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I apologise for any wrong genarilisations I will make here.
I a lot (or maybe even all) of stories I read here Hive is portraited as a brutal police state where everybody lives in fear of goverment and secret police. Well, that may be the case but that couldn't be all. If you tried running society based solely on repression you will fail sooner or later. You have to give people something better to look forward to. This may be harmony with Planet, this may be life of religious worship, this may be life dedicated to accumulation of material goods or can be life in which individual will submit his rights to benefit of the group. Call it communism, call it faschist corporativism, call it anything you like.
Western civilisation holds individualism as highest value. We can afford to, humanity is on top of food chain and shares that place with few other creatures. When the going gets tough, survival of the species take precedense over survival of the individual. And I think that this is exactly what Yang wants. Society not torn apart by individualistic demads, conflicting interests. Maybe we find Hive so repulsive because of thet, because it tries to supress individualism. And isn't that exactly what Lal wants to do with humanity. Join all factions and correct what was done aboard Unity?
And as for seing only one part of each faction, we all do that. We see what we want to see and we want to see what will confirm our views on perticular faction.
Spartans are centered around weapons and armed forces. So military plays an important role in their lives, personal and political. Does that mean they are more like Pakistan, more like Israel or more like Switzerland? We don't know, but we apply model that suites us better. I see them like Israel, but with military playing more active role. Civilians in "goverment" (situation that happens after any military coup on Earth), but not being able to get high position if you weren't in the armed forces (similar to Switzerland). Somebody sees them as Pakistan-type of society where military has central role and supresses any attempts of civilianisation. Or maybe they are something like society in Straship Troopers. Who knows?
Gaians are centered around preservation of Planet. They will prevent any atempts to harm it. I personally think they aren't much different from Spartans. Survival. Either of a "nation" (or whatever you want to call factions-I personally don't like "factions" much) or of a Planet. If you remember this is what Deirdre thinks aboard Unity when Santiago is unconciouss before her. Neither will tolerate interference and outside "sugestions" how to run their society.
And so on and so on. I can do this for all other factions, but I think I got my message across. And once again, I ment no offense, just tried to point out some things I find interesting.
But also consider this. When Soviet Union tried to make it's citizens good communists it had to converst something like 200 millin people (give or take couple millions). Unity had much smaller population and even that was split 7 ways. So you had to persuade couple of (tens of) thousands people. And not all would need persuation. People with militaristic tendencies gravitated toward Santiago (at least those who hadn't joned her on Earth). People with envirometalistic tendencies gravitated toward Deirdre. So you had your core of people and had to persuade only those who joined accidentally or unvolutary (when everybody was making for pods there was definetly some wrong turns and not all were awake so they couldn't decide).Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here, obedient to their laws, we lie.