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The Watchers

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  • The Watchers

    The small ship glided effortlessly into orbit around the second planet of the Alpha Centauri System. The ship had narrowly passed by an asteroid field while still approaching the inner system. Computer adjustments were all that saved the mission from sure disaster. Inside, the computer began the sequence to wake the small 1,000 man crew. All over the ship lights are turned on and life support systems are brought to full power. When oxygen levels reach a certain level the command sequence is brought online.

    < level one wake up sequence > ten seconds and counting. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. < level one wake up sequence begin > Along the mid section of the ship lay the cryo cells. As the countdown reached zero, ten of the cryo cells begin to rise to a 45 degree angle. The life support panels begin to hum as the blue green gel is first liquefied and then drained from the tube containing the ten humans. Ten minutes later the ten individuals are showing their first signs of life in nearly 40 years. At the medical station located in the front part of the cryo bay, a list of the first ones to be awaken appear along with their vital signs.

    Colonel Marcus Kessel
    --Mission Leader --Condition Green--awake sequence successful
    Captain Christine Mathers
    --Mission XO--Condition Green--awake sequence successful
    Doctor Eugene Kurns
    --Mission Medical Leader--Condition Green--awake sequence successful
    Lieutenant Harley Race
    --Mission Computer Tech--Condition Green--awake sequence successful
    Lieutenant Ric Flair
    --Mission Computer Tech--Condition Green--awake sequence successful
    Lieutenant Ironside
    --Mission Cartographer--Condition Green--awake sequence successful
    Lieutenant Alvin York
    --Security Detachment--Condition Green--awake sequence successful
    Sergeant Richard Biggs
    --Security Detachment--Condition Green--awake sequence successful
    Sergeant Viola Mazer
    --Security Detachment--Condition Green--awake sequence successful
    Sergeant Manny Mace
    --Security Detachment--Condition Green--awake sequence successful

    Two hours later the ten members of the command staff are sitting around the round conference table just outside the cryo bay and down the hall from the bridge of the spacecraft. “Captain Mathers, report on the condition of the spacecraft” Mathers stands up and switches on a screen that show a schematic of the large spacecraft. “Sir we have sustained minor damage as a result of a near miss from some kind of space fragment. We were not hit by anything but our engines were strained as a result of the computer adjustments. Repairs could be completed in approximately twelve hours if you authorize me to wake up some of the maintenance personnel.” Kessel looks up from his own data pad detailing the damage. “Alright, I will authorize you to begin waking them up before the rest of the detachment is woken. But I do want some of Lieutenant Ironside’s department to be woken as well. I want to get a reliable scan of the planet before the Unity approaches the system. We have to be up and running well ahead of their arrival. Speaking of which, what is their estimated arrival time?” Mathers consults her data pad even though she has already looked twice before. “ETA for UNS Unity is 40 days, 15 hours, 35 minutes sir. They are a little behind their schedule Colonel.” Kessel leans back in his chair. “By how much and what could be the cause?” They are 15 days behind schedule sir. As for the reason, I can only assume the launch was delayed for some reason. Since they are still en route, I doubt that they have sustained any serious damage.” Kessel looked skeptical at the news. “Whatever their delay, we still have a mission to perform.” Kessel looked over at the dark skinned Ironside and motioned for him to begin his presentation. “Lieutenant, what have you learned of the planet so far?” “A probe was deployed an hour ago and we are now receiving some pulmonary readings that might be useful. But we won’t know much more until we have units on the ground. What I can tell you is that the atmosphere consists of 90.9% Nitrogen, 8.5% Oxygen and .01% Carbon Dioxide. So breathers will definitely have to be issued to ground units deployed on the surface. Since Chiron gravity is 1.31 times that of Earth, we should expect some problems with increased fatigue for the foreseeable future. I suggest that unit rotation be adjusted accordingly.” Doctor Kurns looks up from his data screen. “We should also expect the severity of injuries to be greater than normal. I will inform my medics of the situation when they are awaken.” Ironside continues with his report. “Surface temperature and is about the same as Earth, maybe just a bit higher. More data may prove that local variations are as extreme as on Earth, but specifics can’t be determined at this time. I would venture a guess that they are almost identical as on Earth but a little warmer. The surface of Chiron is covered by over 70% water. Sir we have some pretty big bodies of water down there. There are five major continents down there. Three major landmasses and two minor ones. There are also several large islands that fall just short of being continents. More than enough land for breathing room once we get down there. I have spotted several possible sites for monitoring stations. If we deploy them right and use them in conjunction with the satellites we have on board, there won’t be a spot on the whole planet that won’t be visible from us. We should have more data by the end of the day. The only thing else I have to report at this time is that there appears to be large fields of some type of red plant covering different parts of the planet. I plan on sending down two more probes tomorrow to get a better view of a large field on the central continent and one on the eastern continent. As of yet, I have detected no signs of larger animal life forms.” Kessel finished making notes and turned to Ironside. “Thank you lieutenant. Keep me up to date on your discoveries. Dr. Kurns, you and Lieutenants Race and Flair begin the level two wake up sequence. As I have stated, your priority should be maintenance, medical, science and then security personal in that order. No one gets any sleep until your backups have been woken and properly adjusted. This is the price of your command status. Captain Mathers, I would like to see you after the briefing. The rest of you are dismissed."

    Eight of the individuals get up and walk out of the conference room. Kessel waits for the door to hiss shut before he speaks. “Captain, is it correct to assume that the Unity will pass through the asteroid belt as we did?” Even though our path is slightly different from that of the Unity’s, they will pass through the same belt as we did.” Kessel sighed at the news. “Intelligence failed to mention that there was a belt in our course. That or the scientist failed to see it. Either way, we have a problem. We are supposed to maintain radio silence. The Unity is not supposed to know that we are here. But if we don’t warn them somehow, there won’t be much of a reason for us to be here. We don’t have near enough equipment to be the sole human presence on Chiron. If only we could contact Command back on Earth.” “Sir, we have the Unity command codes here on board the Watcher. I can have the computer send a coded message to the Unity computer informing them of the impending belt. The computer would then have plenty of time to plot a coarse correction without causing the command crew to be awaken prematurely.” Kessel smiled. “Good. Make it so. I don’t want Garland, Lal, or Yang to be awake until they are supposed to be. We need time to get the Watcher behind Nessus, so that the Unity can fulfill it’s mission without the knowledge of our presence. Then we come out and deploy the satellites. After that we begin our mission of preserving some kind of Earth control over the Unity Mission. Go ahead and program the computer. Inform me when you are ready to transmit. Dismissed Captain.” “Yes Sir” Mathers turned and walked out the door. Kessel turned back to a window and looked out at the new planet below. He was among the first people to see the new planet. He knew of course that his role in history would never be told. At least if he did his job right.
    Last edited by Sprayber; July 20, 2001, 02:15.
    Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh

  • #2
    ---Passage Of Time---

    Colonel Kessel punched the play command for the third time today. The first two times he had watched it alone but decided to call in Captain Mathers and let her see the message as well. It had been received thirty-five years ago, five years after the Watcher had left the solar system containing Earth. It had been received and stored for the time when the crew would wake up. He punched the button to replay the message and sat up in his chair. Captain Mathers stood behind him and watched as the familiar seal of the North American Union came up on the screen. It dissolved into blackness and another familiar image of General Watson appeared were the seal once was.

