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About : The Confederacy

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  • About : The Confederacy


    The Confederacy

    My new SMAC story. Okay, not new, but new here in AC Fiction. Since I’ve been so mean to so many people here, I’m not really expecting any comments, but the thread is here if anybody feels the need to write any comments. I’m also very sorry if bits came out wrong, it was written ages ago and I still ain’t very good with copying and pasting!


  • #2
    Well, here's a start...

    Hello, and welcome back (I think...)
    I'll read your story some time soon and then maybe I'll have more to say...
    (I'm a little busy right now...)

    Catch ya later...

    "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
    -- Saddam Hussein


    • #3
      The story looks cool so far! I like the ease with which futuristic technology is discussed; it makes the thread read like a regular story and not like the contrived allegorical kind of science fiction. The people are believable, too. Way to go!
      Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


      • #4
        erm... oops, i posted on the wrong thread. will correct.
        Freedom Doesn't March.



        • #5
          I like the story, I don't really understand whats going on- but in a good way, its like "this story is way to intelligent for the likes of me to understand- but if i keep on reading then maybe I will become smarter" kind of thing. Abit like I felt when reading CJ Cherryh for the first time.

          ps- where have you been all this time? and where's Two Houses?
          Freedom Doesn't March.



          • #6
            Hi Again

            I'm still lurking about but I don't write AC Fiction any more. I still read some though.

            Thanks for remembering me!



            • #7
              How come? are you writting other fic now? I do like your style, you and that other name-beginning-with-"Al" writer, oh yeah- and that angry rodent. I want to read more stuff by you guys and try an improve some non-SMAC sci-fi I've been messing around with for kicks. Anyway post any new stuff you've made, thanks.
              Last edited by problem_child; April 17, 2002, 12:36.
              Freedom Doesn't March.


