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  • Conversations

    I recently introduced an old friend to SMAC by buying him a copy of Classic, and later giving a copy of Vel's most excellent Guide. He sent me an e-mail a while later stating that he hated me for infecting him with SMAC, and that he had lots of questions (hence, the Guide). I suggested that we could do a PBEM so that he could see some of the things I was doing, and ask questions along the way. It evolved fairly quickly into role playing, with each e-mail highlighting the events of the year, trials, tribulations, and frustrations.

    The game is on DD's HMOP. Charles, playing PKs, is on the Isle of Deianira. I, as Gaians, am on the eastern coast of the center continent. We starting our role-playing about turn 2110, and I thought I'd share them with you.



    Gaia's Landing, MY 2110

    Dear Commissioner Charles,

    MY2110 has been uneventful, which is a nice change. My terraformer crews are working on a forest between our two colonies, and then they'll finish the road to link them together. Our first new colony should be up and running soon, and I'd like to speed them on their way with a good road system! Our explores haven't found too much of note. The rover team is exploring out west, and so far has found some good territory for new colonies. Fluffy went against orders and popped a pod out to the east along the sea. It was very strange, since as soon as he did a bunch of Unity farm mechs came out and made a bunch of farmland! That will be perfect for a colony site, once we have gotten down there.

    I hope all is well with you and yours.



    UN Headquarters, MY 2112

    Lady Skye,

    I want to thank you again on demonstrating both in deed and spirit the cooperation and unity that the United Nations Charter holds dearly. Your sharing of technology will be of great use in expanding our holdings in this brave new world. We have not had any contact with any of the other Unity explorers and that fills me with great dread. I am sure as the years go by the other "factions", as my general assembly has taken to calling, will only grow more inflexible and entrenched in their ideology making it harder for us to forge a new world.

    As this year closes we have established a new base and our scouts have discovered an alien obelisk that has brought additional resources to the expansion of the colony. However, our headquarters completed construction on a second colony pod but due to a lack of personal we cannot supply it sufficient manpower so for now it sits. We have also had bad luck when it comes to the alien life forms of this planet. Fungus fields have "bloomed" at an extraordinary rate creating much work ahead for our terraformers. We still posses an alien artifact but our scientist can not come to a decision as to best use its powers so for now, like our colony pod, it waits in storage. I know of your desire to live in "harmony" with our new planet but the constant attacks by the mind worms on our scouts are taking their toll. Several of our scouts have had terrible encounters with these creatures that have left them sapped of strength. Perhaps your scientists can offer us some technology or training so as to bypass these creatures and not force us to destroy them.

    Peace and freedom,

    Charles R. Dix IX

    Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations Assembly

  • #2
    Gaia's Landing, MY 2113

    Dear Charles,

    I also share your fear for the fate of the others from Unity, and it wavers from either that our comrades from Unity did not survive or, if they did, what they have become. My people and I are not as dedicated as yours, and we have veered somewhat from the UN Charter in that we seek a true understanding and harmony of Planet. We will not stray too far from the Charter, however, for we value human rights and the liberties they bring.

    MY 2113 has seen more exploration. Our scout to the north has found a patch of very fertile ground, which they have taken to calling the Monsoon Jungle. It is not very large, but it should accommodate a colony, but little more. Our mindworm has had its second lethal encounter with feral mindworms to the south, and it has grown after each battle. Even better are the energy laden planet pearls they send back to us. To the west our Unity speeder strikes deeper into this large continent. They are at the edge of a large crater. They haven't explored more than a fraction of it, but it must be from Unity. Maybe the other pods met its fate? Only time will tell.

    I am glad you are here, Charles, and I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

    Lady Deirdre Sky


    UN Headquarters, MY 2114

    Lady Skye,

    It is heartwarming to hear that you still stand firm behind the basic principals of our cherished charter. It brought order and prosperity to earth and it shall do so here on this new world.

    We still no contact with any of our brothers or sisters. I have been cloistered with the members of our security council for sometime and it is there recommendation that several of our now battle hardened scouts return to the closest base possible for refitting and rest. This makes it all the more difficult to explore this planet let alone find our comrades. I have ordered the dismantling of our newest colony pod and the materials converted into a terraforming unit and the engineers have done so in record time. This should enable our primary base to expand more quickly and I have ordered that all remaining energy reserves go into production of a second terraformer that is under construction at our second base. It is our hopes that within a short time a road will link both bases. No contacts with any alien lifeforms or ancient relics recently that is both a blessing or curse.

    Respect the freedom of life

    Charles R. Dix

    Supreme General Secretary of the Grand General Assembly


    Gaia's Landing, MY 2114

    Dear Charles,

    I think you are wise to build your terraformers, since it will help you coax more from Planet. Already we have formed a farm, a forest, and roads connecting our two cities, and your people will soon benefit from these improvements.

    This year was fairly eventful. Our scouting party was exploring to the north near the Jungle fragment and woke up from a fairly eventful rest. One of the team leaders, my friend Lindsay, said he had a strange dream where he was talking to the xenofungus. He said he couldn't explain it, and that it almost called to him. His team members were concerned, but thought nothing more of it. He couldn't let it go since the voice was still there. Later that day the voice, which he could only partially understand, got stronger. It sounded like static with frequent pops, but within the noise there were identifiable sounds, to Lindsay at least. Again, he asked his teammates if they could hear anything - they said no. As evening fell they made camp. Lindsay was restless and couldn't sleep since he felt a barely repressible urge to go out into the fungus. After hours of fighting he finally gave in, put on his breather, unsealed his pressure tent, and left. As usual, the fungus is beautiful at night, like a gray, surreal forest of strange shapes, sounds and smells. Lindsay wandered in the forest, getting closer to the voice. He reported that he had no real firm idea of the time that had passed, but it must have been most of the night. He found himself stopped in front of a head-high vase-shaped fungal growth. The staticy voice was strong here so he listened. Then he felt movement and the voice seemed to pulse to the movement. He knew the movement was a mindworm but he felt no fear.

    Charles, I believe the mindworm called to Lindsay. The two are inseparable now, and the little larval mass is linked with Lindsay. Every passing day brings new wonders. Not only is this a truly alien ecology we live in, but there are elements of it that are both perplexing and, to be honest, a little terrifying. For instance, how did the mindworms 'talk' to Lindsay? They are a mass of little wormlets, but do they have a form of intelligence? If so, it is nothing like mankind has ever imagined, and it flies in the face of all that we understand about sentience. And, what is this bond the mindworms seem to be able to form with humans? Granted, most mindworms seem hostile to humans, but half the mindworms we have encountered have joined with a human among the group that encountered them. Obviously, this is now the focus of our thoughts.

    In other news, our first colony pod is on the way. We finally accumulated enough people and resources at Gaia's Landing to form this pod, and we will build our new colony fairly close by along the sea. I considered placing the colony near two Unity pods to the northwest, but it would take too long. One of our terraformers will place a road in that direction, and the next pod from Landing will go there, but it will take less time. I had a hard choice for what to do with the second former and eventually decided to have it remove some of the rocky land on an especially fruitful patch of land. Then it will plant a forest, so that area will be very fruitful indeed! It will take 12 years to level the land and plant the forest, which is quite a commitment.

    Our rover and other mindworm keep exploring. The crater I mentioned is from Unity. Even thinking of it makes me sad - so many dreams damaged or destroyed. We will have to make new dreams.

    Take care,
    Lady Skye


    UN Headquarters, MY 2115

    Lady Skye,

    Wondrous news! We have made contact with the Morgan faction. CEO Morgan as he calls himself now was pleasant to deal with and we have signed a treaty of friendship. We traded much needed technology and I am including in my transmission those data files along with the comm frequency of Morgan. With the new technology we have made considerable advances to improving our lives on this new world. I hope that you and Morgan will contact each other and work towards the goal of a united planet.

    Our scientists are troubled by the information you have given us about the psychology or should I say the intelligence of the mind worms. For the most parts the consensus is that they might posses some strange "telepathic" powers this does not mean that they are self-aware.

    Much work is to be done now. Our two new terraformers are moving rapidly now to increase the size of our colonies. I have decided that our primary goal will be to increase the size our colonies and the infrastructure over the need to propagate. However we cannot give up our goal of establishing a thriving world.

    Peace and good fortune,

    Charles R. Dix IX
    Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations General Assembly


    Gaia's Landing, MY 2115

    Dear Charles,

    Thank you for your kind gift! I have gratefully accepted your intriguing technology on mobility, and the comm. channel to CEO Morgan, and I await your acceptance of the deal to finalize it. I will contact him immediately when his comm frequency makes it through proper channels. It is strange that Morgan is here on Planet since I did not even know he was on Unity! He certainly was not an official passenger or officer, and I suspect that his role in the construction and financing played no small role in his emergence here. Still, I am glad there are other humans here on Planet. I will be wary of him, however, since he was well known on Earth for his lack of scruples, and for his wanton exploitation of Earth resources for short-term profit. My followers and I do not share his view that the environment may be despoiled for any reason; it is better to do without than destroy or degrade the place in which you live.

    Things are progressing well. Our colony is on its way, and we have two more in production. Lindsay's mindworm traveled without incident to the south, since he has finished exploring the area to the north. Lindsay's human scouting crew to the north encountered another mindworm to the north and this time the meeting was not at all friendly. They had to defend themselves, and the mindworm was destroyed. The Planet pearls were sent to Gaia's Landing, and we have a nice store of energy now. I don't know quite what we will spend it on, but I'm sure something will come up! Our first mindworm Fluffy is resting, since he was damaged with his last mindworm encounter. It looks like there is a large continent to the west, and our scout rover has only begun to find its way! The two mindworms should help our scouting efforts nicely.

    As always, I hope you and your people are doing well and I wish them every good fortune.

    Lady Deirdre Skye


    UN Headquarters, MY 2115

    Lady Skye,

    I have tried to re-contact CEO Morgan to no avail. Perhaps your warnings as to his character hold great truth. I do not remember having any contact with him during the long space voyage to our new world.

    From all reports that are being forwarded to headquarters it seems that the United Nations Peacekeepers have landed on an island. I have asked the Security Council to draft proposals on long-term colonization strategy with this fact in mind. Sea power will be the key to the success of our colony it would seem. It does not look like that you and I will meet face to face anytime soon unless either of our researchers can develop plans for ships that will work on these new seas.

    Peace and Prosperity

    Charles R. Dix IX
    Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations Assembly


    Gaia's Landing, MY 2116

    Dear Charles,

    I have reviewed the map you have forwarded me and I am so pleased you and your people are growing so well! You seem blessed with a fruitful territory, even if it is an island. There are advantages to being on an island - remember Great Britain of Earth. I do agree that you will need to start exploring the seas, and if my people get such technology we will forward it to you as soon as possible!

    I tried contacting CEO Morgan and was successful. While unwilling to trade technology, but agree to a friendship treaty he sold me the communication link to Zakharov for a mere 5 credits - he is ever the mercantilist at heart, but this was a bargain! I accepted and bid the CEO, as he styles himself, an ambivalent goodbye. I then contacted the good professor. He was happy to see me. He sold me his world map for the technology on social psychology, and he was most magnanimous! He offered a friendship treaty, and I accepted. He was unwilling to trade technology, since I had nothing of interest to him. I guess he holds his knowledge dear, for he offered to sell Information Networks for 100 credits - that was too steep, and in any case I do not have those sorts of resources. When I cautiously suggested that our interests were aligned, and that, for the sake of Unity, that we ally, he agreed! It gives me hope that our four peoples, separated by such vast distances, can live together peacefully! I am, of course, forwarding the communication frequency for Zakharov and my world map to you. You will be interested to note that Morgan and Zakharov are on a continent far from both of ours to the southwest.

    Exploration continues on my continent and I have nothing of interest to report. You may want to review the world map to see how big the continent I am on is. I plan on placing my next colonies to the northwest of Gaia's Landing and another south along the river. It will be a while before these colonies are ready, though, since my growth is not as fast as yours!

    Planet be with you,

    Lady Skye


    • #3
      UN Headquarters, MY2116

      Friend Skye,

      With the kind assistance that you offered I also contacted Professor Zharkov. Our conversation was brief and not too productive but we did sign a treaty of friendship.

      Work continues on transforming our little island and we are close to completion of a solar collector on a very productive piece of jungle terrain that is abundant in growth. However, our main base is growing at a much slower pace. Lack of good soils does not leave us with much, if not for the river and alien monolith we would be starving. My scientists tell me that we do have abundant mineral resources available once we can tap them.

      The Greater General Assembly has instructed me to ask you on behalf of my people if you could loan us any energy credits? We would understand if you choose to decline knowing that the struggle to survive on this hostile world is difficult.

      Peace and Prosperity

      Charles R. Dix IX
      Supreme General Secretary of the Greater General Assembly


      Gaia's Landing, MY 2117

      Dear Charles,

      It is unfortunate that you and Zak did not hit it off as well as we did, but Zak and I are old colleagues. In fact, he was my superior officer. Your friendship treaty is a good starting point, however. Perhaps he will be more open when we have some technology to share. His thirst for understanding sometimes clouds his vision toward other more important objectives, but I hope our friendships can grow with time.

      I share your concern over resources, since they are, in general, meager. Gaia's Landing was extraordinarily lucky to have two monoliths. I am sending you over half our remaining energy reserves, a total of 20 credits, so that you can hurry a former or some other worthwhile project to increase your ability to coax more out of Planet. As you mentioned, the mineral-rich area south of Peacekeeper Headquarters does look promising, especially with a forest. That would yield a very rich abundance of minerals, and some food and energy to boot! I could possibly spare more energy, but I don't want to pull my reserves much below 20 in case there is an emergency. We may encounter more hostile mindworms, and although I regret the encounters, they do yield energy-rich planetpearls.

      We just founded our third colony: Song of Planet. It is south of Gaia's Landing and it is on the sea. We changed Song's production to a terraformer and I authorized some energy to finish it early. I'm sure we agree that a key to humanity's success on planet is our ability to delicately shape and understand it, allowing us to harvest its resources better.

      For the time being we will have to celebrate our small successes apart, but one day I am sure we will be able to meet again!

      Until then, go with Planet,



      UN Headquarters, MY 2117

      Lady Skye,

      Once again on behalf of the United Nations peoples we thank you for your generous gift. If you should have any need of assistance please contact me on my personnel comm frequency.

      We complete construction on our third terraformer and it should be manned within days to begin its work. Fortune has smiled on us and we have uncovered at the far tip of our island several more unity pods. We can only hope that they will furnish valuable information or material.

      I did make another vain attempt to contact the "Professor" and our conversation was short. I for one never had much contact with Professor Zakharov or his followers. Of all the problems we had on the Unity the one that hurt me the most was the separation between Coronal Santiago and myself. Since she was to be the military adjunct for the new colony we had to spend many hours together and I learned a great deal from her on military matters. However, it became clear to me that her views were simply not in conformance with the United Nations Charter and I worried about possible "excess" that she might commit. My establishment of the Security Council on Unity was a means to dilute her powers and thus make it more difficult for any one military officer to seize control from the lawfully elected deputies. However, I believe it was this action that sent the Coronal around the bend so to speak and forced her hand. Within a week she had resigned her commission as ranking military officer on the council and began to establish her own faction. I believe, though I have no proof, that Santiago killed Captain Garland of the UNITY so as to prove to the other officers how weak our government was. With such a large defection of the core of our military staff it left a tremendous hole in our senior and middle echelon officers. It would take years to repair the damage the defection has caused and only now is our Security Council at the level I think they need to be to handle military operations. The entire business has forced me to spend hours upon hours in the simulator trying to plan and make military strategy to hone my skills. Why just yesterday set on one of the harder skill levels I managed to defeat both Col. Santiago and Chairman Yang and I unified the planet under the United Nations Charter, as was the dream to begin with. My final rating was 114% - a vast improvement.

      Peace and Prosperity,

      Charles R. Dix IX

      Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations General Assembly


      Gaia's Landing, MY 2118


      You are most welcome to the energy. We must rely on each other here on Planet, and if I have resources that would be of assistance I will give them to you if I can. We have developed a deepening trust and friendship in these last two decades, and I know you will do the same for my people and me.

      I can only hope your fears about Coronal Santiago and Commander Yang do not come to pass, for I know both are very good at what they do. My talents and those of my people tend more toward an ecologically friendly democracy, and we have neither the talent nor inclination for waging war. If pressed our mindworms might be used for such a purpose, but I am loath to do so. My fondest wish is that we all live in peace, and that we share what our peoples produce for the benefit of all. So far we have achieved that goal.

      The terraformer from our third base, Song of Planet, has been deployed, and it will be making a road to link our bases together. This will serve many purposes, including defense against mindworm attacks, since defenders can be shared, and to better deploy resources, such as colony pods and terraformers. After these basic improvements are done the formers will move on to prepare future colony sites, and roads to those sites. One of the three terraformers will continue to improve local infrastructure, like a solar collector in the farming plot we have developed, which should produce plentiful energy since it is over 1000 meters high.

      It will be a while before I have much else to report for growth and development. We continue to vigorously explore our continent, and our scout rover and mindworm have now teamed up. I may ask them to investigate a few Unity pods, but I am wary of the outcome. The mindworms seem to be immune from attack, but the rover could be overwhelmed if the investigation goes badly. Lindsay's mindworm entered the monolith near Gaia's Landing and has grown significantly. He will be leading his mindworm out to the west to join in the exploration!

      That's all for now. Walk with Planet, Charles!



      • #4
        UN Headquarters, MY 2118

        Lady Skye,

        We have completed our first farm and solar collector and have started our terraformers building roads to these newly developed lands. Our third teraformer is en route to start another farm and solar generator complex so resources should be expanding greatly. Our scouts on the western edge of our island opened a unity pod and discovered a vast reserve of mineral canisters along with a mindworm. The scouts were able to defeat the mindworms even though they themselves were in need of rest and refitting. Luckily a "monolith" is adjacent to the unit and with the almost mystical properties it has should repair and rest the units to full fighting force.

        Peace and Prosperity

        Charles R. Dix
        Supreme General Secretary of the Greater General Assembly


        Gaia's Landing, MY 2119

        Dear Charles,

        Remember how you were concerned about being almost trapped on your island? As I recall, you despaired a future where you would not be able to explore, and found new Peacekeeper outposts. Charles, I have a gift for you: Doctrine: Flexibility. With this technology you will be able to take to the waves, when you feel the need! It allows the infrastructure to build sea-based military ships, transports, and even sea terraformers and colonies. You will not be limited to your island, and you can expand and, one day, come to visit your Gaian friends! Or, maybe, I will come to visit you!

        Besides this fortuitous event, I have little to report. Fluffy popped a pod, and some a hydroponics mech planted a little forest. It should be a very nice size by the time I make it out there with our settlements. Lindsay's mindworm is now on his way our west to explore - who knows how big this continent is? Our rover found out he is on a peninsula, and he will be working his way back toward Fluffy. Two of our formers just finished leveling the ground where the nutrient lode is, and now they will planet a forest. That should yield a great boon to our colony Flower's Preach! Our colony pods are building, but it will be a while before they are complete. I estimate it will be MY 2122 or so before the first one is complete.

        Good luck in your exploration. Walk with Planet, Charles,

        Lady Deirdre Skye


        UN Headquarters, MY 2119

        Dear Skye,

        I am attaching to this transmission several new technologies that you might find useful. Consider this a small down payment on the kindness you have extended to the United Nations people. I traded CEO Morgan and Professor Zakharov for this information and I think it will be useful for us all. I understand and sympathize with your reluctance about a military enterprise. However, my concern is that your prudence to delve deeply into military matters might be viewed as a weakness by others. I can tell you that Col. Santiago will see your situation in this light. So that is why I am offering you the blueprints on altering your weaponry so that you can develop heavy artillery, if needed. I do regret that I could not give the University my information on this technology without some sort of exchange of information. I could see it on his face that all he possessed far greater information than he wanted me to suspect. So when I told him that he could have the information provided that I receive a database or energy credits he became enraged. I hope that this does not sour our relationship over time but I must look out for my people and demonstrate to all that the full exchange of information, one for one is the only hope for us all.

        Peace and Prosperity,

        Supreme Gen. Secretary Charles R. Dix. IX


        Gaia's Landing, MY 2120

        Dearest Charles,

        Yes, you have done very well trading technology with Morgan and Zakharov! I checked your datalinks, and it seems you may have gotten a very good deal, indeed! Perhaps you will outwit even that wily Morgan in your negotiations? Even the thought of that makes me smile. I thank you for your gifts of polymorphic software and ethical calculus. Some day I am sure they will be most useful! For the moment we Gaians are focused on expansion, and we are building bases as fast as we can - infrastructure will come later. Still, it is hard to believe that so much progress has come in so little time!

        Incidentally, I called Zakharov recently. He was in a surprisingly magnanimous mood - I rarely remember when he was so upbeat and friendly, even after he had been named Chief Science Head of Unity, and we had a very nice chat. He did not mention his strained conversation with you, but he did offer me information networks as a gift, a token of his friendship and Pact with the Gaian people. Of course, I was taken aback by his generosity and thanked him profusely. Then I called you up to give you this technology and was somewhat surprised that you already had it, so, I sent you my world map instead. I made a polite inquiry to your head scientist and she looked rather harried. She was overloaded by all the information at her disposal, and mentioned she couldn't possibly work on any new discoveries for 80 years while she digested what he had! 80 years!!

        On another matter, Zakharov mentioned that rumors of Gaian military might have reached his always-receptive ears. I was surprised, to say the least, but he seems to think that the Gaian mindworms hold a formidable military potential. In fact, Zak stated that he and Morgan thought that the Gaians were now the most powerful military force on Planet! My first inclination was to laugh, but he was dead serious, and that gave me pause. Maybe they are right, and we pacifistic Gaians aren't so weak after all - all we need to do is use our strengths in ways our potential adversaries might not expect. So, we may not need to rely on brute firepower, not when we have mindworms at our disposal. I am still ambivalent about using them in such a way. It seems…inappropriate, and to some degree disrespectful of the mindworms. I would only do so in the direst of need, and I would prefer that they explore and see the world than be forced to bring harm to my fellow humans.

        Walk with Planet, Charles. I look forward to your next message.

        Lady Skye


        UN Headquarters

        Dear Skye,

        I have re-read several times your last communiqué concerning the good "Professor". I was always somewhat troubled by the man's almost blind ambition toward science and it now seems to have taken hold of him completely. I do hope that with proper encouragement he can be kept contained.

        Work proceeds slowly yet steadily towards our goals. We hope to implement several base modifications that will "boost" production at our colonies but first we need to get a few more resources developed.

        As I look at the world map that we have pieced together it would seem that all of our landing sites were evenly dispersed. This does give each alliance the room to grow but it does make planetary growth slow.

        Peace and Prosperity,

        Supreme General Secretary Charles R. Dix IX of the Greater General Assembly.


        Gaia's Landing, MY 2121

        Dear Charles,

        I see you are very ambitious in your infrastructure plans! Your bases will soon resemble those of Zakharov, who already has a recycling tank and a network node at his capitol. I must say, though, that it will take you a very long time to build a network node at UN Headquarters. If you want to increase your production I recommend that you build a forest on the arid mineral lode near UN Headquarters. That should increase your mineral output at UN Headquarters from one to five, reducing the production time of the node from 80 to 16 years!

        I contacted Morgan this year, and he was very friendly. I offered to trade technology, but he told me, in so many words, to go away. He didn't even offer to sell industrial base to me! I wonder if I offended him in some way? If so, why was he so magnanimous toward me? I guess I'll never really understand Morgan. I also took a peak into Zak's research labs, and he has a couple of technologies that would be useful: industrial base and applied physics. I really hated to call him up and ask since I have nothing to give in return, and he was so generous last year, so I didn't. My scientists tell me our next breakthrough isn't for about 15 years or so - that is a long time. I've already assigned 60% of the Gaian economy to research, and I can't convince the Council to allocate more due to the crippling inefficiency we'd suffer in our economy.

        I ordered one of our formers to build a solar collector near Song of Planet. It is at 1800 meters, and so it should produce copious energy, bumping our output by 20%. It will take a while to terraform, however. I'm thinking of assigning a second former to the job, since they just finished terraforming the nutrients near Song of Planet. Our third former may either build a sensor, which will cover all three of our bases, or start a road to our fifth colony site to the northwest. Our fourth colony will be complete next year, and it will travel down the river toward the sea. It is not particularly productive territory, but it is on a river, which is rich in energy, and has two rolling, rainy areas that are good farm country. Rolling, rainy areas are wonderful base sites, since they don't need any terraforming to be productive!

        Not much to report for exploration. Fluffy is recovering from a mindworm battle he was in, and Lindsay's mindworm is busy making his way west. Our rover is battling his way through the fungus - he likes nice, open ground where he can use his speed to good advantage.

        Go with Planet,


        UN Headquarters, MY 2122

        Dear Skye,

        I apologize for not writing sooner but the demands of the day can leave one very spent. I have been in constant meetings with the General Assembly and the Security Council.

        The only bright spot to this week was the improving relations with Professor Zakharov. He sent me a very serious communiqué demanding the release of the Ethical Calculus technology or "face the consequences". I relented and sent the information file to him with no strings attached. I then asked if the United Nations people could "borrow" some energy credits and he offered over 45 energy credits - a most generous offer with a re-payment schedule of 1 credit per year. This additional energy allowed us to complete production on our recycling tanks and almost finish construction on a fourth terraformer. With these improvements in hand we hope to launch our third colony pod.

        Peace and Prosperity,

        Supreme General Secretary Charles R. Dix IX


        Gaia's Landing, MY 2123

        Dear Charles,

        You were very generous with Zak, and I think his greed for the technology overcame his better sense. Still, he did give you a loan, and I think the recycling tank you build will pay for itself, and the loan, may times over!

        One word of caution, however - I noticed UN Headquarters is supporting 4 units, and that this is severely reducing your production due to all the supplies the extra terraformers and scouts require. You also have a long que of ambitious projects at UN Headquarters. You might be better off building colony pods, and use them to expand your reach and resource base. Just think - the population you lose from your capitol is merely transferred somewhere else, so you don't really lose them! And, the minerals you use to build the colony are an investment. You even get 10 back, which you can use for the terraformer you mentioned, or a scout defender. Another consideration is sending a scout or former to the new base, and make it its new home. This relieves the burden on UN Headquarters. You will grow faster, and then you will be in better shape to build the infrastructure you want!

        Things are progressing well here. We just founded our forth colony, Greenhouse Gate, and our fifth colony from Gaia's landing is heading north. I've found that there is much less risk opening the Unity pods that are peppered all over Planet when there is a base near them, and there are two near the northern base site. I remember well the tales you told of pods being infested with mindworms. In fact, the first pod our Unity rover opened was full of worms. They captured them, so it was for the best, but if they'd been unprepared it could have ended in tragedy. With the colony pod done Gaia's Landing will now concentrate on infrastructure, like you have done with UN Headquarters. We are starting a recycling tank, and then probably a recreation commons. After that I am not sure, but I have been advised that we might be able to start a very ambitious project - the Weather Paradigm!

        Another bit of good news is that Lindsay caught another mindworm last year! It was quite amazing for one man to accomplish such a feat twice! His scouting group was cycling home so they could shepherd the new colony pod through the fungus, when a feral mindworm burst from the undergrowth. While his compatriots were panicking he simply walked forward, shut his eyes, raised his arms, and the mindworm pounced! Instead of devouring him they simply spun over his body. It was quite remarkable. So now we have three mindworms. They are still pretty small, but they grow with experience. I've even made sure they visit the monoliths, since they seem to strengthen somehow when they leave.

        One last thing. I noticed that you have two technologies that I don't have: Industrial Base and Applied Physics. I have no technology to trade right now, but I would be most appreciative if you can gift them to me. I would, of course, return the favor when my scientists make a new discovery, or if we happen upon an advance in the future. I would hate if my hard working scientists simply discovered an advance that humanity already had, and I know they would be disappointed. My guess is that you would be disappointed, too, since I wouldn't be able to give you a new technology, either!

        Walk with Planet, Charles

        Last edited by Hydro; October 30, 2001, 23:09.


        • #5
          UN Headquarters, MY 2123


          I hope that my gift of the technologies that your requested will be of use. I also have included some new information that I just recently obtained from CEO Morgan which I also hope will be of use. I do hope that you do not feel that I was "with holding" information from you, an oversight I assure you.

          I do thank you for your suggestions concerning my colonization efforts and I will put them to use. The terraforming unit that I am currently completing at my UN Headquarters will be used to "prepare" future colony sites to better assist them in growth. Our headquarters territory does not posses "abundant" nutrients and much of our land is covered in this fungus growth. Our hope is that a terraformer can prepare areas of land that will allow future colonies to expand rapidly.

          Peace and Prosperity,

          Charles R. Dix , Supreme General Secretary of the Greater General Assembly,
          United Nations Peace Keeping forces.


          Gaia's Landing, MY 2124


          All I can do is thank you for your gift. Or, should I say, the fruits of your amazing negotiating skills? In any case, Applied Physics, Industrial Base, and Industrial Economics will surely help we Gaians survive, and thrive, on Planet! I did not think for a minute that you were withholding these advances; merely that they were held up in some bureaucratic infrastructure. Indeed, these technological marvels are most welcome since they will probably be the last we Gaians see for a while, since my scientists tell me that they are almost 20 years from the next breakthrough!

          Our exploration of our continent proceeds nicely. Our rover is flying across the open lands in the south-central part of the land, and the mindworms are operating in teams. Our first mindworm, Fluffy, is the largest. I can't say 'Lindsay's Mindworm' anymore since he captured two! Word has reached me that his first mindworm answers to the name Loala, and his second Fred. Now, don't ask me where those names came from; I'm sure it's much too involved, and probably a bit silly. Imagine, naming an alien intelligence 'Fluffy'?

          Take care, friend Charles, and Walk With Planet,



          UN Headquarters, MY 2124

          Dear Skye,

          My scientists and engineers marvel at the pace at which you seem to construct colonies. Many planners at headquarters are amazed at the rapid growth you have attained.

          I am passing this information on to you as a warning. The good Professor contacted me and he claims a major emergency had occurred at one of his installations and that he required some technology from me in order to help resolve the crisis. I offered the information to him but he would not go into any details as to what it might be. So all I can do is suggest that you be on the watch. I tried to contact CEO Morgan to offer the same information that I am passing to you but he did not have time to talk, most curious.

          Peace and Prosperity,

          Charles R. Dix IX
          Supreme General Secretary


          Gaia's Landing, MY 2125

          Dear Charles,

          Life is choices, and at this point the Council agrees with me that it is critically important to develop a core of bases so that our presence here on planet can be diversified and our resource base expanded. To this end, almost all of our building capacity is being placed into founding new bases, since this will give us many more opportunities to explore, and to harvest what Planet has to give us. The strategy we have arrived on is that each base will build bases until it has surrounded itself, and then it will engage in developing its infrastructure. Our central base, Gaia's Landing, has already formed enough resources for two new colonies: Song of Planet, and a second base that will be placed in a approximately two years. Now Gaia's Landing is working on improving itself, and expanding its capabilities. Eventually we will attempt truly grand projects, but not until we are well established. Our other bases, you will note, have all produced a former (rushed to completion, if possible), a scout defender, and then colony pods. We will continue this forward expansion until our planners warn me that we will have exceeded our ability to manage the new colonies, resulting in unrest and inefficiency. I would estimate that the number of bases we will try to attain is 12 to 15. Again, I would strongly recommend that your next projects at your bases be colony pods so you can expand, too. I have found that small bases grow faster than those that are larger, so producing the resources for a colony is replaced more quickly.

          As to the good Professor, you are generous to accept his wild claims. He may have had such an emergency, but it may have been an attempt on his part to gain a critical technology. Still, I don't begrudge him the advancement and we must help each other, if we can. He has not expanded beyond his two bases, and his resource base is poor. Unlike you, his base size is not expanding much. He is a good man, but he can be myopic sometimes. I wish him, and even Morgan, well.

          Walk with Planet, Charles!



          UN Headquarters, MY 2125


          Work proceeds on track, yet slowly, at our bases. Your words of wisdom have opened a few eyes and we have decided to build a sea colony pod at our second colony as soon as the sea terraformer is completed. Not much of any interest occurred this period, which in of itself is news.

          Peace and Prosperity,

          Charles R. Dix IX
          Supreme General Secretary


          Gaia's Landing, MY 2126


          I intend on a few well-placed sea bases and sea terraformers, too. However, have you considered that you can build two colonies for the cost of one sea base? You have quite a bit of good territory on your island, and you may want to consider land colonies first. Also, for your base in the Jungle fragment - why is not utilizing the monolith? It could get 2 more minerals that way. UN Headquarters seems to be in a quandary - it has no minerals and the support for its troops and terraformers seems to be a problem. Perhaps dismantling one of the terraformers and then rushing a colony pod might be in order? That way you could remove your support problems, and then re-home your second former on the new base!

          My scientists have given me a couple of general guidelines for terraforming. If the terrain is flat, it gets a road (if useful) and then a forest - always! The Jungle terrain near your second base is flat, so it produces 2 food and 2 energy (with your solar panels), but no minerals. If you plant a forest in the flat Jungle tile you get two food, two minerals, and one energy - a wonderful return on your investment! If the terrain is moist and I need food, I form some farmland, maybe with a solar panel if it is at a high elevation. Later I will put farms on rainy areas, but it isn't worth it yet. I try to place a sensor where I will be putting a base, although I haven't been able to do this yet. Lastly, I like to have roads connecting all my bases, and I build them as soon as I can. This helps defense, in case of catastrophe, and in getting colonies and formers where they need to go.

          Hopefully things will continue to be uneventful.

          Walk with Planet,



          • #6
            UN Headquarters, MY 2128


            Once again I can not thank you enough for your generous assistance, especially your gifts in advice and information.Work still proceeds at a steady pace but we hope to launch our first sea-former in the next year or so. This will accomplish two things. First, we can start harvesting some of the riches of the sea. Second, increase our knowledge of the world.

            I hope that your are well.

            Peace and prosperity,
            Charles R. Dix IX
            Supreme General Secretary of the Greater General Assembly.


            Autumn Grove, MY 2129

            Dear Charles,

            We founded our fifth base Autumn Grove back in 2127. We rushed a terraformers to completion, and then set about building a defender. In 2128 the scout that escorted the colony through the fungus and the terraformers investigated two Unity pods that were adjacent to the base. I was hesitant to send my people there since as often as not the results are dangerous. One turned out to be a strange monolith, and the second Unity energy store that had 50 energy! These were welcome, indeed!

            Our scout rover was almost destroyed in an encounter with a mindworm in 2127, and it has only now limped within our territorial boundary. It will talk it at least 4 years before I dare set it out again. Likewise, Fluffy had a hostile encounter with some mindworms, but he is busy hiding in the fungus, repairing himself. He won't answer his handler's calls, and I am content to let him heal until he is ready to go out again. Our other two mindworms, Fred and Loala, are speeding into the continent we are on, which is very large. Our exploration is slowing down while our rover and Fluffy are recuperating, but it still continues.

            Best luck always, friend Charles, and let me know how your sea former fares!



            UN Headquarters, MY 2129

            Dear Skye,

            Thank you for the information you sent, it will be most useful. I have wonderful news! Professor Zakharov has contacted me and offered a pact of brotherhood. He has also included his most up-to-date maps and, to my amazement, his development does not seem so far along as our own. We accepted his offer but it is our hope that he does not "entangle" us in any devious dealings. On our next transmission we will upload all new map information to you. One of our new techs we forgot to include this information in this packet and we wanted to get this communiqué to you as quickly as possible.

            Peace and Prosperity,
            Charles R. Dix IX
            Supreme General Secretary


            Gaia's Landing, MY 2130


            It is good news indeed that Zak has agreed to Pact with you. We all have benefited from our friendship and by sharing our resources, even though we are far apart from each other, and now Zak sees that, too. Or maybe he had a disagreeable encounter with Morgan, and he seeks to drag both of us into his web? That is speculation, but it is possible, although I couldn't see Morgan being so foolish. You also might note that Zak's scientists are almost ready for another breakthrough and he might be willing to share these advances with us. We shall see.

            No great news in Gaian lands. The recycling tank at Gaia's Landing is almost half done, and I am thinking of allocating more resources to finish the job early. Like you, I see the benefit of finishing a project and then reaping the rewards as soon as it is done. Our explorers have illuminated a bit more of the territory to the west, but not much - it is slow going when the land is so big. Fluffy will be healed by year's end, so he will be able to continue our work.

            As always, walk with Planet!



            Gaia's Landing, MY 2131

            Friend Charles,

            My trusty Gaian researchers do not, apparently, know how good they are. I am so pleased with them! They have made a breakthrough in the Secrets of the Human Brain, and this was many years ahead of schedule. Then, almost by accident, they unlocked the secrets of Planetary Networks. I am forwarding you these breakthroughs and I hope they will be of use to you. My scientists advise me that the Secrets of the Human Brain allows us greater defense against mindworms - the trance defense. I plan on upgrading my defenders with this ability as soon as I can, and all new defenders will have this ability, too. Planetary Networks is even more intriguing, since it allows our social structure to be Planned, allowing greater growth and productivity. It has a negative effect on our efficiency, but this does not trouble our society much since we are naturally efficient. I have ordered that our society undertake Planning on this model immediately. On a sad note, it will be another 46 years before our next breakthrough is scheduled. We will have to grow our way out of this particular problem!

            In our exploration, Fluffy finally got going again, and he immediately ran into another mindworm. He had to exterminate it, and that is too bad. Fred is deep into the continent, and he jumped two pods. One laid out a number of farms, and the other had energy credits - both are always welcome. Loala is moving south. Our speeder is still recovering, and it will be a while before he is ready to move again.

            I contacted Zak and Morgan and they have no new technology to share. Both are Magnanimous, and that is hopeful. Zak should have some technology to share soon, and either of use should contact him when our informants tell us he has made a breakthrough. Morgan is still evasive, even if he is well disposed toward me, and I have no idea how his research is doing. Morgan is a puzzle. My guess is that he will be flexible as long as energy credits from trade can be had!

            Long life, and Walk with Planet,



            UN Headquarters, MY 2131

            Dear Skye,

            It seems all I do is thank you for your generous gifts. I cannot thank you enough on behalf of the citizens of the United Nations. Our new seaformer has almost paid for itself. It unlocked a unity pod just of the coast and we obtained 50 energy credits. This allowed us to make some needed changes in the structure of our society. We now are have a planned system of economic production that we think will enable us to grow more efficient.

            Based upon your advice we have also scrapped plans for building sea colony pods in favor of land pods. With our new sea former aiding our land based colonies production it seemed more prudent to build up or land colonies instead.

            I do hope you don't mind that I traded the good Professor some of the new technology you gave us to him. He did give us new map information and I did get 25 energy credits from him. I hope you understand that one of our core beliefs is the sharing of information with everyone. Of course we do hope that all the people we trade with use this technology to the betterment of world.

            Peace and prosperity,
            Charles R. Dix IX
            Supreme General Secretary


            Gaia's Landing, MY 2132

            Dear Charles,

            You are brave to investigate the Unity pod with your new sea former. While they often contain valuable material from Unity, it has been my experience that they can also contain dangerous mindworm infestations. I don't think the sea former crew would have lasted long against these, but I am glad they didn't have to find out!

            I see that you two bases are growing very fast - and that is very good indeed. Growth has been slower in Gaian territory, and our bases are much smaller than yours. We did, however, just found our sixth base, and have several more colony pods in production. A colony pod was on its way to a new site and the scout that was shepherding it found a mindworm after it had entered a fungus field. I wish them well, but fear the worst. The colony pod will have to retreat, most likely, and reinforcements will be sent in to protect the colony the scout came from. It would be sad indeed if the people we have dedicated to the prospective colony were killed by an errant mindworm.

            Now, as to selling technology, I was hoping to trade Zak next year when his research is due to be complete. He can be notoriously tight with his findings, insisting on a quid pro quo, but he generally will trade when some advance is offered in return. I noticed that you sold him Planetary Networks. I have been advised that the Planetary Network's Special Project, Virtual World, offers Zak free contentment for his people when combined with his intrinsic network nodes, and I can understand why he wanted the technology. If he got it for 25 energy then he got a bargain.

            Gaia's Landing is producing our first sea vessel. We hope to explore the ocean, and nearby fungus. I have speculated that there may be sea going mindworm vectors, and I would be very interested to find one. Also, our mindworms are quickly exploring this continent, and the seas offer even more opportunity to see Planet. It is a significant investment in that we will spend 4 years building our first sea vessel, but I think it will be worth it. I may even find other survivors from Unity! After all, we know very little about Planet, and there is much to be discovered.

            Take care, Charles. And walk with Planet.


            P.S. - I contacted Morgan, and his was much less pleased than the last time we spoke. He lectured me on the wrong-headedness of the Gaian Planned economy. You might do well to contact him when your society isn't on a Planned stead if you want to keep Morgan happy.


            UN Headquarters, MY 2132

            I had some reservations about trading that technology to the good Professor for the same reasons you do. However, I cannot in all good conscience, and in keeping with the principals of our founding fathers, not give him the technology. I do hope you understand that by exchanging information we can all expand in harmony and not in distrust. If I had not given him the information he had requested I could have sown the seeds of mistrust that years from now would have bloomed and condemned us all.

            We have completed work on a third colony pod at it will depart for the northern central side of the island. The site chosen is rich in nutrients and minerals and should allow the colony to expand quickly. With this in mind I have ordered all of our technicians to begin on 2 new "projects". I do know that this is a very ambitious goal but we will have two new colonies up and running soon so they can carry the burden of expansion while the older colonies focus on these projects.

            The general assembly does agree that this is a gamble but since we are on an island our physical location is our greatest defense. Of course any breakthroughs we would achieve we would aid you to the best of our ability.

            Peace and prosperity,
            Charles R. Dix
            Supreme General Secretary


            Gaia's Landing, MY 2133


            You are right, of course, in giving the technology to Zak. I just hope he will return the favor when the time comes! There may be circumstances in the future where giving technology may not be in our interests. For instance, a party bent on war will be only temporarily appeased by such a 'gift', and will soon demand more. In a similar vein, some technologies are to be given away only with the most careful thought.

            I wish you all luck in your Projects. We Gaian's will also start one or more projects soon, but only after some basic infrastructure is in place. Like you, we will not stop our expansion plans, since our place here on Planet is tenuous.

            There is bad news, too, I'm afraid. The scouting party escorting our colony pod to its site was killed. We were able to limit the deaths by pulling the colony pod and the nearby former to the safety of our base Song of Planet, and a scout with trance defense is on the way. I have also upgraded the defenders at Gaia's Landing to have trance defense, just in case a roving mindworm makes an appearance.

            Our exploring is continuing. There is still no evidence of other human habitations here on the Gaian continent, but we will continue to look. The rover team is back in action again, as are our three mindworms Fluffy, Loala, and Fred. All are very busy, and I get favorable reports on the land they have observed so far.

            Walk with Planet,



            • #7
              UN Headquarters, MY 2133

              Dear Skye,

              I am including with this communiqué our latest world map and some new technology that the good Professor traded to me. I hope you will find it of use. I understand what you are saying about technology sharing but I think you misunderstand what I am saying. If we build a bond of trust through sharing our technology there will be no need to withhold technology because we will all be united. However, if for some reason or another one or two of the other "factions" fail to cooperate and share technology that is another story. Until that day does arise the United Nations Assembly feels duty bond to increase the "free flow of information".

              We have begun our first project and our third colony pod is en route to the northern shores of our island. We have been trouble free for some time of the mindworms problem so we are not investing to heavily at this time into protective forces. Our first project we hope will be of enormous benefit to all of mankind and we hope to share the fruits of that labor with all that would partake.

              Prosperity through Peace

              Charles R. Dix IX
              Supreme General Secretary of the Greater General Assemble


              Gaia's Landing, MY 2134


              I think I understand your vision of our place on Planet, and how we can bond our societies together by sharing of resources. You have a more optimistic view than I do since I remember the horrors of Earth and what humans are capable of. Still, I will not voluntarily plunge down the road to war if sharing knowledge can avert it. I think that Zak is likely to remain our friend since our interests clearly align, and his willingness to share his data on Optical Computers proves this. I have a more dubious attitude toward the CEO. Knowing his past history I suggest his actions be watched carefully, especially if he starts pillaging Planet for short-term gain - that is part of what destroyed Earth.

              The mindworm that destroyed our scout team is advancing on Song of Planet. Reinforcements are there, and if it advances further we are ready for it. I find it strange that some of the life forms on Planet can live and ally themselves with us, and others have such a murderous intent. Our scientists have been studying this but so far we have found no other link that might suggest a context.

              Exploration continues. Fluffy got into another altercation with a feral mindworm, and this time he grew significantly! He is four times as large as when we first made contact. Our rover, Fred, and Loala are busy exploring. If we find anything unusual I'll be sure to let you know!

              Walk with Planet,


              UN Headquarters, MY 3134

              Dear Skye,

              I am gladdened to here that your defenses have been bolstered so that your colony will not fall. I have taken copies of your accounts and have passed them to each of the generals, admirals and sky marshals on the security council and have asked them how would we deal with such an event. Currently, our main base is undefended and could fall under attack just as easily as yours. Our second colony does have a garrison but it has not been re-fitted with the PSI defense that it should. Currently our only two military units are still scouting the island but they should be down within 2 turns. After they complete that task I will have the Security Council to issue orders to return them to bases that are unprotected and enhance their abilities. One of our top scout teams did discover another Unity Pod that created a mineral rich deposit.

              Our construction and base production move along smoothly, though the need for more energy is terribly important now.

              Prosperity through Peace
              Charles R. Dix IX
              Supreme General Secretary


              Gaia's Landing, MY 3135

              Dear Charles,

              I noticed that you mentioned you were short of energy, so I checked with your staff on your situation. Your energy production is respectable at 3 per year, but how did you amass loans of over 280 energy to Zak and Morgan? What did you spend it on? As a rule, I allocate energy to rush an improvement or unit after I have 10 minerals allocated to it, and then only at greatest need. I try to have the improvement half paid for, since then I only pay double its mineral cost in energy. For instance, this year I rush-completed the recreation commons at Gaia's Landing for 36 energy, which is double the 18 I had left in minerals. You pay 4:1 for every mineral less than half, as I understand it. This makes rushing very expensive for a barely-completed project, and it is hideously expensive for units or improvements with less than 10 mineral. Now, I always rush the first former after I build a base, and that is the only former I build out of that base. With 6 bases we now have 6 formers running around doing important terraforming work. There is always more to do, and I try to make sure there are developed areas for a base as it grows. Since my bases generally stay small-ish this isn't a large problem, and I can make sure there are roads between bases and sensors for defense, in addition to production from targeted areas.

              Seeing your need I am giving you 30 energy, which should give you a bank in case of an emergency. Unfortunately, the loan payments of 3 per year to Zak (1 energy) and Morgan (2 energy) consumes your yearly energy production, so your best hope is to grow your way out of the hole. The 3 energy per year in payment to Zak and Morgan will be insignificant when you get a few more bases up and running.

              Now that the rec commons at Gaia's Landing is complete we will be starting the Weather Paradigm. I plan on cashing the alien artifact to quicken the production of this Project. The artifact, I am told, will finish one quarter of the project! After Flower's Preach builds a recycling tank and a rec commons it will start a project too. All the other bases will continue to build colony pods to expand our settlements.

              I do have some good news. The mindworm that was ravaging the land near Song of Planet has been exterminated. The defenders were sorely tested, but they won the day. Our colony pod will now resume its journey, although it will have been delayed by 4 years. Our mindworms Loala and Fred both encountered hostile mindworms and killed them, and both grew significantly. After they heal they will continue their exploration.

              Take care, and Walk with Planet,



              Gaia's Landing, MY 2136

              Dear Charles,

              Our waylaid colony pod is finally on its way! It is heading toward the agricultural plots that Fluffy released when he popped a pod so may years ago. It will be several years before they get there since there are no roads and fungus blocks the way, but it is good territory. Across our continent our explorers are still recovering from the encounters with mindworms last year, but next year they will be on their way again.

              This year we have started a grand project at Gaia's Landing - the Weather Paradigm. It will take us almost 30 years to complete, but that time should drop considerably now that our resources and personnel are not needed to form colony pods. In this case the two monoliths will provide very steady supplies of food, minerals, and energy. Song of Planet, which was recently saved by a timely arrival of the scout garrison from Flower's Preach, now has its own defender and is building our first sea unit. It is very modest, and it has no armor or weapons, since its purpose is exploration. I hope it does not have to engage in combat, but we resolve that problem before it happens (hopefully). Our other colonies are slowly producing more colony pods. I estimate that we will have two more bases in five years, and likely six more in 15. That is, if all goes well.

              Walk with Planet Charles,



              UN Headquarters, MY 2136

              Dear Skye,

              We have lost a scouting unit. Terrible news has reached us that one of our most bravest scouts encountered a mindworm as they were exploring that southern tip of our island. The worm escaped with terrible wounds so all I can assume that like an earth animal it will be all the more ferocious. I have issued orders for our remaining scout to return to headquarters where we hope the added defense of the base will protect the scout and us.

              On a much brighter note we have launched our fourth colony pod and it is en route to the northern edge of the island. Our teraformers are racing ahead to prepare needed long range sensors that we hope will added more protection. Our third colony pod has almost arrived at its destination and the needed sensor array is almost complete. These two new colonies will provide the needed industrial "push" we need to complete needed infrastructure improvements.

              The projected completion dates for our "projects" are some time off, nearly 57 years for one and over a 134 for the other. I am sure that once we can build more improvements and allow the populations to grow in those colonies we can decrease the time drastically.

              Prosperity through Peace,
              Charles R. Dix IX
              Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations Assembly.


              Gaia's Landing, MY 2137


              I understand your feelings of loss for your scouting group. They are the bravest, and in many ways the best of us, since they are exploring the world we live in. I finally came to grips that sometimes the worst things happen to those that don't deserve it. Planet is a hard place, and it is frequently unforgiving. On a happier note, I wish you well with your two new bases - they should expand your resource base nicely! You may note that with our six bases we Gaian's can support 12 units - so it is very efficient to expand with colonies to harvest more of Planet's bounty and have more people doing more things!

              It turns out that our colony pods will be done sooner than I thought. One, as I mentioned, is on its way, and two more will be finished next year. Their sites are not fully prepared, but I will have them rush formers first thing so they will not have to wait too long for terraformed land to aid their growth and development.

              Our rover and Fred have essentially finished exploring our continent to the south and southwest, while Fluffy and Loala continue to strike north. We have found two more patches of Jungle, but they are far away. Eventually we may reach them, but not for a long while. In the mean time the mindworms will pop pods that are in the middle of the fungus. They will leave pods near potential base sites alone, since these results are (almost) always good when a base is adjacent to a pod when it is investigated.

              Our Weather Paradigm project is proceeding. Gaia's Landing should have the personnel to harvest resources of a forest track, and that will boost the projects progress nicely. The sea gunboat is still far from completion, but soon Song of Planet will grow, and the colony it is supporting will be established and no longer require material support. The gunboat should be finished in the early 2140s, if all goes well. Flower's Preach is just starting its recycling tanks, and I plan on authorizing energy to finish it when it is half completed, or more.

              Take care, Charles



              UN Headquarters, MY 2137


              Our third colony pod has reached its destination and all of the advanced sensor systems have been prepared. Our terraformer unit can now transfer its support burden to the new base allowing more resources to be used at our headquarters.

              The injured mindworm has disappeared with no trace. We can only hope it slithered back into the primordial ocean from whence it came.

              Prosperity through Peace,
              Charles R. Dix IX
              Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations General Assembly


              Gaia's Landing, MY 2138


              Nothing much to report. Three colonies are on their way and three more are building. The Weather Paradigm is coming along slowly but surely, and Flower's Preach will have its recycling tanks rushed next year. Our explorers keep exploring, but have found a wide unoccupied continent. Overall, a peaceful year.

              Walk with Planet,


              Gaia's Landing, MY 2140


              I haven't heard from you in a while and I hope you are well. We founded our seventh base last year, and next year we will found two more. Our expansion plan is proceeding nicely! Soon another base will be able to concentrate on infrastructure and development.

              I spoke with some of your seconds and they tell me your energy problems have been largely alleviated by the expansion to your third base! This is good, since you will no longer feel quite so pressed for energy. The also tell me that your new base is constructing a trance laser squad. Its prototype cost was 54 minerals - that is very high! In fact, that is one quarter the cost of one of the valuable Projects! I would suggest that you produce a simple trance scout defender. They are modest in price at little more than 9 minerals on a Planned economy, and they will defend against roving mindworms as well as your laser garrison. All of our base are or will be defended by these trance garrisons. Certainly all of our new bases will have trance scouts.

              Once again our explorers are recovering from defeating rogue mindworms. While I like the Planetpearls they bring I have some reservations about having to kill another sentient creature for them. Still, they would kill us is they could, so we have to defend ourselves. Maybe one day we will find a way to have a better rapore with them; that way they wouldn't have to die.

              Walk with Planet,


              • #8
                UN Headquarters, MY 2140

                Dear Skye,

                I thank you for taking the time to consult with some of the ministers. I concur with your assessment concerning the production of the advanced military unit and during our last Security Council meeting I forced through the production change to a more "cost" efficient unit. Basically, the argument was ended due to simple reasoning. If the base were attacked 2 months from now would there be a unit to defend it, no. Also with a monolith present to bestow additional prowess on our units we could have a highly trained unit available to meet that attack.

