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Comments on Far Jericho

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  • #16
    Thanks Aly, you are truly a person of most exsquisit good taste and fine literary perceptions

    Your points were all very well recieved, please make sure you work as a critic in the Hollywood Times in case i ever make it in the movies, definately my critic of choice for sure!

    It would seem the signal in the noise of my story is coming over then, and i really needed to know that (i'm a needy writer who requires near constant encouragement and feedback, probably becouse of the fear that the last typo or odd sentance may have been the final straw for anybody who was untill that point- reading it!)

    Sehns flashbacks abit dull you say huh, noted.

    I could definately take the advice i gave you before and spend more time on the text before posting. (how is Two Houses by the way, i was really enjoying that one). The last two parts of Jericho were writen late into the early hours of the next day (and under the influence) before i posted them and collapsed into bed, so i was particularly keen on knowing that they still made sense.

    Technical critisism is still appreciated though, simply becouse its important to get the disciplin to pay attention to the quality at all levels so people can trust that the story (any story) will be worth reading i guess, can't all be fun now can it Having said that, when i see mistakes in anothers story that i'm really enjoying, i tend to just ignore them, auto-figuring what the writer meant as i go along- but when i re-read my own stuff and see typo's i'm Horrified! its abit like having a zit really.

    Anyway, more soon.

    "Write on Dudes"
    Freedom Doesn't March.



    • #17
      It's just like...

      I've read your last post and
      "Please Sir, could I have some more?"



      • #18
        the old man turns away, his dark cape swishing behind him and a dark and troubled look upon his face. From outside, thunder booms and lightening strikes and the rain pours down like the sorrows of a thousand worlds.
        "you do not know what you are asking-"
        "but- you must!" starts Alynzia, eyes drunk with power, the armoured glove forming a fist clenched with insistence
        "NO! i.... cannot" continues the tired old man "if i were to continue now- the creature would become more powerful then you could possibly imagine!"-

        well i guess this means sure i seem to really enjoy this writing lark, but i gotta take some time off- stuffs come up (damn government!) complications (two timing damn Libyans!!) gimme time.
        Freedom Doesn't March.



        • #19
          Are you out there?


          Now THIS is time... over 60 days? Are you still alive?



          • #20
            Ngh- Wha! >startled awake<

            Hey Alynzia, i'm still functional thanks for asking, i haven't been writing any more of the Ghost though since September 11 (for reasons not quite understood) then somebody did'nt pay their phone bill and got cut-off >ahem< and then Civ3 came out- yada yada yada...

            How are you anyway, have you written any more stuff?
            >no time to check for self- in hurry<
            Freedom Doesn't March.


