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Alpha Centauri: Tides

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  • #16
    "Pull hard to starboard!" yelled Davidson. taking down this foil was harder than it should have been. A transport shouldn't be this hard to sink, surely. Svensgaard was right-this was no ordinary ship!
    Another round of fire from the shredder rifle. A modfied version of the shredder pistol, it had been modified to act as an automatic rifle. Add on to this the normal shredder pistols being fired at the transport from more staff, and multiply the result by three, the number of ships in the attack. How the foil was surviving all this time was amazing. Sure, a few major cracks were visible, and they felt they were halfway towards a major success, but over half the rounds were being repelled. Some mystical forces were at work. Even strabger, not a casualty had been seen. It seemed to be a ghost ship, apart from the fact the transport was moving in elusive patterns. All available staff must be in the transport, thought Scott.
    Even the bow wave from the transport seemed abnormal. Instead of the normal trail curving away from the foil, it seemed to follow zig-zagging trails in irregular patterns. Nothing felt right, and even the crew of the Crestrider felt chilled to the bones.
    'Not for long' thought Scott, as the hull would soon crack in two, and the transport would be sent to Davy Jones' Locker
    "There are two kinds of scientific progress: the methodical experimentation and categorization which gradually extend the boundaries of knowledge, and the revolutionary leap of genius which redefines and trandscends these boundaries. Acknowledging our debt to the former, we yearn nonetheless to the latter."-Academician Prokhor Zakhrov, "Address to the Faculty"


    • #17
      Late MY 2101

      "Aim for the reactor!" The unidentified foil was in it's final throes of death, and large cracks were beginning to appear in he hull.

      Once again the shredder rifle roared into life, and the steady stream of dark shapes many had never seen before continued below the water's surface. A minority of sailors freaked out when they saw these slow-moving figures, and had to receive psych-therapy.

      Without warning, the transport split in two, with the transport module starting it's slow descent to the seabed. The reactor and superstructure, however, somehow remained afloat. A party was ordered to go aboard and explore for survivors, but they would find none on the craft. In addition, any goods remotely possible to take would be plundered, and the internal mechanics, shape and reactor and foil design would be copied and sent back to Dr. Lukas' team of talents for further investigation. Svensgaard would be most pleased with the news that the murderers were dead, all of them.
      "There are two kinds of scientific progress: the methodical experimentation and categorization which gradually extend the boundaries of knowledge, and the revolutionary leap of genius which redefines and trandscends these boundaries. Acknowledging our debt to the former, we yearn nonetheless to the latter."-Academician Prokhor Zakhrov, "Address to the Faculty"


      • #18
        (I am uncertain of Planet's map, but Morgan's pod landed near the Uranium Flats, thanks to Alzheimer's navigating. Also, a base of size 1, does this mean there are 10 000 or 1 000 people there?)

        M.Y. 2100, Day 125

        Of course excuses could be made for the limited time his people had been on Chiron, the struggling nascent industrial infrastructure coming into existence out of neccesity. But all in all, the Headquarters at Morgan Industries was rich in the Morganic oppulence Nwabudike had revelled in back on Earth.

        A man's office must be an expression of himself. It's efficiency reflecting his, it's design mirroring his tastes. The uranium present in the patch of land his citizens worked on provided energy to get this base up and running. On Unity, Morgan had promised those who chose to follow him a life of undreamt wealth and luxury. But such things would take time, it was enough at the moment the base was holding itself together, thanks to the careful gudiance lent to the citizens from the decadent halls of Headquarters.

        The scout patrol assembled in the first two months after Planetfall, had been making it's way out towards the land the citizens worked. The point of this was dubious, exploration? Only the core command staff knew where it was headed, after the Unity supply pod Alzheimer had tracked to the surface. Meanwhile at Morgan Industries, a synthmetal sentinel was under construction. Synthemetal was hailed by his industrial advisors as a good place to start an industrial base, it being a product of setting up a rudementary marketing system.

        The base of Morgan Industries was for the most part finished using the materials present in the landing pod. This job was made easier with the mining equipment the Morganites possessed. Should the mission have gone as planned, this would have been enough equipment to set up industry for all the pods and their people. Instead it was being used for purer purposes, the unbridled force of planetary development.

        The results were visible, even among the lowliest of the people. The most recent thing was the factory present in the poorest section of the base, citizens working arduously in the cramped electronics plant, churning out personal computers so that every citizen, who could afford it, could have access to this basic technology. Other factories produced construction materials and processed nutrients. But no developments were so touted as the computers. Morgan proud of these things achieved under his masterful guidance.

        These were early days however and still the greatest hurdle awaited him, the engineering of his capitalist society. His Chief Librarian Joan Matsunaga was still working on deciphering some damaged files from Morgan's personal database brought on Unity. Files that contained the collected works of Gale's 2037 book on the creation and maintenance of Applied Social Darwinianism. This work caused havok back on Earth, but Morgan merely put this down to the incompetence of his predecessors. There is no way an elitist, ecologically uncocerned society could fail under him. It would be impossible to go wrong with such virtues.


        • #19
          (Although in the manual it states a base size 1 as approximately 1 000 people, it is 10 000 in the game.)

          Safe Haven, 4 Hours after the successful mission of the Crestrider

          'Interesting' thought Dr. Lukas as he surveyed the design of the foil and it's mechanical parts. They were like nothing he had ever examined before, and he knew that no human had built these foils.

          Lukas thought back to a memorable after they had made planetfall, in the early stages of the mission. He had seen two bright streaks of light in the sky, and felt a wave of-something, he couldn't be sure but he felt something-wash over him. The idea that those 'meteors' that had crashed and hadn't been recovered weren't really meteors at all was becoming all the more plausible after every moment he thought about it.

          Provision Point

          Svensgaard examined his colony. He had been in the colony for just over a month now, and soon he would return to the headquarters at Safe Haven. He had been informed of the success of the latest mission, and was pleased. He would have been pleased more so if they had taken down a full-equipped destroyer, but hey, you can't have everything. He doubted that the destroyer he turned over in his mind would even exist in fifty years. However, he was a master of the sea, and the sea was full of uncetainties. For the time being, the transport would have to do.
          "There are two kinds of scientific progress: the methodical experimentation and categorization which gradually extend the boundaries of knowledge, and the revolutionary leap of genius which redefines and trandscends these boundaries. Acknowledging our debt to the former, we yearn nonetheless to the latter."-Academician Prokhor Zakhrov, "Address to the Faculty"


          • #20
            Safe Haven, 12 days after the mission, MY 2101

            Davidson and his men were given a hero's welcome as the entered Safe Haven. The three gun foils cut the waves as they neared port, and were to be upgraded to laser foils. They would be out of commision for a period, but no missions were planned for the immediate future. It seemed a lot for the destruction of a transport, albeit a somewhat mysterious one. Any regular transport would have been taken down in half the time this one took.

            Sure, nobody would be promoted for this mission, but at least Davidson would get a cut in some goods seized. 2nd Captains Singh and Rodriguez would also be rewarded. Even the lowest ranking ensigns aboard those ships would be rewarded: such was the importance Svensgaard placed on this mission and avenging the citizens of Parrot Landing.

            [OOC] ranks used in the pirates (for this story anyway)

            Captain (don't ask why, this is Svensgaards rank and it will remain the highest)
            Commodore (the highest anyone can become)
            2nd Captain
            Commander (used in land ranks as well, can command land and/or naval forces.)
            "There are two kinds of scientific progress: the methodical experimentation and categorization which gradually extend the boundaries of knowledge, and the revolutionary leap of genius which redefines and trandscends these boundaries. Acknowledging our debt to the former, we yearn nonetheless to the latter."-Academician Prokhor Zakhrov, "Address to the Faculty"