    ---“Greetings Colonel Kessel. I am sending you this message to update you on the situation here on Earth. As of this week the North America Union has withdrawn from the United Nations Organization. The NAU survived the brief nuclear exchange between the eastern nations without any losses. After the brief war, the countries of Southeast Asia were devastated. The UN went in and virtually took over what was left . They insisted that the NAU and other Western Hemisphere powers help to rebuild the devastated areas. But we had no choice but to refuse. Our economies were in no shape to offer any kind of assistance. We did however offer technical information but this was met with angry responses from the UN and some of our former allies. They began to talk of forcing us into compliance with sanctions. Along with our Arab and Colombian allies, we successfully resisted their pressures until the UN announced that The NAU had violated some old treaty when we reactivated our former missile defense network. This resulted in our Union being placed under sanctions by the entire UN. We appealed for a reasonable response but only got more sanctions for our protests. We tried to negotiate for several months and at one time it looked like things would be resolved, but in the end our former allies would have no part in a compromise. As a result we found it necessary to leave the UN body. We have entered into a new alliance with the Republic of Greater Colombia and are cooperating with the United Arab Republic. The United Nations has made it clear that we are a threat to peace and stability. They are in the process of raising an army from their remaining member states with the intent of removing our government. Your orders have been changed from simply observing and reporting to active resistance to the UN effort to colonize Alpha Centauri. Captain Garland and Doctor Lal are to be apprehended and held until such time as they can be disposed of. You are authorized to utilize the services of a member of the Unity crew that goes by the name of Corazon Santiago. She and her followers were originally planted on board the Unity to keep watch from the inside. Use her to take over the mission and capture it’s command crew. As I speak now, we are mobilizing our military forces for a strike against the UN fortress on Saint Pierre in the North Atlantic. If things proceed well, we will break the resolve of the major backers of the UN and thus break the UN. We do not want to destroy our former allies, but we will do whatever is necessary to maintain the sovereignty of the North American Union. You have your orders Colonel, I expect you to be our eyes and our might on Alpha Centauri.”---

    The image of the general faded and the soft female voice of the computer announced that the message had been terminated. Colonel Kessel, leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes. “So what do you think so far Captain?” Mathers looked at the blinking messages on the screen for a second or two before answering. “Sir, we have our orders directly from NAU command. Even though our mission had other backers, our primary allegiance is to the NAU. But before we start formulating strategy, we should view the other messages for updated information.” “Oh it gets much better Captain. Or should I say a lot more obscure” Kessel reached down and punched the play button another message dated two years later began to play. Once again the blue and red letters of the NAU were displayed before the image of General Watson appeared again.

    ---“Colonel Kessel, our forces were victorious in the battle to take the island of Saint Pierre. It was a long and bloody siege with many causalities on both sides. In the end we were able to enter the fortress and take the UN Commander. This did not have the intended effect that we wanted however. It was not until two months later when forces under General Bradley and our Arab allies were able to retake the Persian Gulf ports did we secure some kind of decisive outcome. European leaders were able to persuade the Secretary General to pursue negotiations instead of continuing the war. That is until the existence of the Watcher Program came to light. Intelligence still has not traced the source of the leak but your presence in the Alpha Centauri system has been published all over the planet. We are not sure if the Unity crew is aware of this or not. Shortly after the discovery of your mission was found out, a planet wide debate was unleashed. As of now, the question of who actually has authority over the colonists is still going on. The UN has been discredited in the eyes of it’s major supporters and everyone is scrambling to assume official authority. The position of the NAU is that the Unity mission is a joint endeavor. But since we have people on site we feel that we are best able to exert Earth control over the future colony. You have the troops on board to enforce that control in the name of Earth but under NAU leadership. I have a hope that by the time you reach the planet, we will have figured out what to do with the colonists. General Watson, out."---

    Kessel leaned back once more in his chair. “There are three more messages from the general describing various attempts by individual power blocs to prepare more ships to send here. Only the one by The Russian Commonwealth even came close to succeeding. Going by what the general says, the ship was much smaller than the Watcher. But it never left Earth orbit. Apparently, Earth’s resources had become dangerously low again by the 2082. The general’s last message was dated 2084. In it he says that further attempts to send ships would not be possible until well in the next century. His last orders were to maintain an Earth oriented society until ships could be sent. Then there is the last message sent to us dated 2090, a woman describing herself as President Nader sent us this message.” Kessel pressed the play button and watched as an image of the earth looking down on the Atlantic Ocean came into view. Then a middle aged woman with long black hair appeared at a table with a rotating EA behind her.

    ---“Greetings Colonel Kessel. I am President Nader of the newly formed Earth Alliance. From what I understand you have been dispatched to the Alpha Centauri system ahead of the Unity to ensure it‘s survival and continued allegiance to Earth. That is a most admirable goal. I trust that my predecessors in the North American Union picked a most capable mission crew. It is hard time here on Earth. Our resources have dwindled down to almost nothing compared to just forty years ago. Nearly forty percent of our population have died of starvation and disease. Those that have not perished have moved into newly built domed cities to escape the harsh climate. We are trying to build more domes but I fear many more will die before we have completed our work. Our scientists are working hard for alternative energy sources and we are hopeful that they will complete them in time. I have read your file and I am sure that you will remain loyal to Earth. Because in time we will return to the stars and seek you out. When that time comes, you will be expected to deliver Chiron to us in order to replenish Mother Earth. I am counting on you Colonel to help us in our time of need. All the people of Earth are counting on you as well.”---

    Kessel looked over at Mathers and waited for her to look back at him. “A lot has changed since we left. From my count, our mission has changed at least three times since then. When the Unity arrives and everyone is awake, I will tell them of the new situation. We will still proceed with the original plan as far as the Unity is concerned. They cannot know we are here.” “I understand sir.” Kessel stands up and turns his screen off. “Ok Captain, it’s time to go hear what has Ironsides so exited.” Kessel and Mathers exit the room and walk down the corridor to the briefing room. When they enter the people inside are gathered around the large screen on the far wall.

    < level three wake up sequence > < waiting for authorization from Mission Medical Officer >. Doctor Kurns complied with the request and soon the third batch of cryo cells began to rise up out of their horizontal position.

    In the second wake up phase the doctor had selected mostly maintenance personal and ten of Lieutenant Ironside’s science staff. Now he was in the process of waking up some of the large security force that was trained to be the power behind the Watcher Program. As he scanned the readouts of the fifty soldiers selected to be awoken first, he couldn’t help but feel a little pride at his selections. These men and women had been selected from the ranks of battle hardened armies on Earth. They were those that had been denied access to the Unity Mission due to politics and the desire of the project leaders to leave the military elements behind. But Doctor Kurns had given them a second chance. He had been apart of the Unity selection commission. So he had access to the UN’s vast database of potential candidates. Of course the criteria for the Watcher Program was different than that of the Unity Mission. Physical standards had been similar but the mental and philosophical standards had been light years apart.

    Doctor Kurns’ attention was brought back to the wake up sequence by the soft hum of the medical station. < wake up sequence is complete in rows 74-A > < do you wish to initiate level four wake up sequence > Kurns immediately indicated that would not be necessary by typing the appropriate commands. < system returning to normal operations >. All around him men and women were beginning to stir around. Some were able to stand immediately, while others seemed to take longer. Those who were not standing within fifteen minutes were looked after by the awaiting medical technicians. Soon all were standing at attention next to their pods. Dr. Kurns stood at the front of the newly awaken crew members. “You are to follow the medical technicians to the outer examining bay. After that you will be given your bunk assignments. Welcome back to the land of the living. I trust that you are all ready to perform your duties for the NAU.” With that, Dr. Kurns turned around and walked out of the cryo bay and down the central corridor to report to Colonel Kessel.

    As Kurns walked into the briefing room, the other officers were already assembled. Colonel Kessel motioned for the doctor to have a seat and turned his attention back to Lieutenant Ironsides. “Begin again Lieutenant” “As I was about to say we had just finished a detailed scan of the planet when we found an extremely large structure of some kind. We estimate the size of the structure to be over a kilometer long and about six hundred meters wide. An accurate guess of the height of the structure is impossible at this time. Here is an image of the structure taken two hours ago.” Ironsides punched in a command on his data screen and an image appeared in from of each of the individuals at the table. What they saw resembled an old athletic stadium but much larger in scale. One end of the structure appeared to have fallen in from some kind of devastating natural disaster. Lt. Ironsides gave the officers time to look at the image and then continued with his report. “As you can tell the west end of the structure has caved in. Either from an explosion or from a powerful quake. From up here we cannot determine the age of the structure or when it suffered damage. The only way would be to go down and take a look.” Kessel turned to Captain Mathers after a few seconds of thought. “How long until the Unity achieves orbit?” “They are thirty-six days out sir” “Very well. Prepare the lander. It’s time for humanity to set foot on an alien world. Unofficially, of course.”
    Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


    • #3
      ---The Beginning---

      Colonel Kessel walked down the long hallway flanked by the occasional guard. He hadn’t been to New York for some time and it was a shame that this trip had to be wasted on a visit to the UN Headquarters. But he had been ordered to come here and attend the interview and he didn’t really understand why. With his reputation in the UN community, the possibility of him getting this mission was nonexistent. As he rounded yet another corner the thought came to him that he was more likely to be arrested by the UN than given a job But orders were orders. He turned the final corner and came to a large door with the words Unity Project written in different languages above the frame. One of the guards at the door held out his hand and requested Kessel’s security card. Without a word Kessel handed the tall man his card and waited as the man pushed the card into a slot on the wall. A series of images flashed on the panel with a picture of Kessel. The guard then asked Kessel to place his hand on the panel in the indicated position. Kessel looked annoyed but complied without a word. After the computer had authenticated the identity of Colonel Marcus Kessel of the North American Union, the guard returned Kessel’s card and punched in a code of his own. The door slid open and Kessel was motioned to enter. On the other side of the door another guard got up from his desk and told Kessel to follow him down the hall. They came to another door marked Unity Selection Board. Kessel followed the guard into the room where he spotted a small thin man dressed in the uniform of the UN Diplomatic Corp. “Sit down Colonel Kessel.” Kessel sat down in the chair nearest the desk and watched as the small man wrote something down on a data pad and handed it to the guard. “Have this sent to the Secretary General as soon as you can” The guard took the pad, nodded and walked out the door. “Now let us get down to business Colonel. You are being considered for a place on the Unity mission as the Chief of Security.” Kessel let out a small laugh that seemed to offend the UN officer. “What is it that you find amusing Colonel?” “Well for one thing, my chances of getting on board this mission are about as good as me getting a friendship medal from the Russian Commonwealth. And if you have been keeping up with the news lately, you would know that won’t happen in this lifetime.” The UN officer was starting to turn red in the face. “And further more, why do you think I would accept such a mission in the first place? After all the UN has done to me and my family, you are lucky that I even maintain a civil pretense when I’m in the same room with one of your overly paid bureaucratic twits.” The UN officer had finally had enough. “Colonel Kessel, when I was told that I had to interview you, I protested. I told them that you were not the kind of officer that we should be looking for in this kind of mission. I can now say that I was right. You will not go on this mission Colonel. Instead you will be left behind so you and your kind cannot infect this glorious mission with your barbaric militaristic attitudes. I can say that our likely choice of Minister Yang of the Chinese Republic will make a much better choice than your backward ways. Good day Colonel, I hope you can find your own way out.” Kessel stood up and eyed the UN official “Your picking that self centered bastard Yang as a Security Chief?” Kessel lets out another laugh. “In that case, I’m definitely glad that I’m not going. With him, you will get exactly what this mission deserves. Failure.” With that Kessel gets up and walks out the door. It took him fifteen minutes to reach the street level in front of the UN building. He looked at his watch and decided that he needed a drink. He didn’t have to be back in Washington for two days. An interview process that would have taken two days to complete took him forty-five minutes. Now he had two whole days to spend in New York and nothing to worry about.

      The next night, the selection board was busy finishing the final additions to the Unity manifest. Director Lal sat at his position going over the final list when a name caught his eye. He scrolled back and highlighted the name to read more information. “Excuse me but why wasn’t this Colonel Kessel at the final interview today? I would have liked to hear from him.” A man in the far corner of the table looked up from his pad and spoke up. “I believe that Colonel Kessel made it abundantly clear that he wanted no part in this mission. He also espoused only contempt for the UN as a whole.” “I see.” Lal looked across the table towards Dr. Kurns. “Dr. Kurns, I believe that you are familiar with this Colonel Kessel. Why has he spoke out against this mission when he is obviously an outstanding candidate from your country?” Kurns smiled a little and put down his glasses. “Colonel Kessel has been at odds with the UN for many years. It started when he was attached to the NAU commitment to the Peacekeeping force assigned to Turkey and Greece. He consistently refused to allow his men to be placed under UN leadership without knowing every small detail. This was minor however compared to the tragedy that followed two years later. His wife and small son were caught in the Rome airport crisis. When UN negotiators allowed some of the terrorists to leave the airport, his wife and son were taken along with several other hostages. The next day their bodies were found twenty kilometers outside of the city. He swore that he would never be apart of any UN mission and made some rather veiled threats. UN intelligence suspects Colonel Kessel is responsible for passing information that lead to the November disaster three years ago. I can’t believe that he would do such a thing of course, but evidence is substantial.” Director Lal, paused for a moment. “That is a shame, I am concerned about the appointment of Minister Yang to the post of Security Chief. But we cannot have a man such as Kessel on board either. Yang has swore a loyalty to the UN and its ideals. It is a shame that a man such as Kessel would hold grudge for so long.” With that the members continued to scroll through the lists discussing various positions.

      After a few moments Dr. Kurns put his data pad down. “It appears that we have chosen most of the important posts except that of Chief Science Officer. As you all know the two main candidates seem to be myself and Prokhor Zakharov. Dr. Zakharov is a great scientist with many years of experience. But he is an old man and space travel is far from being a routine activity. I have been to space before as a part of the NAU space program and on UN missions. Dr. Zakharov has not. All I am saying is that we cannot afford to loose someone as important as the Chief Science Officer. And maybe most importantly of all, Dr. Zakharov has been accused of being less than ethical in the past. I hope that you will consider all of this when making the final decision.” Director Lal, looked around at the different board members and then back at Dr. Kurns. “Doctor, we all here appreciate your contributions to the Unity Project. You were one of the original members chosen to work on the project back in it’s inception. We will of course, take all that into account when we make our decision. To keep it fair though, we will have to ask you to leave while we make our decision. We were hoping to put the decision off for a while longer, but I suppose that it is too important to put off any further.” Dr. Kurns smiled at the men and women assembled around the table. “I understand Director Lal. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” With that Kurns got up and left the room. As the door closed the remaining members began to discuss their last appointment to the command crew.

      Two hours after Dr. Kurns had left the UN building he arrived at the UN apartment complex. He had spent the last couple of hours in his office going over possible candidates for the countless technical positions still to be filled for the mission. Since he was sure that he would be chosen for the post of Chief Science Officer, he had taken the liberty of beginning the search for his assistances. As he walked in the door he noticed his messenger service was chiming. Kurns smiled at the thought. He walked over to see that the message was from Lal. “The sentimental old fool has called to congratulate me at home.” Kurns activated the messenger and the familiar image of Lal appeared on the screen. To Kurn’s concern, Lal did not appear to bearing good news.

      “Dr. Kurns, after you left, the board discussed who we would choose to fill the post of Chief Science Officer. We took into account your years of service to the Unity Project and even though we would have liked to appoint you to the position, in the end we were forced to go with Dr. Zakharov. We had to take into account that this is an international project. The NAU is already represented by Captain Garland and I am afraid that if any more of your countrymen are given command status there will be charges of favoritism thrown against the mission. If your qualifications had been far superior to that of Dr. Zakhorov’s then we may have been able to overlook two NAU citizens on the command crew. But as it is you are both equally qualified. I am sorry doctor. I know how much you wanted to serve humanity on our new world. We still need your assistance with picking secondary crew members. Again doctor, I am sorry.”

      As the image of Director Lal faded away to be replaced by the UN logo, Dr. Kurns sat at his desk in stunned silence. General Alexander had been right all along. The UN was becoming more and more biased against the NAU. He got up and walked over to his window to look out at the lit up UN building. He had given five years of his life to this project and over twenty years to the UN. He had sacrificed many influential friendships to work for the UN on this project. And now they had repaid him by picking a Russian to go in his place. They had picked a man who had on repeated occasions ignored UN concerns over his research into questionable advances. He turned around and went back to his desk. “Computer, display comm number for General Alexander.”

