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The Chiron Chronicle: 2181

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  • #91
    OOC: The idea of making a CC Rules thread is definatly needed... and should be explaining my actions too bit....
    Upgrading an army does take time, doesn't happen instantly like in the game, since we are playing by months, not years. Hive is ready for war, but to upgrade theirs forces does take time and does take a lot of energy credits. Hive ain't the best economy wise... so they can't instantly upgrade every single units, especially when the Hive has the second biggest ground forces on Chiron, practicly all of cheap units (units without armor and with no abilities). Same with improvements like Bunkers, does take time to build them, especially bunch of clustered bunkers in a 500km x 500km square. The PKs didn't instantly built their Defence Lines, especially across thousands of kilometres, same with arrays all ocver the place, it took them decade or more atleast to do, when the Spartans didn't know that the PKs came back to the continent.
    Also, Hive Command sent orders to Major Kurita's units, but he Never replied because they are in Peacekeeper territory and Peacekeepers would intercept it and then make the Hive units has the enemy. So Yang doesn't know yet for sure Who the Units are following, and he does realize that the peacekeepers could intercept their communications. Yang simply has to wait and see. Yang knows that Kane is not loyal to Yang anymore, but still loyal to the Hive in general. same with the rest of the units.
    Guardian, you control the Peacekeepers, you have the say has to where your units are, with reason. The Reserve Units started out in the middle of the defence lines. even north of the middle of the def lines, there is the Fungus Patch by that Fungus Missile... which may intefere with the supply lines to the SPartans troops in the Front Lines. at the moment, the eastern parts of the defence seem to be the most defended at the moment while the western parts has already been punched through. Spartans was only able to destroy most bunkers in the one square. there is still Defence Units in the adjacent bunker squares since the squares are 500x500 kms, zone-of-control is pretty useless for Bunkered Gatling Squads to defend. Mobile units can.
    [end of OOC]

    To: Commander Weiss
    From: Major Kurita of Hive

    We will not lower our weapons while we still in a hostile territory. Our original orders was to help out the Peacekeepers, but the Hive as change its mind and now have allied with the Spartans. But we have already entered Peacekeeper territory before the Hive has change plans, so we continued pertending to follow our Renegade General who opposes the Hives new plans until we are able to join up with your forces. Do you need any further information?

    Major Kurita of Hive

    To: Chairman Yang ****encrypted****
    From: Major Kurita of Hive

    *speaking in Hive Chinese*

    We aknownledge, but we cannot continue further contact until the Peacekeepers becomes hostile to us Chairman. Please see our wisdom of this prudence.

    Major Kurita

    near the defence lines north of U.N. Data Acquisition

    The Hive units continue to move towards the Spartans positions, but at a slower speed. The commander of the two units sent to intercept the retreating PK artillery units have reported that he has contacted the commander of those units. The PK commander has agreed to "surrender" his units to Kurita and ask for their new orders. Kurita ordered his unit to protect the pk artilleries while they move to a position south-east of the Spartans forces at the defence lines. (Several hundred of kilometres away from spartans). Kurita then sends the Spartan Commandera message of the interception of the retreating pk artilleries and their surrender.


    To: Foreman Domai
    From: Colonel Santiego

    Many of the people in Hive territory who are spreading Free Drone propaganda our Hive citizens themselves. I can't simply tell them to stop, they will not listen to me. Even if they would, I don't know who to contact. If the Hive treated its people better, they wouldn't be having this kind of problem, they wouldn't of had people like me running off to establish their own faction. But do know for sure Colonel, all of my operatives have stopped helping some of those people.

    As for your little problem at Janissary Rock, Free Drone is not to blame for them wanting to declare independence and wanting to join my Faction. You seem to be having the same problem has the Hive, now that both your factions are allies. Ain't Janissary Rock mostly comprise of ex-Hive slaves? Maybe they are not very happy of your factions alliance with the Hive. What makes you think they will listen to me when their own brothers and sisters in Hive territory will not?

