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Go Aly, Go Aly, Go Aly (Two Houses)

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  • Go Aly, Go Aly, Go Aly (Two Houses)

    Read your latest Alynzia, just posting to say keep up the good work, and i reckon you should spend more time writting each piece- the stuff i've read so far deserves a few hours more on the fire before serving,

    i like it, good stuff
    Freedom Doesn't March.


  • #2
    Hey there problem_child, thank you for the comment. I wasn't sure if anyone had read my latest offering.

    Hours more writing?!!! I have a very low threshold for boredom, I'm afraid I'd die if I tried to write for a full hour. I allow myself 45 minutes to write the stuff in rough and 30 more for typing it up here. That is about as much as I can do.

    Shouldn't you be putting more of 'the Ghost of Far Jericho' on? It is a good story.

    I was not going to do any more stories and instead write some AC popular science, but I thought I would have a go at a Morgan one that showed the decadence and corruption present in any capitalist society.

    It was based on two houses scrapping with each other and this threatening the stability of Morgan's free market. I would have also had Morgan's bastard (that's illegitimate!) estranged son in the story also who was planning to exploit the rift between the two houses to restore himself to his father's graces.

    The emphasis in the story would have been economic warfare and dirty tricks, and also alliances being made between parties.

    The trouble is, the stuff I am able to write is not the stuff I like to read so try stories that I can't follow through. I have no idea why this is. If I don't think what I write is decent it is because of that.



    • #3
      Oh don't worry about The Ghost, i have plans for that one despite my presant distractions

      i think i understand what you mean about stories of a certain complexity being difficult to write- your idea sounds complex (i especially like the idea of Morgans bastard son) and the phrase "House Atreidese" springs to mind

      i reckon throwing in more descriptive detail, using more sentences and words to build feel and ambience and texture just for the sake of those things would be a good move, your stuff is read too soon! i find that the story tends to write itself more when you "boost the resolution" with more words.

      anyway, hope you carry the Morgan tale on, often what seems like a very complex plot can be actually a simple plot seen from obscure angles.

      most of the above advice is from being a Reader rather then a Writer,

      Do It More! Yeah! Yeah! More!!!
      Freedom Doesn't March.