                I have also informed the High Minister of our second colony to discontinue the project he was working on and work towards a more realistic goal. We just dont have 126 turns for them to build it when so much more can be accomplished in the same time. I sometimes don't understand why things happen at all but that is the price we pay for a democracy. Why just last week some bureaucrat in the ministry of information felt that the alien artifact that we have kept under guard at the UN Headquarters should be transferred to the Ministry of Science. Well, the Ministry of Rules and Government countermanded that order and ordered the artifact returned but to put it under the control of the Ministry of Economic Development, since its effect would be economic. Well, when my generals burst into my office demanding that the artifact be put under their control I had to take action. However, in the mean time some transportation clerk and already cleared the artifact for shipment and had left Headquarters bound for a storage complex operated by the Ministry of Education. Someone had mistyped the orders and had classified the artifact as a teaching tool so there you go. I know have my chief of staff and several aids personally directing the return of the artifact to the base. When can only hope that some clerk somewhere does not issue orders to surrender our territory to the mindworms.

                On a similar note, CEO Morgan I believe becomes more and more troubled with our "planned" economic model and threatens action if we don't mend our ways. I hope that it is all bluster and wind and that even he can see that we have the right at this critical point in our development to use all the tools at our command to better our society.

                Prosperity through Peace
                Charles R. Dix IX
                Supreme General Secretary


                Gaia's Landing, MY 2141


                We founded our eight and ninth base this year: Velvetgrass Point and Silverbird Park. They are in acceptable territory, but each is adjacent to at least one Unity Pod, and I am hoping for some valuable commodities when they are opened! At each base I rushed a former to completion for 19 energy credits each - a true bargain. Memory of Earth, or seventh base, was founded last year and its terraformers is already deployed.

                I fully understand the weight of bureaucracy that you bear, and you are saddled with the benefits and restrictions of the UN. I suggest that you apply your Artifact toward the completion of your Project. This will speed it along nicely, and you will not have to worry about some dunderheaded education minister reclassifying it as an 'educational tool'. Indeed, you should be almost a quarter finished by the time the wonders of this artifact are applied!

                As you can see by the map I am forwarding to you, we are slowly but surely pushing our way westward with our settlements, and north and northwest with our exploration. There is still much to be discovered on this continent, and we only have three mindworms and one dedicated Unity rover to do it! Soon we will be exploring the seas, too. I will let you know how that goes!

                Walk with Planet,


                UN Headquarters, MY 2142


                Production is picking up at all of our colonies and we are on pace to complete some very needy projects. Our fourth colony pod is almost at its destination. It is taking longer than expected having to traverse the endless fungus fields that bog down our tracked vehicles. I have made orders to our terraforming ministry to move one unit to the mountain just north of our capital. The elevation should make solar energy farms very productive there.

                Prosperity through Peace
                Charles R. Dix IX
                Supreme General Secretary


                Gaia's Landing, MY 2143


                We are now exploring the sea! The first Gaian sea craft has left Song of Planet, and it has made its first tentative steps outward. As expected, the sea is also crisscrossed with xenofungus, and it has proven to be a significant problem in our navigation. Who knows what wonders exist to be found? Only time will tell!

                Our holdings have grown nicely, and I see yours have, too. Humanity certainly has had a hopeful start here on Planet!

                Walk with Planet,


                Gaia's Landing, MY 2146


                We have started another project, the Virtual World. Flower's Preach finally finished its recreation commons, and since it was not far from any potential settlement sites the Council decided this Project was a worthy goal. Song of Planet is also far from the outer settlements, and it is now beginning a recycling tank. We still have some territory to the north to settle, and there is a vast territory to the west and northwest. It will be a long time indeed before we reach there!

                Our sea scout has found another continent! It is covered by huge expanses of Jungle, far larger than the fragments we have seen to date. So far it looks unoccupied, and it would make a find location for more settlements! That will have to come in the far future, however. In the northwest of our continent we have found an energy-rich but bleak territory that Fred's handlers have named Uranium Flats. It lies north of the fungal wall that forms a bottleneck, so it will take us long to get there.

                I noticed that Zak has been listening to Morgan insidious whispers, and he has formed his economy around the exploitation of Planet. His Free Market society is deeply disappointing to me. I am sorely tempted to call him and give him a piece of my mind, but he already knows my point of view so it would serve little point. Maybe he will see the light and reform his society along a more sustainable path.

                Walk with Planet,


                UN Headquarters, MY 2146


                We now have four very thriving colonies on our island. What a day of jubilation and rejoicing! It is our goal to expand once again in the near future with a fifth colony. Our planners have informed me that perhaps 3 more colonies can be built on our island without impacting the other colonies resource base. After we have completed that expansion it will be ocean based next.

                We had quiet the jolt last week as a mindworm attacked a scout unit that was out on a short-range recon mission. Out of nowhere the beast appeared according to the scouting party. Luckily, the worm was just as surprised as our scout by superior training paid off and they got the jump on it. The remains of the worm were carted off to the labs for the very useful planet pearls, as you call them.

                I sympathize with your plight concerning "social" engineering problems and the strain it puts on our former comrades. We support the "free" exchange of ideas and information but the need for economic "guidance" is crucial in order to maintain free speech. Free thought and free ideas cannot be consumed or overshadowed by the struggle for economic might. The people have the right to insure that economics serves the people and not the opposite. I hope that I have not offended you in my open candor and discussion. CEO Morgan and I do not see eye to eye on this issue at all. Luckily, the good Professor does not let economic struggle overwhelm the need for the people's advancement.

                As far as preserving the planets resources and ecology I for one along with a vase majority support your struggle to preserve a "clean" world. We can only hope that as technology allows us to advance we can put away those crude instruments that destroy our world in favor of much more efficient ones.

                Prosperity through Peace,
                Charles R. Dix
                Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations General Assembly.


                Gaia's Landing, MY 2147


                This is a great year for the Gaians, too, since we founded our 10th base: Razorback Wood. It is at the northeaster lip of what we have named Garland's Crater. It is adjacent to two Unity pods, which we will open next year. Another colony pod is heading for the Jungle fragment. That should prove a fertile place, and my guess is that it will outstrip most of our other colonies in growth. Congratulations on your fourth colony! Your bases are much bigger than the average Gaian base, and I see that they are very productive, too. I agree that your island can support at least 4 more bases. Keep in mind, though, that there is always the sea! Your sea former is hard at work, and it should be able to prepare a nice site in short order.

                Our sea scout had its first interesting encounter. I authorized the exploration of a Unity pod it found bobbing in the sea. They were able to open it and harvest 100 energy credits before the shell sank - quite a boon! I offer some of the proceeds to you, if you wish them, as a gift and a token of our friendship.

                In other news, Fluffy is now far to the north, and this continent shows no signs of being fully explored yet. Loala was damaged last year in an encounter with a rogue mindworm, and she stopped by a monolith to repair. When she was done she was TRULY HUGE, larger than any other mindworm I have seen. All I have to say is that I am glad she if friendly! I have attached our world map for your inspection.

                Take care, Charles, and Walk with Planet


                UN Headquarters, MY 2148

                Dear Skye,

                I apologize for not writing sooner but a epidemic swept through the entire UN Headquarters colony. The virus was extremely potent and even infected myself. Life and work are slowly returning to normal here and we hope that a few days of rest all will be well.

                We have complete upgrading all of our scout units to have the increase psi defense so as to better protect our colonies. The expenditures in resources to complete our first major project are quickly coming to conclusion. There is great debate between the General Assembly and the Security Council about our project and in particular the alien artifact. The debate centers on the decision to use the alien artifact to decrease the production time, decreasing it by a full third, or waiting to unlock its potential secrets and knowledge. I am for one favor saving the artifact. Have you any thoughts?

                Prosperity through Peace,

                Charles R. Dix IX
                Supreme General Secretary


                Gaia's Landing, MY 2149

                I wish you and your people a quick return to health, and the hope that this malidy is temporary and passes quickly.

                As to the artifact, I suggest you use it now to speed the production of the Human Genome Project. The benefits you will accrue from this project and significant, and these effects will multiply as you extend your bases across this island. There is also another reason for using it for the Project; it will guard against mischance. If the artifact's wonders are applied toward the project then it cannot be lost due to combat or enemy action. My scientists suggest that although powerful, the artifact is very susceptible to damage from sources such as artillery. There is a powerful argument for using it to advance science, but you, the Gaians and the researchers of the University are already working together to this end. Even Morgan is contributing, after a fashion. Our technology has already advanced past that of Earth in some fields, and we are progressing nicely. So, use the artifact on your Project!

                No other great news from the Gaians. We continue to explore and terraform the land around us. The northwestern edge of our continent is still not clear, and our scout foil is surveying the western edge of the continent across the sea from us. One of our scouting groups had an encounter with a mindworm while returning home, but they were able to deal with the challenge without too much difficulty.

                Take care, Charles, and Walk with Planet,


                • #9
                  UN Headquarters, MY 2150

                  Dear Skye,

                  All is still peaceful on our island and we are prospering. We are completing plans to prepare a new colony package to be built. Our ministry of colonization develops a deployment package the includes a protective scout, terraforming unit (to prepare the sensor array ) and of course the colony pod. I know it sounds like a lot of extra work but we have yet to loose a colony pod unlike our friend the professor.

                  Our terraforming units are working at top speed to complete many needed improvements. We would like to improve the road infrastructure between our colonies but first we need to provide them adequate energy, food and minerals.

                  Even better news is that the viral infection the laid our headquarters low has been eradicated! All colony staff and headquarters personnel are healthy and ready to go back to work.

                  Prosperity through Peace
                  Charles R. Dix IX
                  Supreme Gen. Secretary


                  Gaia's Landing, MY 2151


                  Great news on your eradication of the viral infection! I am glad you and yours are once again healthy! It sounds like your expansion plans are proceeding nicely. I like to defend colony pods, too, especially if they are moving through xenofungus. Disturbing fungus seems to irritate the mindworms, and they then form a boil and attack. They do not attack our mindworms, thought. I can't explain this but I am very glad of it!

                  I also have great news! We have completed the Weather Paradigm! Gaia's Landing was well past half done, and the Council deemed that it was a worthy enough endeavor to allocate most of our energy reserves to complete it. In the meantime our energy will be scarce for other projects, but I am not too worried. Every year it seems our mindworms our scouts run into a feral mindworm that is threatening our settlements or wandering in the wild, and these yield planet pearls when they expire to increase our energy stores. At last need I might ask Zak or Morgan, if they are willing.

                  Another strange occurrence - Loala has captured another mindworm. It is very small, especially compared to Loala, but now we have four! We haven't captured a mindworm for decades and I thought we had lost our touch, but apparently not! Also, Fred opened a Unity pod and it was completely infested with mindworms. At least six erupted out of the pod, and he killed one. Strangely, the worms around it grew substantially. Fred was hurt in the combat and will not be able to attack again for some time, so I will have to rush reinforcements to our nearby colonies. So, be wary of Unity pods since such an appearance of mindworms can overwhelm defenses if you are not prepared!

                  Walk with Planet,


                  UN Headquarters, MY 2151


                  Congratulations on completing the weather paradigm - it is a great achievement to your people. Our project should be completed in less than a 5 turns. My ministry of intelligence has informed the Sister Miriam is now trying to complete the same project as well. I think we will have an edge on her but who knows what might happen. I still find it odd that after all of these years we still have no word from the good sister, Col. Santiago or Chairman Yang. It would seem that they must all be on the largest continent.

                  All is still quiet here on the island and our scout unit is close to exploring the last unity pod located on the island. I do hope that it will hold some important information or resources. Since none of our colonies have been attacked and we have encountered so few worms we have not enjoyed the bounty of energy that they can provide. However, we have not had the enormous risks either.

                  I do hope that your gun ship is still exploring the vase oceans and if they do need a port for repairs or supplies we have several colonies that can accommodate them.

                  Prosperity through Peace,

                  Charles R. Dix IX
                  Supreme General Secretary


                  Gaia's Landing, MY 2152

                  This year has been a sad one. Our sea scout investigated a Unit pod, and it contained a sea-borne vector of the mindworms that we have long suspected. All the mindworm vectors, it appears, are hostile to humans, and this one made its hostile intent clear. The crew attacked, did their best, but in the end they were overwhelmed. They did not die in vain, but in exploration of Planet. We will honor their memory, and the Council approved a special planting of white pines in the commons of Gaia's Landing.

                  In other news, it looks like Zak has made his breakthrough. He was singularly uncooperative toward me, and he refused to sell any technology since I had nothing to give in return. My researchers suggest our next breakthrough will not be for at least five years, so I will not trouble Zak until that time. I was disappointed, and then contacted Morgan. He was in a magnanimous mood, and he let it slip he had an advance in gene splicing. Strangely, he was unwilling to trade technology for it. I suggest that you try the good CEO. A word of warning: do not contact him if you are continuing Planned economics. He seems to be particularly incensed by this.

                  Fluffy investigated a Unity pod to the far northwest and it was also completely infested with mindworms. At least 8 came out, and he will be busy for quite a while trying to round them all up. They are far away from our settlements, so I am not worried about attacks. Our newest mindworm, called Ehm by her handlers, visited a monolith and grew substantially. Loala was rolling through the fungus and found another small mindworm, attacked, and exterminated it. Fred is still recovering, and two mindworms are dogging him and blocking his movement. I don't know where the other six mindworms went, but I suspect they are heading toward our newest colonies in the west.

                  Take care, and Walk with Planet,


                  UN Headquarters, MY 2152


                  CEO Morgan would not communicate with me at all. All I can assume is that as you said earlier our planned economic practices are an affront to him still. I was also unable to contact the good Professor. I had my ministry of intelligence check and it turns out that his main complex is rioting! He must have pushed his people dearly and now he is paying the price. I doubt that he will very talkative anytime soon.

                  I have also just received word that a mind worm has popped up out of a fungal patch near a terrafroming unit on the north side of our island. Unfortunately there is no protective unit close by to lend assistance since we had sent him out to discover the last unit pod. I can only assume that the crew will be lost. I only can hope that we re-divert our scout back in time to shield the base. If you can provide any assistance we would appreciate it greatly.

                  On a last but hopefully positive note we are now down to 7 turns before we complete the human genome project. What and achievement that will be. I can only hope that we are well ahead of the good sister in this area.

                  My regards and condolences to the fine crew of your ship.

                  Peace through Prosperity,

                  Charles R. Dix IX
                  Supreme General Secretary


                  Gaia's Landing, MY 2153


                  Some of the mindworm denizens of Planet do seem unerringly hostile to humans. My only suggestion is that you upgrade the unit to have armor, upgrade the unit to have trance ability, or both. An unarmored former crew will surely succumb to the onslaught of even the smallest mindworm since they have no military training at all, and no defense. The military training required for the use of armor would put it on par with any other military scout, and if you added trance defense it would have an even chance. Is the former within 2 of a sensor installation? If so that will give it a better chance, too. Upgrading will be expensive, particularly if you haven't prototyped synthmetal yet. The sad fact is that even if you could upgrade the former it may not be in time, and it may not be enough.

                  The worms from the pod that Fred opened have now appeared near our western bases. We can see two, and there are likely four more. Loala is rushing to the area, and may or may not make it in time. Our nearby bases are making another trance scout in case they are overwhelmed. A Unity rover is rushing north to the area, too.

                  I had my sources investigate Zak, and it turns out he now has his capitol under control. That is good news, but I suspect the unrest is due to the effects of his free market economics and the wanton excess it encourages. I confess I did some snooping, and his latest advance is Doctrine: Loyalty. This is interesting, since it will allow the use of Police State social engineering, a situation I know neither of us approve. More useful is it contains the basic plans for a secret project Command Nexus. While no doubt useful, I believe the Virtual World project Flower's Preach is working on will be of more use.

                  I look forward toward your completion of the Human Genome Project! It will be a boon to your people and, by extension, all of humanity. Let me wish you hearty congratulations in advance!

                  Walk with Planet,


                  UN Headquarters, MY 2153


                  It does seem that the Professor was able to get his house in order. I am and I know many of my good citizens are glad we don't live under the "guidance" of the Professor's rule.

                  We are now 5 turns away from completing the project and none to soon. We are dumping as much extra energy into completing the project as we have to spare. The sooner it is completed and we can start harvesting the rewards that it brings the better.

                  I decided that extreme measures were needed at are northeastern base. I gave orders to have the terraformer return to the colony leaving the incompleted farming area. I also ordered that the production at the facility be switched from the recreation commons to a new military unit, another trance defender. The worm moved closer to the base but could not attack this turn. We hope that with the protection of the colony walls and the advanced sensor array it posses it should help our defender. Green or not they will soon face their first foe and must stand tall. We cannot afford to either loose the terraformer or any of the new base facilities should the worm breech the walls. On the other hand our hardened trance scout team is about to reach the last land based Unity pod. We hope all will go well. If it does we will have the scout move on to the next colony site and await the terraformer to install the sensor array and then the colony.

                  My ministry of science staff and I marvel at the ease at which you and the good Professor seem to race through to new discoveries. We are still years from making a breakthrough. Also, we are torn as to what route of scientific exploration we should take. As you can expect in a democracy many voices ring out to be heard and it makes things difficult to hear the message through the din.

                  Good luck on your defense!

                  Prosperity through Peace

                  Charles R. Dix
                  Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations General Assembly
                  Chairman of the Security Council
                  First Minister of the Council of Ministers.


                  Gaia's Landing, MY 2154

                  The attacks on our settlements, and the three mindworms bearing down on our western colonies, have caused we Gaians to rethink our defenses, too. We have been a bit lax in putting proper defensive sensors in place. Less than half of our bases were built on or have sensors near them, and that will now change. It is too easy to be blinded by terraforming land to benefit your people and then neglect defenses. Both of us upgraded our defenders with trance defense long ago, but in many ways that is not enough. We are also going to keep a Unity speeder or a local defensive speeder around at strategic locations as a fast reaction force. It will take a while to get these defenses up due to the modest productive potential of our colonies, but it will be worth it. Later we may upgrade to better armor and actual weapons, if the need arises.

                  Song of Planet is starting a new sea scout, which should be ready in a few years. Our exploration of our continent continues, but at a slower pace since Loala and Fred are now rushing to the defense of our colonies. They may not be needed, but I'd rather not take that chance.

                  I cannot take credit for the scientific we are experiencing. It is due to the hard work of the Gaians and the application of energy to their tasks. We are investing much more energy than Zak in research, but Zak is blessed by a natural aptitude toward research and his intrinsic network nodes magnify his efforts. By comparison the Gaian research efforts are mere brute force. Soon we will build network nodes at key bases, and then at all bases. For now we are focusing on basic expansion and diversification of our resource base. Of course, any fruits of our labors we will share with you, as is only right.

                  Walk with Planet Charles, and good luck,


                  UN Headquarters, MY 2154


                  The defense of the U.N. Education Agency colony was a success! The terraforming unit was moved to the west of the base and I ordered the scout team to assault the mindworm. One of the strategies I did absorb from Col. Santiago was that to attack can be your best defense. The scout team won the battle but a tremendous cost. Nearly 90% damaged was inflicted on the team. However, with the alien monolith so close we will be able to revitalize them quickly with the alien energy and get them back to guarding the base.

                  We are now done to four turns to completion of the special project. I don't worry as much now about Sister Miriam beating us to the conclusion as I once did. The defeat of the mind worm gave us 40 energy credits and we allocated 20 to completing the project. Our roving scout team will make contact with the last Unity pod so we can only hope that it will not end in sorrow but in happiness. The worm that we defeated at our base seemed more robust than the ones we first encountered. Do you have any evidence or data to support a theory that our scientists are postulating that the worms are growing to meet the need to defend the fungal fields?

                  I tried to contact the Professor again but no contact was made. My intelligence staff once again notified me that the Professors headquarters showed signs of rioting! I can only hope for the sake of his people and the lives that he should look out after that he tends to his students rather than his books. My scientists and military staff have warned me that a possible recourse the Professor might take would be nerve stapling! I cannot speak for all the other "factions" but if I should here that this has been done I will seek to destroy the professor for his crimes against humanity!! I am sorry to be so blunt but I need for you to understand my actions if I need to make them.

                  I am sure the small amount of time and energy it will take to increase the defenses of your colonies will be well worth it. Good luck on you program...

                  Peace through Prosperity

                  Charles R. Dix IX
                  Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations General Assembly


                  Gaia's Landing, MY 2155


                  Congratulations to you and your people on surviving your mindworm assault. I hope this can be a lesson to use both to bolster our defenses, just in case! Several mindworms that were roving toward our western colonies have been eliminated, and this is reassuring. At least three more remain at large. The isle of the deep, the sea mindworm vector, which killed our sea scout is now roaming near Memory of Earth. We have no road there since there is a veritable wall of fungus in the way, so they will have to try to survive on their own. Our gun foil at Song of Planet will be done soon so maybe they will be able to deal with the isle.

                  It looks like Zak is having problems controlling his cities due to his ill-advised free market economic system he has imposed on his people. I feel sorry for his people and the harm this must cause them, but not for Zak. He should know better.

                  Your Human Genome Project sounds like it is near completion! I'll look forward to hearing about it in the near future!

                  Walk with Planet,


                  • #10
                    UN Headquarters, MY 2155


                    We are now only two short turns from the completion of the Human Genome Project. Preparations are already underway to reap the rewards this new technology will bestow.

                    I was able to get a communiqué from our friend the Professor. He made no mention of the riots and troubles that had befallen him but he did offer a new technology, Doctrine:Loyalty for a 100 energy credits. I decided NOT to get into the philosophical problems that the United Nations people have with PAYING for information; rather, I just said no. I think he was very troubled with how we left it. I know he has a large amount of energy reserves with little or nothing to show for it. Why our second colony alone is a near equal to his and even our third and fourth colonies are marvels when compared to his. I suppose I should not be so high handed but the good Professor does grate on my nerves at time. I would think it would be almost better to break our Pact with him at times and let him go his own way. However, as an ancient philosopher wrote, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer". So we will maintain our contacts with the good Professor, for now. CEO Morgan and I have little to no interchange anymore due to his stance on a free market economy. I worry at times that this might come back to haunt us but I can not convince or even attempt to convince the General Assembly to revoke our "light" handed guidance to our economy.

                    I hope you will be able to track down your rogue worms before they do you more harm.

                    Peace through Prosperity,
                    Charles R. Dix IX
                    Supreme General Secretary.


                    Gaia's Landing, MY 2156


                    I contacted Zak, and I agreed to pay him 100 energy credits for Doctrine: Loyalty. I was troubled that our researchers might duplicate his efforts, and that is wasteful. I was not able to convince Morgan to trade technology, but I may try again later. My scientists are telling me that they expect a breakthrough next year, so that made my contact with Zak even more important. Still, we still may duplicate Morgan's research, and, in fact, that is more likely. We shall see.

                    While I am disappointed in Zak, I still hope to have a peaceful relationship with him. He has generally been a friend, even if his mood has soured lately. I believe the same with Morgan, despite our philosophical differences.

                    Walk with Planet,


                    Gaia's Landing, MY 2157


                    What I feared came true: my scientists duplicated Morgan's advance in Gene Splicing. This is an important advancement since it allows the full utilization of the nutrients available in any are of Planet. I am, of course, forwarding this technology to you. I contacted Zak and gave him the technology. After all, he did give me the technology for Information Networks gratis so long ago, and now all of the human factions here on Planet now have Gene Splicing. As for Morgan, I am not inclined to give him any technology. He had his chance, and I offered to trade him Optical Computers for Gene Splicing and he refused. It is his loss.

                    There are now 14 Gaian bases, and two more colony pods are on the way. I was surprised when one of my administrative managers informed me that the Gaian citizens were becoming unhappy due to the number of bases and the level of inefficient from our Planned economy. That will change soon, since it is almost time for use to switch to a Democratic government. Our bases will be large enough to take the support hit, and the extra growth and efficiency will be welcome.

                    Walk with Planet,


                    UN Headquarters, MY 2157


                    I have the wonderful news to share! We have completed the human genome project! We can now maximize the special talents that each of our citizens has to better our society.

                    The emphasis will be for the short future on growth but just not growth but growth of infrastructure. My military staff once again informed me that the good Professor has once again found himself under attack by his own people. I looked at the data myself and the problem seems to be one of nutrients. His headquarters just does not seem able to generate enough food.

                    On a much more disturbing note. I wade a customary contact call to CEO Morgan but in response I received a very threatening response. CEO Morgan started spouting about getting "cut-out" of the growth of the planet and "getting left behind" he was insistent on getting the optical computer information I possessed. I anguished much about this and with some consolations with the General Assembly and the Council of Ministers we relented and gave him the information. We hope that he will use it properly and that our free gift will inspire him not to be so disturbed. I have also decided to discontinue any future "courtesy" calls on CEO Morgan and let him be the next to call. I only hope that we he "knocks" it will be electronically and not with the butt end of a laser rifle. I hope once again that our "free" exchange of information policy will not create any ill will toward myself or, more importantly, my people. I am quickly realizing that of the four "factions" that know of each other's comm frequencies, two of those factions are highly unstable. I think this will create great unrest. I fear that soon CEO Morgan will act and try to take some action against the good Professor. His territory could be ripe for the taking.

                    Prosperity Through Peace
                    Charles R. Dix IX
                    Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                    United Nations General Assembly
                    Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                    First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater General Assembly


                    Gaia's Landing, MY 2158


                    Congratulations on completing the Human Genome Project! I am sure that your investment will benefit you and your people for ages to come!

                    As to Morgan, I wish he would be more forthcoming with his information. Since he is not I think your strategy of not contacting him is a good one. The same is true, to a lesser extent, with Zak. We can both keep an eye on when he is likely to have another scientific advance and contact him then. He has his own troubles right now, with his capital rioting and starvation rampant. It is very sad. He is weak and I hope that Morgan does not take advantage of the situation. If he does he will earn the enmity of the Gaians and, I would expect, the Peacekeepers.

                    Our two colonies that are separated from the rest, Memory of Earth and Garden of Paradise, are under attack. Our newest base, Garden of Paradise, does not have a defender yet, and if the worm attacked it would kill the entire base. The defenders of Memory of Earth took initiative and ventured out along the road to attack the worm. They were somewhat exhausted by their efforts, and the worms overcame them. Their sacrifice means that the two bases will live since new defenders will be ready before the worm moves next. If we are unfortunate it may destroy a terraformers, but we are hopeful. It is very important now to cut a path through the fungus to connect these bases to the rest of our lands. I don't want another group of valiant men and women to have to sacrifice themselves in such a way.

                    Walk with Planet,


                    UN Headquarters, MY 2158


                    Infrastructure improvements to our colonies are moving along at a fine pace. I have ordered that the UN Planetary Trust colony begin construction on a new terraformer and colony pod as soon as they complete their current project, a children's crèche. This should reduce the population of that colony somewhat and reduce crowding, and expand our holdings.

                    I have little to report other than that. Native life activity seems to be down now. I do offer my condolences to the families of those brave men and women who are valiantly trying to defend you colonies. Good luck! One last thing - the General Assembly has agreed to not contact the Professor or CEO Morgan for some time. We agree that with your assessment that a little silence might goad them into being more cooperative.

                    Prosperity Through Peace
                    Charles R. Dix IX
                    Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                    United Nations General Assembly
                    Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                    First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater General


                    Gaia's Landing, MY 2159


                    The mindworm killed the terraformers crew, and they seemed to devour even the equipment. There was very little left by the time the rescue from Garden of Paradise arrived. I can honestly say this is the first time I was happy at having destroyed that mindworm. It seemed, somehow, malevolent. I am happy it is gone.

                    I have little other news except for a few mundane matters. Two colony pods are making their way to the far west and far south coastlines to establish future seaports. It will take them a while to get there, but it will be worth it. This is significantly different than our other bases that have been set up fairly close to each other, and they generally have had roads to where they were going. Near Razorback Wood a terraformers is setting up a condenser, which will improve the rainfall near its territory. In a short while another former will join it, and this will speed the process nicely. Even after the loss of the former near Garden of Paradise we still have 13 formers, all of which are busy. There is always more for the formers to do!

                    Our explorers are fleshing out the last bits of our continent. Our sea scout is heading north along the new eastern continent. Who knows what it will find there!

                    Take care, Charles, and Walk with Planet,



                    Worms! If we had the resources right now I would hunt them all to extinction. The Governor of UN Humanity Base has just reported in that a worm mass has just "boiled" out from the sea and is just north of the colony. I am afraid we will have to retreat our terraformer into the colony and hope the scout unit can protect both. It pains me to have to retreat the terrafomer but I cannot risk the colony over a terraformer unit. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or one. The positive side is that the terraformer will move to the southern side of the colony where more fertile lands are available. The primary reason it was developing the northern area was the one sector of very abundant energy reserves.

                    I have concentrating during my quiet moments on intelligence reports that we get both from you and the Professor. I cannot believe that the Professor has lost 4 colony pods. If that had happened under my watch someone else would be writing these letters. What a waste in resources and lives. These information tables are very useful in understanding production and development as it relates to this planet and the unique way each one of us approaches that task.

                    Prosperity Through Peace
                    Charles R. Dix IX
                    Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                    United Nations General Assembly
                    Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                    First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater General


                    Gaia's Landing, MY 2160

                    This year was blissfully uneventful. Our colonies are expanding nicely, we are finishing basic infrastructure like recycling tanks and recreation commons at a nice clip, and our work on the Virtual World and Command Nexus is coming along. Gaia's Landing is not too far away from completing a network node - our first! I'd like to christen a few more sea scouts to explore more of the vast seas of Chiron, but I need the basic infrastructure at the bases in first.

                    Good luck with your worm infestation. We are only now recovering from ours. Remember that they are alien creatures, and they do not hold the same inclinations as you. They can be either friends, or deadly enemies. Not unlike humans, don't you think?

                    Walk with Planet,


                    • #11
                      UN Headquarters, MY 2160


                      The worm that was threatening UN Humanity Base did not launch an immediate attack on our base. It is a small worm by the looks of it but our scout unit is green as well so unless it attacks the base I will leave the worm to more experienced troops. The scout unit quartered at the UN Education Agency should be more than able to defeat it.

                      Infrastructure improvements are the game now and building up energy reserves. I hope to launch our fifth colony pod in less than 15 turns and the goal after that is one every ten.

                      Prosperity Through Peace
                      Charles R. Dix IX.
                      Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                      United Nations General Assembly
                      Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                      First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater General


                      UN Headquarters, MY 2161


                      I am sorry to hear of your anguish about the loss of your "worm". It must have been important to you but I find worms to be only trouble. Please don't be offended - it's just that our people only see worms as a threat, plain and simple. For instance the worm threatening our Humanity Base was destroyed by the scout unit garrisoned there but just as the terraformer moved back into its old position, a new worm showed up in the exact position as the last. So we will have abandoned our hopes of reaping the high yield energy from that sector and move south as originally planed to the more fertile sectors. The only problem, those sectors are covered in fungus. Removing fungus eats into precious terraforming time. Our greatest worry at this point, can the scout unit defend the base again?

                      I did contact the Professor to get a map update and I believe I have updated that information as well to you. It seems that the professor has uncovered a "nexus manifold" our scientists are still trying to understand what that might be? Do you have any observations?

                      Prosperity Through Peace
                      Charles R. Dix IX
                      Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                      United Nations General Assembly
                      Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                      First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater General


                      Gaia's Landing, MY 2162


                      I can understand your distress at the rampaging worms, but please realize that we Gaia's seem to have a greater affinity for Planet, and a greater understanding for its life forms. That is not to say that we understand more than the smallest fragment of what there is to know. What was distressing about losing Fluffy is that he simply disappeared. He did not perish in combat with a rogue worm - he simply disappeared. The only possible explanation is that he had found an alien artifact the previous year, and maybe a fertile mindworm attacked the artifact, and him by extension. I will miss Fluffy. He was the first friendly denizen of Planet we met, and we will honor his memory.

                      As to Humanity Base, the only suggestion I have is to attack first since that gives you the initiative, and the greatest chance of success. If you fail make sure there is another unit in the base, and try to rush a new defensive scout into production the next turn. It is expensive, but it is much less expensive than having a worm ravage your base. They will completely destroy a new base, and will consume thousands of humans and destroy unknown equipment in an established base.

                      I do not recommend removing fungus. Instead plant forests! They will spread, which will give you free terraforming. What I suggest is planting two or three tiles of forests, preferably adjacent to each other, next to the fungal bed. Then the forest, when it expands, will likely expand into the fungus. The more forest, the greater chance it will have to expand. In the meantime there is likely nearby territory where a base can be placed.

                      We founded our fifteenth base this year. Temple of Chiron is along the western coast, and it will allow us to launch more sea scouts when it has some basic infrastructure. Our last base will be founded next turn, and then I plan on taking your advice and instituting a fully democratic society.

                      Your information on this strange Manifold Nexus is intriguing! Based on what my little birds tell me, it looks to be an ancient alien installation that has survived countless millions of years! The Professor must be beside himself with excitement, and if he isn't then he lacks good common sense. I can't help but think of the strange alien artifacts that we have occasionally found. They may be related!

                      Walk with Planet,

                      UN Headquarters, MY 2162


                      Thank you for advice and strategy in handling the worm threat. Our greatest worry right now is that our scout unit garrisoned at Humanity base is still recouperating from the last encounter. The teams operational effectivness is barely 75%. We hope that luring the worm closer to the base will give the team that much more time to refit.

                      I concur with your assement about the strange artifact found on the Professor continent. What a find. I have several High Ministers flooding me with demands to make joint investigation efforts with the academics. However, I have decided to wait and see. There is so much we have yet to understand about the alien technology left here and how it effects us that it is best to take "baby steps".

                      With so much unoccupied land, and all to yourself, your strategy for quick "thin" expansion seems to be the wisest course. I on the other hand have very practical limitations, the lack of land. My High Ministers of Economic, Development and Terraforming all concur that since we lack land we will grow via infrastructure. Our cities will be vast storehouse of energy and manufacturing capability. I hope that you will be able to contain your population growth so as to not overstress your resources. So many bases could lead to a population boom that could overwhelm your ability to provide for the masses. But I am sure you have already considered this.I hope that on my next communique I can report the defeat of another worm.

                      Prosperity Through Peace
                      Charles R. Dix IX
                      Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                      United Nations General Assembly
                      Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                      First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater
                      General Assembly


                      Gaia's Landing, MY 2163


                      I fully understand your concerns about outstripping available resources, or consuming them in a non-ecologically appropriate way, and the effect this might have on my fellow Gaians. I can assure you that we will never operate our bases in a way that will injure the planet we live on, nor will we intentionally put our people in a state of severe discontent. To this effect, we have founded our 16th base - Thorny Vineyard, along the southern coast. It will be our last base for a while. In addition, the Council has decided that our society can take the strain of, and best benefit from, the rigors of a fully Democratic society. Our bases now have enough infrastructure to thrive in such an environment. In fact, some bases, like Gaia's Landing, will experience run away growth while food supplies last. I will have to keep an eye on discontent, however, during this unchecked growth.

                      I wish you the best of luck defending Humanity Base. We Gaians have had such a trial very recently, and I can empathize with your distress and lack of options. A large distance separates us, and all I can offer is advice, and wish you well.

                      Zak has now built his fourth base! It is in a good location, too - I wonder why he didn't build there before? His hold there is tenuous, however, and I wish him and his people well. As to the Manifold, I would dearly like to investigate, too. Too great a distance separates us at the moment, and all I will be able to receive is what Zak consents to give.

                      Walk with Planet,


                      UN Headquarters, MY 2163


                      Inspirational news! Our scout unit attacked the worm mass just short of the colonies outer perimeter and defeated it. The additional rest was exactly what the team needed and with it was able to defeat the worm with only a 50% reduction in fighting capability.

                      Production is now picking up even quicker than expected. Energy output and nutrient harvesting are up on all levels and our population is growing within acceptable margins. We are only a couple of turns away from completing another advance terraforming unit to prepare the way for our fifth colony. We would preparing for a sixth colony advance team but the military has demanded that we start proto-typing some units in order to avoid excessive production costs if we would need those units in a hurry.

                      We debated this for hours but in the end I began to see the rationale for their zeal in light of the last two consecutive attacks. Without the aid of the PSI defenses our units have been fitted with we would have been at the mercy of the worms. With the fact that we are an island and a small one at that the need for the most advanced class of naval ships to defend our island becomes apparent. Our military strategists believe the lack of prototyping is the reason why the Professor has lost so many colony pods and military units. From all indications he still is fielding your standard scout unit armed with conventional side arms. I am sure the academic councils have much more sway in any debate over military expenditures.

                      I look forward to our next communication transmission.

                      Prosperity Through Peace
                      Charles R. Dix IX
                      Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                      United Nations General Assembly
                      Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                      First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater General Assembly


                      Gaia's Landing, MY 2164


                      Gaia's Landing is experiencing an unprecedented boom in population! While welcome, it is not likely to occur after next year since our ample nutrient supplies will run out. Most of our other bases are concentrating on infrastructure, and most of our bases now have recycling tanks and many have recreation commons. Our second sea scout left Greenhouse Gate this year, and so far has found nothing of extreme interest. Our first sea scout is going clockwise around the large continent, and he is very close to UN Headquarters! It is far out of his way, and he will not be stopping in the near future, unless he needs to rest and repair.

                      In other news, the Council has authorized increasing the energy resources we supply our scientists to 60%. This generates some inefficiency in our economy, but it is worth it. I'd like to have a technology to trade with Zak in about five years, but even with this increase our researchers can't quite catch up with Zak's head start. We are producing much more research but always seem to be behind. Zak is just better at that game, I suppose.

                      Walk with Planet,


                      UN Headquarters, MY 2165


                      It has been quiet on our small portion of this new world. Production is proceeding at what seems to be breathtaking speeds. Our population is growing very nicely and any colony pods that we would produce would no longer impact the overall size of the colony. Our ministers of development and terraforming of our one mind that we should now try to expand our holdings as much as possible so colonization will become a priority again.

                      Prosperity Through Peace
                      Charles R. Dix IX
                      Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                      United Nations General Assembly
                      Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                      First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater General


                      Gaia's Landing, MY 2166


                      It seems the Gaians appreciate our Democratic government, since all of our bases have experienced an exceptional surge in growth. None grew as fast as Gaia's Landing did for about two years, but the growth is both significant and extensive. Our infrastructure is progressing nicely, too. The new network node at Gaia's Landing significantly boosted our scientific efforts, and now, I am proud to say, we have more than doubled the science output as Zak! And that is without his people's natural inclination toward the understanding of science fundamentals, or his built in scientific infrastructure!

                      Our exploration continues. We encountered two hostile mindworms, and dispatched each, yielding a nice collection of Planetpearls. Our single sea scout is making its way slowly around the western continent. There is another to the south, which was just upgraded to have both armor and trance defense. Velvetgrass Point is forming another synthmetal trance foil to explore to the north and east. More of these will be formed, since the sea is very large indeed!

                      Walk with Planet, Charles,


                      UN Headquarters, MY 2166


                      I am glad to hear that your people are enjoying the privileges and duties of a democratic society. The people of the United Nations almost from the moment we landed on this world have lived under democratic rule. I cannot imagine it being otherwise.

                      We have completed our first armored trance laser skim ship. We have named it UNS CENTAURI SEAS and it is crewed by the bravest men and women we could find. Perhaps our ships will meet on the high seas someplace and exchange greetings. We are working towards the completion of many projects and our scientists have informed the Minister of Science that they expect some wondrous new discoveries soon. I hope to have good news soon.

                      Prosperity Through Peace
                      Charles R. Dix IX
                      Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                      United Nations General Assembly
                      Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                      First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater General


                      Gaia's Landing, MY 2167


                      Did you notice that our good CEO finally established his third base? I was wondering why he had not established more, although my knowledge of his doings is pretty limited. Zak is having trouble with riots in his capital again, too. Evidently his Free Market economics are putting too much of a strain on the fabiric of his society.

                      Our skimship was investigating some fungus along the coast of the large western continent when another of the Isles of the Deep erupted out of the fungus! Knowing their lives were in grave danger they immediately attacked. Much to their surprise the Isle flowed over them, but did not consume them. The crew reported that it sounded like there were thousands of scratchy, barely audible voices in their heads. The Isle kind of melded with one of the crew, to whom the voices were strongest. It was strange, and wondrous! It confirms my view that not all of Planet's denizens are feral and deadly. Upon examining this Isle it turns out to have the same speed as our foil, and it can carry items like a transport! We will use it to investigate the many pods we have seen bobbing in the sea. Our crews have been wary since the first foil met such a horrifying end.

                      Walk with Planet,


                      • #12
                        UN Headquarters, MY 2167

                        UNS CENTAURI SEA on its first mission opened a unit pod just off the coast
                        and discovered a vase supply of mineral cubes that were used to complete a
                        terraformer. The captain has decided to continue his voyage and inspect one
                        additiona pod that lies just beyond the one we just opened.
                        I did contact both the Professor and CEO Morgan. The Professor was polite
                        but I think the strain of all the riots that keep erupting are taking a
                        toll. CEO Morgan demanded our technology for on loyality but this time we
                        refused to offer it. We demanded equal exchange of information and he went
                        on a tirade about profits and copyright laws. We he completed his last
                        insult I told him if he changed his mind to contact me any time as long as
                        he was willing to exchange information.
                        The military leaders a beside themselves here. Since we completed the
                        prototype all sorts of other weapon systems and upgrades are available to
                        us. My generals are demanding we begin upgrading our garrison units so that
                        they have armor and laser rifles. We will try to begin this program as soon
                        as we complete one or two more colony pods. Then each base in turn will get
                        a systems upgrade.
                        Prosperity Through Peace
                        Charles R. Dix IX
                        Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                        United Nations General Assembly
                        Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                        First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater General


                        Gaia's Landing, MY 2168


                        Zak is likely to get his next breakthrough next turn, and I will be curious has he discovers. Our breakthroughs will not be for at least 5 years, although I was pleased to note that both our societies are increasing in their research abilities!

                        Our terraformers are busy building condensers to increase nutrient production at interior bases, and this is putting quite a strain on our resources since they take so long to complete. Some bases are having to harvest unimproved territory, and our planners obviously did not contemplate how fast some of our cities would expand. The formers will be moved when they can, but there is so much territory to cover it is better to have them finish local projects than spend so much time traveling.

                        Good luck in your exploring!

                        Walk with Planet,


                        UN Headquarters, MY 2168

                        UNS CENTAURI SEA has done it again! The crew investigated the second pod
                        but when it opened up it malfunctioned and created a gigantic tidal wave the
                        swept the ship to the far eastern shores of the island. When it came to
                        rest it was beside another pod which it opened and once again it found a
                        vast strorehouse of mineral pods that allowed us to complete early our fifth
                        colony pod. We are all excited by the wonderous exploits that the crew has.
                        I see that CEO Morgan has established another colony. The new colony is
                        very close to the Professors holdings so he should be very careful in his
                        dealing with him.
                        I sympathize with your problems due to you growing populations. I am glad
                        all of my bases had some time to buld advanced mineral, energy and farming
                        capabilites fo that they could support larger populations.
                        It seems like only days now and our scientist hope to unlock one of the
                        greates mysteries of all. Who will be our leader.
                        Prosperity Through Peace
                        Charles R. Dix IX
                        Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                        United Nations General Assembly
                        Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                        First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater General


                        Gaia's Landing, MY 2169


                        Well, this was sure an interesting year. Our sea scout from Velvetgrass Point investigated one of the Unity pods that was bobbing in the ocean, and at first it seemed that it contained nothing. Then, before it sank, a sharp-eyed crewmember noticed there was an operational Unity slave computer. It was powered down, and when tapped into the foil's power supply it turns out it had tracking information on where the Unity survival pods went down. Most of the data was gibberish, but one bit was interesting: the communication frequency for Survival Pod 7. It was forwarded to me, and the Council unanimously decided to activate it. Now, who do you suppose answered? Miriam! She was a bit older than I remember, and not as friendly. She seems to be a bit technologically backward, and all she had to offer was her world map for Gene Splicing. I could not, in good conscience, deny her people the nutrients and I accepted. Then she hesitantly suggested a treaty of friendship, which I accepted. She is on an island similar to yours on the northern pole.

                        Our southern sea scout investigated a second pod in the southern sea. It was almost eerie - they found a pod setup just like the first! After a very short consultation with the Council we activated this communication frequency, too. None other than Coronal Santiago answered! She was rather curt, but very interested in technology I might have. I traded Polymorphic Software for Non-linear Mathematics, which I deemed a fair trade. Then I gave her Gene Splicing for her world map, and she was very pleased indeed, and she offered a friendship treaty, which I accepted. I suggested a Pact, but she said her 'military preparations are proceeding smoothly'. I didn't like the sound of that, but let it drop. Also, she offered to sell me the communication frequency of Chief Security Officer Yang for 75 energy credits. It took me a moment to think, since that is a lot of energy. In the end I accepted, and contacted him.

                        Chief Security Officer Yang now styles himself as Chairman Yang. He was rather closed lipped about himself and his people. Even Santiago was more forthcoming than the 'Chairman'. He demanded Nonlinear Mathematics from me for his world map. My science advisors tell me that a formidable weapon can be based on this technology - the impact laser. Due to his secrecy I declined, although I did offer him Gene Splicing. He turned me down flat. Now, after all this veiled hostility I expected him to terminate our conversation, but instead he offered me a friendship treaty. Since I value peace and goodwill more than hostility I accepted. I hope it will allow more light to shine into his apparently closed society. My guess is that he does not allow his people much in the way of freedom, which is distressing to me and antithetical to you, I imagine.

                        So, it was a busy year! I am forwarding the world maps and technology to you. Our knowledge of Planet has been significantly expanded! You may want to contact our colleagues, but be careful about what technologies you give to whom. Santiago and Miriam both have well developed settlements, and I gather the Chairman does too. All of them seemed somewhat ambivalent, although Santiago was fairly friendly at the end.

                        Walk with Planet, Charles,


                        UN Headquarters, MY 2169


                        I am uploading with this transmission all new map information and some new technology that you might find useful. With the comm frequencies you gave to us we also contacted each of the missing "factions". The disappoint I felt after each contact could not have been greater. The years of isolation from our more enlightened and open societies have left each faction to fall into a pit of xenophobia unparallel in our history. The extent to which they hate our open and free society is alarming to say the very least. Each one we contacted asked for information and technology and it is our hope that this initial offering of some of the lower grade technology will help boost their openness. The council has voted to not contact these individuals again unless there is an absolute need to do so. The only faction that I did contact that seemed to "fall all over himself" in wanting to be helpful and open was the professor. His gift of technology was most welcome. Some of the military generals believe that the new revelations made to him about the strengths of the other factions have forced him to be more polite. On a personal note I do not hold out much hope for us to work peaceable on this new world. I fear that soon lines of support will be drawn and then terrible events will occur.

                        We have completed our 6th colony pod and it should be leaving the Planetary Trust base any day. With that in mind we will commence the citizens defense force project at that base. The operative word is "defense" and we hope that our labors will help protect our colonies from what seems to be the inevitable clashes to come.

                        I pray you don't find this transmission too gloomy but in the most bizarre chain of events our scout unit inspected a Unity pod on the far eastern tip of land and fell through what can only be called a rift in space. The unit opened the pod and for some reason the pod malfunctioned creating a spatial temporal displacement that moved the scout team to the very opposite side of the island. When arriving it landed on another Unity pod, which in turn malfunctioned and caused a cataclysmic event to transpire. The energy released from the pod, according to my Minister of Science shot straight to the tectonic plates and opened a fissure and created an enormous volcano/mountain. After some major aftershocks the volcano quickly quieted down to a near dormant stage. We can only hope that it will stay so. On a positive note the effect increased the landmass on the side of the island by nearly five times the original area.

                        The last issue I would like to discuss with you is concerning the overall leadership of the planet. I would like to solicit your support in calling a conference to elect a planetary leader, namely me. The entire general assembly is 100% behind the idea in light of the events and information we have just received. As planetary leader I would demand that we maintain the United Nations guidelines and support the conventions on warfare and peace. I also wish for you to know that I would support any measure you deem prudent that would help maintain the "integrity" of the planets eco-system. Please take time ponder my offer and offer and I hope your staff will make the right choice in supporting the United Nations.


                        Gaia's Landing, MY 2170


                        Your idea of what sounds like a Planetary Council is an intriguing one, and I fully support it. That would seem to be an ideal venue for a neutral meeting place where differences could be resolved, and agreements for cooperation reached. It would be much like the old United Nations. You can count on my support in forming this Council, and I will support you against one of the other factions if there is the chair is contested. If, for some reason, I am nominated I could not in good conscience throw that honor aside, however. Be assured that I will in all cases uphold the basic premises of the UN Charter, since they are the basic way that peace can be maintained here on this fragile planet.

                        I am impressed that Zak traded his information on Intellectual Integrity to you. Your negotiation skills must not have dampened with age! And, thank you for this information. When it arrives I am sure it will prove useful. I agree that we must give some technology to the other factions, but that we must do so with care. My aides have put together dossiers on each of the factions here on Planet, and it seems that your people, my people, Zak, and even Morgan are better aligned than I had previously thought. Miriam's society is rather frightening, and the Chairman's repression staggers the imagination. Each has their own oppression, but in a wholly unique way. Coronal Santiago is rather puzzling, since she can apparently cut both ways and has no true ideological leanings. Compared to Miriam and Yang even Morgan starts to look good!

                        I do have good news, though. After a wrenching debate my Council overruled me. It was decided to get a hefty loan from Morgan to complete the Virtual World. We borrowed 206 energy, with a repayment schedule of 4 energy per years. It is like robbery to pay such an interest rate, but I was assured that the benefits of the Virtual World far outweigh the costs. On a less happy note, my bases are growing so fast that discontent is starting to show up. I will have to be more attentive, and I hope that the Virtual World will help this effort.

                        I do hope that our place on Planet is peaceful. My relations will all the factions, while tense, is good, so I hope that this will be a basis for a lasting peace.

                        Walk with Planet,


                        UN Headquarters, MY 2170


                        I am glad to hear of your support for the creation of a planetary council so that we can gather our collective energies to a greater purpose. With this in mind I have sent communications to all the leaders of this planet asking for their support to create this council and elect me as the planetary leader. I believe that the United Nations Assembly is the most able administrative body on this planet, which is exactly what it will take to create a planetary union.

                        We have embarked on our second project, the citizens defense force, and we will give it 100% of our full support to see it to its conclusion. We are close to establishing our fifth and sixth colonies and work continues in haste on improving the infrastructure of all our cities. Prosperity and peace are in full force on our island and we hope to extend that to all of the peoples of this planet. My Minister of Culture informed me that he lost contact while he was communicating with an official from your government and the reason for this was that a riot had taken place. I hope that you will work to end the strife and bring order.

                        I look forward to our next communication and I hope that we will be able to rejoice in the creation of a new order to achieve even greater things for all the peoples of this world.

                        Prosperity Through Peace
                        Charles R. Dix IX
                        Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                        United Nations General Assembly
                        Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                        First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater General
                        Assembly and Hopefully soon to be President of the New CENTAURI PLANETARY COUNCIL


                        Gaia's Landing, MY 2171


                        I was surprised and honored that I was nominated to be Chair of the Planetary Council. I was even more honored with my old colleague Zak voted for me! The rest of the leaders abstained. So, it came down to me. I thought long and hard, and I finally decided that you have the better vision to lead what may be quarreling factions on Planet. With my 55 votes I could have voted for myself and been elected Chair, but somehow that didn't seem right. So, congratulations! You are now the Chair, or Governor, of Planet!

                        In domestic news, one of our errant scouts has captured not one, but two small mindworms! No one was more surprised than he was, and the little worms promptly started 'talking' to him, nearly driving him crazy. He has named them Ehm and Ehn. Now, whether he likes it or not, he is a double brood trainer! Near your territory our isle of the deep and its foil had a deadly encounter. A rogue isle appeared, and the foil attacked. They were overwhelmed, and the foil was literally ripped apart. Luckily the isle Flounder was there to finish the rogue isle off, and pick up the survivors. We also lost another foil northeast of us. Being a member of a foil's crew is a distressingly very dangerous business.

                        At home, a few well-placed condensers have made some nice, rainy land, ripe for farming. This should bolster the growth of these inland bases, since they don't have access to the fruitful sea kelp. We are growing nicely, and the Virtual World did help quell some of the discontent at Gaia's Landing and Last Rose of Summer.

                        Good luck in your expansion, and in your Citizen's Defense Network. I'm sure they will serve all of you well. Also, you may want to snoop a bit into the other factions to see what their strengths are, and what their research status is. That is one of the benefits, after all, of being the master coordinator! If you find any particularly juicy tidbit, please send it along to me!

                        Walk with Planet,


                        UN Headquarters, MY 2171

                        On behalf of the United Nations people we wish to give you great thanks in supporting our nomination to the Governorship of Alpha Centauri. I have also been tasked by the General Assembly to offer you a gift of your choice. If you require energy credits or military vehicles or military assistance of any type please contact me.

                        I made inquires to all the leaders of the planet, except for Sister Miriam and Yang who refused to talk with me. Everyone is still a bit edgy about the new order but I think they will all see the benefits that will arise in time. My administrative team is in contact with each faction and has gathered much intelligence. It seems that Chairman Yang, the good Colonel and Sister Miriam for the most part possesses very primitive foundations for their colonies. Chairman Yang seems to be diverting a lot of energy into building a informational network while the others are all trying to develop the most basic improvements. We have also learned that Chairman Yang does posses some very dangerous military units, impact infantry. They are will armored and will armed. However, it might be the last thing he builds since his economy is in tatters. His income is only 3 energy credits but his expenditures are almost three times that amount thus he is forced to use energy reserves. On the scientific front both you and the good Professor run rings around the rest of the factions. The only other faction even close to a breakthrough is Sister Miriam and she is still looking at 10 plus turns before completion.

                        If you require any specific date about any faction please route those requests to me personally I will make sure they are acted upon in haste. I have decided to take a tour of our island this year and I hope to visit each base and mingle with the people. If for some reason I am out of contact please route your requests through my vice-chairman and they will forward the communication to me at whatever location I might be. I hope that someday we could meet in person, once the seas have been tamed.

                        Prosperity Through Peace
                        Charles R. Dix IX
                        Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                        United Nations General Assembly
                        Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                        First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater General
                        Governor of Alpha Centauri


                        • #13
                          Gaia's Landing, MY 2172


                          It seems our Gaian researchers have made a breakthrough in understanding how the mindworms attack, and how this can be best used by humans. Centauri Empathy will allow military units to be outfitted with Empath Song, which greatly amplifies the ability of a unit to attack and survive against native life forms. I have allocated the energy to retrofit both of our remaining sea scouts with empath ability, which should allow them to survive their next attack on an isle of the deep.

                          I am glad you are keeping an eye on our fellow faction leaders. Some, such as Chairman Yang, seem particularly secretive and I will be very interested in what he might be up to. Likewise, if Santiago or Miriam become more militant then this ability could be useful, indeed. To that end, my good scientists tell me that Centauri Empathy lays the groundwork for an Empath Guild, with we will be starting immediately. This will serve both of us, since you can gather intelligence through your Governer of Planet status, and I can try to understand the workings of the other factions by the talents of the Empath Guild.

                          Growth continues at home, but I plan to implement a Green economy model soon. This will increase our efficiency immensely, and it is my understanding that our rapoire with Planet will increase, too. I encourage your people to enjoy the benefits of a Green economy, which would serve to increase your efficiency and research rates.

                          Walk with Planet,


                          UN Headquarters, MY 2172


                          We have completed the installation of the sensor array and cannot establish our fifth colony. The General Assembly is still debating as to what to name it. Our sixth colony pod is about to arrive on site but the sensor array is still not on-line yet so we will wait a turn or two for that to be completed. It is a strain on the resources of the UN Education Agency colony to keep supporting a third terraformer and a colony pod but the consensus is the wait will be worth it.

                          I wish you good luck on the building the empath guild and I will welcome your assistance in managing this planet. I asked my Planetary administrators to give me weekly reports on the status of each faction and I will forward on to you all the important details, and to anyone else that might ask. Not much has changed since my last report. Both Sister Miriam and the Colonel are suffering from riots due to the excessive demands placed upon the citizens. The chairman is still has tremendous problems with his energy production. If all things remain equal the Hive will run out of energy in about ten turns. I have put the question of helping the Hive with an energy gift to the General Assembly, Council of Ministers and the Security Council to see what the consequences would be. My hope is that it will help reassure the Chairman of our good intentions and the benefits of working together. The worry from many of my administrators is that the gift will be seen as a sign of weakness and encourage the Chairman to be more demanding and aggressive. I will inform you of the decision of the council, if you have any suggestions please forward them to me.

                          I really have not much to add. Our program of upgrading our military units is going well. We are trying to budget this as a continuing program so that veteran units get the latest equipment and materials first. My generals and admirals all agree that it is far better to keep our veteran units at full strength rather than developing green units that will not know how to fully integrate the weapon systems and tactics.

                          My tour of the colonies is going smoothly I have completed my tour of the UN Planetary Trust and I am now en route to the UN Humanity colony. The people seem to be very happy and I have held many one on one talks with the common citizens trying to get a feel for the problems they face. Overall they are happy and each of them would like to see more improvements to the colonies to make life more enjoyable. For the most part they do understand the need to improve other areas as well that will have a greater long-term impact than short term. They do seem to be worried about the lack of cooperation between the factions and the threat of war is always looming. My greatest challenge as the leader will be to make sure those fears never come to reality.

                          One last note the Ministers of Terraforming, Economic Development and Finance all recommend that we delay for now moving towards a "green" economic model. Once we have established a few more colonies, the goal is 12, then we will begin switching then. For now we need to continue our planned development so that we can reach our growth goals.

                          Prosperity Through Peace
                          Charles R. Dix IX
                          Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                          United Nations General Assembly
                          Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                          First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater General Assembly
                          Governor of Alpha Centauri


                          Gaia's Landing, MY 2173


                          I can see your point in delaying implementing a Green economic model until expansion is complete. However, I should point out that the primary benefits of a Planned economy for your people when it can get you fast growth, like many of our Gaian bases are experiencing. After that the greater efficiency of a Green economy will have a greater benefit, both for preventing waste of energy production and to keep your citizens content (which is not such a problem in your case, since they are deliriously happy already due to the Human Genome Project!). In any case, our 'boom' period is likely to end in a year or two, after which we will switch to Green.

                          The Council has given little thought to upgrading our military, seeing that we are isolated on a large island. Previously we have held that our mindworms were enough, but maybe we should rethink that strategy. I should hate to be caught off guard is a hostile force were to land near Gaia's Landing, especially since our mindworms are off in the unsettled territory to the northwest.

                          Exploration continues, but Planet is so large! We will build probably a half dozen new foils, each with synthmetal and empath ability. They will have no offensive weapons, as of yet, since you and I seem to be the only factions that have taken to the sea.

                          Walk with Planet,


                          UN Headquarters, MY 2173


                          We have established the UN Information Agency colony! Its charter will mandate that it will focus on the collection and establishment of an informational network for United Nations people and then for the entire planet, a lofty goal indeed. We are still several turns away for establishing our sixth colony due to delays in the sensor array but that time will pass quickly. Once again though the debate rages on the floor of the General Assembly as to the name of the colony and its focus.

                          I could not get a consensus as to what to do with Chairman Yang so I decided to contact him myself. However he refused to talk with me. My planetary ministers did inform me that Chairman Yang's holdings are just to the north of Col. Santiago and the Spartan Federation. It seems his colonies must hug the northern shore of that continent. I worry that because of the direction of colonization Colonel Santiago placed her colonies there is little or no room for Chairman Yang to expand south. I fear this will lead to a military exchange. It is unfortunate that things worked out so for both factions since the continent they live on is the largest the planet has. Chairman Yang has only a few options at this point expand into the sea or expand across the seas, which would put him into direct conflict with both Sister Miriam and my nation. The Security Council has advised me that any non-pact nation that would construct a sea base within 4 sectors of our island should be interrupted as an act of war. I wrestled with this idea and I have to agree with my military commanders.

                          I am now en-route to the UN Education Agency colony and I will be there for some days. I have been asked to give several lectures on planetary management and diplomacy to the students there. If they only knew the truth of what we really have to deal with.

                          I have little to report on the status of the other factions. Chairman Yang is still having energy problems and is still on track to run out of energy in the near future. His military might is extensive and I think any conflict between the Spartans and Hive would be very bloody. It would be a miracle if the Hive could win especially with such poor energy reserves. The Believers are massing a very potent military force as well but it seems many units are used in civil operations to keep riots down. It looks like I will be the next nation to advance a scientific breakthrough and the Spartans will follow unless you Gaians or the Professor move more resources into your laboratories.

                          Prosperity Through Peace
                          Charles R. Dix IX
                          Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                          United Nations General Assembly
                          Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                          First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater General Assembly
                          Planetary Governor of Alpha Centauri


                          Gaia's Landing, MY 2174


                          I have distressing news. Zak called me up, and he was almost hostile. I have given him no cause to be so aggressive, but none-the-less he immediately broke our Pact with no further explanation. He would not listen to me, and I hope he is better disposed toward you. In even stranger news, my good 'friend' CEO Morgan called. He was, as he has been for over 20 years, most magnanimous toward me - it was almost surreal. He wanted Intellectual Integrety, and I politely declined since I really don't trust his motives. Then he offered a Pact! Well, I'm sure he wants something, but I could not think of a good reason to say no. So, now I am Pacted with a faction whose basic beliefs are somewhat antithetical to mine. All I can hope is that this strange union will allow us to grow closer, and maybe reach a mutual understanding.

                          In other news, I called Santiago. I hadn't talked to her since our intial contact, and she was cooperative. She offered her technology Advanced Military Algorithms for Secrets of the Human Brain. That was more than a fair trade, and the only conclusion I can reach is that she is having problems with mindworms, since trance training is extremely effective against them. I had no reason to contact any of the other factions, so I didn't do so.

                          At home our infrastructure is growing nicely, and our growth spurs is done this year. We will be transitioning to a Green economy in this coming year. At that time I will likely put a proposal to the Council to increase our energy allocation to laboratories to 60% or 70%, which we should be able to do without any waste or loss of efficiency. Now that we are running Democratic, and soon Green, our efficiency will be +6! Growth will slow somewhat, but that will be mitigated by the growth under a Democratic government and the increased nurturing of a Children's Creche that we will have at most of our bases.

                          Exploration is slow, and we have not switched production to military prototyping or to sea scouts. That will come in time, however.

                          Walk with Planet,


                          UN Headquarters, MY 2174

                          Yes I do concur with your assessment that many of the leaders are acting very strange. Only Morgan and the Professor would talk to me and they had little to say. I summoned my planetary administration team and had a conference and the analysis shows that not much has changed since my last communication. So I am at a loss as to why the sudden shift in attitude.

                          I am en route to the UN Information Agency colony. We do not plan on staying there long since the colony is very primitive and lacks many of the refinements that the other colonies have. Afterwards I return back to UN Headquarters and the piles of paperwork that I am sure have built up.

                          The USN CENTAURI SEA is getting quite close to your continent and I have given the captain the discretion to make a port call. I hope that you will make the captain and crew welcome. They plan on inspecting a Unity pod first and then turn south.

                          We have reached the maximum population limit at the UN Planetary Trust colony. I have asked the Minister of Science and Development to come up with plans to alleviate this problem.

                          The Council of Ministers will begin discussions and debate on changing our economic policy. The advantages of moving to a more "green" model are very apparent but the drive to keep growth and production on track is very important as well. I think the consensus will be that we will build 4 more colonies above the colonies and colony pods we have and then make the switch.

                          I did want to make one last point. My Minister of intelligence did inform me today that the believers are building sea colony pods so the expansion into the sea by other factions is coming. Also, on a more curious point I see that you are still working on the command nexus project, is this correct? Several of my aids are puzzled as to why this would be.

                          Prosperity Through Peace
                          Charles R. Dix IX
                          Supreme General Secretary of the Greater
                          United Nations General Assembly
                          Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                          First Minister of the Council of High Ministers of the Greater General
                          Planetary Governor of Alpha Centauri


                          Gaia's Landing, MY 2175


                          I am delighted that your people may be making a port call! To this point you have been a disembodied head (so to speak), and I will enjoy meeting with your representatives. Be sure they will be shown every Gaian hospitality, and they are fully welcome to any port facilities we may be able to provide for them. I will even break out some fungal gin I have been saving for a special occasion. I will make sure they take a case back for you, too. Do not worry about the crew; they will be well provisioned, since we Gaians have some of the best horticulturists on Planet!

                          I find it interesting that Miriam is building sea colonies. They are very expensive, and they must tie up significant resources, especially when there is a large unoccupied continent south of her. The fungal wall in the south of the Monolith Ring might be an impediment, but it shouldn't be that much of a barrier. I can imagine that Morgan will be very alarmed if she does breach this barrier, since I imagine he may not be up to her level of aggressiveness. One word of warning, though; I will be mightily annoyed if she plants one of her colonies next to my territory. In such a case, I will expect her to disband the colony or turn it over to my people for suitable compensations.

                          It is interesting that you noted that one of our bases is still building the Command Nexus. That is an oversight - I will be changing to the Empath Guild immediately. Another base will also be starting on another project or two soon, since our facilities are coming on line at a decent pace. We are still having trouble with discontent at our larger bases, but this seems to be eased after we build a network node and can activate the Virtual World. Of course, this is a priority since all of our bases are growing fast!

                          Next year the Gaians will be adopting a Green economy. We will sacrifice growth, but will gain significantly in our society's efficiency and empathy with Planet. This will make our exploration of the sea much better, since our empath foils will have better odds when in conflict with isles of the deep, and they might even be able to capture one!

                          No other news to report, but keep in touch!

                          Walk with Planet,


                          • #14
                            UN Headquarters, MY 2175

                            Lady Skye,

                            I have forwarded your harbor protocol procedures to the UNS Cenaturi Seas. I have asked the Captain to make-to-make sure he passes on my best and warmest regards to you and to your people.

                            We have established our SIXTH colony on our island and hope to have a seventh and eighth in production soon. The Minister of transportation is complaining to me daily about the lack of interior road systems linking all of our colonies. I for one could not agree more with his assessment the only issue I have is how to create these roads when terraforming crews fall under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Terraforming who feels creating farms/solar collectors and forests are more important than roads. So far I cannot get either department to see eye to eye and both are complaining about the other departments clerks and agents usurping needed resources. I think it is time for one, possibly even two terraforming units to be built with the singular purpose of building roads. Of course the Minister of Terraforming laughed in my face claiming that the Ministry of Industrial Production can build them and turn them over to the Minister of Transportation but not a single trained terraforming crewman was to be turned over unless it was over his dead body. He promptly stormed out of my office and has not been heard of since. In one week the full Council of Ministers will meet and I hope to bring a resolution to this impasse. To make matters even worse our single ocean going terraforming unit has been operating, and very successfully I might add, under the Minister of Terraforming but now since the Minister of Transportation wants control so does the Ministry of Oceanic Development and my Security Council. I can understand the Minister of Oceanic Development aim but when I asked my Security Council all they could tell me was that since our territory was an island all matters pertaining to the ocean fall under the domain of National Security. What am I to do? I hope I can come up with a compromise.

                            I have checked in with my Planetary Administration team and little has changed with our neighbors. I tried contacting again Col. Santiago, Sister Miriam and The HIVE but none of them wanted to communicate back. So I have decided not to make any further attempts until they contact me.

                            Prosperity through Peace
                            Charles R. Dix IX
                            Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations General Assembly
                            Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                            First Minister of the Council of Ministers of the Greater General Assembly
                            Planetary Governor of the Alpha Centauri System


                            Gaia's Landing, MY 2176


                            I must admit that the various councils and ministries, and their conflicting functions, leaves me a bit baffled, and I am glad that I do not have to deal with it. But, you have always seemed to attract the best and the brightest, and your personal style, no doubt, plays a great part in this!

                            On bit of information you should know - our isle of the deep that is patrolling southeast of UN Headquarters passed by Miriam's sea colony. It was heading west, and the last we saw its course was west-southwest. I suspect it is heading toward the Monsoon Jungle, and Santiago will be none too pleased with that. It could also be heading toward the either your or my territory. The isle will shadow the colony so that we, at least, know where it is. As I mentioned, I am uncomfortable with a Believer sea base so close to Gaian territory since I can think of no good reason why such a base should be placed so far from Miriam's territory. Also, Miriam has expanded south toward the Monolith Ring, and if I'm not mistaken it is only a matter of time before she comes into contact with Morgan and Zak. I do not think such a meeting will be a pleasant one.

                            We have embarked on our Green Economy this year, and we are refocusing our society to meet this goal as we speak. It was somewhat costly, but all on the Council agree that this is the right decision. Within 5 years our largest bases will have their basic infrastructure in place, meaning recycling tanks, recreation commons, and network nodes, and they can start on more sea empath scouts, command centers at select bases, and prototyping. We may even consider a few better-placed bases, but that is in the farther future.

                            The explores on our continent have now almost completed their tasks. It would be convenient if we captured a few more Isles of the Deep so we could transport our mindworms to virgin territory. There are quite a few unexamined pods on our continent, and we will explore these, particularly in the more northerly expanses that we are unlikely to settle any time in the near future.

                            Good luck in your new colonies!

                            Walk with Planet,


                            UN Headquarters, MY 2176


                            It seems the UNS Centauri Seas is guaranteed to make that visit after all. Our ship was navigating around the edge of the area known as the Sargasso seas and an Isle of the Deep surfaced and attacked the ship. They defeated the creature but many crewman were injured and considerable damage was done to the ship. It seems the creature surfaced almost directly below the ship and buckled some hull plating which resulted in almost a full third of the ships watertight compartments flooding. Luckily the crew reacted faster than the creature could. Any repair material needed to assist the crew our nation will most certainly reimburse you for.

                            A decision was made by the Ministry of Finance to repay the loan, in full, to the University coffers and thus free up needed revenue. Our loan was down to a point that by paying it off we will free up more resources for current projects. Our energy and financial resources are low but we still have some "in the bank" so to speak and will have more coming in soon. I did get a report from the Finance Minister that it seems your infrastructure is taking a considerable toll on your finances. I do hope that if there is any assistance we can give please do not hesitate to ask.

                            Not much of any importance happened during this turn so as my assistant likes to remind me, "no news is good news". Which brings me to my update on the others. Nothing. No contact was made except for the contacting the University. It does seem that our scientists are only a few years away from making the next breakthrough and I assure you that you will be contacted with the information about the fruits of that labor. The next faction expected to make a leap will be the Spartans. I do share your worry about the Believers and Miriam but I think that CEO Morgan will be the first to feel her "righteous" wrath. I do know that Morgan is investing heavily in information gathering techniques and has formed a considerable "cadre" of specialists trained in information retrieval, espionage, and subversion. This disturbing news has put several members of the Security Council on edge and I have several proposals in front me of me asking to form a counter-espionage force to thwart any efforts on this front. The guidelines of our charter are very strict and clear about prohibiting the use of these types of units in any "offensive" manner or "perceived offensive" manner. I have several of my aides trying to come up with a legal and constitutional justifications and guidelines for the implementation of these units. Of course the battle will rage for weeks as to which organization will control these units, either Intelligence or the Military.

                            Just for your curiosity the decision was made not to make a decision at this time on the management of terraforming operations in non-specific terraforming activities until a complete and exhaustive study could be done as to the merits of either case. I expect the study to be complete in 6 to 7 years and weigh in, at about, 25 pounds per volume. In the meantime, the Ministry of Terraforming will continue to control ALL terraforming units and coordinate, as they had in the past, the priorities in terraforming with each base governor. In exchange for this study the Minister of Terraforming has agreed, unofficially, that more road building will be done. I know our form of government might mystify you but it does work for us.

                            Prosperity through Peace
                            Charles R. Dix IX
                            Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations General Assembly
                            Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                            First Minister of the Council of Ministers of the Greater General Assembly
                            Planetary Governor of the Alpha Centauri System


                            Gaia's Landing, MY 2177


                            UNS Centauri Seas is most welcome in any Gaian Port. We have had more than our share of hostile encounters with Isles of the Deep, and I can well understand your crew's need. It turns out one of our empath foils in nearby, and, since they have heard of your crew's plight, they have offered to escort Centauri Seas to the nearest port. Plowing through the Sargasso Sea is slow work, but if you tell my crew where they are they might be able to forge a path for you. In fact, they would be happy to do so, since they have christened themselves UGS Isle Hunters!

                            I am surprised by your announcement that you are repaying you loan, since I was not aware that that could be done. How did you do this? Did you simply call up Zak and offer to repay? My load from Morgan is hefty, and the payments are significant, especially since they are over 100 years! I do not begrudge Morgan his interest, since this energy allowed us to complete the Virtual World far ahead of schedule, but it would be nice to get this off our balance sheets. As you noticed, our surplus is only 5 energy per year, so we rely on pods and planetpearls to fatten our energy bank. Now, you may ask, how did our surplus get so small? Well, the Council authorized that we allocate fully 70% of our energy resources toward research, which made a significant increase in the material and manpower available to the hard working Gaian scientists. Although I have limited information, we are producing almost four times the research as Morgan, and I think a bit less than three times what your industrious scientists can muster. The only problem with this strategy is that we haven't encountered any feral mindworms in a long time, and this makes our ability to finance crash builds of crucial infrastructure a challenge.

                            We lost contact with Miriam's colony pod, so our Isle is going back to its previous duties. It will link up with Isle Hunter in the Sargasso Sea unless you need their assistance. I will keep our coastal sensors alerted for its strange orange hue. This little interloper only strengthens the need for more foils to patrol the seas, capture or eliminate rouge Isles, and investigate Unity pods.

                            Keep me updated on other faction's technological status. We may be able to trade technologies with the Spartans, if Santiago hasn't become too wrathful. You might notice that she is rising quickly in power, now that she has boxed Chairman Yang into his small pocket in the northern portion of the continent. I suspect that Chairman Yang had better be nice to Santiago or she may come calling. It is a good thing he finished the Command Nexus instead of Santiago! Likewise, I would hate to see a transport full of hostile Spartans at my door, and I think the defense of our core bases needs to be upgraded.

                            Walk with Planet,


                            UN Headquarters, MY 2177


                            The UNS Centauri Seas is currently positioned on the eastern side of the Sargasso Sea. Their movement is slowed due to the thick fungal growths and damage to the vessel. Currently the ship is just three sectors east of a clump of unity pods that are in the center of that mass. Once again I thank you for your assistance and any aid you can provide.

                            As to your query about the exact "process" we went about in repaying our loan I would have to ask you to contact our Minister of Finance directly and he can tell you in detail as how he arranged the transaction. Of course the process of repayment is only available if you have the funds to make the lump sum installment.

                            Not much else to report on the workings of our fellow leaders. It seems that Chairman Yang is working on installing network nodes into each of his bases, and he is 40 credits away from a major economic collapse. The Believers seem to have a full-scale revolt going on in about every one of their colonies so I expect that Sister Miriam will be busy. A to how that will affect your colonization process, who can say? My planetary and United Nations Intelligence Chiefs are both informing me that CEO Morgan and the Professor are building espionage units. I can only expect, and hope, that they will use them only on each other.

                            Production is proceeding on track at all of our colonies and terraforming units are working at a fevered pitch in preparation of lands and now roads. We expect a scout unit to return to base in a few turns that was exploring the "new" lands to our north that was created from the activation of the faulty Unity pod. I cannot wait to read the team leaders report on what happened exactly in those terrible moments when the pod malfunctioned.

                            Prosperity through Peace
                            Charles R. Dix IX
                            Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations General Assembly
                            Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                            First Minister of the Council of Ministers of the Greater General Assembly
                            Planetary Governor of the Alpha Centauri System


                            Gaia's Landing, MY 2178


                            I suggest that UNS Centauri Sea head due south, and then slightly west of the island so you can make for Gaia's High Garden. UGS Isle Hunter is immediately east of the pods in Sargasso Sea, and he will meet you on the west side of the island. Alternatively you could have your crew rest, and slowly repair their ship. It will take a long time, but it might be better then risking a long, dangerous trip though the sea fungus in a damaged ship.

                            Gaia's Landing finished a research hospital this last year, and while I welcome the boost in research, its completion is a mixed blessing due to its maintenance cost. You will note that there are a large number of facilities that will be coming on line in the next 5 years or so, and the Gaian economy simply can't support them. This means I will have to ask the Council to scale back our investment in research from 70% to 60%, at least until our energy production increases. It may be prudent to build a couple of energy banks at key bases to boost our energy supply. These facilities are expensive, but they may well be worth it. I know my pact mate Morgan recommends them very highly. Pact-mate Morgan - that sure does sound strange!

                            Lindsay captured another mindworm this last year. He sure does have a knack for it. It is very small, and I will have it visit a monolith to bulk it up a little. Two more hostile mindworms were encountered and dispatched, which added a nice boost to our flagging energy reserves.

                            Two terraformers were finally freed up to link Memory of Earth and Garden of Paradise to the rest of the Gaian bases. There is a swath of fungus dividing us, so it will have to be removed. The two formers will speed this task nicely, and they will lay a road and a forest when done. Our other formers are busy removing fungus near Vale of Winds, and improving lands near Greenhouse Gate and Last Rose of Summer, which grew so fast they were utilizing unimproved land. I noticed something strange this year. My governor of Last Rose of Summer reported that his empaths had strange and threatening dreams when he moved production to a newly prepared forest. The dreams were uniformly of a hostile Planet, which would send nasty fungal blooms and hordes of hostile mindworms to these people, and to these people only. They suggested moving production to another location, and they were quite emphatic about it. When he did so the dreams stopped. The only thing I can think of is that production or disruption at this base was disturbing Planet in some way, perhaps like the ecological damage to Earth cause it damage. The difference is that Planet seems to let its displeasure be known, while Earth was continually raped and degraded until she was little more than a shattered shell. Needless to say I supported the governor fully, and endorsed his decision, even though it meant finishing his research hospital a bit later than planned.

                            Walk with Planet,


                            UN Headquarters, MY 2178


                            The UNS Centauri Seas has received the additional information and is en route to your base. The captain has informed me that they are making repairs as they go but the need for a dry dock is paramount to repair the buckled hull plates so that pumping of the flooded compartments can take place.

                            It seems that next year my scientists will make the next breakthrough in science if all goes according to schedule but of course they also tell me that there is no "true" schedule when it comes to major breakthroughs in knowledge. My planetary Minister of Science has also forwarded me the information you requested on the progress other factions are making in science. As it stands now the Spartans will make the next breakthrough in one to two categories, military applications or pure science. The next to follow are both you and Chairman Yang in 5 years or so. It seems that both of you have identical scientific goals so your breakthroughs might be a joint one. Currently neither leader wishes to communicate with me so I can only hope that you have a more "delicate" touch when it comes to dealing with them and can coerce them into trading technology. I will leave it in your capable hands to start the negotiations with them.

                            Work continues on the Citizens Defense Force project and I hope to be able to transfer more resources into its completion. My Security Council has forced the issue with the General Assembly concerning the defense of our two new colonies. The need to complete some defense teams at each base is now become paramount and work was stepped up to complete the construction of a defense unit while the other unit should be able to be "crash" built next turn. Once that is complete normal production upgrades to the base can be started.

                            Prosperity through Peace
                            Charles R. Dix IX
                            Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations General Assembly
                            Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                            First Minister of the Council of Ministers of the Greater General Assembly
                            Planetary Governor of the Alpha Centauri System


                            • #15
                              Gaia's Landing, MY 2179


                              The main challenge in trading technology, or any other advance, with another of the factions is that they are likely to duplicate what you, Zak, or I have already researched. Even Morgan is behind the three of us, his free market economy not withstanding. I will, however, try to trade when I get a heads up from you that Santiago has made a breakthrough that would be of benefit to all of us. I am still distressed that Zak his hostile toward me, and I have been hesitant to call on him. Generally, I have little to say to Morgan, despite the fact that we are pact mates.

                              This next year we should finish three more network nodes. Two were completed normally, and the other two were rushed to completion. I think we will break even, since the network nodes activate the Virtual World and one or two workers will be freed up for more productive uses. This will generate a bit more energy, and I hope we can maintain our 70% allocation for a bit longer. After these nodes things get a bit dicey since I see no way that our energy balance can be maintained. Still, the network nodes are a priority since our larger bases have a significant level of discontent that the virtual world should alleviate.

                              Not much more to relate. Isle Hunter is nearing the edge of the Sargasso Sea, and I hope they are near your crew. Our other empath foil explored a pod and was swept away with a tidal wave, but at least he charted much of the geothermal banks in his efforts. Our six mindworms are getting a bit antsy, and they are popping some pods to little effect. One a while ago released a fungal bloom, and another a rogue mindworm. Hopefully they'll have better luck soon!

                              Walk with Planet,


                              UN Headquarters, MY 2179


                              I have unfortunate news. The UNS Centauri Seas will not be making that port call. The captain informed me that his long range sensors detected an isle of the deep and not knowing for sure that it was friend or foe reversed course and is now en route back to the western coast of our island. I do hope you understand the need for this action and rest assured thatb once the ship is repaired I will have it make its first destination one of your ports. We are also close to completion of the UNS United Seas. The UNS United Seas is armed with an impact cannon and is has all the latest defense capabilities along with special training.

                              Our scientist did make the breakthrough as expected and we are transmitting along with this letter files on industrial automation. I hope that it will of great use to you and alleviate your energy problems. We are still studying how to best use the supplier crawlers. Our headquarters base and territory has some of the worst soil so it might be to our advantage to use several crawlers to add needed nutrients from fields just outside of our territorial zone. My Minister of Terraforming commented that in your situation production of crawlers might be more advantageous than building terraforming units. The continent you claim is so vast the units could go out and harvest material from areas far beyond your control providing they had some protection. My minister is looking at a sea based crawler design that could harvest needed materials from the sea and bring them back provided they had adequate protection such as armor and psi defenses.

                              Both you and the Chairman are on track to make the next discoveries with the Colonel and the Professor not far behind. I hope that we do not all end up duplicating our efforts but if the others will not share information this is the price we ALL pay. There is nothing more to add that I have not already included in my last transmission concerning our fellow leaders.

                              Prosperity through Peace
                              Charles R. Dix IX
                              Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations General Assembly
                              Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                              First Minister of the Council of Ministers of the Greater General Assembly
                              Planetary Governor of the Alpha Centauri System


                              Gaia's Landing, MY 2180


                              Our Isle passed over Centauri Seas, and she is gravely wounded. Now that we know where she is we can escort her back to your territory or to Gaia's High Garden, if you would like. We will have to survive the rouge isle that is lurking out there. All of us are likely targets, and I suggest that the survivor (if the feral isle attacks) picks up any survivors and then metes out appropriate punishment to the isle.

                              I informed the Council of your gift of Industrial Automation and the huge options this will give our society, and they were dumbfounded. What a generous gift! I can hardly wait until the technology makes its way through channels to our waiting production managers and scientists. I was particularly intrigued by the impacts this may have on our society, since it would allow a focus on personal and base-wide Wealth. Normally I am against the rampant exploitation of Planet, but this does not seem to lead to the whole-scale degradation of Planet that Free Market leads to. And, it offers impressive industrial benefits, too. My long-neglected military adjunct was less than enthusiastic, however, since this would sink the low morale of Gaian troops to even lower levels. Also, the benefits of the supply crawlers, as my economic advisors call them, finally make shuttling of resources between bases practical.

                              This next year we will be finishing three network nodes, a research hospital, and a children's crèche. Our budget this year was already negative, so the Council reluctantly agreed to decrease our allocation to scientific endeavors to 60%. We now have a positive balance again, but breakthroughs are now every 11 years rather than every 9. I hope that the new research structures that are going on line will correct this sag.

                              I have not contacted any of the other faction leaders in many years. Did you say that the self-styled Chairman Yang is near a breakthrough? Please let me know when he or any other of the faction leaders has so I can contact them to see if a technology trade might be possible. I think that the other leaders may be more willing to contact me since I do not have the threatening position of Planetary Governor, and since I contact them so little they may be interested in what I have to say. Following your example I will be a generous as possible, although I am not likely to be as generous if the faction leaders are using a Free Market of Police State.

                              Walk with Planet,


                              UN Headquarters, MY 2180

                              Lady Skye,

                              I am glad that your vessels showed up when they did. I have just left the Security Council meeting and our discussion with the captain of the UNS Centauri Seas and the decision was made to reverse course and proceed to your base. The distance was much closer and had less fungal growth to move through.

                              I received a report from my Minister of Special Project informing me that the Professor is also working towards the Citizens Defense Force Project but we seem to have a slight lead in production time. However, with the vast reserves he posses it would be easy for him to gain the lead. However, I think the Professor is much to cautious a fellow, being an academic at heart, and will hold onto his reserve. I have also authorized the advancement of a second project, the Planetary Transit System. I hope that with the completion of our network system at UN Headquarters we will have an edge on that one as well.

                              I am glad that you and your people will find use for the new technology. Nothing gives me more satisfaction when our deepest principals of free exchange of ideas and information benefit people. Unfortunately it will be some time before we can share more with you since our labs do not operate at near the level of capacity as yours do.

                              You were curious as to the level of the other faction's scientific exploration status. Here is what my planetary administrators have told me.

                              The Believers: 12 years/emphasis: building
                              The Spartans: 1 year/emphasis: discovery
                              The Morganites: 5 years/emphasis: discovery
                              The University: 6 years/emphasis: discovery
                              The Hive: 3 years/emphasis: military

                              I do hope that you can help facilitate the free flow of information since it seems that many of the other factions don't even want to communicate with me. I cannot believe that it is due to my administration as planetary governor. I do hope that you will able to work a miracle. Depending on what information you are able to trade I plan on contact the Professor on the next cycle since he seems to be friendlier to me than you. I hope he will come to see that an equitable trade of information is a trade that benefits us all.

                              Prosperity through Peace
                              Charles R. Dix IX
                              Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations General Assembly
                              Chairman of the United Nations Security Council
                              First Minister of the Council of Ministers of the Greater General Assembly
                              Planetary Governor of the Alpha Centauri System


                              Gaia's Landing, MY 2181


                              It turns out that the Sargasso Sea was very busy this year. Our Friendly Isle explored a Unity pod, and it contained enough resources to finish the supply crawler at Gaia's High Garden. The Friendly Isle now is due south of UNS Centauri Seas, and I suggest you head south so you can rendezvous with them since they have already scouted the fungus for hostiles. Isle Hunter plunged north into the heart of the Sargasso Sea, and they met the rogue isle you warned us about. It turns out there is a reason it didn't attack this last year: it is friendly! Isle Hunter, instead of going into deadly combat, as they expected, welcomed the newest mindworm vector into our Gaian family!

                              I have already put your gracious gift of Industrial Automation to good use. Our society now emphasizes Wealth, which has had numerous benefits for us in energy and base production. Several of our bases are now producing supply crawlers, and the rest will do so as soon as they are done with their latest base improvement project. These crawlers will be used to round out mineral production (below eco damage levels, of course) and complete prototypes, which my neglected generals tell me are sorely needed. We also will use one to finish the Empath Guild, which Song of Planet has been working on so long that it has severely retarded their growth. One of our bases also started Planetary Transit System. I hope you don't mind.

                              I contacted a few of the faction leaders this year. Morgan was very happy to hear from me. It is absolutely amazing that he is so magnanimous toward me, and I am afraid I got a little carried away with myself. I remembered your suggestion that we promote the free flow of information, and so I gave Industrial Automation and Intellectual Integrity to the good CEO. He has been friendly and somewhat helpful to us, so I didn't think it would do much harm. It also occurred to me that his next breakthrough might very well be in these two advances, so giving him the technology would decrease the chance of duplication. I contacted Yang and he was seething, as usual. I have to say that it was a very unpleasant conversation. Since he leads the only people on Planet without Gene Splicing I gave this to him; I don't think his people should suffer from his ill-conceived policies of brutal serfdom. My motives were not entirely pure, since I would like him to balance out Santiago a bit more. He is much less powerful then she is, and his ability to expand is severely limited. Santiago was noncommittal, and our conversation was short. Kindly let me know what technological advance Santiago comes up with. If she has anything she may want to trade I will contact her next year, if she will speak with me. I did not contact Zak since you are on good terms with him, and I assume you will contact him in the near future. I will contact Miriam next year. I have to admit I am procrastinating since I find the basis of her society so repellent. Maybe I shouldn't be so standoffish, since I am a Pact mate with Morgan, who should be my ideological enemy!

                              Walk with Planet,