      Four days later in Washington DC, Kessel was sitting at his desk going over his units latest transfers. He was deep in thought when his aid stuck her head in the doorway. “Sir, General Alexander is here to see you.” Kessel put away his screen and looked up at the female Lieutenant. “Show him in and hold my calls.” As the general walked in Kessel snapped to attention. General Alexander smiled and returned the salute. “How are you doing Marcus? I hope your experience with the UN wasn’t too unpleasant.” Kessel motioned for the general to sit down and then took a seat himself. “Well Doug, I must admit that I did have a good time after the meeting.” “I bet considering you only spent forty-five minutes at an interview that was supposed to last for two days.” Kessel shrugged. “Doug, did you really expect it to go any other way? I mean, come on. We both know my history with the UN. In fact, it went pretty well considering what happened last time I was in an UN building.” “Yes I suppose you are right. But I’m not here to talk to you about the Unity Mission. I’m here about another mission. Something similar, but for the NAU. Something far more secret and far more important.” Kessel leaned back in his seat. “I’m all ears”

      “Good. Well I suppose I should start at the beginning. The initial mission was to include a second ship. The Pathfinder. The Pathfinder was meant to go before the Unity and map out possible landing sites for the colonist when they arrived. The ship would carry mining equipment, communication satellites, and a thousand man crew. These early arrivals would be the advanced party responsible for setting up things before the main ship reached orbit. Along the way budget restraints began to bite into the project. The Pathfinder had already been built for the most part but never officially completed. The focus soon shifted to the Unity and the Pathfinder was left uncompleted in space dock. You see the Pathfinder is basically the same ship, just smaller. Last year, concerns begin to arise that the it might present a safety risk so close to the international space station and the unfinished Unity frame. So it was moved father out to dock with the NAU station Armstrong that we maintain.”

      “Excuse me sir, but how is it that we have been able to hide this ship up there for so long?” Well, it’s not that we have hide it. Many people know that it’s there. They just don’t pay attention to it. So much focus has been shed on the Unity and the people who will become its crew that the smaller companion ship has become a mere curiosity. As far as most are concerned, it’s no more than a shell to be used for something else later on.” Anyway, we have been running missions up there for the past two years. We have completed the inside to our own specifications and intend to use it as an NAU vessel. What I have come to you for, is the chance not to be just the Chief of Security but to be it’s commander. I want you and a crew partly selected by you to proceed the Unity to Alpha Centauri and keep an eye on them for us here. When the time is right we may have you assert NAU policy. Along with that of our allies.” Kessel shifted uncomfortably in his seat and stared directly at the general. “Sir, are we planning to move against the UN or one of the other power blocs?” “That is not for you to know at the moment, Marcus. But I can say that we would prefer not to if we have a choice. Your primary mission is to observe the UN parties and if possible establish a NAU presence outside UN authority.” If everyone knows about the ship, how are we going to explain its departure?” Alexander smiled again. “When we are ready to depart, there will be a malfunction registered on our status screens. We will pretend to pilot the ship from our station, and every monitor on Earth and the ISS will be shown a brilliant explosion in space. All awhile, you and your crew will be on a path leading outside the solar system. The rest will be up to you.

      “I see. You have given me a lot to think about Doug. How many people know about this so far?” “The president knows of course. Me and General Watson are the only two military personnel that know. And now, you and Dr. Eugene Kurns. We were hoping that Dr. Kurns would be aboard the Unity itself, but they picked a Russian named Zakharov to go instead of him. Not a serious blow since Kurns retains his position as a member of the selection board. We will get some people on the ship, don’t you worry. In the meantime this is a list of special units that will be in cryo sleep until you need their services. Before you read the list, I need an answer from you. Yes or No.” Kessel looked at the general and thought about what he was about to do. “I will go where the NAU needs me the most general. You know that.” “Then here is the list.” Alexander handed a data pad over to Kessel and waited for some kind of response. Kessel looked at the list, noting that most of the units and personal he had heard of before. “Quite an impressive list you have here, general. I see that a you managed to get the Pakistani 5th Mountain Division.” “Well, it wasn’t too difficult since their country no longer exists. Besides, it was either sign with us or face the UN Peacekeepers in a showdown.” Kessel looked up at the general again. “Doug, I don’t want to command a bunch of psychopaths or mercenaries. This has to be a professional operation from start to finish. Now I know the PAK 5th will conduct themselves just fine, but two of these units are merc forces.” “Don’t worry Marcus. We have selected them because of their professionalism. Dr. Kurns himself went over their profiles. We even left room to allow you to pick some of your own men.” Kessel looked at the list again and began to think about who he wanted to fill those empty spaces. He looked up to see the general staring at him expectantly. “I guess you have your commander, general. Looks like I’m going to this bloody planet after all.”
      Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh

