I've recently started playing SMAC, for the first time in several years (as a result of getting acess to a computer that will run it), and have beed inspired to have a go at writting a a bit of SMAC fanfic.
In order to get some ideas and a bit more depth to the story, I have a few questions about life of Alpha Centauri, that I was wondering if there are any official/semi-official answers to:
1) Native life: other than Fungus and the Mind Worm varients, what other forms of life are there on Planet? Some of the advances/structure blurbs mention Glowmites, Razorbeaks, and some sort of fruit (as well as the numerous species made extinct since planetfall). Does anyone know what these and other lifeforms are, and what they are like/do? In particular, are there any dangerous lifeforms other than the three mindworm variants? And are any of these big enough and tough enough that the best defence against them would be conventional weapons and armour, rather than high moral and flamers?
2) Atmosphere: is it posible to breathe the atmosphere of planet for any length of time? If so, how long? And if the atmosphere is hostile, would it be feasible for someone to live in their own home outside a base? Or is the atmosphere for hostile that only a proper base would have the facilities for providing its inhabitents with a sealed environment and breathable air?
3) What are the various weapons and armours like in "human" terms? The basic strength-1 handweapons are pathetic in the game, but, based on the "Journey" story, seem extremely powerful by contemporary standards. So what sort of damage could, say, an impact rifle inflict? How tough actually is synthmetal or plasma steel?
4) The faction leaders all manage to live for centuries, even without constructing the Longetivity Vaccine. Are they more or less unique in this respect, or are whatever medical advances that allow this available to many other colonists as well?
5) What did the Unity colonists do when they discovered that Alpha Centauri had already been reached by the MSS Ghengis Khan, in 1836, and was extensively colonised by the Mongols?
Okay, that last one wasn't serious, but does anyone have any answers to the other questions?
In order to get some ideas and a bit more depth to the story, I have a few questions about life of Alpha Centauri, that I was wondering if there are any official/semi-official answers to:
1) Native life: other than Fungus and the Mind Worm varients, what other forms of life are there on Planet? Some of the advances/structure blurbs mention Glowmites, Razorbeaks, and some sort of fruit (as well as the numerous species made extinct since planetfall). Does anyone know what these and other lifeforms are, and what they are like/do? In particular, are there any dangerous lifeforms other than the three mindworm variants? And are any of these big enough and tough enough that the best defence against them would be conventional weapons and armour, rather than high moral and flamers?
2) Atmosphere: is it posible to breathe the atmosphere of planet for any length of time? If so, how long? And if the atmosphere is hostile, would it be feasible for someone to live in their own home outside a base? Or is the atmosphere for hostile that only a proper base would have the facilities for providing its inhabitents with a sealed environment and breathable air?
3) What are the various weapons and armours like in "human" terms? The basic strength-1 handweapons are pathetic in the game, but, based on the "Journey" story, seem extremely powerful by contemporary standards. So what sort of damage could, say, an impact rifle inflict? How tough actually is synthmetal or plasma steel?
4) The faction leaders all manage to live for centuries, even without constructing the Longetivity Vaccine. Are they more or less unique in this respect, or are whatever medical advances that allow this available to many other colonists as well?
5) What did the Unity colonists do when they discovered that Alpha Centauri had already been reached by the MSS Ghengis Khan, in 1836, and was extensively colonised by the Mongols?
Okay, that last one wasn't serious, but does anyone have any answers to the other questions?