA strand enables the virus to mutate into a secondary form, to purely focus on breaking down the symbiote into organic waste matter.”

                      The officer turned towards the plump scientist, with a genuine smile.

                      “You did what the Senior Scientist in charge of this project couldn’t do. You solved the problem, so I shall put you up for recommendation.”

                      The elder scientist shrank even further.

                      The younger scientist spoke up again.

                      “Test results in hundreds of other subjects should be arriving any minute now. If it proves successful, we can enter full production of the viral agent within the day. One gallon of the viral agent should be enough to affect an area the size of Australia on Earth.”

                      “Very good. Procure several thousand gallons of the viral agent, with a quarter-million gallons by the end of the next week.”

                      Three minutes later, a nondescript scientist arrived, full of exuberance.

                      “The test results are positive! The two RNA strands have aided the virus in its intended purpose. It is now able to congregate in the Memory centers of the brain, rewriting memory cells to become blank slates. We had successes using nanites to add memories and impulses. Examples of this include memories of being a citizen of the University Alliance, along with absolute loyalty. The symbiotes were broken down into waste matter far quicker than we anticipated.”

                      The officer scribbled several notes in his datapad.

                      “Excellent. Begin production immediately. I shall notify the Head of Intelligence that the Jaffa Solution has been completed.”


                      Flyer 743 woke up to a tingling sensation throughout his body. He could not pinpoint the exact origin of the tingling, but he knew for certain that something had happened.

                      He thought he had died, for his world was black. He opened his eyes, and the surroundings did not change. A few minutes passed by, then a pinprick of light shimmered into view in the ceiling, directly above his stomach. He stared at it, as the pinprick grew in size. Several more minutes later, the light grew to the size of a human fist.

                      Flyer 743 could make out a man sitting in a chair to his left, in a black uniform.

                      The man spoke in clipped tones.

                      “What is your name?”


                      “What is your planet of origin, and home region?”

                      “The planet Leftwyne, and I grew up in the village of Dadlos.”

                      “What is your occupation?”

                      “A fighter pilot.”

                      “What civilization does Leftwyne belong to?”

                      “The University Alliance.”

                      “Who is Ptah?”

                      “A monster that deserves to be destroyed.”


                      “Ptah is a evil creature bent on eliminating the free will of people, and the enslavement of the entire Human Race.”

                      “Whom do you serve?”

                      “The Academician.”

                      “Very well. You may return to duty, upon a final comphrensive examination to determine your health.”

                      Jas’tuh noticed the tingling sensation was gone. He slowly swung his legs over to the side of the cot, and tentatively stood up. His eyes had become accustomed to the lighting provided by the glowing sphere in the ceiling. He could make out a door several meters in the opposite direction from the seated man.

                      “Dismissed, Jas’tuh.”

                      As the door closed behind Jas’tuh, the officer opened a communication channel.

                      “Ronald Suverich reporting.

                      Subject 80,772 has proved that the viral agent was a success. The viral agent only attacks the Jaffa, due to the presence of the symbiote within. I am unaffected, because I am a pureblood Human, with no traces of any parasitic symbiotes inside myself.

                      The Subject, to all extents, has had a successful memory modification. He remembers some of his original history, but the roles of his leaders and loyalties have switched perfectly. He now is loyal to the Academician, and considers Ptah a monster.

                      In my interrogations of several dozen other subjects, similar patterns have emerged. They retain some of their original memories, such as their names and homelands. Some subjects have been able to recall their previous occupations. However, memories of the most questionable occupations such as advisers or personal Goa’uld bodyguards, appear to have been overwritten with less important ones, such as farmers or hunters.

                      It is my belief that the success of the Jaffa Solution is an absolute certainty. We will be able to transform the Goa’uld pet warriors into a civilized and loyal society, depriving the Goa’uld of approximately ninety to ninety-five percent of their Human fighting forces.

                      End Report.”
                      Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


                      • Kelowna Orbit

                        Larel Transported onboard her flagship, the Star Domniator Manifold Gaurdian. She was quivering with rage. It appeared as if the only Caretakers who would break with the Grand Council's Decision were the warships directly under her countrol.

                        This was not good.

                        Soon the Proginator Union, under that Madman Shagrat would go to war with the Sashanians, and then on to the Orion Arm. The Only power of note there were the Dosi, as it seemed the Gorn/Bree deathstruggle was finally ending. The Humans would be wiped out in a matter of months. If the Caretakers won't stand up to Shagrat, others would have to.

                        This would mean betraying my race to Humanity. Still, they must be told. Larel turned to the Astrogator.

                        "Set course to the Sixth Manifold. Even our Escorts to prepare for an interdiction."

                        The engines roared to life, and even 15 km away from the start of the main plant, she could feel the ship viberate. Her personal comm on the command chair chirp. She answered it, and Shagrat (no, Supreme Leader Shagrat, damn him!) appeared on the viewer. He had a look of barely contained glee.

                        "I don't recall giving your ship clearance to leave orbit, Larel."

                        "We're leaving Shagrat, I do not recognize this farce. Someone has to stop you." Larel was notcing about a dozen of other Proginator ships, some Shagrat's, some other's (all Shagrat's now!) were getting into attack postion.

                        "I'm sorry you feel that way." Shagrat said, with what he probably thought sounded like remorse. The Proginator vessles opened up on Larel's little flotilla. Her escorts started to explode, then the Manifold Guardian shook violently as the sin guns poured unto her. The Hull was screeching as it buckled, and the shields failed.

                        "Drive activating in five...four...three...two..."

                        Larel saw a flash of light, then nothing.
                        Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                        • Chiron Space Command
                          Nessus Prime

                          It was a slow watch. It was always a slow watch. Technical Sergeant Pardeep of the Peacekeeprs for the UN Mission to Chiron watched the sensor screens lazily. The Even lazier orbits of the hundreds of Peacekeeper warships and 4 dozen or So Terran ships that had fled to Chiron in the aftermath of Earth's conquest made her sleepy.

                          She sighed and took another sip of her Slurm soda. Then she glanced at her chronomter for the 5 time in the last minute. Jesus, she was so bored! She heard footsteps walking up behind, and sighed again. Right on time.

                          "So, Pardeep, you doing anything Saturday?" Tech Sergeant Chan asked, the same damn thing he asked every watch.

                          "Yes. But not with you."

                          "Oh." And he walked away like a puppy again. Pardeep sighed and glanced back at the screen...and did a doubletack. There was an unusual elevation of Tachyon particles...and there wasn't any one scheduled to arrive in that particular sector for another hour...The number of tachyons grew and grew....Jesus it was big! She grabbed the Microphone.

                          "Alert! Alert! Large Inbound Sector 23-1!"


                          UNS Calicut

                          Captain Bhutto leaned forward. By God it was big. And it was just sitting there, completely powered down, battered, and devoid of life if the sensors were reading it correctly.

                          It was the largest Progenitor ship he'd ever seen, but was it Caretaker of Usurper? The ship looked un salvable, they must have done evrything just to get here. Were they really that Obsessed with Chiron?

                          The Comm officer turned and spoke to Bhutto...

                          "Sir...we're getting a rather large data transmission, from the ship. It's addressed to Secretary-General Lal...and it's repeating."

                          Bhutto scratched his chin. "Inform the Joint Chiefs. Better yet, put them on the phone. This needs to get up as fast as possible."
                          Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                          • Ptah’s Throneroom

                            A metallic clad human rushed up to a solitary figure sitting on an elaborate golden throne. Several other humans with heavier metallic armor stood to attention, while lowering their force staffs into attack position.

                            The human knelt before the figure on the throne, with head bowed towards the ground.

                            “My lord! I have news!”

                            The seated figure, clad in golden armor and a silk cloak spoke.

                            “Rise. And report.”

                            The human swallowed, for Ptah is an imposing individual, even more so being a God.

                            Ptah stood and glared at the human.


                            “My lord, as you might remember, your forces have valiantly attempted to defend several of your important worlds. The Heathens kept coming, despite your valiant warrior’s efforts.”

                            “These infidels! We will preserve. Gods are never defeated by infidels!”

                            “My lord, I have further news.”


                            “All contact has been lost in several solar systems, including our major Nadquah mining facilities in the Erathia and Xeen systems. Worse still, our scout drones were able to get a glimpse of the Heathen fleet approaching the Yu system, Lord Yu’s home system. Before being destroyed, the drone sent information regarding the fleet.”

                            The human swallowed again before continuing.

                            “Data received indicates that the Heathens have managed to acquire several of our largest capital ships, as well as our recently developed hybrid vessels with Asgard and Fraal technologies. But that’s not the worst thing of all.”

                            Ptah became more and more livid as his subordinate reported every setback. He kept his face straight, yet it was all he could do not to strike down the subordinate before he finished his report.

                            The subordinate continued.

                            “Our three fleet shipyards has been overrun at the Ronvas system. In the final tranmission from there, your Fleet Prime reported that the Heathens have acquired even more ships, because the shipyards were caught completely off guard. They did not have time to initate the self destruct on the majority of the dry-docked ships and new ships under construction. Apparently, the Heathens risked staying in faster than light speeds until the very last millisecond, appearing right next to the shipyards. A small consolation is that several of the Heathen vessels exploded as their engines overloaded due to the gravitional fields emitted by Ronvas VI.

                            With the loss of our shipyards at Ronvas, we are limited to just two ship building systems. They are in this system and the other one is in the Lendrikas system.”

                            Ptah kept staring at the subordinate. After a long and uncomfortable silence, he growled out two words.

                            “Kill him.”

                            The guards jerked their force pikes slightly, causing the front end to flare to life with a orange energy hue. The four guards jerked their pikes towards the subordinate all at once. Two orange blasts of energy caused two neatly cauterized holes to appear squarely in the middle of the subordinate’s torso. The two other blasts drilled holes in the subordinate’s skull. The unfortunate human fell to the ground with a dull thud.

                            Ptah motioned to one of the guards.

                            “You are now my new First Prime. Do not fail me!”

                            The guard bowed his head, while kneeling in front of Ptah.

                            “Yes, my lord.”

                            Alarms began to blare throughout Ptah’s throne pyramid.

                            The new First Prime quickly made his way towards the console, next to a blank golden slate opposite of Ptah’s throne.

                            The golden slate took on a life of its own, as it became a viewscreen. The view zoomed past Ptah’s capital planet towards the next planet, Ptaha III.

                            The First Prime turned towards Ptah with a face of shock.

                            “My Lord, this simply is not possible.”

                            Ptah shouted out in frustration.

                            “What is it?!”

                            “My Lord, the Heathens are here.”


                            “From the information provided by the sensors on Ptaha III, the Heathen fleet is quite large. My Lord, the sensors have just stopped transmitting data! However, I was able to ascertain the approximate size and numbers of the Heathens.

                            They appear to have over one hundred battleships, three hundred heavy cruisers, six hundred ships of destroyer to cruiser class, and several dozen of your ships, presumably captured. In addition, there are several six kilometer monsters, which is likely their carriers. However, there are also four of these unindentified nine kilometer behemoths.

                            I have a running inventory of your forces in this system and nearby ones. We have a total of about one hundred ziggurat vessels, two hundred Ha’tak vessels, several dozen hybrid vessels, and the planetary defenses. We are outnumbered by almost three to one.”

                            For the first time in as long as Ptah could remember, he felt one emotion. The forbidden emotion of the Goa’uld.

                            Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


                            • Hive Fringe
                              Aboard the Hive Corvette People's Vigilance
                              Drone-Hive engagement in progress...

                              Alarm klaxon's blared throughout the bridge while the crew tried to get things in order. Captain Rubic grasped a railing with his right hand to brace himself to stand.

                              "Report! I want to know the integrity of the hull."

                              The last barrage to the ships underside did more damage that what it seemed. Power was failing and weapon systems were operating at minimal efficiency.

                              "Captain, that last barrage reduced us to 37% efficiency. The underside hull is cracked and we are sealing off the depressurized area's."

                              Rubic looked at the viewscreen and watched as one of the Drone ships drifted off away from the battle, effectively neutralized.

                              "What of the Humility and Workman's Dream?"

                              "Captain, both ships are reporting nominal damage. It seems we took most of the damage."

                              Captain Rubic shook his head. Ever since his patrol task force intercepted the Drone message, things seemed to spiral out of control. Estimating that the Drones would enter the system before being intercepted, Captain Rubic ordered his patrol task force to attack the Drone fleet in a suicidal attempt to buy Hive command time to organize a defence.

                              Rubic smirked. 3 Hive ships on Patrol against an entire Drone invasion fleet. Lovely odds.

                              He continued to watch as the entire Drone fleet advanced on his position and signaled the comm-officer.

                              "Begin wideban transmission to the Drone fleet."

                              The comm-officer checked the instruments and nodded, "Ready to begin sir."

                              Captain Rubic nodded. "After the message has been sent, tell the rest of our ships to target the closest Drone ship for our next attack run."


                              Attention Drone Fleet

                              You are in violation of threatening sovereign territory held by the Greater Hive Empire. Your forces are ordered to withdraw from the Hive fringe immediately or you will be destroyed. Repeat withdraw or we will be forced to destroy you.

                              Hive Fringe inside Hive space

                              The three Corvettes from the Hive VII Fleet arrived at their destination without fanfare. The Unification, Tormentor, and Drone Taskmaster took up observational positions and scanned the location where the Drone message originated from.

                              Immediately, their sensors picked up that 3 additional Hive ships were already engaged with the Drone fleet.

                              The captain of the Drone Taskmaster picked up the transmission being sent out by the People's Vigilance.

                              " will be destroyed. Repeat withdraw or we will be forced to destroy you."

                              Captain Durek smiled as the rest of his crew listened to the People's Vigilance threaten the Drone fleet.

                              Durek spoke.

                              "Remeber the Emperor's decree. The Drones exist to serve the Hive. Any act of dissention is ordered to be crushed. These Drones think they can invade the Emperor's territory.....they must be taught a lesson."

                              The crew nodded in unison. No one questioned the fact that the Drones should be taught a lesson....their numerical superiority was not a factor.

                              "Signal the Unification and Tormentor. We will join our fellow brothers in suppressing the Drones."

                              The comm-officer nodded.

                              "Signal the Fleet. Tell them that hostilities between the Drones and Hive forces has begun."

                              Captain Durek glanced at the massed Drone ships, paused, then addressed the comm-officer one last time.

                              "And unmask our ships name so that the Drones can see who we are."
                              Last edited by Frankychan; March 31, 2004, 23:03.
                              Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                              Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                              *****Citizen of the Hive****
                              "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                              • University of San Angelo
                                Beta Hydri 4

                                Once upon a time, Henry Pym had been the Proctor of this University. Everyday he felt his history stretching behind him farther and farther, and this visit, in many ways, inflicted pain on him. Of the original 17,000 members of the Endeavor mission, there were now less than 200 left. Much better than the number of Unity survivors, but it still made him feel like a fossil.

                                "...And we are honored to have his Excellancy, visit us today. Without any futher delay, the Lord Protector of Beta Hydri, Roving, Eoforwic, and Sluis Van!"

                                The University's Preseident's speach snapped him out of his revile. Smiling, Hank stood and walked to the podium. His Foriegn Minister, was off to the side, mouthed It's Done. Pym gave a small nod, and cleared his throat.

                                "Well I'm glad to be back here at the home of the Minutemen!"

                                The crowd roared their approval. Pym smiled, let the crowd of students cheer for a bit, and raised his arms. The great mass of soon-to-be graduates quieted.

                                " All you fine young men and women are here today to get what you worked so hard to achieve, a Diploma. All of you now have your framed pieces of paper, archaic in this day and age, I know, but it's one hard copy that will never crash."

                                There were a few chuckles, mostly from older faculty members, but even more blank looks. Computers didn't really crash these days in the Protectorate. Hank made a silent d'oh! and pressed on.

                                "I know what's on your mind today, because it was the same thing that was on my mind at Kyle Field, Texas A&M, lo those many years ago. You're done with your six years of schooling, and are now ready for the real world. Some of you will go on into the civilian sector, some, I see quite a few Cadet Uniforms here, will go on to serve and become citizens. Both are admirable goals...and both have uncertainties. The Cadets', who worked so hard to achieve their commissions, may be wondering if they're up to leading the finest soldiers in the galaxy. I can assure you, if you're anything like the previous classes of USA, there isn't any doubt. You will bring nothing but outstanding Quality to our ranks."

                                The Cadets cheered, and the civilian students looked mildly peeved. Pym continued.

                                "For civilians, you may be even more uncertain. In many ways, it is much more difficult to work and live in the private sector than in the citizen one. Work may be more difficult to attain, maintain, and, horrors of horrors, retire from if you find it enjoyable. This is nothing to be worried about, I was underemployed for the first 3 years after my graduation, while working on my first Ph.D. I can assure you, however grim your prospects are, nothing is grimmer than having a BS in Astrophysics and working at a McDonalds."

                                There was much more laughter now.

                                "This school, like so many in the Protectorate, produces some of the finest citizens, engineers, teachers, doctors, and just plain good people in the Galaxy. You have nothing to worry about, the future is yours for the taking."


                                "I hope you'll forgive me if I move a bit away from graduation ceremony, and more onto the future. The Future concerns me as well. We were attacked, our beloved Lord Protector nearly killed," Many looked down at the ground, tears in their eyes at the memory, "And have avenged the insult, although at great cost. All the while, a war nearly broke out with those who should be our natural allies, our fellow humans.

                                "I am not denigating our beloved friendship with our clutch-brothers, the Dosi. Merely commenting on the sad state of affairs when our cousins and ourselves come to blows over trvial differences and misunderstandings.

                                "Well, no more! Today I am proposeing to Acadamecian Zakharov a new treaty of state. While he has been kind enough to grant us a consulate on Earth, I would like to treat him as we would any other nation; with a complete trade, and a embassy on the Univeristy Capital. The treaty, of course, would have the same terms for the University Alliance.

                                "Our two nations are both human, both know the immense value of knowledge, especially knowledge for knowledges' sake. I worked with his Father on the Unity project and, while I had many, many, many....," He paused, giving a look of exageratted exhasperation, whcih made a few people chuckle, "..many disagreements with him, he was still a good man. Like his son is. I suspect Prokhor Zakharov would be proud of what his son has accomplished.

                                "I only have one, minor quibble that might cause trouble for the treaty signing. I do not want to sign it here, on Beta Hydri 4. I do not want it signed on the UA's capital...I want it signed on Earth, in the city of Geneva, which has traditionally and historically been neutral. Mr. Zakharov, the people of the Protectorate are ready to walk into the future...will you join us?

                                There was a few moments of silence, then the crowd roared it's approval. Pym thought he was going to get his hearing damaged.

                                The speech was broadcasted live to University Planets, it was exceedingly like Zakharov would view it soon.
                                Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.

