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The Spartan Chronicles - Volume 4

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  • The Spartan Chronicles - Volume 4

    Spires: Ascendent

    The simulations were done for the day, and his crews had done well. His navigator M'Lan had mastered shunting his neural feedback to the AI of Deathsphere Alpha, and they now behaved as a single entity, one though - one action. It was strangely beautiful to see their resonance merge as the two intelligences grew to know and understand each other. The ancient AI had remained the same, but it was clear that M'Lan had gained from the experience. He was now less earnest and more purposeful, more sure of himself. Having been in contact with all the AIs of his Deathspheres Zzar knew that their call could be alluring. They promised serenity and victory, with the specter of ancient knowledge and vast experience. Slowly the AI would form the navigator, meld him to make the best use of him. That is how the Deathsphere AI was designed. I could not function without a crew. That was part of an ancient failsafe, undoubtedly installed after some very unfortunately mistake in the far past. That was the wisdom of the ancients. Zzar had found that there was nothing that the ancients had not already done, and that they would have all the answers, assuming the correct questions were asked. The conflict on Manifold 6 was simply a recapitulation of conflicts that had occurred for a millennia of millennia. It did not matter if the conflict was Progenitor verses Progenitor, or Progenitor against alien. In the end conflict was all the same.

    Nir was a different story. His assimilation to the AI had not gone nearly as well. It was clear that he was a gifted weapons officer, but he lacked the elasticity to make an interface with the AI truly successful. He fought the AI. Some always fought, as a normal Progenitor would do when confronted with a challenge, and a true Progenitor will seek to Dominate. Zzar had discovered, though, that domination was more that placing your foot talon on your enemy's throat. That was mere physical domination, and while useful it lasted only as long as your foot was in place. True domination was much more subtle and involved a heady mixture of respect, deference, competence, and leadership. That is what Nir did not understand. He was caught in the old Usurper paradigm taught in the Challenge Chamber: the one who stands wins, and the winner has the honor of consuming the vanquished. Zzar had had a long discussion the AI Alpha and had found that this difficulty in assimilation was not unexpected, especially with headstrong and aggressive weapons officers, and that Alpha had had experience this many times before. Nir was acceptable to AI Alpha. Alpha warned Zzar, however, that Nir was impulsive and he was slaved to his will and would obey Nir unless countermanded by him, Zzar, or if it went against orders from Conquer Marr.

    Whatever they are. Marr thought to himself, knowing that Alpha could see his thoughts in their immersion link. Conqueror Marr's orders were as of yet secret, and would be revealed in good time.

    At least Nir had stopped his annoying tusk bobbing once Zzar made it very clear to him that he would not eviscerate him at his first mistake. The tusk bob was an instinctive Challenge tactic from brood, and it sometimes erupted during stress. It was yet another one of Nir's Domination tactics that Zzar found to be annoying.

    Ensk was altogether different. As a Political she was the oldest of the crew, and was well steeped in Usurper and Progenitor lore. Moreover, she didn't have simple forced RNA treatments like Zzar and his crew. She had real experience. She was actually old. Still, for an Old One she was not yet decrepit, like those that went to the Tanks for combat practice for younglings. She was hale for her age. Indeed, her age spoke well for her, since Marr had a habit of purging those who were either judged to be redundant, a waste of resources, or somehow an impediment to his plan. That she had survived proved either she was too useful to loose or that she was crafty enough to avoid Marr's talon. Either way Zzar had decided early to determine what her Political parameters were and fulfill them. She would be a useful ally, and an unpleasant enemy.

    When asked what she required of Zzar Ensk had been refreshingly direct. All Zzar had to do was fulfill Marr's orders and she wouldn't have him killed: very simple and to the point. Of course, it was incumbent on him to understand exactly what the Conqueror desired, otherwise he could not fulfill his grand vision, and then he, too, might meet with the wrong end of Marr's talon.

    Yes. Zzar approved.

    It was heady stuff. Between Marr's vision and the wisdom of the ancients victory was assured.

    Now that his crews were dismissed for the day, Zzar treated himself to a return to his study. Zzar called up his tactical Personality, a 17th Cycle Master Bral of the long defunct Seeker faction.

    Gradually, Zzar called the Personality up from his downloaded treasure trove of Progenitor Personalities and Faces. Other Personalities and Faces waited in the wings, ever patient and vigilant. Time quickly culled Faces and Personalities that were not, since being fixed and self-contained for many thousands of years would test the stability of any sentience.

    Greetings Teacher Bral. I am honored to be your student, and seek what enlightenment you may offer.

    I am honored to serve you, Conqueror Zzar, and I hope to help illuminate your path in the struggle to come. Please quote for me the first precept of battle. This will set the tone for our discussions.

    Mentally, Zzar bowed to his instructor.

    Very well Teacher: Tradition, the first principle of warfare, must form the foundation of all your efforts. Know, of course, the past. But in knowing the past always attempt to repeat it. The commander that embraces this totality of battle shall win, even with the inferior force.

    Very good. Now, explain to me what it means…

  • #2
    Sparta Command

    The Edgecrusher looked out over the base of Sparta Command, admiring it’s beautiful functionality from the top of the Spartan Command Centre. Every inch of the base was designed with defence in mind. All the passageways between the buildings were narrow, making it impossible to move large groups of troops through them. Defence installations provided cover for Spartan Rovers, enabling them to pick off anyone who breached the perimeter defence, one by one. The Spartan Federation could hunker down here for ever. No force on Chiron would be able to take this base if Santiago didn’t will it so.

    The blow came from behind. He felt his legs collapse beneath him from the kick to the back of his knee. Rolling with the momentum, he came to his feet precariously close to the edge of the roof. His assailant pressed on, as expected, lunging with a punch towards the Edgecrusher’s ribcage. The Edgecrusher spun away, the blow glancing off his arm, then planted himself firmly, drawing his shredder pistol. His assailant stopped dead in her tracks.

    “That’s not fair,” the woman’s rich voice was filled with barely contained hostility. “How am I supposed to learn if you won’t let me complete the exercise.” The woman’s face was unreadable beneath the mask of the probe uniform, but it was clear she was gritting her teeth.

    “You failed the exercise. If I had truly been your enemy you would be dead by now.”

    “Because you drew a shredder! How am I supposed to master combat when you pull a weapon like that?”

    “Do you assume your adversary will always play by the same rules you wish him too?” He could tell his student understood the wisdom, yet she remained furious.

    “If this were the digital world I would have nailed you.” She relaxed somewhat now, the Edgecrusher thus determining that it was safe to put away the shredder.

    “Undoubtably,” the Edgecrusher replied without hesitation. “Your mastery of computers is unparalleled. But operatives rarely spend their lives sitting in front of a computer growing fat. The enemy is out there, and to do any real damage you must go to them.”

    “Says who?”

    The Edgecrusher frowned, although it was hidden from his pupil by his mask. She showed so much promise, yet her ego prevented her from accepting wisdom. She sought the quick fix, the easy way out.

    “Roze, I see no point in the furthering of these lessons. You refuse to listen, you question me at every corner. You apparently know everything, there is nothing left for me to teach you.” The Edgecrusher turned to leave, two seconds too late realizing that he had been duped. Her hand grabbed the pistol at his side and was now firmly implanted in his skull hinge.

    “Bang,” she said. “You’re dead.”

    ************************************************** *****

    Roze remembered that night as she wandered covertly through the corridors of the Hive. Drones and foremen walked passed her paying no attention to her, and Roze’s mind was clearly someone else. For the first time in a long time she was truly afraid. She did not know if you should could defeat Ashaandi and the rest of the Circle. They held a huge advantage, and Roze was not sure that any gadgetry Paul could produce would be enough to level the playing field.

    “Well, well, well,” the voice said tauntingly behind her. She turned to see Ashaandi staring her right in the face with a broad grin. “What have we here?”

    “Ashaandi,” she said, a smile broadening across her own face. “I’ve been waiting for you.” The room melted around them, the two suddenly finding themselves in the midst of a forest. Ashaandi was caught of guard, and in that moment of uncertainty Roze disappeared.

    Ashaandi began to move through the trees, searching for her. He drew a flame gun, similar to the kind used against mindworms. He moved towards sounds that he thought might be Roze, but the position was always deserted by the time he got there.

    “Come out, come out wherever you are!” He called out taunting her. “What are you afraid of Roze?”

    “Nothing.” The voice that replied was disembodied, not coming from a specific location. “Don’t you want to play?” This was Roze’s world.

    Suddenly, a swarm of mindworms hurtled towards Ashaandi from out of nowhere, bearing down on him like a huge wave. Ashaandi blasted them with the flame thrower, incinerating most of them before they got anywhere near him. As the last of the mindworms burst into flames and disappeared, he felt the muzzle of a rifle pressed up against his head.

    “Looks like I found you,” she said sinisterly. Roze pulled the trigger and Ashaandi fell to the ground, his body vanishing. As he did so, the walls melted back to the corridors of the Hive, with Drones and Foremen once again passing idly by.

    Roze pulled herself back through the network, to the MorganNet before disengaging herself. She returned to reality in her temporary quarters at Morgan Industries. She had defeated Ashaandi in the virtual world. He was not infallible. In particular, he was overconfident. That could be used against him. He could be defeated.

    "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


    • #3

      Velvetgrass Point

      Dierdre Skye rose gracefully and courteously as her luncheon guests

      "Welcome, Jessica.  It's been quite a while, but it is good to
      see you after so long."

      Jessica took the proffered hand, but her thoughts stumbled over the
      apparent non-sequitur.

      "Forgive me, Lady Skye, but I don't think we've met?" Jessica asked,
      with the UN-born accent that had never known Earth, or the meeting with
      Skye and Googlie long ago.

      Dierdre studied the puzzled young woman for a moment, then smiled.

      "Forgive me.  You look very much like another assistant of Miriam
      Godwinson's that I met long ago, on Earth.  Since you shared the same
      name, I thought you to be the same person.  Apparent ages, with respect
      to rejuvenation technology, can be deceiving to the eye."

      Certainly Dierdre Skye herself was a case in point.   Jessica
      knew that Dierdre had recently returned from rejuvenation treatment, but
      the Gaian leader had opted to return to the physical age that she'd embarked
      with, probably in her mid-thirties.  This didn't detract from
      her beauty however; indeed, the symmetry of body and mental state granted
      Dierdre a sense of "rightness" to her form, whereas a technically beautiful
      and younger body would've somehow diminished the authenticity, maturity,
      and gentle dignity that was Dierdre.  No adolescent fantasy;
      this Dierdre was the real thing.

      Not that any of this explained to Jess what Dierdre had just said, but
      it seemed inappropriate to follow that avenue of discussion immediately,
      despite the fact that her mind was racing in curiosity.

      "Jay.  Would you please seat us?"  Dierdre smiled at the young
      man, implicitly inviting him to join the two women at the table.

      "I think you'll enjoy the lunch, Jessica.  These are some of our
      Gaian shrimp, raised right here at Velvetgrass.  And the mushrooms
      are from our tree farm.  And these are xeno-lemonaides.  Thank
      you, Franco."  Dierdre said to her butler, who was human much to Jessica's
      relief.  She'd begun to be accustomed to the mindworms, but watching
      them serve food would've been a bit too much.

      Jay picked up one of the succulent shrimp eagerly, but Dierdre caught
      his eye and shook her head almost imperceptibly.

      Wait just a moment, Jay,  Dierdre projected, and Jay felt
      himself blushing even though he wasn't sure what he'd done.

      "Sister Jessica, would you care to say grace?"  Dierdre invited.

      Jess was privately surprised, but pleased, and she bowed her head and
      spread her hands in the ritual manner to receive blessing.

      "Dear Lord, we thank you for the gifts of food, shelter, and companionship. 
      Please be with us at this meal.  Grant wisdom four our minds, and
      salvation for our souls.  Protect us, and guide us, now and always. 

      Jay couldn't help but watch curiously, before realizing that Dierdre
      too had her head bowed, although she did not join Jessica in the `Amen'. 
      He'd heard about the custom, of course, although he'd never seen it for

      Jessica finished and smiled.

      "Thank you, Lady Skye."

      "You're welcome, Jessica," Dierdre acknowledged, then answered the unasked

      "No, I am not a Believer, but obviously you are, and you are
      welcome as our guest as who you are.  And there are a few Christians
      in the Gaian population who retain the faith, although they have no minister. 
      I daresay they'd welcome you if you'd like to conduct some services."

      "Is it something you have to do often?  The praying, I mean?" 
      Jay asked.

      "As often as we can, we should," Jessica answered, "and certainly we
      should remember to invite God to all important occasions."

      "Which includes meals,"  Dierdre added.  "Indeed, we should
      realize what a miracle it is, and what a precious gift, to have this food
      before us.  Where a University scientist might've seen a simple organic
      construction, and a free-market Morganite a valuable commodity, it is important
      to remember that we are simple stewards here, a tiny and alien segment
      of a much greater ecosystem, and responsible for our part within it."

      "Do you say that as a biologist?  Or a philosopher?"  Jessica

      "Yes," Dierdre answered with a smile.  "Obviously the former, but
      the Gaian philosophy is `harmony with nature'.  As a race,
      we almost drove ourselves to extinction, and lost a beautiful, rich, living
      planet because we forgot."

      "The Eden parable?"  Jess offered.

      "Not quite; instead of being driven out, we ruined the Earth. 
      But, rather like your Adam and Eve, we did do so as a result of terrible
      disrespect - or sinful impiety, perhaps - to the planet which gave us life. 
      And now - now, we have a second chance.  It has taken a much effort,
      and I do not think we have the luxury of a third chance."  Dierdre
      examined the shrimp on the end of her fork for a moment, as if marveling
      at the complexity in growing the small prawn grown from the old Unity
      genetic stocks, before popping the morsel into her mouth daintily.

      "Good shrimp, yes?"  Dierdre observed.

      "Delicious!"  Both Jess and Jay answered together, although the
      latter had some difficulty because his mouth was full.

      After the delightful meal - which in Jess's mind was as good as anything
      at the best Morganite restaurant - talk turned to more political matters.

      "I am pleased that Miriam is well,"  Dierdre commented.  "Although
      we did not know each other well, even on Unity, I remember her humanitarian
      work in Africa, and I commend her on it.  Even though that is long
      in the past for both of us.  So, how may the Stepdaughters of Gaia
      aid the Lord's Believers?

      "Well, we are a small but growing faction.  Given the proximity
      of our bases on two continents, our Council desires a treaty of friendship
      and trade.  We have some industrial goods to offer - thanks especially
      to our collaboration with the Free Drones - and certainly would benefit
      from the ecological knowledge and products that your people have."

      Dierdre frowned for just a moment.

      "Certainly, we are happy to share our ecological formulas and processes
      with all humanity.  Indeed, we would like to help you.  We recognize
      the necessity of your faction to pursue a carefully planned economy as
      you are only starting up, but we urge you to adopt more ecologically friendly,
      efficient `green' economies as soon as possible.  And, we ask that
      you prevail upon your Drone allies to do the same; for we all share one
      of the same continents, and the effects of one faction have consequences
      upon us all."

      "I cannot speak for the Drones,"  Jessica answered, "but I can
      certainly advise our own Council to adopt a more Planet-friendly economy. 
      Certainly, be assured that we have no desire to pursue rampant, unfettered
      capitalism to the ecology's detriment.  Indeed, it is our belief that
      such focused pursuit of material goods is un-Christian."

      "The Morgans fear what they cannot buy, for how can a trader comprehend
      a thing which is priceless?
      "  Dierdre quoted one of Miriam's sermons,
      much to Jessica's surprise.

      "Sister Miriam also wishes to discuss a shared military treaty. 
      As you say, we do share a continent, but also with the Human Hive, one
      of our most implacable foes."

      Dierdre shook her head slowly.

      "I understand Miriam's concern over Yang, and you know that we too suffered
      at his hands, although not as much as the Believers did.  But we pursue
      this vendetta only reluctantly, for the spilling of human blood pains us. 
      Indeed, we were once at war with Morgan, but are partners now in substantial
      ways.  As we hope to be with the Hive, one day.  So for us, taking
      any action that leads to or escalates warfare is abhorrent.  You may
      have noticed that we maintain virtually no military facilities or training
      centres in our bases, and that all of our `soldiers' are volunteers. 
      It's part of our philosophy, and one reason why we retreated to this distant
      continent until only recently."

      "Now that doesn't mean we won't defend ourselves, and don't have the
      means to do so.  Indeed, from what Kirsten told me, you've seen what
      we are capable of, if required.  But we will not go to war for anything
      less than Atrocities against Humanity.  However, please tell
      Miriam that we will protect any who come to us for sanctuary, provided
      they respect our ideals.  If ever the Lord's Believers need shelter
      in a coming storm, they are welcome amongst us."

      Watching the fiery determination in Dierdre's eyes, Jessica had no trouble
      believing the Gaian leader.  They abhorred violence far more than
      the Believers, who despite a much smaller size had still contributed
      more support to the Axis war effort than the Gaians.  If you didn't
      count the mindworms, that is.  Which you certainly had to, from what
      Jessica had seen in only the relatively small mindworm boil, Fluffy. 
      Count those assets in, and Jessica wondered if any potential despoiler
      on Gaian soil would find it as brutal and costly as an invasion of Sparta

      Will indeed, the meek inherit the world?  Jessica thought
      to herself.


      • #4
        Spartan Territory - En route to Fort Superiority from Pointa Nor

        The Orient Express was the most luxurious form of travel that Chiron had to offer. Base on an old Earth design, the train moved along rails on a permanent track between the two former University bases.

        The train was funded by a Morganite entrepreneur who saw the valuable Spartan markets in the subjugated bases. Now, anyone who was anybody, travelled on the Orient Express at least once in their lifetime. And with a capacity for three hundred passengers at a price of one hundred energy credits a head, the enterprise was an unbelievable success.

        Junior looked out his private window at the passing terrain. Currently they were passing through a dense forest. Junior knew from his personal files that hidden within that forest was a Spartan Bunker and Sensor array facility, in the unlikely event that Spartan Territory should be invaded. Unlikely, that is, apart from the Aliens.

        Junior let that thought drift from his mind as the anticipation of the final moment arrived. The train began to slow as it approached the end of the forest, and all the passengers flocked to the windows for the unique experience that awaited them.

        As the train cleared the forest, they saw ahead the awe-inspiring sight of a thermal borehole. The width of the monestrous monument to human industry was almost unfathomable. And stretching across that distance was a bridge on which the train would cross.

        The rites for such a construction project would be phenomenal, however the Fort Superiority Governor had finally relented. The promise of the funds was enough to convince him, as the former University citizens demanded much more than their new Spartan counterparts in the way of living standards.

        Junior leaned as close to the window as possible, trying to see if he could see the end of the almost limitless depths of the borehole. He had been on this trip a dozen times before, but every time it took his breath away.

        Without warning, the train screeched to a halt, and Junior was thrown against the wall on the far side of his cabin. Dazed he looked up, to try and determine what was going on. Somewhere, he heard the whirring of chopper blades. Then, the sound of gun fire, and people shouting from the front of the train.

        Junior was in the last carriage. If he could make it to the exit, he could escape whatever carnage appeared to be occurring near the engine. But where would he go? The train was stopped directly over the centre of the borehole, and the bridge was not designed for easy accessibility for humans.

        Before Junior could even slip from his cabin, the window into the hall was filled by a shadowy form, indiscernible thanks to the bright light of Alpha Centauri A burning behind it. Before Junior could react, the door was opened and Junior saw a weapon in the man’s hand. A shot was fired silently, and Junior collapsed to the ground, the world vanishing into a void of nothingness.

        Morgan Industries

        Zakharov pounded his first against the display screen in frustration. Still, there had been no luck in deciphering the Alien datalinks. There seemed to be no hope in translating them into something understandable to humans. And now, with Roze running around and Zeta-Five returning home, Zakharov had hardly any assistance in what seemed like an impossible task. Zakharov began to wonder whether Lal had been so merciful when he had saved him from Miriam’s persecution.

        The screen in front of him flickered, and then went blank. Zakharov was about to curse himself for damaging it, when the screen came back to life, this time with a different image. It showed a face that was all to familiar. It was Nicholi Federov, one of the low ranking officials in Zakharov’s administration. Suddenly, Zakharov dreaded whatever the man was about to say.

        “Ladies and Gentlemen of Chiron,” Federov began. Zakharov realized that this wasn’t some sort of localised transmission, but a Planet wide broadcast. The knot in Zakharov’s stomach tightened. “My name is Nicholi Federov, current leader of the University of Planet as it’s highest ranking official. I am here to announce, that the Spartan occupation of our bases must come to an end.”

        Zakharov felt the colour leave his face, his head hanging in shame. Sharra, Will and the others gathered around in interest. They were to young to understand what had happened to the University. To young to understand what had driven Federov to do what he next explained.

        “I have taken control of the train that connects Pointa Nor to Fort Superiority. If Colonel Santiago does not officially release control of all former University bases to Academician Prokhor Zakharov, and give her garrisons marching orders within the next twenty-four hours...We will assassinate the passengers one by one on this train, until the University is finally free once again. We await your response Colonel.”

        The screen flickered, and then returned to it’s original display of nonsensical images. His commsystem began to beep continuously, as his waiting messages list filled up. He started with the first one, from: “Sparta Command : Santiago”.

        "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


        • #5
          Velvetgrass Point

          "Good night Jay. Thanks for introducing me to Lady Skye, ah, Dee. Just like you said, she is gracious, and to me a little elegant, but not at all stuffy or aloof. I can see why you admire her so much. Are we still on to visit the Jungle in a couple of days? That's the only thing that seems to get Kirsten a little excited. Maybe she could come too?"

          While standing in the doorway of her apartment Jessica observed that Jay's enthusiasm seemed to wilt a little at the mention of Kirsten's name.

          "Sure," he replied, hesitantly, "I think she'd like that."

          There was a brief pause before a thought crossed Jay's mind. "You know that if both of us go that Fluffy would have to come too. Is that all right?" Jay hoped that Jess would say 'no' so that Kirsten and Fluff would stay home at Garden of Paradise. That would leave Jess to him - a little personal time.

          Now it was Jessica's turn to be a little hesitant. Fluffy, or 'The Little Sneak', as she thought of him, always seemed to be hovering, much more now than in the last few weeks, and Jess hoped their truce wasn't starting to break down.

          "That's OK. I don't mind if Fluffy comes, too," Jess commented, a little untruthfully, not wanting to hurt Jay's feelings.

          Jess was a little surprised when Jay seemed to deflate again.

          Did I miss something? Jess thought to herself. It would be so much easier just to peak into his mind, but that was against the rules.

          Jay started to fidget a little, as if trying to decide whether to do something or not. Jess felt uncomfortable with the growing pause. "I'll be at the commons at 0400 for breakfast, if you'd care to join me. They're serving a crepe with real orange marmalade, and I've been looking forward to it all week. If I stay here much longer I'm going to have to start exercising more to keep off the mass!"

          Jay brightened at the invitation. "Sure! Meet you there!"

          Jess smiled at him. "Thanks again, and sleep well."

          "You too, Jess," Jay responded. After a fraction of a second he turned and left, walking quickly down the curved hallway.

          Jess watched him go. Jay wasn't as big, brawny, and forceful like most of the Spartan men she'd met, or refined like most of the Morgans, but he was, well, lithe and almost graceful. He also seemed to be tentative and earnest, and unassuming and almost shy. Finally he faded from view as the curvature of the tower walkway made him seem to disappear.

          Then Jess palmed the wall, the door opened, and she entered her apartment. As the door closed she berated herself for (involuntarily) thinking that he had a really nice butt.


          There was a faint rustling sound in the back of Sister Jessica's apartment.

          Lord, give me strength to bear the burdens you have entrusted to me, and give me the vision and clarity of thought to understand that these burdens are actually gifts. Through sacrifice I will learn to do your will, and hope gain a small measure of understanding of your great Plan. Grant that I would have some of the Wisdom of Solomon and the Faith of Job in the trials that you place before me. Through these trials I hope that I will grow, and become closer to what you intended before the Fall.

          This I pray,

          Jessica looked up from her devotion. A glimmer of movement caught her eye, and she quickly looked behind her to the living room to see what it was.

          There was nothing there.

          Jess listened for sound again and heard only the almost imperceptible drone of the air exchanger.


          What was that? Jess thought. A tendril just touched her mind, barely discernable, like a ripple at dusk on a large, placid lake. Automatically her mental defenses snapped into place.


          Jess sighed. Now she recognized that touch. The game had started again, and the rules of this particular game were amorphous and fluid. It was kind of like a mental tag, both subtle and probing. Unfortunately, Jess was generally the recipient of the tag and the probing, and she had learned that she always had to be on her guard. It made her edgy, but after a while it became second nature and she grew more focused. However, right now Jess was too tired to play, even if she wanted to. Now it seemed like a torment, and Jess couldn't help but think of poor Job, tested and tortured by the Devil.

          Jess knew she had her very own private devil.

          "Fluffy, front and center!" she said a little acidly, trying very hard to be generous with the little sneak that always seemed to be able to get into her room. Couldn't the Gaians at least design a room in their towers to be worm proof? Having no real form the blobs of worms seemed to have no barriers, which both intrigued and irritated Jessica. From a practical point of view she knew that mindworms had no use for halls, corridors or rooms. The Gaians must know this and have built special conduits into their complexes for the mindworms to move within the towers. At least, that is the only explanation Jess could come up with for why Fluffy seemed to be able to follow her everywhere and show up in the most unlikely places, like his last surprising visit while she was in the bathroom this morning for her morning toilet.

          Now that her devotions were done it was now very late, and even if she wasn't exhausted she knew her patience had worn more than a tad thin recently, especially with regard to Fluffy.

          For a moment nothing happened, then a small cone of worms, no more than fist sized, peaked from behind the doorway to the living room.

          "All the way, Fluffy. Now."

          Jess used her 'command voice' she had learned while training with the Spartans. It was surprisingly effective in most circumstances, and it was here, too. In a few moments the rest of Fluffy's smallish bulk flowed into the doorway.

          To Jess he was strangely immobile. Normally he was darting everywhere, or at least his form was flexing, as if in agitation that he wasn't darting somewhere. Now he was simply sitting there, his mass like a flattened beanbag, except for the little 'head' he formed whenever someone was talking to him.


          Jessica sighed again, a little frustrated. "Fluffy, you know I don't understand you since you only communicate with Kirsten and Jay. I'm really too tired tonight, and I would appreciate it if you left and let me go to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow since I am meeting Jay for breakfast."


          Jess waited a moment, then observed, "Fluffy, you're not leaving. I asked you to go."

          Interestingly, Jess noted there was no tentative probing while she was speaking. Fluffy continued to be strangely motionless with his form pulsing only in the gentlest of ways.

          After waiting a few more moments Jessica sighed heavily. It was obvious that Fluffy was not going anywhere, and since Jess had never figured out a way to force an amorphous pile of worms to move she knew she knew she was stuck.

          "OK. I get it. What do you want," she stated.

          At that Fluffy perked up a little, and his 'head' got a little bigger. He went from being a flattened ovoid to a near sphere again, and Jessica was a little worried he would start his usual darting antics again.

          But he didn't.

          Jess felt was the mental equivalent of a knock on her door. It was polite and non-insistent, but it was an unequivocal 'may I come in'.

          "Fluffy, do you want to talk to me?" Jessica asked, a little surprised since this was the same little sneak that seemed to go out of his way to make her life miserable, and since he communicated with no one besides Kirsten and Jay. Upon quick reflection Jess was not at all certain that being one of the 'privileged' few that Fluffy communicated with was a good thing. Seeing and being around Fluffy was bad enough, but having him intrude into her mind all the time would be quite another.

          Fluffy perked up a little more, looking like an egg standing on its end, with the top of his mass pulsing rapidly.

          Is that a nod? Jess asked herself.

          Looking at him Jess could not be certain. It was clear, however, that the only way she was going to get rid of him was to let him say his piece, whatever that might be.

          Gingerly she opened her mind, just a little, so that she could slam it shut again if Fluffy tried anything unpleasant. And who knew with an alien like a mindworm? Jess shuddered a little at the thought.

          A series of images touched her mind, and each went by too fast for her to grasp what they were. When she tried to grab on to them they seemed to slip away. Each image was a confused melange of color, sound, texture and, most strangely, feelings and thoughts. Some even seemed jumbled together and Jess had the uncomfortable feeling that she was smelling sound, or seeing a thought. The images didn't force their way in; they were simply there, and Jess was having a hard time making any sense of any of it.

          Gradually Jess realized the images weren't speeding by so quickly and she caught fragments here and there: an image of a young woman kneeling in a fungal bed; a bright, sunny day with dark storm clouds on the horizon, and a plum of smoke rising in the distance; the silhouette of a circle of obelisks on the horizon that had to be the Monolith Ring; a disconcerting set of what looked like waves emanating from a large mindworm, which transfixed and then exploded a smaller mindworm into a gray pulpy mass of death.

          Still, each was a fragment and there was no context and little to latch onto. Jess tried to grab hold even though a portion of her mind, and her devote inner voice, struck a warning note that she was in dangerous waters and not to delve too deep. But curiosity won out in spite of the her misgivings, and in spite of the fact that at a basic level Jess understood that these images, sounds, and feelings were from the infamous Fluffy.

          Jess concentrated harder and gradually the images started to coalesce, and Jess realized why. The images weren't slowing down for her - she was speeding up. She could perceive more because she was processing more, and processing more accurately. Voices and thoughts appeared in her mind, and then whole scenes.

          A sudden realization struck Jessica: No wonder no one talks to Fluffy, or Fluffy can't seem to talk to anyone. He 'talks' in hyper images.

          Jess thought in amazement as the fragments flashed. And here I thought he was simple.

          More images flashed by. Each seemed to stay a little longer and Jess could see a little more.

          It's just another form of communication. I wonder if it isn't more advanced than the imperfect forms of communication that humans use? Might this be the ultimate clarity - direct transfer of the object references or concepts instead of oblique description, and the misinterpretation that can and does cause? Do other mindworms dumb down to talk to humans?

          She finally found the focus; it was the kneeling woman, who had jet-black hair and sun baked skin. Jess found it strange to see her from Fluffy's vantagepoint, since all the images looked up at the much larger human. And this human was quick to laugh, and Jess could see into her mind, just as Fluffy must. This raven-haired woman was almost always on a high, and was full of vitality and boundless energy and the air around her almost crackled.

          The woman was a much younger Kirsten. Since Jess was seeing through Fluffy's memories it was almost like looking back in time. How long ago? Twenty years? Thirty? Or a hundred? With a mindworm it was impossible to tell.

          That was not the amazing realization, however. By examining both the mannerisms and the mental snapshots that Fluffy shot at her it was clear to Jess that this Kirsten was nothing like the Kirsten that Jess knew, nothing like her at all.

          Finally the scene resolved itself and, like a holo, it started to play


          "Hey Fluff, look what I found!!"

          Fluffy shot her an interrogative.

          "Now, none of that. No backsliding. Just come and see!"

          The scene changed, being somewhat disjointed as stalks of fungus washed by. Jess held her breath and mentally flinched as she passed through one fungal stalk and then another as she got used to Fluffy's viewpoint and his mode of travel. Morphing and flowing through the fungus was disconcerting since her brain was wired to avoid physical collisions and, apparently, mindworms don't think that way.

          Jess' field of view vanished with the sunlight as Fluffy sank into the fungal carpet. It was dark but full of energy, with little whitish discharges going off all around at seemingly random intervals. In mere seconds, however, light appeared.

          "HA!" Kirsten exclaimed, smiling as she looked down at Fluffy. "Thought you could sneak up on me? I don't think so. Now settle down and look at this!"

          Raven-haired Kirsten held out her hands. In them were two rust-red tubules that had writhing tentacles waving at the narrow end, and weakly moving thick ropy tendrils at their thicker base. The tubules were about seven centimeters in length and about three centimeters in diameter

          Fluffy examined them, and projected hunger to Kirsten.

          "No, you can't eat them! Honestly! Is that all you think about? Don't you know what these are?"

          Fluffy projected satisfaction, and a series of images of fungal towers he had seen recently.

          "Yes! Isn't this wonderful? We've always wondered about the lifecycle of the fungal towers, which are the biggest Chiron life form we've found. And now I have two in their larval stage! I've discovered that they're always there in larval form and they simply seem to grow from nodes in the fungal net! Maybe they're just waiting for the right conditions to grow to maturity? In any case they seem to be everywhere where there is fungus, so we could get a fungal tower growing anywhere at any time!! I can't wait to tell Dee! When she isn't fighting off Morgan she worries about the fungal net and what we don't know, which is a lot. Actually, she worries more about Morgan now days. Now, do you know how to make sure these little darlings stay alive?" Kirsten asked, some of her enthusiasm dampened by the practicalities of caring for an alien life form she knew nothing about.

          Fluffy projected to Kirsten blankness and an image of a night sky without stars.

          Kirsten got the point and was disappointed. "Well, Jeb might have an idea. Let's go home!"


          "Isn't he beautiful?" Kirsten asked.

          Fluffy's vision bounced upward and darted part way up the wall and down near Kirsten to look at what Kirsten was presenting. Fluffy probed it with a gentle resonance and found that its structure was similar to that of a human, but much smaller. It also had some internal similarities to the earthhuman Jeb, but it was not well developed.

          Fluffy touched Kirsten's mind and found that it was awash in conflicting currents. There was fading intense pain and physical discomfort from recent trauma, foreign hormones that released endorphins on a massive scale, a strange mental exhilaration, and a feeling of triumph that crested throughout her higher and even base brain functions. Overriding all of these, Fluffy could sense Kirsten's intense feeling of affection for the little fleshy mass that she now held.

          Jess felt Fluffy's confusion. From Fluffy's point of view the fleshy mass was simply a part of Kirsten, or it had been until a short while ago. Now Kirsten was holding it and it was emitting piercing sound modulations. The resonance field of Kirsten and the fleshy mass were quickly differentiating, but they were still partially linked. Fluffy projected this confusion of images to Kirsten.

          Kirsten laughed.

          "Fluff! You've never seen a baby before? I thought I explained it to you. I wanted you to be the first to know, besides Jeb and the midwife. His name is Marcus."

          Kirsten lowered the squalling baby in front of Fluffy. Jess could see Fluffy extend a tendril of worms to touch and taste his resonance, and he delicately touched his mind. He saw that the mind was primal; much like he knew his own mind was like after hatching and coalescence. At this moment the little mind was full of hunger and only hunger.

          Fluffy projected that hunger and an interrogative to Kirsten.

          "Yes," Jess chuckled, "How did you know? Babies are always hungry when they aren't sleeping. Did you peek into his mind already? Well, I see that you have."

          To Fluffy Kirsten's resonance was stronger now, and more forceful, than when he had adopted her. Was there a synergy between humans and their larvae?

          Fluffy watched as Kirsten gently brought out her mammary gland in her mid section and attached the larval human to it. The larval human latched on immediately, and Fluffy could feel the warmth of its need and satisfaction ripple through the small form as it drew sustenance from Kirsten.

          To Fluffy's experience the duel resonance was unique, and he spent hours just absorbing it. The interplay was fascinating, and it tasted good.


          Fluffy looked up at Marcus from behind a fungal stalk.

          "But I don't wanna be the fungrunner!" Markie whined. He looked at each of the Other Kids in his new crèche. They looked back at him with a united front, arrayed in a semicircle around him.

          "The new kid is the fungrunner. That's the rule," the Big Girl said. She was a good 10 centimeters taller than Markie, and was a lot bigger, too. She crossed her sun-bronzed arms across her chest to emphasize the point. The other kids just looked at Markie.

          "But the fungrunner always loses. I wanna be a worm," Markie continued lamely.

          "That's the rule. You wanna to play or not?" the Big Girl asked.

          This always happed to Markie at each new crèche. He hated being the new kid.

          "Oh, OK. How do I find my way around?" Markie asked.

          "New kids are so DUMB," the Big Girl exclaimed, "Just like babies." The Other Kids nodded their heads knowingly. She pointed to the edge of the crèche building where it melded into the fungus. "You follow the base of the Crèche. You can go anywhere you want. Even into the fungus. But you have to go around the building and come back here."

          Markie looked, and it was hard to tell where the crèche ended and the fungus began. It was all pink, and looked like fungus to him. Markie looked up and to the right and noticed that the crèche door was in the base of the mound. Finally Markie got it - the crèche was the fungus mound. He would follow that around, but it was an awfully long way.

          "Uh, OK, how far do I count?" Markie asked.

          The Big Girl grinned. "You have to count to a Hundred!" she announced. The Other Kids giggled.

          "I don't think I can count that far, yet," Markie said in a small voice, "but I'll try."

          "Good. Now turn around and start counting," the Big Girl ordered.

          Markie turned toward the crèche door and started counting, "One, two, three, four,…"

          Fluffy snuck up on him and wrapped himself around his leg.

          Markie looked down.

          Fluffy could immediately see he was happy to see him! Markie reached down to 'scratch' him by running his fingers through the suspended worms in his exterior, and Fluffy pulsed his resonance field, since Markie always felt pleasure when he did that. Markie called it 'purring'. Then Markie realized he had stopped counting, and continued, "five, six, seven, ….."

          The Other Kids were laughing, and Markie could hear them running around. He continued counting, "twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-uh-nine, thirty, thirty-three, thirty-four…"

          Fluffy rubbed against his leg again. Markie crouched down so he could pet Fluffy by running his fingers through the worms some more as he counted, feeling the electrostatic force and enjoying its tickle.

          "… fifty-five, fifty-six, uh, sixty, sixty-six, sixty-four, hmm, seventy," Markie continued. He started to pet Fluffy's sides, and Fluffy increased his 'purring' amplitude. Markie grinned again.

          "…eighty-eight, ninety-one, ONE HUNDRED. I'M A FUNGRUNNER, AND YOU CAN'T GET ME!!" Markie cried. He turned around and looked, there were no Other Kids in sight. He dashed away from Fluffy to the left side of the crèche, running as fast as he could.

          As he passed the crèche door one of the Littler Boys dashed at him from the doorway. The Littler Boy shouted, "CHHTTCH, CHHTTCH" as he ran after Markie. Markie veered away and continued to run.

          Fluffy following him.

          Then the Big Girl jumped up from a depression in the fungus and came at him from the side, shouting, "CHHTCH, CHHTTCH" as she ran. Markie swerved to the right and ran harder.

          As Markie rounded what he thought was the back of the crèche two of the Big Boys came at him. They hadn't even bothered to hide, and his only way through was to go in between the Big Girl and the two Big Boys. He ran for it.

          All the Other Kids were shouting, "CHHTCH, CHHTCH," as loud as they could.

          Fluffy felt Markie start to get a little scared. They were all after him! He couldn't get through!

          Something hit Markie from behind, and he fell hard into the fungus. The Other Kid landed on top of him and when he hit he lost his breath. The Other Kids were yelling, "MINDWORMS GOT YOU! YOU ARE WORM FOOD! PLANET DOESN'T LOVE YOU! PLANET DOESN'T LOVE YOU!" at the top of their lungs, then they all collapsed to the ground laughing.

          'I can't breathe!! I can't breathe!' Markie thought in panic as the Bigger Boy rolled off him.

          Markie felt something wet against his bare left thigh, rolled over and looked down. His eyes opened wide. He had landed on Fluffy! He was flat! Grey pulpy mass! His only friend, his mindworm, was squished! Dead!

          Markie finally was able to draw a breath, and let loose with a wail of anguish and loss.

          Stunned, Fluffy couldn't reform himself, but he felt every last second of Markie's pure terror. Jess felt the primal fear as it seared into Fluffy, marking him forever with that horrible and alien human emotion.


          Fluffy didn't dart into the fungus, or through it; he went around it since he was carrying so much mass. He was almost at the camp now and slowed considerably, even making some noise by breaking some off some dry fungal branches as he passed to let them know he was coming. The humans were so touchy lately, and Fluffy really didn't want to be torched.

          All the men and women with shredders turned toward him as he rounded the depression where the humans were bivouacked, but they put down their weapons when the saw what he was carrying and who he was.

          Kirsten emerged from the throng. She was holding a shredder, too.

          "Thank you Fluff," she said tiredly as she unloaded the tubers he had collected for her. Kirsten looked over each one, assessed them and throwing aside a few she knew were poisonous, and gave the ones she approved of to an attendant that stood near her. He was gaunt, just like Kirsten, and categorizing food was almost as important as defense these days.

          As soon as he was unloaded Fluffy turned to race back into the fungus. It had become a routine now that the few remaining humans no longer lived in their hard city.

          "No Fluff. Please come with me. We have some decisions to make. Some hard decisions."

          Fluffy followed, and all the few remaining humans who were not on guard duty looked up at Kirsten. Fluffy could detect no negative emotions, just a low-grade constant fear and uncertainty. And hunger. Always hunger.

          Jess could feel that Fluffy didn't understand the human's fear. Fluffy remembered the other humans and the killing, and could remember the pain of his friend's deaths. Fear of death was beyond Fluffy, though. He could understand the joy of living and learning, but not fear of death. To him death was like what humans called dreaming, to join the net forever and be one with planetmind.


          Fluffy was watching again. He had been told to wait in the fungus and he was doing so, but Kirsten hadn't said he couldn't try to see what was going on. It had been a long wait, and an even longer journey from their camp in the fungus to this place. Here is where other humans lived. These humans, she had explained, did not understand or like mindworms, even if they were friendly. That is why he had to stay in the fungus. They were friends, Kirsten had explained, and they were not like the other humans who had caused so much death. Looking over the buildings Fluffy could see that they were strangely angular, which was a form Fluffy had known only since being with the humans. There were no sharp angles in the fungus, nor were there many flat surfaces. The humans he lived with didn't have many sharp angles or flat surfaces, either, but these humans did. Their buildings rose from the soil and these structures did not look like they belonged. Even the color wasn't right.

          Over the lands where these other humans scratched and grew earthplants Fluffy could see that Kirsten and Jeb returning from the human settlement. As they got nearer Fluffy could sense something was wrong. Kirsten's resonance was all disjointed, it was dampened and parts were missing. He could see that she was physically sick, both from hunger and mental trauma, too. Jeb had to hold her up to prevent her from collapsing.

          And where was Markie?


          "NOO! Oh please, no!" Kirsten sobbed.

          Cold waves crashed over the side of the isle of the deep where Kirsten was huddled, and an angry sky passed overhead. Kirsten's hands desperately gripped the worm-hardened sides of the isle of the deep, her head hung down as she gasped for breath between wails of grief. Water from the violent rain and salty sea poured down on her but Kirsten didn't notice.

          Fluffy didn't know what to do. Kirsten's mind was almost foreign now. She hardly knew he was there or where she was, and when he tried to touch her she locked him out.

          This was like the grief that Fluffy had seen in Markie a month ago. It blackened the mind, and closed down the other senses. Thoughts became tangled, and features blurred. Then all Markie could see was pain, and that was all Kirsten could see now. Blackness. Despair.

          Fluffy knew grief, too. Fluffy felt the loss of Jeb as the storm took him. But he didn't feel this magnitude of loss, and hoped he never would.


          Fluffy watched a Kirsten with steel-gray hair sitting alone in her little, bare room at Garden of Paradise. She stared straight ahead, thinking nothing. Her evening meal sat half eaten, and she had only touched it after Fluffy had pushed it toward her. She had soon lost interest in it, as usual.

          By day Kirsten did her duty, but alone at home there was nothing. Always loss. As crèche mother she had the children of others to care for, but now even that was taken from her.

          One more piece gone. Another piece.


          Tears welled in Jess' eyes. Even now the images of blackness and despair were enough to weigh on her soul.

          Jess turned to Fluffy, who still stood on the floor at the doorway to the living room, 'looking' at her.

          "Why did you show me this Fluffy? What can I do?"

          Fluffy became animated again, and he started darting around like he always did. Sister Jessica was startled by the sudden transformation.

          She was even more startled by the images that flashed into her mind in a staccato non-stop burst.

          Jessica gave a small smile and some of the second hand grief passed.

          Leave it Fluffy to have a plan.


          You have some visitors the room announced.

          Kirsten started at the interruption. Irritably she got up and walked toward the door.

          "What do you want?"

          "It's me. Sister Jessica."

          Kirsten paused, and then palmed the door to open.

          "It's late. Fluff? Is that you?" she asked as Fluffy darted into the room and coiled around her legs. She reached down to 'fluff' him, which meant stirring the outer layer of worms.

          Distracted, Kirsten said, "Well, come on in. What are you doing here at Garden? I thought you were over at Velv?"

          Two men walked into the room behind Jessica.

          Kirsten immediately recognized one of them. "Oh, hello Jay. I should have guessed that Fluff wouldn't be far ahead of you."

          Kirsten looked over the other man. He was almost two meters tall with dark hair, and he wore a junior officer's uniform with a couple of pips on it. Looking closely she saw he was in the Spartan armor.

          "Who's the Spartan?" she asked, eying him critically.

          The man, who was in his later twenties or early thirties, just grinned at her, and Jess and Jay didn't say a word. Jess had a serene look on her face and Jay had a lopsided smile.

          Kirsten felt her pleasant surprise at welcome guests start to evaporate. It was obvious these two were holding back on her.

          "Well?" she asked, looking at both Jess and Jay.

          "Kirsten, this is 2nd Lieutenant Marcus Aurelius, Rolling Thunder armor division based out of Assassin's Redoubt," Jess said, as if the prompting her would illuminate the subject.

          Kirsten had a blank look on her face. Obviously the oblique explanation didn't help.

          "I had a little chat with Fluffy a couple of days ago."

          Kirsten's eyebrows shot up, since she knew full well that Fluffy and Jess didn't get along.

          "And that got me thinking," Jess continued. "I did a little research through a couple of friends and Sister Miriam at Great Conclave and an associate that owed me a favor at Morgan Industries. He put me in contact with the nice Military Governor of Assassin's Redoubt, Helen Tobias. She immediately put me in contact with Marcus."

          Jess looked over at Marcus and nodded.

          He cleared he throat. "I think you know my parents, Sarah and Mickael. They adopted me a bit over 26 years ago."

          (continued in next post)
          [This message has been edited by Hydro (edited December 21, 2000).]


          • #6
            (continued from previous post)

            Kirsten certainly did know Sarah and Mickael, since they and a couple of other Spartan farmers at Assassin's Redoubt had saved her and her fellow Gaians from starvation during their flight through the fungus after the Morgans had razed their colony.

            A couple of pieces clicked and Kirsten felt her blood chill. She looked over Marcus. He had deep set dark eyes, an aquiline nose, and an unruly shock of dark hair kept in line only by a military haircut. He looked like a bulkier version of Jeb when they were first married back on Earth.

            She searched his eyes for a hint of recognition and found it.

            "Markie?" she said in a small trembling voice.

            The big man simply nodded.

            Kirsten felt her vision narrow and her head swim. Then there were strong arms around her like there had been in the distant past, so long ago.

            Kirsten's small frame quaked slightly and she grabbed hold. "I thought I'd lost you forever," she whispered.

            "Not forever. Just a little while. I'm here now, and that's all that matters," Marcus whispered back. He gently kissed her head and rested his cheek against her tightly bound gray hair.

            Kirsten closed her eyes and tears fell to Marcus' Spartan tunic.

            And Fluffy wrapped himself around both of their legs. Their resonance was whole again and Fluffy savored the taste of it.


            • #7

              UN Headquarters

              I boarded the magtrain at the central terminus and made my way down the corridor to the diplomatic car where Pravin and Pria were already ensconced. The journey would take just over an hour for the one thousand or so clicks to UN High Commission, our destination today.

              Sinking into the comfortable seat that formed itself around me, I looked over the occupants. In addition to Pravin and Pria, Tommy Schumacher was a noticeable misfit in his bulky body armor, which he wore at all times. He preferred to stand, leaning idly against a connecting door to a forward car. His attention was everywhere at once, eyes darting to look for any real or imagined danger to his commander. I wondered if he had decided when the "accident" to pria would happen. I had given it my blessing a few days beforehand, but asked him to be aware of Pravin's state of mind.

              I looked at the other occupant.

              Ravi was sitting by herself across the aisle from me, her console already activated and her mouthpiece connected as she wasted no time in stringing instructions together for relaying to the PR office at High Commission. Ravi was Pravin’s media and public relations officer, and accompanied him on all his state trips.

              I stood up and crossed to her seat.

              “Mind if I join you?” I asked.

              She looked up, and shook her head.

              “Not this time, Scott. I’m expecting a guest.”

              I harrumphed.

              “They’d better be quick, then. We’re about to leave.”

              She laughed.

              “Not without our VIP. I’ve instructed the crew to wait for the connection from the aerospace center. It’s more than their job’s worth to leave without her.

              “Ah, here she is now.”

              I turned to look towards the door.

              “Paula,” I boomed. “Good to see you again.”

              I moved towards her and gave Paula Forbes a huge hug.

              Ravi laughed at me.

              “Finally managed to put one over Mr. know-all, see-all, eh?” she chuckled. “Kept him completely in the dark.”

              Paula disentangled herself.

              “That must be a first,” she said, poking me in the ribs.

              I laughed ruefully.

              Stazi, of course, would have known. Her corps covered every incoming flight passenger manifest, but probably Ravi had wanted her little secret to be kept.

              “What’s so important about this trip of the Commissioner that brings you here?” I asked, as I helped her off with her coat and stowed her luggage.

              “The elections, what else?” she replied. “The Peace Party is garnering a lot of attention over in the Morgan Industries Federation. Rumour has it that the CEO and the Colonel even spoke at length about the disruptive effect it was having and are trying to put pressure on the Commissioner to ban the party completely. I’m here to cover the speeches and the debate, and to interview both the leaders in depth for the masses back home.”

              The departure alert sounded, so we sank into our seats and prepared for the journey.

              I was not unfamiliar with maglevs, having as a young man ridden on them many times on old Earth, but the new technology was indeed marvelous, with the recent discovery of monopole magnetism rendering the old dipolar processes obsolete. The civic crews were busy throughout the Peacekeeper Territories with their former crews laying track along the roadways and interconnecting the bases.

              The doors sealed shut with an audible hiss, and the car swayed gently as it rose almost imperceptibly, then we felt the sensation of our seat backs pressing against our shoulders as the drive engaged and we rapidly accelerated to our cruising speed of just below that of sound.

              I thought back to the vidshow coverage of the speeches the night before at UN Headquarters.

              Anwar Sanjit, the Peace Party leader, was highly charismatic, to say nothing of his obvious intelligence. And he had gathered the support of some half of the Base Governors to his cause – a mixture of green policies and peace oriented overtures that sat well with the masses he addressed in his meetings. He played on their isolationism, referred to the war at every opportunity as Santiago’s Folly, and made much of the few peace feelers that Yang had thrown from time to time. Of course he couldn’t know, as I knew, that those feelers always had been at times when Yang was cornered with nowhere to turn.

              But his audiences loved him. And they loved his message. No one wanted every base’s production to be geared towards military materiel, and he hammered home that point in almost every sentence. That constituted much of his appeal to the Base Governors, many of whom even now surreptitiously resisted the build commands that came from my central planning committee. And the Green thrust struck an answering chord in many of his listeners, who goggled at the Morgan excesses and sympathized with the Gaians.

              Yes, he was a threat indeed.

              And Lal seemed oblivious to it all, wrapped up in his obvious joy at being again with Pria and just going through the motions of running a campaign.

              He wouldn’t listen, either.

              Maybe it was the arrogance of leading his faction for so long; maybe he just discounted my Spartan background. But I could make no headway in getting him to deviate from his “The Aliens are the real enemy – they must be eradicated” speech. His audiences were tuning out. The Aliens to many were the “boogeymen” cited by the Spartans to scare and cow the Axis partners into doing the Colonel’s will. And Anwar played on that too.

              I gazed out of the window as the magtrain swept past the sensor array and command bunkers to the east of the Headquarters base, and off to the right in the distance I could see the huge bulk of the Condensors that simulated the rainfall needed for the farmlands that lay to the west of High Commission.

              And what to make of the crystal that Tommy had given me. Was Pria really a construct? I had been convinced enough to give Tommy the all clear, but yet.................. .

              I looked over at them.

              Pravin was whispering something to her that made her giggle with an almost childlike enthusiasm, as she looked at him with adoring eyes. He was in return looking longingly into her eyes.

              She looked all woman to me.

              The arrival warning sounded, and I marshaled my thoughts. Paula was leaning across the aisle to say something to me.

              “Dinner tonight?” she was asking.

              I mentally ran my calendar.

              “OK – latish though, maybe about eight? I have a civic meeting to attend beforehand.”

              She nodded.

              “The Metropole. We can dine in the restaurant or in my room – I have a suite.”

              I looked at her, old memories tugging at me.

              “The restaurant,” I replied.

              She nodded.

              “Wise. Anastasia probably has my suite bugged anyway.”

              I laughed at that.

              “Probably. See you at eight.”

              We disembarked.


              • #8

                Conqueror Judaa Marr looked up from the holovid he was manipulating as he became aware of the intrusion into his sensory field.

                “Yes?” he resonated.

                Canla hesitated.

                “We are ready,” she altered, diffidently, head bowed meekly in submission.

                Marr whirled on her.

                “Ready?” he snarled. “For what?”

                She cowered under his gaze.

                He continued:

                “Our ally is feeble. Already he has squandered our rich gifts to him. He cannot be trusted. So I have been devising a plan that will assure us of victory regardless of the pitiful contribution he makes.

                “We will let him fight to reconquer his meager empire. And we shall let him advance against this Gaian faction – so like our hated Caretakers they seem – and subjugate it. Young Conqueror Zzar is yet in the final stages of training.”

                The harshness of his resonance softened somewhat.

                “So what is this ‘readiness’ of which you speak?”

                She raised her head, and altered:

                “Our Ogres are all drop-capable, and with the conversion of The Impaler into the spacial terminus of a space elevator we can drop anywhere on Manifold Six. We have twelve battalions of shock troops upgraded to singularity weaponry that was redundant when the Gnats and Ogres were mated using the Gnat’s string disrupter cannon for the new Deathspheres. They too are drop-capable. Finally, we have trained a dozen garrison squads that have been outfitted with res. eight armor. Their weaponry is simple, but they will be used for garrison duty in the conquered bases. They are not drop capable, but will make use of the psi-gate capabilities inbuilt into the monoliths by the ancients here at Manifold Six.”

                Marr pondered her resonance, sweeping it around and digesting this information, segment by segment.

                He nodded.

                “How aware are the aliens of the psi-gate phenomenon?” he resonated.

                Canla paused, seeking the hidden meaning to the question.

                Sensing Marr’s impatience, she altered:

                “Well, of course Kri’lan will have revealed as much as he knows to them. But his knowledge was limited. A handful of the aliens know of the capability, but only one seems to have mastered the movement commands. The empath Ashaandi. He appears to use them frequently as a means of - he thinks – undetectable planetary transportation.”

                “Ah,” Marr altered. “Ashaandi. Yes. A prodigious talent among this Hive faction. I have a mind to depose the unreliable Yang and install Ashaandi as the Hive faction Conqueror after our conquest is complete. He and I have exchanged many frank and illuminating resonances. But continue.”

                Canla continued:

                “Some inadvertent transportations occurred. We have analyzed the captured resonances in the walls of the monoliths, and it appears that several of the aliens have been subject to the psi-gate transference. Ashaandi, of course, and his subservient, Sand. A deceased general called Burge, and Allardyce. Colonel Santiago of the Spartans herself. The empath child and her mother, grandfather and an aide to Allardyce. Their signatures are all captured and retained.

                “But why do you query?”

                Marr waited a moment before altering.

                “I am given to understand that your plan calls for the insertion onto Gaian territory above Velvetgrass Point of a sizeable army of Hive troops, using the monolith for their transportation. This will only work once, to catch them by surprise, so ensure that you co-ordinate with Conqueror Zzar to ascertain if that tactic is one that he wishes to employ against the Spartans. They are the greater prize, so let us not forewarn them of our capabilities.

                “Once that has been clarified, you may tell your Hive generals to commence their assault.”

                Canla inclined and bared her throat to her commander in chief, and left.

                Judaa Marr turned back to the holo display and waved to a connecting door to the Command Nexus.

                “You followed that exchange?” he asked of his colleague who emerged into the room.

                “I did indeed,” responded Haraad Ashaandi.

                “Now let’s talk turkey.”


                • #9

                  U.N. High Commission

                  As I slid between the sheets I thought that the evening had gone tolerably well.

                  Laroque, the High Commission Base Governor, had agreed not to declare for Sanjit until he had heard the two candidates speeches. But he left me in no doubt where his sympathies lay.

                  “I’m with Anwar all the way,’ he’d said. “Who couldn’t want peace? I mean, this war with Yang isn’t our war – it’s Santiago’s. If the Spartans hadn’t been testing some new high fangled weaponry on a needlejet that crashed none of this would have happened at all. We’ve got nothing against the Hive – indeed some of our more lucrative trading arrangements used to be with them.”

                  “And what of the Aliens?” I’d asked.

                  “Never met one, so really don’t know if what we hear is just propaganda put out by the Spartan war machine, or if it’s real. Have you met any?” he rejoined.

                  I paused.

                  “Well?” he pressed.

                  “Matter of fact, I have,” I replied.

                  “Well? Are they child-eating monsters as the Spartans portray them?” he continued.

                  I thought of Kri’lan.

                  He certainly was no child-eating monster ………. Or at least had hidden that side of him very well, if indeed he was. Or she was. I really didn’t know Kri’lan’s gender.

                  “Not the one I met,” I had to respond. “Though I can’t vouch for the mechwarriors trying to kill him.”

                  “Well there you are,’ Laroque said dismissively. “The Aliens aren’t monsters, and we have no quarrel with Yang, so let’s kiss and make up, I say. Live and let live. And with all due respect, Deputy Commissioner, your Spartan background doesn’t make you unbiased in this regard either.”

                  “Would it make it more palatable if I admitted that I signed up for the Unity Mission as one of Yang’s officers?” I asked.

                  His eyes had widened at that.

                  I guessed that it was not common knowledge, and only a few of the Landers knew with certainty.

                  Lights I murmured as I pulled the sheets around me and let my mind drift back to that fateful day

                  ################################################## #####

                  ”This one”

                  I groggily heard the whispered command, then heard the ‘hiss’ as the cryocell seal was broken.

                  I tensed. Automatic reflexes honed through hours of training kicked in and I clamped my teeth round the mouthpiece and braced myself for the cryogel dilution and exhaust.

                  The valves opened and the solvent was forced into the cell, turning the gel into a frothy mixture that was quickly ejected through the valves, to be replaced by a lukewarm saline wash that cleansed the skin from the remaining traces of the cryogel.

                  I left my hands and feet in the cell stirrups and waited to see if there was a programmed electro-massage, and sure enough the current flowed and I felt the muscles tingle – much as they had unknowingly each day for the 40 year journey from Earth.

                  Finished, the cryocell lid opened and I unhitched and sat up. The small storage locker had been opened and my uniform lay there, my shredder pistol, and a towel with which I toweled dry.

                  As I dressed, I noticed that my uniform jacket was ripped at one shoulder, down across my chest. I tutted to myself as I put it on, and looked around for someone to report to.

                  “Here” a voice hissed.

                  I turned.

                  Marlo Hollins was beckoning me to come aft.

                  I shuffled woodenly through the dim light towards her.

                  “What’s going on?” I asked.

                  “Pre-emptive strike,” she said. Meteor impact detected, and Santiago has activated the codes for the Sparta battalion of the security force. We are going to commandeer one of the escape pods with a few sympathizers and colonists and make our own way to this planet’s surface.”

                  “What of Shen-Ji Yang?” I asked.

                  “Out of commission,” Marlo replied. Santiago has him under guard. She’s negotiating with Captain Garland right now for a pod.”

                  “Why was I awakened? I’m not in the Spartan battalion.”

                  “No – but your profile shows strong anti totalitarianism tendencies – you and Yang don’t get along. Plus you’re a veteran pilot and proven officer. Santiago added you to her list.
                  And I vouched for you. Now, come on.”

                  Ah yes. Marlo would.

                  I followed.

                  We were arrayed in the bay. Santiago was talking about the right to bear arms, lead our own lives unfettered in our choices, make our own brave new world. We swore an oath of fealty – I shrugged. I had sworn so many of them in my time. It was no big deal. I added the codicil under my breath “so long as it pleases me.”

                  I was assigned to guard the exit from the tanks where some of the science officers were holed up, among them the chief xenobiologist.

                  Through a ruse they broke free, and in the ensuing melee I came face to face with her.

                  “Why, Scotty – I’m surprised to see you. What are you doing here?”

                  “Hello Dee,” I said. “I’m supposed to stop you and your followers from gaining access to the escape pods.”

                  “And are you?” she asked, her liquid eyes burning into me, rekindling old fires. “Why don’t you join us instead. We’ll need every experienced hand we can find to survive on yon planet, and you and I go back a long way. What say you, Scott? Come with us.”

                  I shook my head. “I can’t, Dee. Even I won’t break my oath within the hour. But I won’t stop you. Get going – Bay six isn’t taken yet, so head for there. I’ll see you on Planet. Take care.”

                  We embraced, then she departed from my view round the corridor in the Unity that led to the escape pod bays.

                  I retraced my steps to bay three, where the Spartans were assembling.

                  ################################################## #####

                  The slight noise of the door unlocking wakened me from my reverie.

                  In an instant I was up with my shredder pistol and waiting by the door as it opened.

                  As the intruder snuck in, I grabbed at the throat and held the pistol to the temple, being conscious of cascading hair and a familiar scent.

                  A woman.

                  “Oh, Wolfie,” she said.

                  “Stazi,” I exclaimed, then we melted into each others arms.

                  Later, in bed, as she lay snuggled in my arms, I asked:

                  “So what brings you to High Commission?”

                  Instantly she was all seriousness.

                  “Wolfie. Things are drawing to a head here. One of my operatives thought she recognized a familiar face in the crowd, so tailed him, and I came to make a positive identification.

                  “I confirmed it this evening, and alerted Tommy.

                  “Ashaandi is here.”


                  • #10

                    U.N. High Commission

                    I lay comfortably beside him, spent from our lovemaking, yet very much still loving this kind, gentle man who doted on me.

                    I owed him the truth.

                    “Wolfie, Let’s talk. You don’t really know all that much about me, do you?” I asked.

                    He turned to look at me:

                    “What’s there to know?” he asked. “I love you, and you me. We’re deliriously happy when we’re together and insanely miserable when apart. Doesn’t that say it all?”

                    God I hated it when I wanted to have a serious conversation and he decided to be flippant. I dug him in the ribs.

                    “Listen up, Wolfie. I’m serious.”

                    “I’m all ears,” he said. “Lay it on me.”

                    Where to start? Ah yes, always the question. Where to start?

                    “Wolfie, remember that day when we made the climb from Temple of Sol to the Avishnu Testing Center?”

                    He nodded.

                    “That day I told you that my father, Gregor, had had an affair with Marlo Hollis that left her pregnant with Ayola and me.

                    “After we were born – and by the way Marlo came to University Base to live with father – that’s why she was appointed Base Governor after the conquest – she knew how to get things done – we were brought up obviously as citizens of the University Faction. At the time of her transfer to Sparta Command as Base Governor there both Yola and I were attending university, so we stayed at Parade Ground, as University Base had been renamed.

                    “That’s when he made his move.

                    “It was the girl he sent. Angel. You know her. She arrived on campus one day and soon she had joined the clandestine Yoop chat groups. I was attracted to her – she was so ……….. worldly. And she sought out my company. After all, wasn’t I a Zakharov?

                    “So of course I was interested when she suggested a meeting. He came to Fort Soup, and addressed our covert group. I was hooked. Yola as well. But of course she was less active than me in a physical sense. More the intellectual.

                    “But a scholarship was generated and I advised Marlo that I was going to study Political science at The Hive.

                    “Except I never got there. I went instead to their Covert Ops Headquarters where my instructors were Sand, Angel and of course Ashaandi himself. And I may add I was a willing pupil, and excelled in all the covert arts.

                    “This next part is painful for me, Wolfie.

                    “My mission was to infiltrate the Spartan military society, seduce you, and assassinate you. The meeting with you re the Santiago/Ayola affair was to gain your trust. Going to Dr. Ossenton to volunteer to play the part of the Drone was but another step in insinuating myself into your trust. And I did seduce you – or you me …….. I’m not sure which.

                    “But along the way a funny thing happened. I grew to love you. That episode with the Consciousness – I would have done anything to stay with you – climbed mountains, swam oceans, even subsume my personality to a machine - as I did - just to stay by your side.

                    “My reprogramming session of a few weeks ago back in Hive Covert HQ was intended to strengthen my so-called resolve. Ashaandi himself spent long hours with me, and it was all I could do to keep him from infiltrating my mind. But he thinks he has succeeded with me – and that you are history. As well, his appearance here suggests that Pria’s action can’t be far away.”

                    Wolfie drew me closer to him.

                    “It’ll be OK,” he whispered. “Tommy knows how to protect the Commissioner, and Haraand has had many opportunities to remove me from this life. He obviously wants it done quietly, hence your assignment.”

                    I relaxed in his arms, somewhat comforted. Yet I still feared for him. I knew Ashaandi better than Wolfie did, and knew of what he was capable.

                    I drifted off to sleep.


                    • #11

                      U.N. High Commission

                      I tucked my hands under my head as I lay back in the bed and watched her dress. I loved this part of our relationship, as in typical Spartan fashion she was not shy at all of displaying her body.

                      She grinned down at me as she stood before the mirror and put her hair into a military bun, the better to fit under her cap. I lasciviously drank in the contours of her body content in the knowledge that my hands had traced her curves just scant minutes before.

                      She reached down and picked up her silksteel body armor, which she wore over her shorts and T-shirt, but under her uniform. Wriggling into it, I marveled anew at how something so apparently flimsy could be so effective an armor. She tugged on her dress pants, and form-fitting jacket, then stood a step back from the mirror to make minor adjustments.

                      My heart stopped momentarily as the sudden premonition hit me.

                      She was dressing up to die.

                      The room palpably chilled as the picture entered my mind:

                      Stazi was lying across the steps to the podium, her lifeless body still oozing blood from where the plasma shard-tipped fleschette missiles had struck her. Her head was in my arms as I gazed into the vacant eyes and my tears dropped down on to her colorless cheeks.

                      “Noooooo …..” I was wailing. “Don’t die on me. Hang in till the medics come.”

                      But I knew my protestations fell on deaf ears.

                      “Stazi,” I croaked.

                      She turned to me, her radiant smile lighting up the room and restoring its warmth.

                      “Yes?” she asked.

                      “Don’t go,” I begged. “Send one of your operatives instead. Or sit with me in the Base Governor’s section. But don’t sit up there on the podium with Lal and Sanjit.”

                      “Don’t be silly,” she replied. “I have to be there. You of all people should know that I represent a victory of sorts for the Peacekeepers’ value system. A University born Spartan bred woman who has achieved a significant rank in PK society. I must be there. I must demonstrate that I’m above party as well, so both Pravin and Anwar must see me with them.

                      “Besides,” she added, “I can keep a better watch on Pria from there than from where you’ll be.”

                      Her logic was telling.

                      “Be careful, then, won’t you,” I pleaded.

                      “Hrrrumph,” she snorted. “Men. Still think we are helpless.”

                      She pulled her visored cap on and set it to a jaunty angle, then leaned down to kiss me.

                      “Get up, or you’ll be late,” she said.

                      She sashayed out, and the room became cooler with her absence.

                      Paula had been invited to sit with the Base Governor, so we made ourselves comfortable for the debate.

                      The MorganVision3D crews were in place as Sam Carter started the proceedings with a call to the Commissioner to give the ruling party’s opening remarks.

                      Lal strode to the podium, confident, prepossessing, charismatic, made up subtly by Ravi, and obviously well rehearsed.

                      “Distinguished guests, friends, citizens. As year 2228 looms ever closer, I first want to thank you for your confidence in me and my administration these past eight years. We have seen great changes in our society, most for the better, but a few not so encouraging.

                      “Our research has borne fruit – both independently and as a result of shrewd technology trades with the other factions, notably the emergent Free Drones, who brought with them much of the Hive’s technology expertise, but also from the resurgent Daughters of Gaia.

                      “Our scientists and our trade ambassadors are to be commended on their efforts and on their sterling results.

                      “Our common prosperity has never been so high as it is now.

                      “At the same time we have continued to grow, with no less than eleven bases being founded during my current eight years in office. This represents unprecedented growth. Of course two of those bases were ceded to the Free Drones to afford them safe haven as a new faction on Chiron – as well as to benefit from their technology.

                      “Militarily we have never been so strong – and we continue to strengthen. Now I know that many of you would rather we hid our heads in the fungus and pretended that everything was well in our world, and that we need not devote precious credits to ensuring a strong military. Indeed some of our esteemed Base Governors still feel that way.

                      “But we must continue to prepare to defend ourselves. As you know, we are in the midst of a Planet-wide war – or Vendetta, as the new terminology has it. Chairman Yang of the Hive against everyone else. We are proud to have allied ourselves with freedom as represented by our pactmates – the Stepdaughters of Gaia; The Spartan Federation; The Free Drones and Believers and last but not least, Morgan Industries.

                      “And a new threat has emerged – the Aliens among us, who we now call The Progenitors. Whether they in fact were the manufacturers – or creators – of this small planet, as some would have us believe, is irrelevant. They have pronounced by their actions and their words that they intend to exterminate us. And as an aside, I will never know why Chairman Yang allies himself with them. His days are numbered as surely as ours.

                      “So we must maintain our vigilance.

                      “And I am asking you for a renewed mandate of another eight years to continue the course we are on. To maintain our rate of growth, and rearmament. To lobby continuously for the reinstatement of the UN Charter. To build on our prosperity through trade and commerce with our pactmates. To strive to bring Chairman Yang back into Humanity’s fold. And to continue to show the leadership in Planetary affairs that our size and experience warrants.

                      “I thank you in advance for your vote of confidence.”

                      As the crowd burst into applause, my eyes roved over the audience.

                      Most were applauding, with a few rising to give a standing ovation to the Commissioner.

                      Then I saw him.

                      Well, not so much see as ….. experience him.

                      On the fringes of my mind.


                      I followed the source and saw him at the rear of the crowd.


                      Haraand Ashaandi.

                      I felt the powerful psi-wave and the thought in my mind.


                      I half rose in my seat as my eyes swiveled to the podium.

                      Pravin Lal was standing, arms raised heavenwards, accepting the accolades of the crowd before him.

                      Tommy Schumacher was slumped in his seat as though asleep.

                      Or drugged.

                      To one side Pria reached into a purse and withdrew a modified fleschette pistol, and raised it, pointing to Lal.

                      From the other side Anastasia rose, as if in slow motion, and before my horrified eyes threw herself behind Lal just as Pria’s fingers squeezed the dart missile release system.

                      I was hurdling the small barrier in front of our seats as the darts from Pria’s pistol hit home on Anastasia’s body, the shard tips punching through the silksteel armor as if paper.

                      Lal turned, as if in slow motion, a horrified look on his face as Anwar Sanjit had risen in his seat and now deployed a conventional flechette pistol, emptying its contents into Pria, who was looking stunned at her failed assassination attempt.

                      Anastasia’s body crumpled to the podium steps as I reached them in a few bounds.

                      “Medics” I yelled.

                      Stazi was lying across the steps to the podium, her lifeless body still oozing blood from where the plasma shard-tipped fleschette missiles had struck her. Her head was in my arms as I gazed into the vacant eyes and my tears dropped down on to her colorless cheeks.

                      “Noooooo …..” I was wailing. “Don’t die on me. Hang in till the medics come.”

                      But I knew my protestations fell on deaf ears.

                      Lal was being restrained by Ravi as he attempted to get to the now lifeless body of his beloved Pria.

                      Paula Forbes ahd reached me and was kneeling down trying to comfort me.

                      Still cradling Stazi’s head in my arms, and trying desperately to staunch the flow of blood from her wounds, I looked up at her:

                      "She loved that uniform," I said helplessly. "She'll be annoyed to get blood on it."

                      Looking past Paula, through my tears, across the sea of panicking faces, I picked out one in the crowd.


                      Our eyes met.

                      He wasn’t gloating. Rather, he looked enraged.

                      I mouthed the words that captured the venom in my heart, knowing that he would hear them with his empath skills:

                      “You bastard. You’d better hope that your Alien god can hide you somewhere off planet, because I will ensure that wherever you are here on Chiron, you’ll be hunted down and killed like the animal you are.”

                      It was small consolation to see him flinch as he turned and was lost to me in the crowd.


                      • #12

                        Fellowship City

                        Sheng-Ji Yang stooped to enter the low door to the unit. Major Seng Hsui followed close behind, accompanied by an orderly carrying the bag.

                        Yang rose to his full height and looked around the commons room at the military hospital.

                        They were gathered for the ceremony, many still with their synthskin bandages encased in the sacs of healing gel, some with the regrown appendages still supported by the filament synthsteel cagings that would support the weight until the musclature firmed enough for independent operation.

                        Those that could do so stood smartly to attention – those that couldn’t sat more upright in their chairs.

                        All wore a fiercely proud look, excited by the visit of their Commander in Chief.

                        Yang turned to Hsui

                        “Lead me” he said simply.

                        Seng stepped in front of Yang and moved to the end of the room, the Chairman in tow, all eyes following.

                        The soldier they were approaching raised himself gingerly, supported by a cane, and straightened stiffly to attention, removing his breathing tube as he did so. He saluted smartly.

                        Shen-Ji Yang stood diminutively in front of him, and looked at the soldier.

                        His skin was mottled where the regrown flesh had not yet seamlessly bonded with the scarred original – and the surgeons were unsure if ever it would. His breathing was rasped and laboring as he proudly, stubbornly, refused to avail himself of the enriched mixture from his breather.

                        His eyes were near sightless, as the recent operation slowly restored vision – necessitating a visit to the ophthalmicist every two days. But although his vision was blurred, he knew on whom he looked, and he looked Yang proudly in the eyes.

                        “Gunner Sanchow – you may resume using your breather if it is more comfortable,” said Seng.

                        “Sir, No Sir.” He rasped, gasping for breath between each monosyllabic word, and wheezing into a coughing fit at the end. Embarrassed, he swallowed his rising phlegm, and momentarily choked, causing another coughing fit.

                        Yang looked on outwardly implacable, yet inwardly disturbed.

                        Short of six weeks in the rejuvenation tanks, this was the best they could do with a nervegas victim after a week. He was needed at the front, and did not have the luxury of a six week stint in the tanks followed by a two week refresher course. And this was with the best medical facilities the Hive possessed. How ravished were his people who had no such access to this technology – those drones caught in the streets and in the fields when the Spartans had unleashed their chemical terror from the sky?

                        Was this the price his people were going to pay for his early deployment of the universally banned weapons? Was it worth it? Could he broker a peace to rebuild his vision, his collective? Or was he and his faction doomed to obliteration at the hands of a vengeful humanity? Could Marr save him? Could Marr himself be trusted?

                        Banishing these thoughts for contemplation in a more serene setting, Yang turned to the orderly, who held out the box to him.

                        Reaching in, he took the colors, and turned to Sanchow, then addressed Seng:

                        “The citation, if you please.”

                        Seng recited it from memory:

                        “Gunner Sanchow. For bravery beyond the call of duty; for persevering with your orders even as your body was wracked by the deleterious effects of the heinous Axis nervegas; for deploying your weaponry even as you believed you were dying, and as a result single-handedly downing a Spartan nervegas-equipped needlejet, thereby inspiring your fellow soldiers and fellow citizens, Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang is pleased to honor you.”

                        Yang intoned:

                        “I hereby bestow on you the Citizen’s Shield, First Class, for your act of incredible bravery.”

                        He leaned forward and pinned the colors to Sanchow’s lapel, and kissed him on both cheeks. Yang reached for the breather tube and gently handed it to Sanchow:

                        “Take it, my son. Your presence will soon be needed, so use whatever means are available to recuperate swiftly. We are all proud of you.”

                        He stood back.

                        With tears welling in his eyes, Sanchow said:

                        “Sir, thank you, Sir.”

                        The fellow recuperees in the hospital burst into applause, as Yang turned with Seng and left.

                        Yang muttured to Seng as they exited:

                        “Such a waste. Such a stupid, senseless waste.”

                        Seng Hsui nodded. He remembered the scenes at Morgan Bank – he still had nightmares about them. But he was cynical enough to know that his Chairman mouthing these words, and actually doing anything about it, were suns apart.


                        • #13
                          Fort Superiority

                          Lao Sing-Tai had never experienced such a flurry of activity in her jurisdiction, ever. Since she took command as Base Governor of Fort Superiority, there had been no threat to the Spartan Mainland, be it an internal or external threat. Now, within a half-hour’s travelling distance, the fates of several hundred of the wealthiest and most influential people on Chiron, hung in the balance. And she had no idea what to do.

                          Arrayed before her were vidscreens connecting her to all the members of the Junta, the Colonel herself in the centre from office at Sparta Command. A heated debate was ensuing. Some wanted to move in with force, others wanted to let the passengers die. One even called for the execution of Zakharov himself. No matter what things did not look good.

                          “Governor Sing-Tai.” Lao froze at the sound of those three words. Santiago was addressing her personally. Lao could feel the beads of sweat running down her face. “What is your counsel on the situation?”

                          Lao froze. She couldn’t think of anything to say. From behind her, a commotion erupted as a guard bellowed something about no admittance. All Lao could do was stare into the fiery eyes of the Colonel, the gaze no longer even directed towards Lao herself. The Colonel appeared to be distracted by something in the background.

                          “Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen,” came a soft voice with an unusual accent from behind Lao. She turned to see three newcomers. One was a woman with dark skin and curly dark hair wearing the form fitting black suit of a probe operative. The second was a very tall young man, with a strong build wearing (from some unknown reason) the old uniform of the University of Planet. The third was the only one Lao recognized. It was Zakharov himself.

                          “Good evening Roze.” The Colonel apparently had lost all interest in Lao herself, so she stepped aside to allow the new comers to communicate more easily. “Provost, I assume you are prepared?”

                          The Academician stepped forward, and Lao noticed for the first time that he was wearing the thin silksteel armour that was gradually replacing the bulky plasma steel suits. He was prepared for battle.

                          “Everything is ready Colonel. I assure you, I will have this situation disarmed within the hour.” The old University leader was doing his best to sound cooperative, however he could not hide the layer of contempt that seeped into his voice.

                          “Excellent.” Lao breathed a sigh of relief as the three newcomers made their way out of the building, exiting the way they had come. Lao had no idea what had been decided but apparently the choice had been made and she was off the hook. Just as Lao was about to sign off, the Colonel spoke up again.

                          “By the way, Miss Sing-Tai. Perhaps it would be best if we were to find you a less, high-pressure position for you to work at.” The Colonel’s gaze now switched again to address the Junta. “See to it that Miss Sing-Tai is appointed somewhere nice and relaxing. Hawk of Chiron perhaps. And get me someone useful to take over at Fort Superiority.” The contempt in the last sentence was not disguised in the least.

                          On Board the Orient Express

                          Federov looked from his command position down the corridor of the connecting carriage. His men, armed with shredder pistols and rifles, patrolled the halls ensuring that everyone remained seated. The twenty-four hour mark had passed, but they still had not heard from Santiago. Nor had they executed a hostage. Federov was getting nervous. For about the third time in the last minute, he removed his spectacles and polished the lens.

                          “You are nervous.”

                          “Of course I’m bloody nervous!” Federov snapped at his coconspirator. “I’m a scientist not a terrorist.” Federov replaced his glasses, realizing he had probably smudged them more with the constant rubbing.

                          “It is an pointless human response. There is no need to be nervous. We will succeed.” The cool confidence of Sand was not reassuring. It was disturbing. Sand was renowned for being a cruel and vicious man. Now that he had merged with this Zeta-Two algorithm, Federov was not sureof what he was capable of.

                          “Easy for you to say.”

                          “How many hostages have you executed?” The casualness with which Sand asked the question was frightening. It was as if he asked that question every day.


                          “You gave an ultimatum. They will not take you seriously if you do not follow through. Execute one of the passengers.”

                          “There is no need.” Federov, not for the first time, wondered what he had gotten himself into. He was no longer nameless and faceless. Everyone would know what he did when it was all over. How could he kill an innocent life without cause?

                          “Do not be a fool Federov.” Sand’s voice remained as cool and emotionless as ever. The light glinted of his cybernetic implants, casting eerie shadows across his face. “If you do not kill one of the hostages, Santiago will storm in and kill each and every last one of your followers. There will be no more University of Planet. There will be no more quest for knowledge. You will have failed. Kill a hostage.”

                          Federov slumped against the wall. As frightening as it was, Sand was right. He had no options left.

                          “Excellent,” Sand smiled. The man had read his thoughts. Sand knew that Federov was going to authorize it. “Please let me do it for you.”

                          The sinister smile spread across Sand’s face as down the corridor, someone screamed.

                          A moment later, a knock was heard at the door. One of Federov’s men, Number Nine was escorted into the room by one of Sand’s one Cybernetic guards. The guard was unusually tall and had the same impassionate expression as Sand normally did. The difference in stature between the guard and Number Nine was so great, under normal circumstances it would be humourous. Now it was just frightening.

                          “Sir, one of the passengers. She’s dead sir. What should we do?”

                          “Nothing.” Federov knew that he must be responsible for Sand’s actions. He had condoned them.

                          “But sir...” Nine was interrupted before he could go any further.

                          “Santiago was warned.” Now Sand spoke. Then his eyes went vacant, the same expression he normally carried when he was communicating through his cybernetic link.

                          “Zakharov is approaching. He is not alone.”

                          ************************************************** **************

                          William stepped over the wooden rungs of the bridge, his eyes never leaving the spot where his foot was to rest until it was in place. Between each slab of Gaian pine was a gap about six inches wide. There was nothing between the gap and the bottom of the borehole except nitrogen rich air. William envisioned his foot getting snared and falling off the side as his breathing sped up and he pushed his microbreather’s filter into action. He could not get over how come and relaxed Zakharov and the Datajack were being. His Spartan training kicked in, telling himself that if they could do it, so could he.

                          There was a huge commotion when they reached the train, as armed University Resistance fighters ordered the trio to drop their weapons before being brought on board. Once through the small airlock, they were escorted at gun point through the train.

                          They passed six more guards as they approached the centre of the train, making it more than likely that there were six more on the other side. That made sixteen, including the four who were escorting them. Will imagined there would be at least two more with Federov, bringing the total number of terrorists to nineteen. None of them appeared to be soldiers, and given a fair chance Will was certain he could disarm any of them. But not all of them at once.

                          They were led into a private cabin, heavily guarded by four extremely tall men. Will did a double take when he saw the Cybernetic implants. He found it hard to believe that the Prime Function would condone such action, after seeing her work with Zakharov at Morgan Industries. Something was amiss.

                          They went through to a second cabin, and there was Federov and five others. Four of them wore the same University uniform that Will himself wore, but one did not. He was leaning against the wall, very relaxed. Here too, the metal sheen of cybernetic implants was visible.

                          “Sand.” Will was startled by Roze’s voice, who seemed surprised by the cyborgs presence.

                          “Sand Zeta-Two, nowadays.” The leaning man replied with a smile.

                          “Zeta-Two?” Zakharov questioned. “Roze, you remember what Aki told us about the Zeta-Two algorithm?”

                          “Absolutely,” she replied knowingly. “I guess we found the root of the problem.”

                          “Academician, it is good to see you again,” Federov said stepping forward. He shook Zakharov’s hand, and his smile was genuine. “I’m glad that you have at last returned to us. I knew Colonel Santiago would see reason...”

                          “I did not come here to restore the University,” Prokhor interrupted.


                          “I came to stop this madness.” Zakharov’s words caused Federov to step back in shock. The other four University citizens looked at each other, confused. “The time of the University of Planet is over. We live in a world where an alien race threatens our very survival as a species. And insist on continued fighting amongst ourselves? The only reason we still fight the Hive, is because Yang has sided with the Progenitors. Can’t you see that there is something more important at stake here then national pride?”

                          “But Sir...” one of the other University citizens in the room began.

                          “I assure you I hold no great love in my heart for Colonel Santiago. I can never forgive her for what she did to me and to my family, and to all of our families. But have you been treated so poorly as Spartans?”

                          “Colonel Santiago is humanity’s best hope to stop the Progenitor threat. No one on Planet understands tactics and warfare better then she. She was able to overcome our advanced technology, she will be able to overcome the Progenitor technology. We must support her in any way we can.”

                          The man Roze called Sand clapped half-heartedly, but Will could tell that much had sunk in with the University group. Federov had gone ghostly pale, but he was not indignant.

                          “Such bold words Academician.” Sand stepped forward now, confidently. Roze’s commlink chirped, and she checked in silently to hear the report. None of the terrorist moved to stop her.

                          “Especially coming from some who has suffered so very much,” Sand continued.

                          “Provost,” Roze began, but Zakharov’s gaze was fixed on Sand. There was a strange glint in the mans eyes.

                          “Of course, you didn’t realize that your granddaughter Anastasia Zakharov was dead when you said all that...did you.” Zakharov’s face went very pale. In his mind, an image flashed of Anastasia in a Spartan uniform, a shard wound in her body, bleeding on a podium. He saw Scott Allardyce cradling her as she died. He had no idea where these images came from, but he knew they were real.

                          Will caught him, as Zakharov collapsed with the most horrible scream that Will had ever heard. It was the sound of pure anguish and torment. The door burst open, and the four Cyborgs burst into the room. One of them butted Roze across the head before she could react, the other three opening fire on Federov and his associates. All five of them slumped against the wall, a read dot on each of their foreheads where the bolt had entered. Then Will felt a presence in his mind, and everything went black.

                          ************************************************** ******************

                          From their vantage point at the edge of the borehole, the Spartan Garrison saw the copter approach swiftly. Before they could react, they watched as someone moved from the train to the copter, carrying something heavy. Then, just like before, the copter sped away, low to the ground so as to avoid detection by radar. The order was sent to scramble interceptors, but the copter was never long gone.
                          [This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited December 28, 2000).]

                          "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                          • #14

                            Great Conclave

                            "I really enjoyed that Christmas service, Miriam," James Domai announced
                            as he offered Miriam Godwinson his arm.  "I find it especially interesting
                            that God chose an ordinary couple, workers, to have His son, and that with
                            the exception of those three wise Talents, everyone who came to celebrate
                            His birth were also workers - shepherds and other drones."

                            "That's true," Miriam replied, taking the younger man's arm as the couple
                            walked away from the underground auditorium - once used by the despised
                            Hiverian Bureau of Mental Hygiene, now the main "cathedral" at Great Conclave
                            - and smiled along with Domai at the many well-wishers.  Both Miriam
                            Godwinson and James Domai were tremendously popular with their supporters,
                            and Great Conclave's populace were Believing Drones.

                            "Indeed, the New Testament teaches that 'the least of them were those
                            that came first' - meaning that the poor, the children,  the 'unimportant' 
                            were closer to Jesus than the teachers and rich, 'important' people." 
                            Miriam continued.

                            "Yes," said James, "that's a very popular message with the Free Drones
                            here, that those who have almost nothing, may at the same time have everything."

                            Miriam noticed that as they were speaking and strolling, James was leading
                            them to the upper levels of the underground base, near the surface.

                            "So, James, where are we going?"  Miriam asked.

                            "To see your Christmas present," Domai replied, as he punched the elevator
                            button, then stepped behind her to cover her eyes mischievously.

                            "No peeking," Domai warned, and Miriam laughed, feeling almost like
                            she was sixteen again.  To anyone other than Domai, it would've been
                            a shock to even envisage Miriam as a teenager - but she had been,
                            once, a long time before Domai had even been born.

                            The elevator doors opened, and Miriam opened her eyes to see the control
                            tower's observation deck overlooking the aerospace complex.  On it,
                            were several transport craft as usual, as well as the Morganite fighters
                            stationed semipermanently at Great Conclave, Domai's Free Drone squadron,
                            and - gleaming in the Chironian sunlights - twelve more needlejets, with
                            the Cross and Omega proudly emblazoned on each of their wings.  Twelve
                            pilots, tiny but visible in the distance, saluted in military unison. Miriam
                            gasped in pleasant disbelief..

                            "May I present to you, Sister Miriam, the Believing Air Corps. 
                            Believer pilots, Spartan design, and Free Drone workmanship."  Domai
                            said with pride.

                            "How did you manage to accomplish all this?"  Miriam asked, finally
                            regaining her composure.  "Sparta itself couldn't produce a new squadron

                            "Our manufacturing methods are about 50% more efficient than the Spartans',"
                            Domai said, with justifiable confidence.  "We just put in extra effort
                            to get them done four months early."

                            "I'm... overwhelmed!  But how did you get them here without my

                            "Well, I had some help with that... I talked to a friend of yours." 
                            Domai gestured, and a grinning Sven Alfredsson entered the observation

                            "Merry Christmas, Sister Miriam." 

                            "I'm still amazed," Miriam confessed later that evening, as she and
                            Domai shared a private dinner.  As private as circumstances allowed,
                            that is - Major Ian's security team was discreetly emplaced at every approach
                            to Miriam's apartment, physical and virtual.  After recent events
                            at U.N. Headquarters, the Believers were taking no chances with
                            Miriam's safety. If that weren't enough, Sven Alfredsson's probe teams
                            were also keeping an eye open.

                            All of which made it far too dangerous for Kyella to approach her
                            target closely, Circle empath or not.  She would have to wait until
                            it was more exposed, but the chance to strike would come soon enough.

                            "I couldn't resist," Domai replied.  "But truth be told, I'm glad
                            we could pull it off.  I don't like the thought of our people being
                            so dependent on Morgan for our air defence."

                            Miriam smiled in genuine pleasure as she noted the Free Drone leader's
                            choice of pronoun, and adopted it herself.

                            "Our labourers should feel justly proud of themselves.  Please
                            tell them that when you see them."

                            "Why not tell them yourself?" Domai suggested.  "In fact, why not
                            come back with me to Free Drone Central?  Your holovised sermons are
                            popular, but they'd love to see you in person for themselves, I'm sure."

                            "Come with you to Free Drone Central?  James, that's an excellent
                            idea, I'd love to."

                            "And we can celebrate the beginning of the new year together," Domai
                            said with a twinkle in his eye.

                            "Why James, are you inviting me to be your New Year's... date?" 
                            Miriam asked straightforwardly, but inside, her heart suddenly beat a little

                            "I am indeed, Miriam."

                            Domai stood up and offered his hand to Miriam, and with barely a pause,
                            she took it.

                            "Free Drone One, you are cleared for takeoff.  Archangel Squadron
                            will assume escort position."

                            "Roger, GC Control.  Commencing run... now."

                            The Free Drone transport accelerated down the runway and its wheels
                            left the ground.  Above, ahead and behind, the Believers' new squadron
                            assumed a vigilant eye, protective of the transport and its passengers.

                            The Believer pilots weren't the only ones watching with such intent
                            interest, however.  Kyella watched the departing transport with the
                            keen interest of a predator.  Her mission was almost complete; indeed,
                            matters were already out of her hands, and only a sick personal pleasure
                            remained to see the results of her efforts.

                            Kyella would never admit to hating the Believers or the Free
                            Drones; indeed, she judged both factions only worthy of contempt. 
                            The Believers' foolish superstitions in worshipping "God", when the only
                            true gods were those like herself and the rest of the Circle; the next
                            step in human evolution, destined to master humanity through their birthright. 
                            Psi power would elevate homo superiour to true godhood.

                            That was one of the reasons why Kyella hated Kurt and Shauna so much. 
                            Endowed with such talents, they still persisted in believing in some superiour
                            supernatural entity.  It was disgusting that those two should have
                            been placed so high in Ashaandi's priorities.  Kyella took a vindictive
                            (but carefully hidden) pleasure in the fact that both seemed to have gone
                            rogue on Ashaandi.

                            However, Ashaandi - no doubt distracted by his schemes in U.N. territory
                            and his personal vendetta with Allardyce - why, the man wasn't even an
                            - still hadn't revoked his "no interference" status on Godwinson's deluded
                            faction.  The Drones were another matter entirely, though.  The
                            very concept of these uneducated, genetically stupid, smelly drones
                            rebelling was offensive.  Yang was clearly senile to have let this
                            come to pass; Ashaandi would never have allowed it.  But even so,
                            the only way these sheep could maintain their independence was through
                            the direction of a powerful leader.  Foreman James Domai was the lion
                            that led those sheep, his pretenses of being a simple worker being only
                            a sham.  He had to be a ringer; the Will to Power philosophy
                            that the Circle embodied could allow no other possibility.  And so
                            he was about to be eliminated.  This was the Circle's directive, and
                            Kyella's mission.

                            It hadn't been easy to set up.  For such primitive screwheads,
                            the Believers had very tight security.  There were no exposed places
                            in the former Hive base where a sniper might be able to position herself
                            to cover.  They seemed to know and greet each other on a disgustingly
                            familiar basis - "Sister" this and "Brother" that - which precluded easy
                            infiltration.  They were also fanatics, and Kyella had quickly discarded
                            her plan of mind controlling a drone to sabotage the plane after a few
                            tentative probes.  It was just as well; the Believers' security teams
                            had combed the aircraft for any bombs or obvious physical sabotage before

                            So instead, Kyella had turned to good, old-fashioned computer sabotage. 
                            She'd uplinked into the base's network the previous night, and downloaded
                            a germinating virus into the transport's computer.  Like all modern
                            aircraft, Free Drone One relied upon computer translation of a pilot's
                            commands to the elevators and rudder.  When that failed, the craft
                            would become unstable and inevitably crash.  The best part of it was,
                            it'd look like an accident.  And with Miriam Godwinson aboard aboard
                            as well as Domai, that'd be two birds with one stone - and Kurt and Shauna
                            would be none the wiser.

                            Hours passed, and Kyella smiled to herself again as she prepared to
                            leave Great Conclave behind.  The transport would be taking a long
                            circular route to Free Drone Central to avoid the chance of Hiverian interception,
                            escort squadron or no.  And the virus should be activating just about...

                            Free Drone One

                            "What the...?"

                            The Free Drone pilot looked over to his copilot, where the woman was
                            reading her monitor screen in confusion.

                            Trap In Linkage Software, segment 0xFF56EA, offset 0x2FC.

                            "What's this about?"

                            The copilot relayed the message to the pilot, who shrugged in puzzlement.

                            "I've never seen this message," the copilot said as she began punching
                            in queries to the computer.

                            Trap in Exception Routine, segment 0x000100, offset 0x010. 

                            "Oh, hell," said the co-pilot, who wasn't a Believer.

                            Trap in Initialization, segment 0x000000, offset 0x000. Rebooting.

                            Trap in Initialization, segment 0x000000, offset 0x000. Rebooting.

                            Trap in Initialization, segment 0x000000, offset 0x000. Rebooting.

                            "Oh, dear God," said the pilot, who was a Believer.

                            James Domai looked up from his conversation with Miriam Godwinson as
                            the co-pilot whispered in his ear, and an expression of concern crossed
                            his face.

                            "James?" Miriam asked, but her host shook his head.

                            "Just need to check on something," Domai said, but the grimness in his
                            tone belied his words as he made his way to the cockpit.

                            "How bad is it," Domai asked.

                            "As bad as it gets, Foreman.  We've lost all the control linkages.
                            We were on level flight, but...."

                            Domai nodded in understanding as his experienced eye took in the instrument
                            readings.  While the transport had been in level flight when the controls
                            froze, without constant computer-controlled feedback the control surfaces
                            would eventually become unstable. And when that happened, the highly
                            sophisticated needlejet would turn back into a twenty-three thousand kilogram
                            piece of metal, with very fragile contents.

                            "What is it, James?"  Miriam said as Domai returned.

                            "Computer malfunction.  We're going to crash in about seven minutes. 
                            Unless we can somehow jury rig a bypass."

                            "Merciful Redeemer!"  Miriam's face paled.

                            "I want you to get in the escape pod, Miriam."  Domai said. Designed
                            by Morganic engineers to ensure the safety of VIPs, it was a standard fixture
                            for the transport jets that Morgan Industries sold to the various faction

                            "That's your escape pod, James."

                            "Well, I'm giving it to you.  I'm going to try to save the plane.
                            am a pretty good pilot, you know," Domai said with a touch
                            of his usual humour.  But he knew how slim his chances really were.

                            "If you're staying out here," Miriam gestured around the interior of
                            the aircraft, "then I'm staying too."

                            Domai smiled gently.

                            "I sort of expected that you'd say that, Miriam.  Forgive me."

                            With that, he reached over and grabbed the diminutive leader of the
                            Lord's Believers.

                            "James!  Put me down!  Major Ian!"  Miriam shouted
                            as the Foreman carried her struggling body to the executive escape pod.

                            Miriam's bodyguard shook his head slowly.

                            "I'm sorry, Sister Miriam.  But I swore before God that I would
                            see you safe, no matter what.  Please forgive me, as well."

                            "James!" Miriam hammered at the escape pod door as it closed on her,
                            locking her in.  A second later, a hard jolt shook her as the explosive
                            bolts blew and she was hurled away from the doomed transport.

                            Merciful Lord, please spare the lives of your servants James Domai,
                            Jason Ian, and the crew of Free Drone One.
                              Miriam did the one
                            and only thing she could do, under the circumstances, as the transport
                            dwindled from view.

                            On board Free Drone One, Domai began ripping panels open as the pilot
                            radioed his distress call to the escort interceptors.  They couldn't
                            help, but at least they could retrieve Miriam Godwinson.

                            The copilot squatted down beside Jason Ian as the prepared to assist
                            Domai as best they could.

                            "So, is it too late for me to become a Believer?"  She asked the
                            Believing major as she handed the Foreman an oscilloscope probe.

                            "It's never too late... Sister."  Ian replied.

                            Four minutes later, a fireball exploded on the surface of Chiron.


                            • #15

                              Sparta Command

                              "What the f*ck were you incompetents thinking?"  Corazon
                              Santiago raged.

                              The recipients of the Spartan supreme leader's ire flinched as they
                              would not've in the face of enemy fire.

                              "Ma'am, we weren't alerted to the possibility of aerial retrieval of
                              the Yoop terrorists, and they came in and out under our radar."  Colonel
                              West replied after a moment.  Unlike the honorific term of "affection"
                              applied to Santiago, West was a real Colonel.  Not for long, he expected. 
                              Lao Sing-Tai was only a civilian, though a reservist like all Spartan civilians. 
                              West however was a professional military officer, and he knew his command
                              had screwed up.

                              "What about the perimeter ground sensors?"  Santiago snarled. 
                              These were designed to be able to detect and track nearby ground units,
                              as low-flying invaders in precisely this scenario.

                              "They went off-line earlier yesterday due to an apparent computer glitch,
                              and given the focus on the magtube train, restoring them wasn't made a
                              priority.  After all, Fort Superiority is far out of range of all
                              hostile military forces."

                              "Did you neglect to read the flash priority brief about the aliens'
                              extended aerial capability via their mobile air base?  Or did you
                              merely forget?"  Santiago hissed in anger.  West merely bowed
                              his head, accepting the responsibility and the consequences.

                              "Lieutenant Colonel Williams.  You are to assume command of all
                              military at Fort Superiority, pending permanent assignment by the Junta. 
                              You will also place Colonel West under arrest, pending court-martial." 
                              Santiago addressed West's second-in-command before she issued a wide band

                              "Santiago to all military forces in one thousand kilometre radius of
                              Fort Superiority.  Be on the lookout for a copter matching the description
                              to be provided by Lieutenant Colonel Williams.  Air defence units:
                              scan and patrol on vector range to be provided by same."  The odds
                              were against her, Santiago knew, in trying to track that rogue helicopter. 
                              But faced with bad odds, she could only maximize the factors she had control
                              of, to make those odds as favourable as possible.  That was precisely
                              what she planned to do - and it was all could do.

                              "Message to Aki-Zeta Prime," Santiago dictated to her adjutant. 
                              "Pending the return of Zakharov, you are in charge of the advanced weapons
                              research that he was driving.  Santiago.  Message ends."

                              Santiago sighed and rubbed her eyes in a moment of un-Spartan fatigue.

                              Some days, it seems like I'm trying to stop a barbarian invasion with
                              a pistol.
                                At least she had the Gecko as a card to play, although
                              she knew she'd have to fight like hell with the Junta to get him the complete
                              control of the majority of Sparta's best units.  Tradition had prevented
                              the Junta from assigning such a large force to a single general. 
                              No, not tradition, but fear - fear that whomever controlled such superiour
                              forces would be tempted to throw a coup.  Even Santiago herself had
                              to rule through the Junta.  And so, inevitably, factions appeared
                              within the Spartan hierarchy, each group seeking to offset the other.

                              And look where that's led us.  Atriedes and his aristocratic
                              faction - and now he's dead.  Burge is dead.  Googlie's disgraced
                              because he got suckered by Ashaandi.  Just like me, but I was lucky,

                              Santiago admitted with brutal self-honesty.  Well, unlike Allardyce,
                              I'm still here, and I'm still stuck with this frigging mess.  So I'm
                              going to have to make this
                              my mess, and run it the only way I've
                              got a shot of making it work.

                              "Colonel..." Her adjutant was back.

                              "What?" Santiago snapped, and then realized her temper was fraying.

                              "My apologies, Captain Tyler."  Santiago said brusquely but truthfully. 
                              Her assistants were loyal and dedicated officers, and deserved better from
                              their commanding officer.

                              "We've just got word... Dr. Lal has been the subject of an assassination
                              attempt at U.N. HQ.  We don't know much else - too much chaos right
                              now - we don't even know if he's still alive.  But there are credible
                              reports that Ashaandi was there."

                              "There's more bad news too.  Foreman Domai's plane had a malfunction
                              and crashed.  Sister Miriam Godwinson was one of the passengers as

                              The first message was a shock, but not entirely unexpected after Ashaandi's
                              work two weeks ago.  But the second hit her like a blow in the solar
                              plexus.  Miriam Godwinson's work on the Axis' behalf had far exceeded
                              Santiago's initial paltry investment in freeing her from Yang, and far
                              exceeded her wildest expectations as well.  More than that, she'd
                              been a loyal and faithful supporter of Santiago in council.  Outside
                              of the Spartan Federation, Miriam was about the only... friend...
                              that Santiago had.

                              Yoop terrorists, and initial reports indicated that Sand was aiding
                              them.  Ashaandi.

                              Lal attacked.  Ashaandi.

                              And now Miriam and Domai, in a coincidence that defied probability. 
                              Yang's two greatest ideological opponents and threats.  Ashaandi.

                              For a moment, Santiago longed to unleash her carefully hoarded military
                              forces upon Ashaandi's kingdom-in-waiting.  Alien allies or no, the
                              entirety of Spartan might would reduce the Hive, and wherever the Circle
                              was hiding, to steaming rubble.  This was a military certainty, and
                              for one brief moment of rage, she considered giving the order.

                              But a saner voice prevailed within her.  If she lashed out in undisciplined
                              rage, she could destroy the Hive, but only by sacrificing thousands of
                              loyal Sparta troops, and exposing her jugular fatally to the aliens lurking
                              menacingly in the background.  And this she could not do, would
                              not do.  The Spartan Federation - perhaps even the survival of the
                              human race itself - relied upon her making the right decisions.  Everything
                              she'd ever fought for and believed in was in her hands to throw away, or
                              fight to protect.

                              She would choose to fight, as she always had.

                              But I will see you die, Ashaandi, Santiago vowed, while thousands
                              of kilometres away, Scott Allardyce uttered the same oath.

