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From My New Story.

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  • From My New Story.

    God, I've tried to attach a file here, if it's not here, I give up!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    why attach when you can paste?



    "Nature always dictates the survival of the fittest and in a dynamic world of staggering complexity this means the most adaptable. The truth remains this, he who has the ability to react the fastest to the changing environment, and in the most unique of ways, will not only survive, he will shape Nature to service him."
    "The selfishness of man has always been a concept I am completely astounded by. Some would accuse man of destroying the natural world for his own selfish ends. But to preserve this world at the cost of untold potential human lives is a selfishness of untold evil."

    "The only way to know something is wrong is to have it done. You can judge the severity of just how wrong it is when you live with the consequences. It may seem pessimistic to say this, but we will virtually never learn history's lessons, because each new frontier is so very different, permitting the same type of wrongs to be committed in the hope the political context will show the consequence of the actions to be just."

    "In all things I seek a stable base to work from. To achieve this I often includes paradigms I cannot fully understand. But the main idea here is that I can account for how much I do not understand in my base, and so can walk away with resultant knowledge that is more complex than my own understanding."

    "The thing you must play on in psychology is the subject's innate distaste for conforming to predictable and obvious patterns of behaviour. The simplest way to control common people is to set up a social system that expects them to conform to a set pattern of human behaviour. Deliberate deviations from this, in a more subtle pattern, will arise, and thus by controlling the social system, you can get whatever resultant human behaviour you choose."


    "We must not condone nihilism in any shape or form, it is a dangerous force that portends and proliferates itself as a plague to humanity. We must instead steer ourselves away from that which we fear is, to that which we want to be. Human thought is the fulcrum, the world is our framework. The force of creation, striving towards our dreams is the only way we will refrain from setting in motion our own destruction. Aspire beyond the doom foolish men speak of, for the chances are that they are creating their own demons that will consume them alone."

    "The boundary for human knowledge will change depending upon expectations. I have always found it prudent to expect the unexpected."

    "The universe. It is not so much the stuff you can see that you should perplex you, it's the stuff you can't see that should really get you thinking."


    "I have to pity those who claim ultimate knowledge will come from man in the stars, or man with God. Ultimate knowledge for man will come of understanding himself, his mechanics of comprehension, applied biology. I am not saying the stars or God won't eventually yield that for man, but at least with applied biology you personally have a shot at that ultimate knowledge via the immortality your studies will yield."

    "Confronted from a human perspective, the mathematical laws of both the social world and the physical world appear to mirror each other in nature and complexity. It is only from the unique perspective granted man by the existence of absolute laws that he can see that beyond relativity, there is no distinct social world. We are physics, albeit in biological form. Our actions are physics. The only thing certain in existence, regardless of perspective, is that all things are physics at some level."

    "I have yet to meet someone who I could not either outwit with my computational mental prowess, or that did not taste good in a sandwich."


    "Natural diversity, tried and tested biological patterns that are optimised through eons of subtle iteration around some natural fixed points of what makes a organism good. As we ourselves try to copy the creative forces of nature at the expense of what has been previously created, we are losing the most valuable commodity known to the universe. What is right for the highest form of life now will not necessarily be right for life in the coming millennia. As we make life patterns bend around our needs and destroy what does not fit, we are single handedly denying this universe future life. This is selfish, and the fact remains, all biology will now die with us."

    "Pollution is a relative thing. You'd be surprised of the adaptability of the physical world. To destroy an ecosystem is to welcome in a new and stronger one that can cope with the manmade environment. We ourselves are engineering the world to meet our needs, and since we have a rational consciousness controlling all we do, perhaps we are actually improving the physical world."

    "The Earth gave rise to life. We are all children of Earth. As our species grows into the rebellious teenage phase we must always remember the Earth gave us and gives us life, and it is our duty to preserve that which created and sustains us, if not out of our virtue, then out of necessity for our own survival and future development.

    "You can claim to prove anything by using mathematical laws, but it is that which proves the mathematical laws that will remain the only universal truth."

    "The practical mechanics of nonlinear mathematics is merely the knowledge that all things vary. The application of this is very important, constants are now functions that vary in a way we can explain. These are often composite functions with variations of differing complexity. In essence, all motion is relative, and for each new level of constancy there is a higher level waiting to be made."


    "Speaking from an evolutionary perspective, knowledge is as limitless as the laws of the universe are complex."

    "The notion of a variable origin in an absolute construct is not lost on me, it is lost in various positions around me."

    "The good of the individual is the good of the state, there is no valid distinction. A good state is one in which the good of the individual is considered. The state looks after the people, without the state there can be no welfare for the people , without the people, the state cannot serve them. The good of any given individual is the ability to live a long and happy life. The rich who deny the poor basic needs are denying themselves happiness, for without state regulation even the most virtuous of people turn into dangerous criminals and so the richer you are, the more threatened is your position, and a happy long life often becomes a short and stressful one. The state ensures harmony through the equal distribution of goods and without it we all fall into chaos."


    "To grant people freedom is to give people the ability to make their own mistakes. The idea is that nobody is born free because we are heavy with the social conflicts of our time. Democracy is not absolute freedom. Democracy is the defence of personal freedom to the extent all individuals may be free so long as they do not abuse this freedom to enslave others by cultural belief or military action."

    "Personal survival is the only driving force of humanity. Altruism is a fundamental contradiction. Actions taken under this guise are simply actions taken because a person themselves cannot bear to live in a world where those actions did not occur. Personal survival extends beyond the realm of flesh to the realm of the mind and the greater social sphere. Never forget this when dealing with humans in any context. The manipulation of a person's social environment can be more dangerous to them than a physical instrument of death."


    "We are not one with Nature. Nature is a competition between forces, beautiful only because the strong survive. We must play nature, becoming ever a stronger and more influential force until our own nature becomes Nature itself, only then may we be one."

    "If you seek a constant in human thought, try appropriate differentiation. You will find the majority of people will believe other people are stupid or defective in some way. They think this because we hold in the highest esteem different values and so cannot see how other people's apparently foolish actions receive the highest accolades. As a sociologist I cannot hope to understand all of these values, but as a social engineer opinions held by appropriate differentiation make predicting people's thoughts and thus controlling their actions, a cinch."

    "Government is not a case of pleasing the people, politics as a science is not generally recognised as a source of pleasure for most. Government is a case of allowing people to live lives where pleasure is attainable for all in some degree but with temperance so that one group's pleasure is not another group's pain."

    "I have yet to hear one quote about man's childlike quest for knowledge that doesn't piss me off because it is complete garbage. You think if we knew why we thought we would be thinking about thinking?"

    "Mathematics itself is not beautiful, it is not holy and it has no meaning outside of the reaction of those who give it substance through its creation."

    "A revolutionary in science is not someone who plans to create a new science. A revolutionary is someone who plans to play within the boundaries of existing science but in doing so finds they must extend and tear down those boundaries in order to know Nature to the capacity their mind allows."


    "Knowledge from first principles, from a toddler arranging numbered bricks to the synthetic life evolving from organic molecules in the Genesis computer, is the only thing I can honestly say matters. Woe betide humankind should we be left without preliminary logic. For even in our world of industrial automation, where computers think our concepts through for us, preliminary logic reigns supreme. To lose first principles and it's progeny logics is to lose the ability to know anything, for in this world, a person fed baseless information cannot even be sure of their own existence, so worthless are the thoughts."

    "I don't like to be judged by what I say or what I do, it is often taken out of context. In fact I don't think that which is me can be judged, so warped is the perception of me by prejudice and expectation. There is another version of me given substance by those who think about me without being requited. He doesn't bother me and I don't bother him. Believe me, if I want someone to know me, they will."


    "Elitism is the most power force I know. Through the streaming of intelligence in children, picking out subtle flaws in thought process, we create the genius a million miles above the rest. Ability is not so much physiology, it is attitude. To tell children they are stupid is to crush their spirit, to treat them as such is to prevent them ever achieving glory. To select the best as a gradual process in education is to build your towers at the cost of others crumbling. As the elite see their lesser students fall through the faculty amplifying the differences in intelligence, they are spurred on to greater things. The result is unnumerable piles of ashes and a few phoenixes. While such deplorable state behaviour cannot be condoned for other disciplines, this method remains the only way to harvest the best possible mathematical genius."

    "Totalitarian states often engineer their own problems. They claim mankind is a wicked beast that requires domination in order to prevent the innate evil surfacing. To deny man basic needs is to create that evil in him, to suppress him is to make him fight in ways it is unnatural to. By granting the individual generous rights, you can stem this kind of behaviour. A police state should be flexible enough to bend to the people's needs, helping the weak and preserving the righteous. The people's needs should dictate how it works, it should not dictate to the people."

    "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, just transformed into different forms. The nature of economics is thus the control and manipulation of energy form and location. You may think that we rule the energy, but it rules us. By merely behaving in its own ordered way we find the need to constantly mess with this order for our own nefarious ends. But we are ourselves energy. Energy is the master, and in the human form it is a very insistent and demanding master."


    "I dislike the notion of secrets. Secrets are for the ignorant. Do you mean to tell me that there are some things one mind can know that another can't? What I love is intrigue, the iteration of concealed information so that it changes form before a system of intelligence can unravel it."

    "The complexity of a system's action shows a direct relationship to the complexity of that system's composition. As the relatively simple system that is man claims to know what is best for the planet, one must wonder whether he has understood his place in it. The planet is many orders above us by complexity and thus us imposing our relatively simple actions on it may ruin the natural balance of complexity it possesses. The planet should be our teacher, we should allow it to show us what it demands of us and what it can give us. The planet knows how to sustain life, it is unwise to argue with that which you cannot fully comprehend."


    "What we chose to vocalise is merely what we would have other people believe is a reflection of our own minds. To trust a person's integrity is to gauge whether what they tell you squares with how they behave. In attempting to conceal information, a person may tell you more about their circumstance than the original information ever could have."

    "People are usually found through how they behave for other people to the extent that we define ourselves through interpersonal action. So much so, that we tend not to be much without our interactive persona. If you cannot be found through this, you will not be found at all. A safe man is one who people will claim to know by his actions, but actually resides outside of his interpersonal action and in another world, safe from the judgements and suspicions so common in our time."
    Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
    Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


    • #3
      Thank you 'General' for pasting that file I attached. It isn't strictly AC Fiction though. It tried to be, but it mutated horribly.

      Can I just ask anyone, for future reference... How do you paste things to post? Please don't laugh at that. I honestly don't know how.

      And other thing. Anyone who read my quotes, what did you think? I thought I had better post something, even something not meant to be here. Everything seems to be RPG on AC Fiction, and Sprayber and p_c don't seem to have added to their respective stories for a while (hint hint).



      • #4
        Errr... I for instance just select the respective test, hit Ctrl + C, then open a "reply to post" window and paste it with Ctrl + V to the text screen. I don't think it can be accomplished more easier.

        If you want to join CC, I have no problem with that, ask the moderators. There's always something to do for a good writer

        And Sprayber is in the National Guard. We need him for an air combat, though...
        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


        • #5
          Well, he hasn't left yet. He's going in on the 15th...

          Copy / paste can also be done like this:[list=1][*]Select / highlight what you want to copy.[*]Press Control + Insert to copy it to your computer's "clipboard".[*]Go to where you want to paste it.[*]Press Shift + Insert to insert the clipboard's contents.[/list=1]
          I personally prefer this method because I have found that Control + Insert / Shift + Insert some times works when Control + C / Control + V does not. The latter is the Windows standard though...
          Last edited by Guardian; September 6, 2001, 03:38.
          "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
          -- Saddam Hussein

