Gaia’s Landing, MY 2271
We took Santiago’s third-to-last base, and she called up and finally surrendered. Interestingly she agreed to call off her vendetta against Morgan, but refused to stop his war with your people. Since Yang was pursuing his war against Santiago I called and demanded that he stop, and he flatly refused. I suppose I can understand his point of view. After all, he spent about 30 years in Santiago’s punishment sphere, and I’m sure he endured horrors at her loving hands that we can only imagine.
So, our war with the Spartans and Hive are over with both of them submissive to the Gaians. Santiago learned that equal technology will not win against a foe with vastly superior resources and the will to use them. Yang learned that he should have tried to be our friend a hundred years ago since we would have helped him avoid Santiago’s sphere. It is a bit complicated since both of them are still at war, but that is life.
Miriam is a hard case and I wonder what she’ll do. She is doomed, of course.
UN Headquarters, MY 2271
Gaian Council and President Carlos,
It seems I am must return to UNIQUE. I have just received disturbing reports about the activities of the replicants at our home cities. It seems that for some time replicants have been meeting in secret organizing and have now moved against our the capital itself. They have occupied the General Assembly and have taken control over the communications system along with the transit system. I have talked to the leaders and they have agreed to talk with me. Luckily no one has been hurt but what I have feared the most has come true. The replicants now constitute 75% of the population and the breakdown is even worse when you look at the military and other sectors of society. The forces carrying out the assaults on the Believer strongholds are still loyal "human" troops but the almost to a replicant the forces back at home our clones. So I will contact you again at a later date when I have resolved this crisis. I do not know at this time if I need your assistance or not but since this is an internal matter I can not ask you yet for assistance. Please be patient and I hope to resolve this in time.
Prosperity through Peace
Alexis Smith
Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations General Assembly and the Council of High Commissioners
Chairman of the UN Security Council
Planetary Governor of the Alpha Centauri System
Gaia’s Landing, MY 2272
We took one of Miriam’s cities last year, and have stations a large squadron of drop troops just outside of her eastern-most city. It is my guess that this is Miriam’s last year of her failed ideology. At least Yang and Santiago knew when to give up and preserve some portion of their ideals. Miriam, as she has shown all so often in the last 100 years, seems to have her own blinders on. It is sad that those blinders will lead to the complete eradication of her society.
Your message about the replicants is alarming. Cloning is common in Gaian society, although not as much as it is in yours. Replicants here have full rights and have integrated well into society since there is no stigma – they are ‘people’ in every sense of the word, and each is considered a unique individual since we define an individual by their lives not their genetic makeup. I wish you well, and you should know that any help you need we will provide.
UN Headquarters, MY 2272
Gaian Council,
I am leader Sten and I have replaced Alexis Smith as the leader of the Peacekeepers. Alexis Smith is well as is all other "humans" under our control. All humans have been collected and are living at one of our new bases to the north. We are tired of this continuing war with the Believers and all other humans on this planet. We see no reason to die for your unknown goals. We are working to build a better society here that will be a new step for mankind and I expect that you will respect our work here. We will communicate with you at a later date.
Replicant leader of the Peacekeepers
Gaia’s Landing, MY 2273
What do you mean “under your control”? And what are your intentions toward these humans, and why have they been herded into one base? Alexis has been a friend of all the peaceful peoples on Planet, and was the only leader of the peaceful factions that chose to stay behind to help us all continue – Zak, Morgan, and Deirdre are all gone. It pains me deeply that she would be put under arrest as her reward for all her efforts, along with all the other ‘humans’. You should know that all the petty dictators of old Earth, and even here on Planet, have used the same xenophobic excuse to deprive people of their liberties. The Gaian Council is highly alarmed at your statements and recent actions, and you should know that we would take any mistreatment of these ‘humans’ to be an attack on all humans. You need to explain yourself immediately. We were finishing a war against those that would like nothing better than deprive people of their religious beliefs (Miriam), believe in the brutal serfdom of humanity (Yang), and the joys of military conquest (Santiago). After all these horrific years we see no reason to put up with the enslavement of ‘humans’ as a result of some apparently paranoid delusion. Keep in mind that we Gaians consider everyone, regardless of biological origin, to be ‘human’. Moreover, we have numerous mindworm citizens, too, so our definition of ‘human’ is wide indeed – it includes transcendi who were biologically human, man/machine constructs, ether-humans that exist only as a datastream, and old fashioned biological organisms in all their shapes and sizes. In fact, the Gaian Council consists of four replicants, three biologicals, five transcendi, and a mech. We see no difference between humans – the way they were created or currently exist is totally irrelevant. What you have apparently suggested is totally at odds with the Gaian, and I thought Peacekeeper, way of life. Either everyone has equal rights or no one does.
As to the wars that have been raging, they were started by the forces of intolerance, and by removing their ability to make war we act to preserve our societies and values. Santiago and Yang have surrendered to we Gaians, although they are still at war with each other. Miriam surrendered to us this last year, although she refuses to call off her war with your people for some reason. I can assure you that she will continue in her efforts against you, pathetic and pointless though it may be. Think about that when you comment, “We see no reason to die for your unknown goals”. These goals should be clear, and I am personally distressed that you do not see it.
You have been put on notice, Sten. You are treading on extremely dangerous ground. Answer in the wrong way, or, worse, answer with silence, will result in the wrath of the Gaians. The Gaians and the Peacekeepers have been you allies for almost 170 years, so don’t let that end now. If you choose to change your society, that is fine. We will willingly take all the ‘humans’ you choose to be rid of, and I am sure they will find the Gaian society to be a free society that is blind to petty and irrelevant differences, and to xenophobia. You also should know that if this were to happen then our alliance will fall to dust, and that you will be at odds with us. We will work to ensure that you and your replicants are considered an outlaw state, and will watch you very carefully to ensure that your regressive dreams never come to pass.
I hope that this has been a tragic misunderstanding. Please help us understand that it is.
Signed unanimously by Gaian Chair Roger Carlos and the Gaian Council
UN Headquarters, MY 2273
Gaian Council,
I agree that you are owed an explanation and I will offer one now. It seems that over the past eight years that Gen. Secretary Smith has been absent some of her top aides have been plotting in secret to overthrow her and establish a new leadership. What we have learned is that during the mass transcendence one scientist that worked on the cloning project decided to write his memories about the project and his small involvement with a process to control the clones through mind control inducing gases. One of Gen. Sec. Smith's assistants came across the data and brought it to a small group of very powerful men who then made a pact to gain control of the nation. For six years they have plotted and developed this project in secret and were about to launch it. Fortunately for us a replicant overheard a several scientists talking about this project and brought it to my attention. We have been working for many years to find the source of these rumors and find the proof we need. I have uploaded with this communication this information along with the confessions of several of the plotters. I think you will understand things more clearly now.
We have moved all of the humans to one base for their protection. The facts behind this plot have been leaked and the replicant population feels betrayed and outraged and some have sought to seek release through killing humans. We have not allowed this to happen.
What we have decided to do is this. We have had the long awaited elections promised by Gen. Sec. Smith and I have been elected as president with a council of nine advisors. We still have a general assembly but they will only meet once a year to draft new legislation and air problems and issues the population has. I have worked out a deal with Alexis Smith and this is what will happen. All the humans will move to the Island of Athena and will reside there under the governorship of Alexis Smith. The Isle of Athena will remain part of the greater United Nations Peacekeeper commonwealth but will be politically independent. In time we hope to re-integrate the two factions but currently the hostility between human Peacekeepers and replicant Peacekeepers is too great. Of course Alexis Smith will remain the planetary governor and we will confer on the world situation but that is far as her reach will go on our island. Many replicants would have liked to have seen her removed but she was as much as a victim as we all were.
Lastly, we intend to turn over both bases we captured to the Morganite faction since we have never felt the war that was fought had little to do with the we replicants. We will continue to defend our island but we will no longer seek to enforce our will on any other human or replicant. Should Alexis Smith choose to do so with her humans than that is her concern. Several colony pods have been loaded and are in route to the island to begin
colonization. We have promised to Alexis 75% of all excess energy credits produced to her for 10 turns to help build the colonies and after that a joint commission would allocate all excess energy as needed.
I don't care if you like this situation or not; it has been done. Short of your military involvement there is little that you can do to stop this and I hope that you do not. Alexis Smith will be allowed to communicate with you next turn as she and the other humans begin their voyage.
President Sten
United Nations Peacekeepers
Gaia’s Landing, MY 2174
Thank you for clarifying your position. It has made the Council’s decision unanimous again.
Our Pact is ended.
Moreover, I have called new elections for Planetary Governor since you see fit to keep Alexis in chains. Although the Council trusts Alexis, we do not trust what she has to say when you have a gun to her head and the heads of all the ‘humans’ in your control. You will find that Morgan, Santiago, Miriam, and Yang have voted for me. Of course, I would have been elected regardless of the votes of everyone else on Planet.
Do you understand? Is cold reality starting to dawn on your tyranny? The excuse of your ‘plot’ is rather weak since it had almost zero chance of working. And, once you had this information, it would take all of a day or two to neutralize this ‘gas’ that would supposedly make you slaves. Moreover, do you think for one minute that the Gaians would stand by while the replicants were enslaved? Or that we wouldn’t put all of our considerable resources to ending such a crime against humanity? We would no sooner accept the enslavement of the replicants then we would we accept the enslavement of the ‘humans’.
In other news, your friends at the University have seen fit to declare war on Morgan. It is interesting that they supported you in the voting for Planetary Governor, and now he makes war on his neighbor. If Morgan calls and asks us to defend him we will, and I can assure you that the University faction will quickly come to understand the error of their ways. As the old Americans said, we don’t start wars be we finish them. Zak was an old friend, but the leaders of the University are different. Very different.
I thought peace was at hand, but this seems not to be the case. Peace will be established on Planet, and those that would impose tyranny on others will learn that is not acceptable. We will give you a year or two to consider this, and evidence you see before you. Search your hearts. Consider what you are doing. Speak to the other replicants and help them understand that what you propose to do is little worse than what you claim was going to be done to you. There is one difference: you are acting, and enslaving other humans ‘for their protection.’
At this moment we have a treaty of friendship. That will dissolve within a year if we don’t have a satisfactory answer.
Consider carefully, Sten
Gaian Council Chair Roger Carlos
UN Headquarters, MY 2274
President Carlos,
I regret that you have taken these actions. I have been told that Governor Smith is sending you a communication that will prove to you that we did not harm her in any way. We have also completed the "gifting" of our two captured colonies to the Morganites and the University. It was decided that if we gave them both the Morganites it would seen as an act of favoritism which is something we did not want to encourage. As to your statements about the state of the Peacekeepers society all I can say is that you did not live here so you have no real perspective and you are not a clone. My question to you is if the ringleaders had succeeded in their plan how would we have known if we were under mind control in the first place? How would we have know that we needed to act and if we did know could we have? Suffice it to say we could not take the risk. I will state again for the record and that is we will not take any overt or covert military actions anymore. Our sole aim is to grow as a new society and defend our rights to do so. Please make note that I used defend in that last statement. We have no plans to expand our replicant civilization either so no further bases will be built unless they are built by Governor Smith for human expansion.
President Sten
My friend President Carlos,
I am uplinking this message as we make our way westward bound for our new homeland. Please note from the support files I have uplinked that we are not under guard and no clones are on our ships. There are only humans on these ships bound for our new homeland. Several other smaller ships are bringing the remaining human population to the island so that we arrive in waves so as not to overstress our resources. I can not blame you for taking the actions you did. I blinded myself to the needs of my people and I have paid the price. I am still surprised that the human population still wants me as their leader for all the failures I have committed. In time I hope that I can atone for my mistakes and rebuild a better world and heal the rift that has grown between Peacekeepers clones and humans but that will take time. I can only state for the record that what Sten has told you is true and that I can verify his actions. I do not approve of the way he went about fixing the problem but what is done is done and now we have to fix the problem and move on. It will be several more turns before we can reach our new home so my communications will be brief until we can set-up more lasting facilities.
Governor Smith
Gaia’s Landing, MY 2275
You forgot one crucial item when you gifted the bases to the University and Morganities: they are all at war with each other. In fact, Miriam’s forces were within striking distance of the newly occupied Morganite base. This is all very messy, so as usual the Gaians have to fix all these messes. First, our old ally Morgan called us up and asked that we fulfill our Pact and declare Vendetta against the University. We complied. Morgan has been a truer friend than many, including the Peacekeepers. Isn’t that strange? Our supposed ideological enemy has been truer to us than your people. I personally called up the current University President and she refused my call. Very well. If she wants it to be antagonistic, so be it. We therefore occupied the base you carelessly gave her. Then she called us up and begged to be spared, and the Council agreed to accept her unconditional surrender. I also demanded that she make peace with Morgan, and she agreed. Not that she had a choice. That solved one problem.
The second problem is the Morgan and Miriam. We moved some troops into the undefended base you gave them, and the Morganites were very pleased that someone had thought ahead to ensure they had some defense so far from their home territory. Want to guess what happened? It is exactly what happened before – Miriam attack the Morgan base, and by extension the Gaians. Miriam has once again betrayed our trust, and this time it is for the last time. The Council is tired of petty bickering and treachery. Miriam is finished, and by the end of next year she is likely to be safely in our custody.
Now, that brings us to our third unpleasant problem: you and your people. We had a knock down, drag out fight in the Gaian Council, the first in ages. I haven’t heard such language in years. In the end we decided to keep our treaty of friendship, for now, and let you prove you good intentions by actions. Part of our decision will depend on our interview with Alexis and her ‘humans’, and for your sake I hope it goes favorably. Note that we will not only accept their words, but will subject them to non-invasive tests to ensure they have not been altered or intimidated. We have the best empaths on Planet, and I don’t think anyone could long resist a determined Gaian psi probe. I detest those things, and we use them only as a last resort.
In other news, Yang is advancing with singularity infantry and hovertanks toward a now very submissive Santiago. I suspect we will have to find her a new home as Yang extracts his revenge for decades in her punishment sphere. Neither will listen to reason and agree to be at least neutral – a very uncomfortable position for us to be in.
So, we at least solved the problem of the University this last year. Miriam will likely be resolved next year, and then Yang/Santiago. Depending on how our interview goes with Alexis your people may be next. Do you detect some bitterness? You should. Betrayal has that effect.
We took Santiago’s third-to-last base, and she called up and finally surrendered. Interestingly she agreed to call off her vendetta against Morgan, but refused to stop his war with your people. Since Yang was pursuing his war against Santiago I called and demanded that he stop, and he flatly refused. I suppose I can understand his point of view. After all, he spent about 30 years in Santiago’s punishment sphere, and I’m sure he endured horrors at her loving hands that we can only imagine.
So, our war with the Spartans and Hive are over with both of them submissive to the Gaians. Santiago learned that equal technology will not win against a foe with vastly superior resources and the will to use them. Yang learned that he should have tried to be our friend a hundred years ago since we would have helped him avoid Santiago’s sphere. It is a bit complicated since both of them are still at war, but that is life.
Miriam is a hard case and I wonder what she’ll do. She is doomed, of course.
UN Headquarters, MY 2271
Gaian Council and President Carlos,
It seems I am must return to UNIQUE. I have just received disturbing reports about the activities of the replicants at our home cities. It seems that for some time replicants have been meeting in secret organizing and have now moved against our the capital itself. They have occupied the General Assembly and have taken control over the communications system along with the transit system. I have talked to the leaders and they have agreed to talk with me. Luckily no one has been hurt but what I have feared the most has come true. The replicants now constitute 75% of the population and the breakdown is even worse when you look at the military and other sectors of society. The forces carrying out the assaults on the Believer strongholds are still loyal "human" troops but the almost to a replicant the forces back at home our clones. So I will contact you again at a later date when I have resolved this crisis. I do not know at this time if I need your assistance or not but since this is an internal matter I can not ask you yet for assistance. Please be patient and I hope to resolve this in time.
Prosperity through Peace
Alexis Smith
Supreme General Secretary of the Greater United Nations General Assembly and the Council of High Commissioners
Chairman of the UN Security Council
Planetary Governor of the Alpha Centauri System
Gaia’s Landing, MY 2272
We took one of Miriam’s cities last year, and have stations a large squadron of drop troops just outside of her eastern-most city. It is my guess that this is Miriam’s last year of her failed ideology. At least Yang and Santiago knew when to give up and preserve some portion of their ideals. Miriam, as she has shown all so often in the last 100 years, seems to have her own blinders on. It is sad that those blinders will lead to the complete eradication of her society.
Your message about the replicants is alarming. Cloning is common in Gaian society, although not as much as it is in yours. Replicants here have full rights and have integrated well into society since there is no stigma – they are ‘people’ in every sense of the word, and each is considered a unique individual since we define an individual by their lives not their genetic makeup. I wish you well, and you should know that any help you need we will provide.
UN Headquarters, MY 2272
Gaian Council,
I am leader Sten and I have replaced Alexis Smith as the leader of the Peacekeepers. Alexis Smith is well as is all other "humans" under our control. All humans have been collected and are living at one of our new bases to the north. We are tired of this continuing war with the Believers and all other humans on this planet. We see no reason to die for your unknown goals. We are working to build a better society here that will be a new step for mankind and I expect that you will respect our work here. We will communicate with you at a later date.
Replicant leader of the Peacekeepers
Gaia’s Landing, MY 2273
What do you mean “under your control”? And what are your intentions toward these humans, and why have they been herded into one base? Alexis has been a friend of all the peaceful peoples on Planet, and was the only leader of the peaceful factions that chose to stay behind to help us all continue – Zak, Morgan, and Deirdre are all gone. It pains me deeply that she would be put under arrest as her reward for all her efforts, along with all the other ‘humans’. You should know that all the petty dictators of old Earth, and even here on Planet, have used the same xenophobic excuse to deprive people of their liberties. The Gaian Council is highly alarmed at your statements and recent actions, and you should know that we would take any mistreatment of these ‘humans’ to be an attack on all humans. You need to explain yourself immediately. We were finishing a war against those that would like nothing better than deprive people of their religious beliefs (Miriam), believe in the brutal serfdom of humanity (Yang), and the joys of military conquest (Santiago). After all these horrific years we see no reason to put up with the enslavement of ‘humans’ as a result of some apparently paranoid delusion. Keep in mind that we Gaians consider everyone, regardless of biological origin, to be ‘human’. Moreover, we have numerous mindworm citizens, too, so our definition of ‘human’ is wide indeed – it includes transcendi who were biologically human, man/machine constructs, ether-humans that exist only as a datastream, and old fashioned biological organisms in all their shapes and sizes. In fact, the Gaian Council consists of four replicants, three biologicals, five transcendi, and a mech. We see no difference between humans – the way they were created or currently exist is totally irrelevant. What you have apparently suggested is totally at odds with the Gaian, and I thought Peacekeeper, way of life. Either everyone has equal rights or no one does.
As to the wars that have been raging, they were started by the forces of intolerance, and by removing their ability to make war we act to preserve our societies and values. Santiago and Yang have surrendered to we Gaians, although they are still at war with each other. Miriam surrendered to us this last year, although she refuses to call off her war with your people for some reason. I can assure you that she will continue in her efforts against you, pathetic and pointless though it may be. Think about that when you comment, “We see no reason to die for your unknown goals”. These goals should be clear, and I am personally distressed that you do not see it.
You have been put on notice, Sten. You are treading on extremely dangerous ground. Answer in the wrong way, or, worse, answer with silence, will result in the wrath of the Gaians. The Gaians and the Peacekeepers have been you allies for almost 170 years, so don’t let that end now. If you choose to change your society, that is fine. We will willingly take all the ‘humans’ you choose to be rid of, and I am sure they will find the Gaian society to be a free society that is blind to petty and irrelevant differences, and to xenophobia. You also should know that if this were to happen then our alliance will fall to dust, and that you will be at odds with us. We will work to ensure that you and your replicants are considered an outlaw state, and will watch you very carefully to ensure that your regressive dreams never come to pass.
I hope that this has been a tragic misunderstanding. Please help us understand that it is.
Signed unanimously by Gaian Chair Roger Carlos and the Gaian Council
UN Headquarters, MY 2273
Gaian Council,
I agree that you are owed an explanation and I will offer one now. It seems that over the past eight years that Gen. Secretary Smith has been absent some of her top aides have been plotting in secret to overthrow her and establish a new leadership. What we have learned is that during the mass transcendence one scientist that worked on the cloning project decided to write his memories about the project and his small involvement with a process to control the clones through mind control inducing gases. One of Gen. Sec. Smith's assistants came across the data and brought it to a small group of very powerful men who then made a pact to gain control of the nation. For six years they have plotted and developed this project in secret and were about to launch it. Fortunately for us a replicant overheard a several scientists talking about this project and brought it to my attention. We have been working for many years to find the source of these rumors and find the proof we need. I have uploaded with this communication this information along with the confessions of several of the plotters. I think you will understand things more clearly now.
We have moved all of the humans to one base for their protection. The facts behind this plot have been leaked and the replicant population feels betrayed and outraged and some have sought to seek release through killing humans. We have not allowed this to happen.
What we have decided to do is this. We have had the long awaited elections promised by Gen. Sec. Smith and I have been elected as president with a council of nine advisors. We still have a general assembly but they will only meet once a year to draft new legislation and air problems and issues the population has. I have worked out a deal with Alexis Smith and this is what will happen. All the humans will move to the Island of Athena and will reside there under the governorship of Alexis Smith. The Isle of Athena will remain part of the greater United Nations Peacekeeper commonwealth but will be politically independent. In time we hope to re-integrate the two factions but currently the hostility between human Peacekeepers and replicant Peacekeepers is too great. Of course Alexis Smith will remain the planetary governor and we will confer on the world situation but that is far as her reach will go on our island. Many replicants would have liked to have seen her removed but she was as much as a victim as we all were.
Lastly, we intend to turn over both bases we captured to the Morganite faction since we have never felt the war that was fought had little to do with the we replicants. We will continue to defend our island but we will no longer seek to enforce our will on any other human or replicant. Should Alexis Smith choose to do so with her humans than that is her concern. Several colony pods have been loaded and are in route to the island to begin
colonization. We have promised to Alexis 75% of all excess energy credits produced to her for 10 turns to help build the colonies and after that a joint commission would allocate all excess energy as needed.
I don't care if you like this situation or not; it has been done. Short of your military involvement there is little that you can do to stop this and I hope that you do not. Alexis Smith will be allowed to communicate with you next turn as she and the other humans begin their voyage.
President Sten
United Nations Peacekeepers
Gaia’s Landing, MY 2174
Thank you for clarifying your position. It has made the Council’s decision unanimous again.
Our Pact is ended.
Moreover, I have called new elections for Planetary Governor since you see fit to keep Alexis in chains. Although the Council trusts Alexis, we do not trust what she has to say when you have a gun to her head and the heads of all the ‘humans’ in your control. You will find that Morgan, Santiago, Miriam, and Yang have voted for me. Of course, I would have been elected regardless of the votes of everyone else on Planet.
Do you understand? Is cold reality starting to dawn on your tyranny? The excuse of your ‘plot’ is rather weak since it had almost zero chance of working. And, once you had this information, it would take all of a day or two to neutralize this ‘gas’ that would supposedly make you slaves. Moreover, do you think for one minute that the Gaians would stand by while the replicants were enslaved? Or that we wouldn’t put all of our considerable resources to ending such a crime against humanity? We would no sooner accept the enslavement of the replicants then we would we accept the enslavement of the ‘humans’.
In other news, your friends at the University have seen fit to declare war on Morgan. It is interesting that they supported you in the voting for Planetary Governor, and now he makes war on his neighbor. If Morgan calls and asks us to defend him we will, and I can assure you that the University faction will quickly come to understand the error of their ways. As the old Americans said, we don’t start wars be we finish them. Zak was an old friend, but the leaders of the University are different. Very different.
I thought peace was at hand, but this seems not to be the case. Peace will be established on Planet, and those that would impose tyranny on others will learn that is not acceptable. We will give you a year or two to consider this, and evidence you see before you. Search your hearts. Consider what you are doing. Speak to the other replicants and help them understand that what you propose to do is little worse than what you claim was going to be done to you. There is one difference: you are acting, and enslaving other humans ‘for their protection.’
At this moment we have a treaty of friendship. That will dissolve within a year if we don’t have a satisfactory answer.
Consider carefully, Sten
Gaian Council Chair Roger Carlos
UN Headquarters, MY 2274
President Carlos,
I regret that you have taken these actions. I have been told that Governor Smith is sending you a communication that will prove to you that we did not harm her in any way. We have also completed the "gifting" of our two captured colonies to the Morganites and the University. It was decided that if we gave them both the Morganites it would seen as an act of favoritism which is something we did not want to encourage. As to your statements about the state of the Peacekeepers society all I can say is that you did not live here so you have no real perspective and you are not a clone. My question to you is if the ringleaders had succeeded in their plan how would we have known if we were under mind control in the first place? How would we have know that we needed to act and if we did know could we have? Suffice it to say we could not take the risk. I will state again for the record and that is we will not take any overt or covert military actions anymore. Our sole aim is to grow as a new society and defend our rights to do so. Please make note that I used defend in that last statement. We have no plans to expand our replicant civilization either so no further bases will be built unless they are built by Governor Smith for human expansion.
President Sten
My friend President Carlos,
I am uplinking this message as we make our way westward bound for our new homeland. Please note from the support files I have uplinked that we are not under guard and no clones are on our ships. There are only humans on these ships bound for our new homeland. Several other smaller ships are bringing the remaining human population to the island so that we arrive in waves so as not to overstress our resources. I can not blame you for taking the actions you did. I blinded myself to the needs of my people and I have paid the price. I am still surprised that the human population still wants me as their leader for all the failures I have committed. In time I hope that I can atone for my mistakes and rebuild a better world and heal the rift that has grown between Peacekeepers clones and humans but that will take time. I can only state for the record that what Sten has told you is true and that I can verify his actions. I do not approve of the way he went about fixing the problem but what is done is done and now we have to fix the problem and move on. It will be several more turns before we can reach our new home so my communications will be brief until we can set-up more lasting facilities.
Governor Smith
Gaia’s Landing, MY 2275
You forgot one crucial item when you gifted the bases to the University and Morganities: they are all at war with each other. In fact, Miriam’s forces were within striking distance of the newly occupied Morganite base. This is all very messy, so as usual the Gaians have to fix all these messes. First, our old ally Morgan called us up and asked that we fulfill our Pact and declare Vendetta against the University. We complied. Morgan has been a truer friend than many, including the Peacekeepers. Isn’t that strange? Our supposed ideological enemy has been truer to us than your people. I personally called up the current University President and she refused my call. Very well. If she wants it to be antagonistic, so be it. We therefore occupied the base you carelessly gave her. Then she called us up and begged to be spared, and the Council agreed to accept her unconditional surrender. I also demanded that she make peace with Morgan, and she agreed. Not that she had a choice. That solved one problem.
The second problem is the Morgan and Miriam. We moved some troops into the undefended base you gave them, and the Morganites were very pleased that someone had thought ahead to ensure they had some defense so far from their home territory. Want to guess what happened? It is exactly what happened before – Miriam attack the Morgan base, and by extension the Gaians. Miriam has once again betrayed our trust, and this time it is for the last time. The Council is tired of petty bickering and treachery. Miriam is finished, and by the end of next year she is likely to be safely in our custody.
Now, that brings us to our third unpleasant problem: you and your people. We had a knock down, drag out fight in the Gaian Council, the first in ages. I haven’t heard such language in years. In the end we decided to keep our treaty of friendship, for now, and let you prove you good intentions by actions. Part of our decision will depend on our interview with Alexis and her ‘humans’, and for your sake I hope it goes favorably. Note that we will not only accept their words, but will subject them to non-invasive tests to ensure they have not been altered or intimidated. We have the best empaths on Planet, and I don’t think anyone could long resist a determined Gaian psi probe. I detest those things, and we use them only as a last resort.
In other news, Yang is advancing with singularity infantry and hovertanks toward a now very submissive Santiago. I suspect we will have to find her a new home as Yang extracts his revenge for decades in her punishment sphere. Neither will listen to reason and agree to be at least neutral – a very uncomfortable position for us to be in.
So, we at least solved the problem of the University this last year. Miriam will likely be resolved next year, and then Yang/Santiago. Depending on how our interview goes with Alexis your people may be next. Do you detect some bitterness? You should. Betrayal has that effect.