    Foreman Domai


    OOC: Yes, can say the Pirates and Angels have swap technologies which they don't have.

    Upland Wastes

    Some Battle Dragon units have started destroying mines and solar collectors north of Janissary Rock.

    Janissary Rock

    The Probe Team have started making recordings of the firefights going in the Base, now that the rebels/rioters pretty much started to do random bombings and inciting riots themselves. Some Probe members have notice that the Blockade Guardians will be arriving. They have also detected a black APC coming too. Spartan Probe Teams are coming. The Probe Team is worried, but they are ready. Let see how they will find them in a rioting base. Some start rigging the Perimeter Defence surrounding the base to blow, with help of rioters.

    OOC: The Probe Team will be hiding. In a rioting base, it will be hard, since the whole rioting populace continues what the Probe Team have been doing since they started the whole thing.


    • #92
      CultVision News.

      Defense Upgrades:

      Following fears of invasion a large scale project has begun to upgrade defenses of all Cult bases. Thanks to the technological assistance from the Peacekeepers we now have the ability to construct highly effective defense systems. Our prototype AAA Plasma Garrison has been completed - no longer shall we be at the mercy of other factions airpower.

      After the crossing fiasco our native navy is going to be complimented with conventional foils - 2-3-4, AAA Hoverboats for coastal Patrols and new Missile foils equiped with anti-aircraft targeting systems. Our industrial sectors are sparing no expense to ensure the new weapons are of top quality

      AA Plasma Hoverboats: 2-3-4, AAA
      Missile Foil: 6-1-4, SAM (Attack not halved for ground/naval SAM unit)


      • #93
        Spartan Newswagon

        The Cult of War made its presence official

        Yesterday, in a sudden move, the Cult of War announced its presence. Before that, only rumors were moving about this Cult.
        Hundreds of followers poured out into the streets, causing the officials almost to panic. Dozens of happenings were organized, which showed the Cultists battle prowess.

        In one happening, one follower of War, as they are styling themselves, beated ten elite soldiers in hand-to-hand combat, all at the same time.
        In another one, the Cultists were shooting and destroying AT missiles in flight, with only plain impact rifles to shoot with.
        A third happening occurred in Sparta commands mindworm research institute, where a cultist jumped into a quarantine room full of mature mindworms, shredding the poor worms into pieces with bare hands.
        The most impressive happening was when one of the cultists successfully evaded constant gatling serial fire after daring the practicing soldiers to shoot at her, in one of Sparta Commands local target practicing centers.
        One of the soldiers shooting at this particular cultist commented, “She moved like a lighting… damn, those people are possessed…”

        According to sources, after hearing about this, Santiago immediately ordered the head priest of the cultists, George Brienman, to show up for negotiations.
        After two hours of negotiating, Junta press representatives explained the details to the public.

        - The Cult is absolutely loyal to Spartan authority, and will have the status of the only religion allowed to practice inside Spartan territory.
        - Citizen are free to join the cult, but are not allowed to abandon their duties. Also, temporary joining and practicing in the care of the Cult is allowed.
        - The Cult will put its share into the war effort, by creating separate “units” made out completely of cultist.
        - The Cultist will, in all Spartan bases, join the Voluntary citizen defense forces to defend the bases against riots or an attack from outside.

        Particularly the clauses of creating new units and the riot control are interesting.

        First, four new units of Cults best soldiers are already gathering at various bases, but unfortunately they won’t have any rovers, and only two of them will have AAA support. Otherwise, they will have fairly new technology, as Plasma armor and Gatling guns. We are not talking about regular elite soldiers here, but people devoted to honing their skills of War, making them supernatural on the battlefield.

        Secondly, many Cultists have joined the Voluntary units, giving extra power into riot controlling and defense of the base.
        Only speculations can be given at this time, why did the Cult of War come out right now? Of course, the raging war and the bloody riots had probably an effect on the decisions of the Head Priests.
        (OOC: I´m practically creating a sub-faction into the Spartan Federation, that for now seems to be satisfied with the conditions. The Cultists units have +100% when fighting, and as they don’t feel fear, mindworms are quite useless against them. The drawbacks are a very atrocious way of fighting( eg. ripping their enemies hearts out and eating them) and the timely training of new cultist units.)

        More riots in Janissary Rocks

        The local officials have declared already a martial law in Janissary Rocks, and the local garrisons and Voluntary units have been fighting with these outright rebels for days now. The rebels are waving the Free Drone flag, and are declaring independence of the Spartan Federation.
        The base population seems to be roughly divided into half, but the soon arriving Blockade Guardians and the now into Voluntary Units joining followers of War, will probably calm down the riots.

        In Janissary Rocks

        A group of armed rebels were running in the evening streets of Janissary Rocks, trying to overwhelm the local voluntary units bridgehead.
        Suddenly, dozens of them fell down on the ground, shot precisely between the eyes. The survivors started panicking, as they didn´t even hear gun shots.

        The next moment, ten shady figures jumped from the tall buildings, right into the middle of the group , in mere minutes shredding the whole group into pieces.

        The commander of the Blockade Guardians was watching from the top hatch of the command rover the base, smoke rising from it. In a few hours, they would be there.

        The regular transport rover was driving towards Janissary Rocks, the only passengers aboard it was the first probe teams of many, going to the base, in hope for power and glory if they can defeat the enemy probe team.

        b] The Main Army[/b]

        General Von Halzburg was looking at live picture, coming from a captured sensor array near the bunkers.
        It´s impossible to go through here, with or without Nerve gas, he thought.
        maybe through here, but what about somewhere else…

        “Order the troops to stop advancing, and send the Jets back. Plans have changed.” He ordered the comm. officer

        The Main army changed its course towards west, picking up top speed, evading peacekeeper radars, and leaving behind sensor arrays rigged with explosives and a devastated countryside.
        At the same time supply freighters left War Outpost, full of Nerve gas and new replacement soldiers for both the Main army and the Combined army.

        (OOC: BTW, Weiss doesn´t know much about General Kane, and certainly doesn´t know about the units loyal to General Kane that have defected from the Hive. And he definitely won’t believe this story immediately )

        From: Commander Weiss
        To: Major Kurita(Hive units)

        What? The Hive, here? What is Kane doing here? Stop right there, deactivate your weapons and explain me the whole story.
        As our new allies, I won´t attack you people, but I still don´t trust Hive units that have apparently unharmed, crossed through the chokepoint and trekked through half of PK area just to join our battle group? And without even mentioning about this to us beforehand.

        From: Colonel Santiago
        To: Foreman Domai

        Foreman, what are you meaning by that they are not willing to do what you asked them to do? As I said, the Hive has agreed with a peace treaty, we paid a nice price for it.
        Also, there are massive riots in Janissary Rocks, and guess whose flag they are waving there? Yours, my dear Foreman. I believe your probes haven´t started these riots, which would have been a stupid and ungrateful move.

        So, as a favor, I would like you to send the rebels a message, in where you deny support for their actions, and explain that they are pawns in a enemy probe team plot.
        I am sure they will believe you, and I´d be grateful if you do it.

        The benevolent Leader of the Spartans,
        Colonel Santiago
        In the conquered bunker, Near UN Data Acquisition

        The sensor array were going crazy, from out of nowhere the unit rover unit parked outside of the bunker had been suddenly blown up, and there was swarm of locusts coming in fast.
        With practiced precision, the Spartan soldiers, from two moderately damaged units and the ones without any rovers, took out their flame guns and organized themselves on the bunkers walls, waiting for the incoming locusts.
        Minutes later, the nearby two artillery units opened fire, shooting missiles full of napalm. These were not SAM missiles, but just plain ones that exploded when hitting something. And hitting something in a locust swarm wasn´t hard.
        The explosions ripped through the swarm like a hot knife through butter…

        [This message has been edited by Cyber (edited March 19, 2001).]


        • #94
          In Janissary Rock...

          The followers of War were massacring the rebels. All around the base, rebel groups were ambushed abd destroyed by the war-expert Cultists. The final showdown was going to be on the perimeter defense.

          Fifteen cultists were charging the rebel lines, in order to get to the perimeter defense. They were evading the rounds coming from the rebels machine gun like lightings,
          and in the next moment, they divided into two groups, jumping onto the makeshift barricades, shooting rebels right and left.

          Moments later, the Voluntary Units arrived, seeing for their surprise and even disgust only shredded rebel bodies, some of them missing heads and hearts.

          Up in the tall buildings, a Cultist was snipering a group trying to rig explosives on the perimeter defense.With two of them dead, only one remained. The damn bugger was running like a mad animal towards the perimeter, a small packet in his hands.

          Just a little bit and... *Snipe*. The rebels head exploded into thousand pieces.

          "Area secured." The Cultist radioed and continued onward.

          But this same scenario happened near every Perimeter pylon.Some of the Cultists weren´t so precise, and bombs were rigged.
          Minutes later, explosions shook the base, with some of the western pylons falling outwards.

          Commander Sharion of the Guardians,was gathering his rover army in front of the base. As a show of power, they all shot missiles high up in the sky, exploding with power and beauty.
          As a "reply" the perimeter pylons in front of them, colliding into the gound with a loud *THUM*.

          "What the Hell!?" the commander shouted.
          After a few moments of puzzlement, the Guardians continued into the burning city, driving into the streets and contacting the local authorities.
          After they had secured this base, they would go north to find what was happening out there.
          Suddenly, reports started flooding the command rover of attacks on various facilities north of the base, and according to the sensor arrays it were same rovers that had terrorized the Wastes.
          The commander quickly made a decision, and sent four War rover units to find the attackers and destroy them.

          The first probe team had arrived, and had by now already contacted the authorities, the local data links and was now interrogating some of the rebel leaders that had been captured by the Cultists.
          Two more probe team were coming to the base soon.


          • #95
            OOC:I didn´t understand quite well, are the Hive units under Major Kurita on the Spartans side or not?
            And Chris, did the Locusts destroy two rover units, or just two rovers?

            Commander Weiss was pondering over the newest message coming from the Hive troops.

            "Open a Comm. link to them"

            From:Commander Weiss
            To: Major Kurita

            Major, do you really take me as a fool.So, you are not on your generals side?I truly hope so, because for your information, The command Nexus informed us just that Chairman Yang has given the right to attack any Hive troops in this territory, if we deem appropriate.
            But I won´t attack you. Instead, for the last time, deactivate your weapons
            and be ready to be inspected. This is just routine, don´t worry. We want to be sure you are truly on our side. And don´t worry about any hostiles, we will protect you from them while the inspection is carried on.
            Also, the PK artillery is to be given to our hands... or rather, just shoot them. We don´t have enough patience for new prisoners, as we have dozens of others left from the bunker defenders.

            (OOC:Commander Weiss was the same guy that wrote the personal logs, when Sparta attack the Hive, 60 years ago.Used to live in Janissary Rock, though he moved with his unit in War Outpost. Twenty years ago, he married an ex-Hive slave and has a family now, so he has nothing against the Hive, to the contrary

            [This message has been edited by Cyber (edited March 20, 2001).]


            • #96

              OOC: You have dozens of prisoners left from the bunker defenders??
              Do you really think those guys would surrender to the Spartans after seeing what you did to the prisoners you'd taken earlier on??

              Think again...
              "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
              -- Saddam Hussein


              • #97
                OOC:Guardian, they don´t need to surrender, they can be captured too, you know Imagine eg. a PK soldier being shell shocked, stunned or wounded, or maybe some Spartans have gotten into a hand fight against PK´s, no wonder as gatling guns don´t have a endless supply of energy or bullets. Anyways, there are many ways for a soldier end up taken as a POW, and I don´t think the PK soldiers are as willing to take their own lives as easily as Spartans.Besides, there are only 20-30 POW PK´s + lots of wounded.

                From: Colonel Santiago
                To: Foreman Domai

                You have stopped helping some of these people?Just do like this, stop helping them completely. The Hive will handle their own citizens.

                It is time for your faction to "cut the cord" as the saying goes. You and the Hive are two different factions, and you have enough population to sustain yourself. You don´t need to spread propaganda to the Hive anymore, you can live your lives in peace, without being mixed into this Great War.

                As for the rebels in Janissary Rock, the only thing you need to say is that you won´t "accept" them into your faction, and that this all was a setup of an enemy probe team. It doesn´t matter if they don´t belive you, it enough just to give a cloud of doubt over their hearts.
                Otherwise, many more will die, before the situation is stabilised there.
                And remember, I don´t blame you for any of these happenings.

                Spartan Newswagon

                A massive Nerve Stapling campaign beginning in Janissary Rocks

                The local authorities have taken serious measures in use. Hundreds of people, even remotely close to rebel acticity, have been stapled and the lines for the Nerve stapling Chambers are indeed long.
                The decision was finally made because of the sabotage of the Perimeter Defense.
                This should finally end the rebellion, from which the base has suffered greatly.


                • #98
                  In Sparta Command

                  They were gathering. Shadows in the night.
                  A hundred followers of War, the best of best, all gathered into the catacombs below Sparta Command. But not only Spartan Command, but in other bases also.

                  A huge vault door opened in front of them. From it came Supply rovers stocked full with equipment needed for war.
                  The followers organized themselves into a perfect line, moving without sound, and not saying a single word.
                  The priests then "blessed" them, giving sip of blood for each one to drink.
                  After that, one by one the followers went to pick up the equipment assigned for them.
                  Infantry plasma armor, heavy granades, heavy assault gatling rifles, mortars, AAA for some and other things necessary for warfare.
                  The Cultists didn´t even need all of this, but still obeyed their superiors by putting the heavy equipment on.

                  The ritual was over, not even single word spoken.

                  OOC: the four new Cult of War units are now operational, in the four biggest bases, except Jan.Rock.
                  Stats are:
                  Gatling/Plasma/Trance(Because their immunity to fear, and by that way even the biggest illusion spawned by mindworms doesn´t have the wanted effect on them)
                  AAA(Two of the new units have this ability)

                  From: Head Priest Brienman
                  To: General Von Halzburg

                  Greetings General. I want to inform you that you have reinforcements on the way. As you have probably heard, the Cult of War is now actively in the War effort, so we have gathered four infantry units of our very best to help. Consider them under your control.

                  Head Priest of the Cult of War,
                  George Brienman

                  From: General Von Halzburg
                  To: Head Priest Brienman

                  Whats there to consider? I´m a bigger authority than God for every Spartan in a 2000km radius of here. Lets see how your boyscouts are going to fare here, on the real battlefield...

                  [This message has been edited by Cyber (edited March 20, 2001).]


                  • #99
                    OOC: OK then, I get your point, but keep in mind that the PK soldiers are getting fanatic! No, they won't take their own lives, they just won't stop fighting, even if they have lost... (i.e. instead of giving up, they'll try to take a few more Spartans with them...)

                    Peacekeeper defense line, near U.N. Haven City

                    Something was wrong... the bastard Spartans should have struck by now.
                    Just what the heck were they up to??

                    Intercepting units, northeast of U.N. Data Acquisition

                    The 5 rover groups were moving at full speed towards the area just north of Data Acquisition. They were charged with intercepting any hostile units breaking through the defense lines, and the Spartans had made a hole, all right... They were supposed to join up with friendly units from the Hive once they got there. That was odd, as there had been reports of the Hive teaming up with the Spartans... Could these "friendly" units be trusted?? They sure hoped so, as they needed all the help they could get, but nobody knew for sure...
                    According to the latest data they had received from long range sensors, they should be able to make contact within another day or so...

                    U.N. Enforcement Base

                    General Braddock stared at the situation map in front of him... Intelligence had intercepted several messages to and from the five Hive units north of U.N. Data Acquisition. They were talking to General Kane, but also to Chairman Yang and even to the Spartans! The artillery units that had retreated from the defense line had reported that they were "surrendering" to the Hive forces, but their commander had refused to explain his situation in detail. What the hell was going on?
                    What was Major Kurita up to??

                    U.N. Headquarters

                    Commissioner Pravin Lal was pondering something else, as he sat there studying the reports on base operations and production throughout the Peacekeeper territories. The mobilization had really gotten underway, and now every last one of his bases was building weapons of war or military support facilities. Troops were being trained. Orders were given and taken. And when they working day was done, angry mobs were in the streets crying for blood... They wanted more weapons, more troops, and they were willing to work even harder to get them...
                    The good society he had been trying to build was turning into a war machine.

                    Where did I go wrong??

                    North of the defense line, near U.N. Haven City

                    The two jets, flying out of Haven City, were doing an aerial recon just north of the lines as requested by Commander Cooke of the reserve units. At first they found nothing, but then their long range sensors picked up a large force of Spartan rovers moving at top speed. They were heading west, away from Haven City...

                    Peacekeeper defense line, near U.N. Haven City

                    Sh*t! The jokers zigged on us!!
                    The Spartan army was moving west at full speed, and although nobody knew where they were headed, it was clear to everyone now that these positions were not going to be attacked any time soon. They probably had second thoughts about attacking here and decided to go look for a weaker point in the line!

                    -And now they're half a day ahead of us!

                    Cooke swore and grumbled to himself. He should have thought about that. He should have anticipated this move by the Spartans once they realized how strong the defenses were in this area. Now they were heading further west, where they could find a weaker point or even a hole in the line! He would have to move quickly to catch them before it was too late!

                    OOC: The 10 rover units and 7 artilleries are moving out and heading west along the line at full speed to try to block the Spartans' path to the south. The Cult units are following, but they are moving slower. The newly arrived reinforcements from Planetmind are moving in to take up positions in the area these units have just left. The mindworms and spore launchers, that is. The locusts are flying west at top speed, but they're staying south of the line. Already further west are 4 mindworms, 1 spore launcher (the remaining Cult units) and 4 rover units with 20% damage (re-organized survivors from the front line who are returning to the line).
                    [end of OOC]

                    To: Colonel Santiago
                    From: General Braddock

                    Hey, what's the matter, colonel?
                    Your forces can't fight us without prisoners as human shields and a 50:1 numerical advantage??

                    Who are the weaklings now??

                    "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
                    -- Saddam Hussein


                    • OOC:Chris, I understand you want to help the PK´s, but please don´t start to draw your troops out of a magic hat. I mean, 4 GB locusts, 8 demon boils etc... whoa!
                      And Guardian, its time for you to give the PKs stats in the Admin section.

                      The Supply Freighters

                      A group of large rover-trucks were speeding through the desert. They had already gone past a large fungus field, a very odd site in the modern eastern continent.
                      Now they were poised towards resupplying the Main army and the combined army. They were driving like lunatics, not even once caring to stop. Their future was on stake here, because when General Von Halzburg gave personally a command, you will either try to follow that as well as possible or... be executed.

                      From: Colonel Santiago
                      To: General Braddock

                      Heh heh heh... well, you´re pissed off, aren´t you. I unfortunately cannot take the credit for that ingenious tactic of gluing POW´s on our rovers, but I´ll reward the person who invented it.(OOC:Commander Weiss)

                      50:1, huh? Well, now were even in rovers. They only difference is that you´re cowarding behind your defense lines and mindworms. Why don´t you come out, leave your Sopo gas, and fight a fair fight?Or maybe you just talk much, and do nothing, like the rest of your kind...
                      By the way, we have your old friend Clayson here, he´s not dead. Come and get him, if you have the courage...

                      OOC:If you have read the earlier Chiron Chronicles you´ll know the name Clayson. Commander Clayson is a legend among the Pro-War PK´s, he lead the liberation attack on War Outpost more than sixty years ago. At the final battle, he did a kamikaze with his unit against the overwhelming Spartan forces, to buy more time for the already conquered PK population to be completely evacuated.
                      The Spartans, however, captured him and he has been in the torturing hands of Alexandro Demeneras.Whenever he was needed, they wake him up from cryosleep and so on.
                      He and Braddock have been friends since planetfall.

                      [This message has been edited by Cyber (edited March 20, 2001).]


                      • OOC: Yes, I have read the earlier Chronicles and so I do know who Commander Clayson is. But he was lost in the battle and presumed dead. As for the Admin thread; Agreed. Been thinking about it for a while actually... I'll get to work on it...

                        To: Colonel Santiago
                        From: General Braddock

                        You have Clayson still with you??
                        How do I know this isn't another one of your dirty tricks??

                        As for the "fair fight"... I'm afraid it won't happen, as we trust you less than we'd trust a bunch of scorpions and rattlesnakes.

                        "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
                        -- Saddam Hussein


                        • OOC: Cyber, only one rover UNIT was destroyed. Thats all. That one locust helped disorganize the rover unit while the main force beat up the rest of them. And with helping the PKs with all of those units, two of the boils were already seen, attacking the Spartan fleet, one boil attacked the Cult fleet. And the mindworms are from ecological disruption from the Free Drones. Remember Planetmind can draw forces from all across Planet. Don't worry, those are the only reenforcements coming in a while.
                          "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
                          "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
                          "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me


                          • OOC: Wow, Major Kurita has succeeded in confusing people :P The Main Army would get slowed down by the Fungus in the middle, unless they want to risk getting bombarded by artillery from the defence lines. (Long Range of two Squares still apply in CC, just bit less accurate) And the Reserve Units have roads behind and along the Defence Lines to move on.
                            Another note, game years are 10 game months seperated by the thread. We are now in our third quarter of 2181. so base your travel times on that.

                            western defence lines north of U.N. Data Acquisition

                            Major Kurita has received another message from General Kane informing him that the PKs intercepting units are moving to their position in few days.

                            To: Commander Weiss
                            From: Major Kurita

                            Commander, would the spartans power down their weapons if they were in our position? We will stop at several hundred kilometres from your positions and we will comply to your inspections. (OOC: Adjacent square south of the Bunker square occupied by Spartans.

                            Major Kurita

                            He then orders his three units to stop while the other two with the pk artilleries stop south-east of spartan position about 1000 kilometres away.
                            He orders the two units to get the pk artilleries ready. (OOC: The two red ones has merge into one unit, so two artillery units really) The three units here will prepare themselves aswell and will wait both the Pk interceptor units and the spartan inspection to arrive.


                            To: Colonel Santiego
                            From: Foreman Domai

                            I think we are having a bit of a misunderstanding, ALL of my operatives HAS stoped helping anyone in Hive territory. Also do realize Colonel that i cannot do what you ask, as it will cause riots in Free Drone and accuse me of being an Hypocrite. We are a Democracy here and our faction do value freedom, here and anywhere else.

                            Foreman Domai


                            Janissary Rock

                            One of the Probe Team members was lost to some "Cult of War" sniper and the riots were loosing, being slaughtered and now being nerve stapled. During the whole time, the Probe Team has been recording it. They only succeeded in partially bringing down the Perimeter, but will take the Spartans awhile to fix with their crappy industry and because of the recent rebellion. The Probe Team have now left and are moving north-east away from the base. But just before they did, they sent a small data angel encrypt message to the units north of the base of the arrival of the Blockade Guardians.

                            North of Janissary Rock

                            The Battle Dragons units who are raiding the northern parts of the base received the message and they have also detected two(or was it three?) spartan units moving towards them. They have retreated back in the Upland Wastes, where the spartans doesn't have a sensor detection grid anymore.


                            • The combined army, in the conquered bunker

                              At last the resupply freighters had arrived. All around the bunkers spartans were repairing salvageable rovers, either with the parts brought by the freighters or cannibalizing from the rovers that couldn´t be repaired.
                              Nerve gas pods were brought for everyone, not only the two rover units in the bunker.
                              A day or two and the job should be done…
                              (OOC: The two units should be repaired and upgraded soon. The other six units will go through the same.)

                              The Main army

                              After days of travel, they were finally in positions. They had met the Supply freighters, and now the whole army was upgrading its weaponry to include Nerve gas.
                              This should take somewhere around a day, leaving them time before the peacekeeper troops organized themselves properly on the other side of the of the line, or even noticed that the Spartans had stopped, as no peacekeeper radar could see this far. Halzburg had even ordered the interceptors to patrol around them to assure that no peacekeeper air unit would detect them again.

                              Near the Bunkers…

                              Commander Weiss sent a small squad of rovers to inspect the Hive troops. They were ordered to go through everything, including all data files, orders, communication, everything and of course, be cautious.
                              Meanwhile, the sensor arrays were working on full power, seeing everything for thousands of kilometers.
                              And the peacekeeper-intercepting units were just entering their radar area…

                              (OOC: Remember, the sensor array that detected the Hive units? Well, its still working.)

                              The northern continent

                              The two jets had arrived, and the colony was in building. Already the necessary buildings for life support had been set up, and an airstrip and a fueling depot for the airplanes were in building.
                              Also, one of the jets carried skeleton force of a plasma garrison that had secured already the surrounding area.

                              And a little further, up in a hill, the first above ground Temple of War was in construction…

                              From: Colonel Santiago
                              To: General Braddock

                              One of our tricks? Why, General, where would we be without trust?
                              The file coming with this message contains some video tape recordings of the last time we woke him up from cryosleep… I think it was a year ago. And don´t worry about the authentity. Even with your expert you will see that the tape hasn´t been tampered. So my offer is still valid…come and get him if you have the courage…


                              • In Janissary Rock

                                The riots were over now. Dozens of riot leaders were being gathered up on the local square, and publicly executed. The Blockade Guardians patrolled in the streets, ready to open fire to any remaining hostiles.
                                Because of the nerve staplings, the trigger-happy people had turned into mindless drones.

                                Now was time to start the painful rebuilding, starting from the most important ones like the perimeter defense and the industrial facilities.
                                As a punishment, those who had participated in the riots were work at the rebuilding sites. And they didn´t have a damn choice, as they all were under stapling.

                                The members of the Cult of War dissapeared from the Janissary Rocks public eye as mysteriously as they had first appeared.

                                The four rover units were patrolling around the northern side of Janissary Rock, trying to find the alledged marauders. There was no trace of them, so the Spartans hid themselves into suitable ambush positions for rovers, waiting for the damn marauders to come again...

                                In the North pole...

                                Freesing winds were blowing new snow on the vastless ice sheets of the north pole.In the middle of that huge tundra of snow and ice, a small dot of warmth could be seen.

                                The probe team had arrived and was now setting up a small outpost. Outside it were a some rovers and next to the outpost was the huge and black form of the transport jet.
                                Their road back home had been cut off, as reports indicated that the airbase they had left from, layed now in ruins.
                                The jet might just have enough fuel to go to the new base on the north continent, but that was highly risky.

                                So, for now they had to survive on their own. But the mission was more important, they were here because of it.
                                A Couple members of the probe team carried nuclear explosives into the rovers. They were soon about to go to a journey that might change the world forever.

