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The Sinner

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  • The Sinner

    I've written this tale in the last three days after an idea that I had one month ago (seriously!).

    Please post any comment separatly.

    Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
    In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
    Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer

  • #2
    The Sinner

    I’m writing this diary hoping that its discovery could prove my good faith. I’ve told them, but they don’t want to listen to me… those stupid! I’m not mad as they said, the end is near, and they are too blind to see it! These damned, hell spawned aliens will destroy us! But I can, I must stop them, also if this could mean the end of my faction and my life… All began exactly ten Planet’s years ago, the Mission Year 2437… when our spies reported that the Caretakers were building a facility of unknown use in their Headquarters… I told them, I told to the Council! But those fools! Soon my worst suspicions begun a certainty, each piece of the puzzle was joining the others to make a picture that showed our destiny… a destiny of slavery or death for all the mankind! Those aliens were planning the Doom’s Day under our eyes and only I was able see it! The defensive tactics, the efforts put in the heavy industry, the development of the singularity reactors… they want to contact their home world and call reinforcements… millions, billions, trillions of this cursed beings, as the haunts but with the possibility to wipe out our race from the face of Chiron! No, no I must stop them, I must do it, and I will do it! I’ve a plan, simple and terrible at the same time… the Council has forbidden their use, but this is an emergency, it’s for the future of the mankind! If I’ll die, well the loss of my life isn’t important… If I’ll remembered as an inhuman monster, well I’ll accept it… my last five bases are producing in secret the parts of the last possibility of our survival… One the reactor, an other the chassis, the third the guiding system, the fourth is synthesizing the fuel and the HQ… the most important part… the singularity bomb… the ultimate warfare atrocity… using the power of a little black hole I’ll destroy the most important Caretakers’ bases near Gaians’ and Drones’ territory… maybe two or three of their settlements will be completely erased… but this is a little sacrifice that must be taken for the good of the mankind. The Council maybe will destroy me after this, but the spies’ reports speak clearly, the recordings of a subspace activity in the enemy’s territory comes from a sure source of information, our coverage operations in the Universities’ bases… with this data in my hands, recorded in this diary, will be the evidence of my innocence, but if they wouldn’t trust me… it’s not important, my mission will be completed as well.
    Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
    In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
    Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer


    • #3
      The final hour is come. The missile was assembled two hours ago in a secret air base built only to house it since its fatal voyage. I’ve prayed all the day that this was only a nightmare, but now it is useless to cry for the destiny of the victims of my decision. I’m walking trough the base to look, probably for the last time, my people… also if they know my decision they don’t seemed scared, their faith in me is incredible… how can I have the same faith? Some PSI talents reported to me that something was disturbing the Planet’s Mind, as It could sense our intentions… the Voice has spoken to me trough the PSI link, a computer programmed to translate Its thoughts in human language, a rudimental way to communicate… it’s not enough, but I hope that our sacrifice will give the time to the mankind to find the way to better know the Planet’s Mind and use Its powers to save us from the destruction. I reached the control room, the missile was ready. I ordered the orbital insertion… we’ll come from the sky as the Avenger Angel of the Holy Book… the time passed slowly before the missile reached the optimal position. I’m saving the mankind, I’m saving it, I’m repeated in my mind since this mission was begun, but something is wrong in what I’m doing. “Yes, you will delete with an order almost 800'000 lives, this is wrong, against all you have trusted till now” replied my mind. I searched the approval in the eyes of my people, and I found it. I’m hesitating… my hand is shaken by violent trembling while I’m typing the codes without which my flying tool of death is only a scrap of metal… the bomb’s activation codes… an inhuman voice shouted “FIRE!”: it was my voice. For a while a dead silence fall on the entire base… then the Scream: “YYYEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG!!!!!!!!!!!!” the PSI talents fell one by one crying for the Planet’s pain… also I perceived the screams of thousand voices before a complete silence came down. Our satellites reported the situation: 5 Caretaker’s bases were erased, but also two Drones’ and one Gaians’ settlements disappeared from the Planet’s surface… my duty is done and I don’t think at the consequences… a strange peace is pervading my soul, but a General entered in the control room shouting: “The information… all… are false! It’s a trap!” “the Council is pushing all his forces against us!” explained “Their missiles are flying against our bases” he added. “Open immediately Channel 12!” I ordered. I fell on my knees: “Forgive me Sister, because I’ve sinned” Miriam looked at me surprised, more than furious: “I’m hearing you, Lal”. The missiles’ explosions become nearer and nearer.
      Last edited by Vultur; July 17, 2001, 11:30.
      Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
      In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
      Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer

