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Beyond Alpha Centauri: Sign In Thread

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  • #16
    A quote from Frankie Chan's excellent history of the Hive:
    "2430-Minister Ehud (Hive Economic advisor) killed while in transit from Morgan Industries to Great Collective. Thought to be 'payback' for obtaining files on colony ships."

    Well, that's the way we Morganites work, ya know? InEn better watch 'emselves, right? Heh heh heh.

    --Luca Nwabudike Brazi

    A note from the CEO:

    What? Utter nonsense, of course. Can you trust hired thugs to tell the truth? Minister Ehud's death, I assure you Chairman, was a terrible accident and a sad tragedy...
    Empire growing,
    Pleasures flowing,
    Fortune smiles and so should you.


    • #17
      Firaxis Prime

      This is my independent star system I was talking about. I'll put in some hard details soon. But it won't be a large empire or anything. Just two systems close together. Somewhat Spartan mentality but fiercly independent. Will guard their independence and neurtrality very closely. They are made up of different factional backgrounds. Kind of a collection of peoples. Might be a good place for the Pirates to visit once in a while as long as they have something to sell or buy while they are there. Kind of like an aggressive Swisserland.
      Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


      • #18
        Firaxis Prime

        Firaxis Prime
        Attached Files
        Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


        • #19
          Terriorty Claim by the Lord Believers

          New Jerulasam (Epislion Indi)

          Lot: Minor molten world, (minor habit on planet) (2000 workers)
          Cain: Standard frozen world (Mars like) Hab dome (5000 workers)
          New Jerulasam: (class M world) Primary Believer population center, shipyards, plantery defenses,
          Ring of Ham: (Astroid Belt) Small habits (population 3000)
          Golaith (Super Gas Giant) (refuling Station, (pop 400)
          David (moon of Golaith) (Refineries) (pop 800)

          New Eden (Ross 128)
          New Eden (class M World) Secondary population center of the Believers, (minor shipyards, orbital defenses,)

          LV 120
          Starbase: Beacon of God, various minning ships (pop 9000)

          LV 128
          Starbase: Light of God, varous minnig ships (pop 2000)

          Beleving Fleet is split in between the two main worlds, with minor lighter ships patorling the 2 minning systems.

          Out of Charater (OOC)
          Hope that is ok with you guys.
          "I do think that it is important to realize that wars are ugly and vile and that there better be a damned good reason for getting involved in one. Because the price for somebody is going to be very, very high."

          David Weber


          • #20
            wait until i get a starmap done, geez :P



            • #21
              If you're willing to let me in, I'd like to do some kind of splinter faction from the Spartans.
              History would go something like this: At some point, a couple of Spartan colony ships are seized by dissenters within the faction, they then run to escape the wrath of Sparta. Stumble across an unknown world poulated by a very advanced but nearly dead alien race, the rebels 'persuade' them to join with them, and find a lot of useful technology there (e.g. slower but safer FTL drives, innovative new weapons, etc). The rebels (dunno what to call them) have no permanent home yet, but have built up a small fleet with the techs from the aliens (dunno what to call them either) and have been able to elude the Spartans so far.

              What do you think?


              • #22
                Sounds like a good idea. You are welcome to join in General. As for the break-off Spartan group, Sprayber shall have to give his consent, though I like the idea. If you do get to do them give them a historical name that has something to do with the historical Spartans of Greece. "Hoplites" doesn't really sound that great, but it would be a possibility. Delians, perhaps? They were a bunch of Athenians and Spartans that led the Delian League just before the Peloponnesian War.
                Empire growing,
                Pleasures flowing,
                Fortune smiles and so should you.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
                  If you're willing to let me in, I'd like to do some kind of splinter faction from the Spartans.
                  History would go something like this: At some point, a couple of Spartan colony ships are seized by dissenters within the faction, they then run to escape the wrath of Sparta. Stumble across an unknown world poulated by a very advanced but nearly dead alien race, the rebels 'persuade' them to join with them, and find a lot of useful technology there (e.g. slower but safer FTL drives, innovative new weapons, etc). The rebels (dunno what to call them) have no permanent home yet, but have built up a small fleet with the techs from the aliens (dunno what to call them either) and have been able to elude the Spartans so far.

                  What do you think?
                  Either your a DL of mine or you have gotten inside my head somehow. If you look above I reserved a place for the factions called firaxis. I was going to basically do what you described, but was also going to throw in former PK colonists as well. Kind of like several groups of colonists have gotten lost in the early years of exploration and found there way to Firaxis. there they meet up with other colonists from other factions afer years of fighting among themeselves they decided to cooperate when the Spartans and PK came calling wanting to add them to their empires. I called it Firaxis cause I didnt' have a better name and kind of paid tribute to the company. So if you want to take this one that would be cool. feel free to change the name or whatever. But I would like them to be on the Spartan-PK border. That way we can have lots of fun playing the two great powers off agaisnt each other. OR if you sill like your idea that would be cool too. Oh yeah, lets move the discussion over to the discussion thread

                  Other possible names

                  Helot-the name the ancient spartans gave to their slave population (formally called the Messenians.) The spartans conquered them and made them do their labor.

                  Laconia-region where the spartans came from. (you may have the spartans enraged if you call it that. Its kind of like the current situation with the greeks not wanting the country to their not north to be called macedonia.

                  Agis-name of a spartan king who refused peace with the romans IIRC and was killed in battle against them. this is what one site said about him
                  An interesting event occurred in connection with Agis's death. He had fought gloriously and fell with many frontal wounds. As he was being carried by his soldiers back to Sparta, he found himself surrounded by the enemy. Despairing of his own life, he ordered the rest to make their escape with all speed and to save themselves for the service of their country, but he himself armed and rising to his knees defended himself, killed some of the enemy and was himself slain by a javelin cast; he had reigned nine years.
                  Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                  • #24
                    Ok guys, here's the timeline for my faction:

                    History of the Laekdaemon Cadre

                    2250: Laekdaemon Cadre founded by a Spartan commander of unknown name; his alias was ‘Leonidas’.

                    2251: Cadre formalises its intention to reform Sparta and reduce the scale of militarism evident.

                    2265: Cadre begins regular recruitment and indoctrination from Spartan society.

                    2275: Spartan intelligence service becomes aware of the existence of a widespread underground organisation; Colonel Santiago orders her government to begin rooting them out.

                    2300: First purge of Spartan society in an effort to eradicate the Cadre. Thousands are executed or nerve stapled in this effort, but little damage is done to the heart of the Cadre.

                    2350: Death of Leonidas. He dies of his wounds after an encounter with Spartan assassins. His successor takes his name and establishes a tradition that the Cadre leader shall always be known as Leonidas.

                    2355: Second purge of Sparta. More than ten thousand people executed and more stapled; Cadre loses many of it’s most valuable members. Santiago comes under fire from the PKs over her brutal suppression efforts.

                    2360-2510: Cadre continues underground war against Santiago. It’s members become ever more embittered and militant, and are fighting totally without any help. The second Leonidas dies of old age, and a third one replaces him. Membership shrinks, and a strong core of veteran fighters builds up at the heart of the Laekdaemon Cadre. After the Spartan re-establishment of contact with Chiron, the Cadre attempts to gain outside support.

                    2556: Third and worst Spartan purge. Nearly fifty thousand are executed or stapled and one hundred and twenty-seven are deported to Genejack Factories for slave labour. Cadre loses roughly half it’s members; third Leonidas arrested and shot.

                    2561: Cadre attempts to gain support of the Bree against Santiago, but mutual suspicion and distrust prevent this occurring. Santiago moves to tighten up Spartan network control and prevent any unauthorised messages reaching the outside world.

                    2580: Cadre attempts to sabotage the transferral of Santiago’s mind to a cloned replica, but the attempt fails. Spartan reaction is unusually restrained; those involved are caught and executed, but there is no new purge.

                    2585: Cadre begins extending its operations to other factions to escape repression. Their scouts encounter the wreck of a pair of Usurper scout ships, and salvage some useful technology from the wreckage. Most important is a working model of the heavy cutting beams used in ship-to-ship battle by Progenitors…

                    2596: Cadre begins a campaign in PK space for Lal’s support against Santiago. Despite gaining substantial sympathy from the general public, Lal is not willing to risk all-out war over the Cadre.

                    2600: After having kidnapped several University scientists and used Neural Grafting tech to ensure obedience, Cadre is able to decipher mechanisms of Progenitor cutting beams sufficiently to replicate the technology. They begin searching for a means to separate from Sparta completely.

                    2609: A pivotal event: A PK colony ship goes missing in the region of an uncharted system. Believed to be lost with all hands, it has in fact landed on the most suitable planet after taking heavy damage in a reactor meltdown.

                    2631: Cadre officially announces its existence and proclaims a revolutionary war against Santiago’s regime. Santiago responds with yet more repression and this results in an outcry from several influential PK news services. Lal is put under pressure to stop the violence, but his attempts to gain a cease-fire are unsuccessful.

                    2642: In the end the Cadre states that it will accept peace in return for the right to establish a homeworld of their own. Colonel Kessel refuses and the conflict risks turning into open civil war.

                    2643: Laekdaemon Cadre purchases a substantial fleet from Morgan using the proceeds from a raid on a Spartan energy plant. They also acquire a large military factory complex on loan from Morgan Interstellar.

                    2657: Cadre scouts enter the Tau Ceti system using newly acquired ships and begin sifting through the ruins for more alien technology. Intact String Disruptors found and research begins with an eye to reproducing them. Progenitors enter the system and a brief engagement occurs before the Cadre agree to leave peacefully and the Progenitors agree to supply a means of communicating with them.

                    2643-2688: Underground war between the Cadre and Kessel continues to increase in violence. Acts of sabotage also committed against the Free drones in retaliation for their support for Sparta.

                    2689: Lal finally negotiates a ceasefire that provides for more negotiations over the matter of an independent Cadre homeworld.

                    2691: Ceasefire collapses after the assassination of the current Leonidas. New leader takes his place and assumes the name ‘Menelaus’. Menelaus begins constructing ‘Project Odyssey’, a plan to separate from Sparta by stealing colony ships then fleeing.

                    2693: Project Odyssey put into action. Two Spartan colony ships are seized with minimal loss of life. The Cadre escapes with the ships and a large quantity of Spartan military hardware, while the majority of its members, by pre-arrangement, join the ships. The Spartan fleet begins pursuing them, and the ships are forced to flee very often while they attempt to find themselves a home.

                    2964: Two colony ships finally elude their pursuers and enter the uncharted system in which the PK colonists were lost, which they christen the Atreus system. They land on the planet, which is named Agamemnon Prime, and encounter the PK colonists. The two groups come into conflict for some months, until the PKs realise that if Kessel finds them he will not hesitate to swallow them up. The two groups unite and the independence of the Laekdaemon Cadre is proclaimed.
                    After the arrival of tens of thousands of Cadre from Spartan territory, the population of Agamemnon is approximately 0.9 million.

                    Kessel’s fleet soon locate the Cadre (it’d be quite hard not to) but refrain from attacking after intelligence estimates what the cost will be.
                    Kessel begins negotiating with Menelaus over the possibility of peace after decades of violence.

                    EDIT: I removed the stuff about the Cadre fleet, as I would prefer to think this through some more.
                    Last edited by GeneralTacticus; February 20, 2002, 03:02.


                    • #25
                      2410: Probe teams bring back information on Universty's FTL project. Work begins on the Ark
                      2412: Rumblings of discontent starts to occur whene Loaves and Fishs on Chiron refuses to send tiths to support Miriam's propose war machine.
                      2413-70: Beleving Civil War occurs between loyalsts beloning to Miriam who seek to convert the univerese and the rebels who call themselves the Refomers.
                      2471: Reformers victory, New Jerusalem is destoryed in a fision planet buster attack gone awry, Sisiter Miriam dies.
                      2472: Reformation and Reorganztion occurs, holdouts of Sisiter Miriam's calling themselves the Hammer of God attempt to steal the Ark which was being finished their attempt fails, they are forced back into Beleving society now reorganized under the Speaker of the Conclave (which had been brought back out of a rubber stamp organaztion that it became under Miriam)
                      2500: Probes dected New Isreal
                      2501: Mass Exodus of Chiron, the bases are sold off to remaing chiron factions
                      2505: Arrival of colonists on New Isreal,
                      2509: Hammer of God sublight ship blasts off from the surface due to their leader Brother Malcom having a vison of God punishing them for not spending 40 years, they inhabit the astroid fields and Oort cloud
                      2550: First pirate wars between Hammer of God and Conclave forces begins
                      2560: Colonaztion of New Eden begins
                      2590: Second Pirate wars
                      2612: First mining station built
                      2615: Second Minning station built
                      2700: Story begins
                      "I do think that it is important to realize that wars are ugly and vile and that there better be a damned good reason for getting involved in one. Because the price for somebody is going to be very, very high."

                      David Weber


                      • #26
                        I've been a busy little worker bee today, haven't I? Enjoy.


                        Encyclopedia Galactica : Drone Republic : Politics

                        The Republic is a presidential democracy, essentially a two-party system. Inspired by the ancient United States, there are two houses of the Public Assembly: the Upper and Lower or the Senate and the General Congress, respectively. Both are involved in the making of laws, with a bill approved by the General Congress requiring ratification from the Senate to become law. The President, however, may terminate the bill by decree at any point.

                        The current ruling party is the New Republic Party, which grew out of the Civil War faction of the same name. Conservative and pro-capitalist, they were largely responsible for the maintenance of the strong relationship with Morgan Industries since the beginning of the Long-Term Plan. The other party is the Freedom Party, whose constituents are drawn from a mixture of old-school socialists and libertarian capitalists. This latter group as identified by the census tends to split its vote between the two major parties, slightly dampening the Freedom Party's gains at Assembly elections.


                        The New Republic in the Eyes of the Galaxy

                        The Republic's closest allies are the Spartan Federation and Morgan Interstellar. These relationships arose from shared interests and necessity. The Republic-Spartan axis was instrumental in turning back the Bree and stopping an invasion that would likely have meant the end of human culture as we know it. The co-operation with Morgan Interstellar is highly lucrative for both parties: the Morganites are hungry for access to the Republic's large open markets and unrivalled quality and efficiency of industry and production, and the Republic gains access to some of the most advanced economic technology in the human sphere.

                        Intense criticism is often to be found in the Peacekeeping media. The U.N. Review Of Societies ranked the Republic "Below Standard" on matters of social freedom, yet placed them behind only the Spartans on internal security. Editorials in major media outlets, both state-owned and private, characterize the New Republic Party and the government in general as authoritarian-leaning and grasping. They bemoan the at-times forceful development of Ophelia and the National Security Bill (approved unanimously by the Senate in 2688) that expanded police powers to search, seize, and detain. U.N. politicians have also questioned the Republic's treatments of its large population of cybernetic Thinkers, notably in a report of early 2700 which claimed that "many Thinkers are openly assigned to jobs considered unfit for humans". There have, however, been few complaints from the people in question; and the Republic tends to ignore outside criticism of its laws and practices.

                        The oft-fiery relationship with the groups under the Nautilus Pirate umbrella is of much concern to the Republic's government. Some factions are favorable to them; others openly despise the Republic's capitalistic philosophy of governance. With the Pirategate scandal still fresh in the public's memory, there has been little open co-operation in the last decade. However, President Adams recently approved the sale of advanced K-23 Deathsphere grav-booster aircraft to one of Pirategate's major players.

                        Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                        • #27
                          Hive Government

                          The leader of the Hive is Emperor Sheng-ji Yang (formerly Chairman Yang/Chief of Security Yang). The Emperor controls all major aspects of Hive society, from military invasions to style of dress for the citizens.

                          As the supreme leader, the Emperor has absolute authority in decision making and whatever is commanded is performed. As in ancient China and Egypt, the Emperor is viewed as a god by some of the common citizens. Everyone works for the good of the empire (formerly called 'state').

                          The Emperor has six (or seven depending on the Emperor's whim)
                          member's of the cabinet. Each member is appointed by Yang for a specific role. For instance, Warmaster Kang is Supreme Commander of the entire Hive military. The rank of Warmaster is considered second in command to the Emperor himself. The Emperor appoints each member of his cabinet based on their proven abilities and any special actions they may have performed.

                          Each cabinet member (represented by the rank of 'Minister') has jurisdiction over a certain aspect of Hive society. Although the official rank is 'Minister', there has been some alternative names that are associated with each one's duties.

                          As of now, positions filled are the Ministers of The Interior, Espionage, Research and Development, Foreign Affairs, and Commander of Hive Military. Vacant positions are: Hive Economy.
                          Alternative names that have replaced the official title of 'Minister' are: Warmaster and Spy Master, replacing 'Commander of Hive Military' and 'Espionage' accordingly.

                          Brief Description Of Each Ministers Duties

                          Warmaster- Oversee's Hive military affairs. When the Emperor is not available for command decisions, the Warmaster takes command. Everything from troop deployment and invasion, to fleet stationing fall under this role.

                          Interior-Oversee's general well-being of all Hive citizen's. Healthcare to public works (adequate living conditions) fall under this role.

                          Research and Development-New advances in Hive technology fall into this category. Military technology as well as non-military natured tech are researched.

                          Foreign Affairs-Dealing with other factions, this post is in charge of Hive relations with other governments. Ambassador's report to this person. Communication from other governments are also looked at by this person.

                          Economy-In charge of Hive economics, this post decides how much taxes are, the price of commodities, and allocation of credits to other departments.

                          Spy Master-undercover agents report to this post. Information gathering, "accidents" of foreign individuals, and sabotage all fall under this category. Generally, this post is filled with the most devious and cold hearted of individuals.

                          Basic Hive society

                          From a young age, GHE citizens are indoctrinated in the well being of the empire first. Each citizen is taught the Ascetic Virtues and the need for a strong society. As such, crime against the empire is nil. With the help of Thought Control,
                          the pacifivity of citizens helps in their blind obedience.

                          The average citizen goes about his/her daily routine, happily knowing that they are helping in the overall well being of the empire. In Hive society, there are much more freedom's now than on Chiron. Holotheater's, Recreation Common's, Diner's, Mall's, all are available to the population (albeit with Hive propaganda).

                          Citizen's live in cavernous communities and each living quarters is built with no prevent temptation, of course.

                          Basic citizens enjoy the security and freedom given to them by the Emperor and support their leader's decisions.
                          Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                          Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                          *****Citizen of the Hive****
                          "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                          • #28
                            Tell me what all y'all thinks.

                            The Human Protectorate

                            Home System: Beta Hydri system (app. 20.5 ly from sol system)

                            Capitol: New San Antonio (BH 4)
                            Population: 2.2 billion (as of 2600)

                            Other Inhabitated Planets:
                            New Europa(BH 6, pop 59 Mil)
                            Nova Albion(Moon of BH 5, pop 100 Mil)
                            BH1(Research/mining station. Tidaly locked planet)
                            BH2(Mining Station. Tidaly Locked.)
                            BH3(Xenoarcheology station, mining. 5 mil)
                            BH7(Listening post)

                            Various outposts in the Kuniper Belt and Oort Cloud(100 mil).

                            Other inhabited systems:
                            RE123 (nearby Brown dwarf, below Earth's horizon, 10 million colonists, scientists, soldiers and miners)

                            Notes on BH 4
                            BH 4 was chosen for colonization because it was the closest planet to Altair that was not tidaly locked. It is a cold, wet planet, but the atmosphere is breathable to Human Lungs, and resembles Earth much more than Chiron. It resembles Ice Age Earth.

                            Historical Background:

                            2074- Follow on mission to the U.N.S. Unity is launched, the U.S.S. Endeavor.

                            2081- The Endeavor falls through a wormhole and is deposited in the Beta Hydri system. The command staff is awoken and, after much debate, choose to go ahead and colonize BH 4(The chief Settlement is named New San Antonio).

                            2084- A team on BH 3 discovers hundreds of downed Alien Vessels. While some were later identified as the so-called "Progenitors", others remain of unknown orgin.

                            2090- Ian McDiarmid crushes rebellion on the southern continent of BH 4. Is elected "Lord Protector" by the Senate.

                            2100- Colonization of New Europa begins.

                            2150- The Proctorate's Starfleet is established, after the recovery of a 6 km Alien vessel on the 3rd moon of BH 5.

                            2204- Colonization of Nova Albion begins.

                            2209- Transmissions intercepted from Chiron. After much debate, the Senate votes to "remain silent".

                            2222- Progenitor survey vessel affliated with the "Caretaker" faction is downed over Nova Albion. The Commander of the vessel reveals they are searching for a "6th Manifold". Lord Protector Ian I permits the Progenitor scientists to study the BH system for it, with the stipulation they would help the humans move if indeed the Manifold is found. It is not found, and the Caretakers are given permission to repair their ship and leave. Diplomatic relations established with the Caretaker faction.

                            2300- System RE123 is visited. Unknown vessel fires upon the H.P.S. Hermes. The Hermes destroys the vessel, and it is not revealed who the ship belonged too.

                            2400-Civil War on Chiron heats up. Senate again votes to remain "quiet".

                            2487- Usurper vessel enters BH system. After pitched battle, the Human Starfleet destroys the beyond repair. FTL propulsion is gleaned from the recovered engines. Combined with recovered propulsion technology at the "Graveyard" on BH3, The Protectorate tests it's first FTL on April 1st, 2490.

                            2525- The H.P.S. Discovery visits Tau Ceti. After the effects of a "awakened" Manifold are seen, Lord Protector Ian I declares that the Protectorate shall remain hidden from the rest of Humanity.

                            2534- Revolt on New Europa. Mass Drivers are used to blast the population from a high of 150 mil to 3 mil.

                            2567- The H.P.S. Spectre discovers the Peacekeeper colony at Coventry. As keeping with Protectorate policy, it does not reveal it's existance.

                            2588- Protectorate forces attack Drone Space Station just outside of Altair. Evidence is left behind implicating the Caretakers. Skirmishing between Drones and Protectorate continue, with the Drones believing the Protectorate to be a minor pirate nation.

                            2611- The Necromancer observes the Spartan attack on Conventry.

                            2634- A ship filled with Peacekeeper refugees enters Altair system. The ship is immediately boarded and it's occupants are debriefed. After agreeing not to reveal the existance of the Protectorate on pain of death, they are given a settlement(Fairbanks) on BH 4.

                            2638- The Shadow encounters the Dosi Federation ship Ski'ra. Relations open up, and a trade agreement is arranged. As agreed, the Dosi (Bipedal Reptiloids) are not to reveal their existance to other Human Nation-states.

                            2672- The Baelrog destroys a Drone vessel in orbit of RE123-B.

                            2673- The Spartan ship Alexander is destroyed by the Broadsword. (in both cases, the existance of the Protectorate remains secret)

                            2678- A squadron of Usurper ships enters BH system, Protectorate forces destroy vessels.

                            2689- The Third Fleet is dispatched to the Dosi Homeworld, to aid in the defense against a Usurper fleet. An alliance betweeen the Dosi and the Protectorate is cemented shortly thereafter.

                            2691- A Combined Protectorate-Dosi force attacks a Usurper Colony world in the Daltron system. After a ground invasion fails, Protectorate forces use Mass Drivers on the colony, while Dosi forces deploy massive particle cannons that have a output of 2 million terawatts a shot. 700 mil Progenitors die in the bombardment.

                            2700- The Protectorate's existance is revealed to other Human nations. (Begin story)
                            Last edited by Lonestar; February 13, 2002, 15:08.
                            Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                            • #29
                              Notes on the Protectorate's Military
                              Internal Intel Document # 234-B, Peacekeepers. Information gleaned from Caretaker sources.*

                              Total vessels in Starfleet(excluding merchant marine): 6,000
                              Number of Capital Ships: 1,200
                              Number of Battleships(2km or longer): 500
                              Class of Battleship currently in Production: Goliath, 50 in service. Production began MY2698.

                              Primary Construction Yards:

                              New Europa Yards
                              Largest yard used by Protectorate forces. Unlike most shipyards, ships upwards of 3 km are built planetside, using the low gravity(1/4 Earth Standard) and multiple "Beanstalks" for construction purposes. Currently 100 Goliath Battleships under construction, with a equal number for Crusiers and Corvettes, repectively.

                              Houston ShipYards
                              Yard in orbit of BH4. Used to construct Planetary defense platforms and "Monitors" used for system defense. 6 km long cargovessels built there, as well as landing barges.

                              Drydocks in orbit of RE123-B. Used as way station. While some smaller vessels are constructed there, it is mostly used for repairs.

                              Commentary on Systems for Goliath Battleships:

                              Hull-Unlike most Human nations, who still use Ceramic/metal layered alloys, the Protectorate uses a advanced from of Nanotech, creating a self-healing hull much more effective than "smart materials". Hull also prevents all scanning of internal workings of ship. Nanotech hulls believed to be acquired from Dosi allies.

                              Engine- Stardrive appears to be a Progenitor/Bree singularity hybrid. Bree influence believed to have come from "the Graveyard" on Altair3. Sublight engines give off almost no emissions, although visible evidence indicates Morgan Intersteller influence.

                              Weapons- 2 Heavy Fusion beams(Spartan design), 4 Particle Cannons(Dosi), 8 Gatling Lasers for CIWs(Indigenous), Unknown** number of Q-Guns(indigenous), Unknown number of Plasma Guns(Indigenous). NOTE: Although they have yet to been seen in action, Particle Cannon turrets appear to have been built to withstand the force of no less than 2 Million tw.

                              Marine Complement Room for upwards of 4,000 Marines, although only 1 regiment of mechanized infantry is believed to be standard complement.

                              Starfighter Complement-Unknown at this time, but starfighters have remarkable resemblance to the EC and TA's "Starfury" designs. Believed to be a nearly direct copy, with a few Protectorate modifications.

                              Commentary on the Rangers
                              Deep space exploratory/combat unit. Guard for Lord Protector. Highly skilled. Ranger ships have been seen in deep space manytimes, although never identified. So named because the Lord Protector is a fan of JRR Tolkien.

                              * Source of transmission destroyed by H.P.S. Ishtari, unknown if Peacekeeping forces recieved report. ** Unkown. Weapons buried in hull, extended during combat.
                              Last edited by Lonestar; February 13, 2002, 15:12.
                              Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                              • #30
                                Hive Diplomacy towards other factions:

                                (This is only for the Chironian Factions, the non-Chiron factions will not know much about the Human Hive or of Chairman Yang. This is to let all Chironian authors know what the GHE thinks of them to help in their point of view.)

                                Gaians: The Gaian relationship to the Greater Hive Empire is an abstract one. They were the first faction to become aware of and contacted by the Greater Hive Empire's existence, but yet are still
                                considered a potential threat. They are also considered to be the closest thing to an ally that the GHE has.

                                Spartans: After the fiasco on Chiron concerning the Spartans and Hive wanting FTL drives, Yang considers the Spartans a veritable threat to the GHE's existence. Right now the hostilities between the GHE and the Spartan Federation are at an all time high.

                                Free Drone Republic: The Hive/Drone relationship has been both warm and hostile at times. As of now, the status is between the two factions is indifference (neutral).

                                Believers: When Yang first met the Believers ever since the Exodus off of Chiron, he thought the Believers would welcome his proposed alliance. After their 20 year "blackout", the Believer/Hive relationship is nil.

                                Peacekeepers: On Chiron, Pravin Lal and Sheng-ji Yang seemed to be opposite sides of the same coin. Democracy and Tyranny. However, since the Hive's ascension into the void, the old feud between these two factions has diminished somewhat and the Hive has basically ignored the Peacekeepers.

                                Morgan Interstellar: Yang and the GHE consider's this system-spanning conglomerate a pawn to be used to further the GHE's goals. They were one (if not the first) Chironian faction to leave Planet and it was their ship schematics that were stolen so that the Yang could send his faction off Chiron as well. Right now tension between these two factions are heating up. Yang see's Morgan Interstellar as a pawn to further his goals while Nwabudike Morgan's hate of Sheng-ji Yang festers.

                                That's all I can think of now...if any of you have any discrepancies with what I have posted, let me know so I can fix it...'kay? Thanks.
                                Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                                Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                                *****Citizen of the Hive****
                                "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis

