I have just completed re-working the fudge interactive history rules system for an Alpha Centauri game, with society/faction and action templates, and now currently in the process of creating a high resolution Chiron map on Photoshop with different layers categories for different type of maps.
Since I am doing all this, all inspired from the Poli Sci United Nations course I am taking in University, thought I put a feeler out there to possible start another Chiron Chronicles type co-operative story game, but re-imagined Alpha Centauri.
edit: Rules described in following post.
Earth, with somewhat different general events to adapt to recent real life history and real possible future situations, so goes to hell. United Nations grows a backbone at some point and quite the global authourity backed by reformed peacekeeper forces as due to the collapse of the remaining superpower and feeling the vacuum it left a long with resulting global issues to handle and 'police'. Future still looks bleak, so as an attempt to postpone the inevitable, UN leads a project to build the huge colony ship UNS Unity using the orbital and some system infrastructure in the 2050s, with the ship being completed and launch by 2060. Earth has bit of Nuclear War in the 2070s which led to the collapse of most of the worlds countries and civilization, resulting in a post-apocalypse Fallout/Wasteland/Mad Max/Jericho type world.
UNS Unity is huge, the biggest space vessel ever built and the first interstellar one, using the most advance technologies available to the United Nations a long with creating new ones. Unity few kilometers long and half a kilometer or so wide. Whole ship is heavily compartmentalized due to being built in chunks and modules, a lot of them designed to be swapped easily or jettisoned from the main keel skeleton of the ship. Apart from the front Command Section and the back Engineering/Engine Section, with the center having the 12 Colony Landing Pods, rest of the bays, modules and sections filled with small to large cargo pods filled with everything need for colonization of a new world. There is also some shuttle bays allowing unity to carry 5 Jumbo Shuttles. Also happens to be some armouries to equip entire regiment of UN peacekeepers sent a long with the colonists. Then there is enough cryo bays filled with 100 000 thousand frozen colonists in cryo sleep.
The 100 000 colonists comprises the best of the best the UN manage to recruit for this colonization, spanning from engineers, technicians, scientists, doctors, and such of all sort, including the thousands of soldiers, security, crew, and command officers. All of the swore an oath to uphold the UN Charter (which by the time of the launch in 2060, as changed somewhat in comparison to todays UN Charter) and UN Colonization mandate.
When UNS Unity arrives to the Alpha Centauri binary system (trinary if you include the distant yet close proxima), disaster is struck. It unsure what happened, but something struck the ship, causing a lot of damage. With information on hand and sense of urgency, write up as some kind of meteor impact, in reality being an ancient alien sentry defense drones. While the damage to the engines was repaired in time, still doesn't leave enough time to decelerate and to achieve proper orbit around Chiron. That and have a mutiny uprising instigated by a faction of the soldiers and security memebrs which led to complete chaos when all the cryo bays were opened, there was mad dash to get into whatever available colony landing pods, shuttles, escape and cargo pods. As Unity does gradual decaying orbit around Chiron, jettisons all the cargo/hydroponic/cryo/engineering/medical/etc bays throughout the planet after doing the same with the colony landing pods and cargo pods in set programmed and designed manner incase of such of emergency. Eventually, remains of Unity crashs onto the planet, leaving a huge hundred of kilometers gash to the surface. A century later, a study was done with help from all factions, estimated about 70-80% of the colonists manage to survive planetfall.
Chiron, while habitable, it is just barely breathable. A world of which mindworms, fungus fields, later discovered planetmind, primitive alien humanoid native race later discovered to have psionic abilities, ancient ruins of ancient alien civilization or colony attempt, ancient alien shipwreck suggesting the natives do not originate from this world, and other hidden mysteries and wonders humanity have to deal with. That coupled with the disastrous planetfall spreading groups of colonists throughout Chiron, results in many very different and unique societies/factions.
So ya, anyone interested? All stuff apart maybe the map is ready to start.
post ]post[/URL]
Since I am doing all this, all inspired from the Poli Sci United Nations course I am taking in University, thought I put a feeler out there to possible start another Chiron Chronicles type co-operative story game, but re-imagined Alpha Centauri.
edit: Rules described in following post.
Earth, with somewhat different general events to adapt to recent real life history and real possible future situations, so goes to hell. United Nations grows a backbone at some point and quite the global authourity backed by reformed peacekeeper forces as due to the collapse of the remaining superpower and feeling the vacuum it left a long with resulting global issues to handle and 'police'. Future still looks bleak, so as an attempt to postpone the inevitable, UN leads a project to build the huge colony ship UNS Unity using the orbital and some system infrastructure in the 2050s, with the ship being completed and launch by 2060. Earth has bit of Nuclear War in the 2070s which led to the collapse of most of the worlds countries and civilization, resulting in a post-apocalypse Fallout/Wasteland/Mad Max/Jericho type world.
UNS Unity is huge, the biggest space vessel ever built and the first interstellar one, using the most advance technologies available to the United Nations a long with creating new ones. Unity few kilometers long and half a kilometer or so wide. Whole ship is heavily compartmentalized due to being built in chunks and modules, a lot of them designed to be swapped easily or jettisoned from the main keel skeleton of the ship. Apart from the front Command Section and the back Engineering/Engine Section, with the center having the 12 Colony Landing Pods, rest of the bays, modules and sections filled with small to large cargo pods filled with everything need for colonization of a new world. There is also some shuttle bays allowing unity to carry 5 Jumbo Shuttles. Also happens to be some armouries to equip entire regiment of UN peacekeepers sent a long with the colonists. Then there is enough cryo bays filled with 100 000 thousand frozen colonists in cryo sleep.
The 100 000 colonists comprises the best of the best the UN manage to recruit for this colonization, spanning from engineers, technicians, scientists, doctors, and such of all sort, including the thousands of soldiers, security, crew, and command officers. All of the swore an oath to uphold the UN Charter (which by the time of the launch in 2060, as changed somewhat in comparison to todays UN Charter) and UN Colonization mandate.
When UNS Unity arrives to the Alpha Centauri binary system (trinary if you include the distant yet close proxima), disaster is struck. It unsure what happened, but something struck the ship, causing a lot of damage. With information on hand and sense of urgency, write up as some kind of meteor impact, in reality being an ancient alien sentry defense drones. While the damage to the engines was repaired in time, still doesn't leave enough time to decelerate and to achieve proper orbit around Chiron. That and have a mutiny uprising instigated by a faction of the soldiers and security memebrs which led to complete chaos when all the cryo bays were opened, there was mad dash to get into whatever available colony landing pods, shuttles, escape and cargo pods. As Unity does gradual decaying orbit around Chiron, jettisons all the cargo/hydroponic/cryo/engineering/medical/etc bays throughout the planet after doing the same with the colony landing pods and cargo pods in set programmed and designed manner incase of such of emergency. Eventually, remains of Unity crashs onto the planet, leaving a huge hundred of kilometers gash to the surface. A century later, a study was done with help from all factions, estimated about 70-80% of the colonists manage to survive planetfall.
Chiron, while habitable, it is just barely breathable. A world of which mindworms, fungus fields, later discovered planetmind, primitive alien humanoid native race later discovered to have psionic abilities, ancient ruins of ancient alien civilization or colony attempt, ancient alien shipwreck suggesting the natives do not originate from this world, and other hidden mysteries and wonders humanity have to deal with. That coupled with the disastrous planetfall spreading groups of colonists throughout Chiron, results in many very different and unique societies/factions.
So ya, anyone interested? All stuff apart maybe the map is ready to start.
post ]post[/URL]