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The Chiron Chronicle: 2181

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  • #16
    To: Cha Dawn
    From: Captain Svensgaard

    Hello Cha Dawn, I do have sensors records aswell concerning the whole Isles show off. The Nautilus Pirates and the Cult of Planet don't have much relations, but I am not fond of the Spartans either. Next time, don't be afraid of contacting me directly when you need to cross the Sea of Chiron. I may just allows your IoDs to traverse through Nautilus waters which would be safe from Planetmind and Spartans, and cut the travel time a bit.

    Captain Svensgaard

    To: Colonel Santiego
    From: Captain Svensgaard

    Santiego, I suggest that your fleet return to where they come from, even if they are not in Peacekeeper waters.

    Captain Svensgaard

    To: Probe Team within Spartan Territory, via Free Drones
    From: Branko

    You are to acquire some specs on Spartan Fission Reactors. Sure we have the technology, but I need to know how the Spartans are building them.


    To: Captain Svensgaard
    From: General Greenway

    Three more Battle Dragon units are being transported to Free Drone territory. They will be place along the Hive/Free Drone borders until further orders.

    General Greenway

    To: Chiron Alliance Leaders
    From: Captain Svensgaard

    I agree with General Braddock. In the last year or two, the Spartans have started to increase its military force. They already started building up an air force and are currently expanding their fleets aswell. Its not a matter of IF the coming war with the Spartans will happen, its a matter of when.

    This is why I am also pushing the exchange of techs so the Chiron Alliance militaries are up to date.

    Captain Svensgaard


    • #17
      TO: Captain Svensgaard
      FROM: Cha Dawn

      I sense you are a friend Svensgard. Prehaps I underestimated you, for I expected your ships would harrass my isles. How ironical that it was not the pirates but rather planetmind which made the crossing miserable, Planetmind which should be helping in the coming war against the Spartans, but instead seems only to be a hinderance.


      • #18
        OOC: Who is playing the Cyborgs now? and where did Argonaut go?
        I would like to play but a. I have little time and b. I need for them to respond to my messages...

        Also, Cyber, I am assuming that you accepted my 'tour of the new bases so here goes'

        Day 1, Journal of Illian Johansseen-Kloph

        The day started with myself being introduced to several high ranking Spartan Probe Team members, "The Cat" "The Boar" "Dictator" and "Eagle". These Probe Members rode in my rover while the other Spartans rode with the General's entourage.

        My team is deemed the 'scouting team' and is headed by myself, whilst the 'general's team' is headed by Alexi Quid-Pro-Quo. My scouting team is to encounter the members of Project Alpha in the hills south of University and Cyborg territory. The generals team is our escort and will defend us in the nature of any hostile sightings.
        -->Visit CGN!
        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


        • #19
          OOC: What does antimind have to counter planetmind with? What forces does antimind have?

          The University Sun-Governor

          Mindworms Attack!

          In a fringe battle, several mindworms attacked our forces near the outskirts of our territories and were repelled. However our forces suffered several casualties.

          The belief is that Planetmind is jealous of our support for Antimind. Zakharov claims he will contact Planetmind to determine the full nature of the attacks. Hopefully the problem will be quickly resolved.
          -->Visit CGN!
          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


          • #20
            OOC: Whats the big interest in Spartan reactors? They´re not much different, just a little more sturdy for the battlefields. But three Spartan reactors combined can be damaging, especially for a seabase.
            And, Darkcloud, do continue your tour of Project Alpha. My Probe team can´t probably send any messages from there and vice versa, so there is nothing for me to write for now.

            From:Colonel Santiago
            To: Captain Svensgaard

            Captain, I will keep my fleet here, and if necessary use it against the Cult and the Peacekeepers.

            Near Fossil Field Ridge

            The admiral was no longer smiling, as he saw how the swarms of Locusts were retreating fast away from the cultist. Dozens of swarms had been burned to ashes by the cultist flame guns.
            The admiral couldn´t believe how this could have happened. But when inspecting closer the Cult forces, he could see they also had received damage, and not a light one.

            "Comm., open a secure channel to HQ." The Admiral ordered.

            The only message he sent was "Now what?".


            • #21
              OOC: Cyber! Just how good of eyesight do your units have And if memory serves ship based deep radar can't see units on land units two squares away. All the spartan fleet would see would be the flashes of flame guns and possibly radar blips. Whats the horizon distance on Chiron anyway?

              TO: Prophet Cha Dawn
              FROM: Psi Talent Alethea Betts

              Grave news, the Commander was killed by a locust. We thought the locusts had retreated, and so dismantled the defense perimeter. A locust came from nowhere, it went directley for the commander and it's spikes penetrated his brain. It happened so quickly...

              Half of the troops don't want to reboard the isles, for fear of planetmind and the spartan ships. I suggest that half of the force go by land to the PK defense lines, and the other half continue to UN Hhaven City on the isles, the isles are tired and would welcome the reduced load.

              TO: Psi Talent Betts
              FROM: Cha Dawn

              Alethea, you know I trust you. As highest raking officer I now inpower you to make all command descisions. While the native forces must remain your primary concern do make sure the injured humans receive medical attention at UN Haven City. Your proposal seems fine - the willing and the injured go by Isle to UN Haven and the rest continue on foot.

              OOC: Cult native forces basically unharmed, scout patrols are always considered "designated defender". The humans die so the worms may live.


              • #22
                OOC: In this game, the each square is more realisticly larger then what the game suggests. So just wondering how the Spartans are building their reactors, like bombs?

                To: Colonel Santiego
                From: Captain Svensgaard

                If nescessary, my fleet will be used against yours.

                Captain Svensgaard

                To: Cha Dawn
                From: Captain Svensgaard

                My ships would have if we had any evidence that your people would be attacking the Peacekeepers, but since your not and only the Spartans. They are not, but still keep watching.

                Captain Svensgaard

                To: Admiral Proudmoore, Third Fleet
                From: Captain Svensgaard

                Your entire fleet are to be battle ready, I don't trust those spartans. I am also sending you reinforcements of newly built ships and some captured Isle of the Deeps from the other fleets. Your fleet needs it, with the increase of tensions there.

                Captain Svensgaard

                To: Captain Svensgaard
                From: Major Cruise, Commander of the Nautilus Air Forces

                Sir, I propose that we build some more Interceptors, and maybe some Bombers. With the Morganites and Spartans building up their air forces, our ships will be increasingly vulnerable from air strikes, despite their AAA abilities.

                Major Cruiser
                Nautilus Air Forces


                • #23
                  From: Colonel Santiago
                  To: Head Academician Zakharov

                  Academician, it is time. The situation is heating up here quickly and I worry that the peacekeepers with their new help, believe it or not, the Cult and the alliance backing them, are qetting too powerful of us to handle alone.

                  It is time for you, my friend, to start heating up the situation there in Chiron Continent while we start attacking the peacekeepers. The plan is to make two fronts for the alliance to fight in. Try convincing the Morganites to join in also.
                  I am hereby proposing a secret pact of Brotherhood, and the Morgans too would be welcome in it.
                  Together we shall crush all opposition!


                  • #24
                    (OOC: LordLMP, I hope the pirate reinforsements won´t come here too quickly )

                    From: Colonel Santiago
                    To: General Von Halzburg and Admiral Zukov

                    Ready your troops to attack, any time now...

                    From:Colonel Santiago
                    To:Captain Svensgaard

                    Captain, I understand your obligation towards your allies, but do not get involved into this. This is between us and the Pro-War peacekeepers.
                    We Spartans are more than a match for anybody on the battlefield, so only grief will come to you out of this. After all, the Pro-Wars came back to the continent on their own will, and they knew the risks. It is not your duty to shelter them from these risks.
                    Also, are the Pro-Wars really Peacekeepers anymore? Are they the same allies you knew? They have a army twice the size of the Spartan army and they are torturing their people to support and grow this army. And all of this for what?
                    The land? That piece of sh*t? No, they want revenge, so badly that they are willing sacrifise everything they believe in. They are willing to throw their lives on the battlefield against us, even when they have the perfect home back on their PK Island and the surrounding area. And now they even dare to call the Cult here, a faction that values the natives instead of human life.
                    Tell me, are these really the same peacekeepers that you first met? Ask yourself, do you want to be a part of this revenge?

                    [This message has been edited by Cyber (edited March 10, 2001).]


                    • #25
                      Spartan / PK border...

                      All along the border was an eerie silence. Out in the open, there was not a soul in sight. It was almost as if the entire region had been completely and utterly deserted. But in their bunkers and in carefully camouflaged positions, behind their fortifications and sensor arrays, Peacekeeping Forces were watching and waiting...

                      Any time now...

                      They were as ready as they could be.
                      "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
                      -- Saddam Hussein


                      • #26
                        To: Colonel Santiago
                        From: General Braddock

                        Good luck, "Colonel". -Or should I say "Leutenant"? (*smirk*)

                        This time you're going to need it, or I'll see you in Hell, personally!

                        Oh, and tell your "special" units that I said hello... They'd better hope to high heaven that's the last they ever hear from me, which it very well might be, but then again, perhaps not...


                        "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
                        -- Saddam Hussein


                        • #27
                          OOC: Well, will take a month or two for the whole reinforcements to arrive, since they are mainly coming from both the Pholus and Unity Seas.
                          Guardian, did you get my email?? Oh and all factions is pretty lucky that the Pirates are not the bad guy type, or else the Seas would really be dangerous. Another thing, is the pirates the only one with Cruisers? I know the spartans don't have Doctric: Iniciative yet, or the PKs. Maybe Data Angels is the only other, since Nautilus help the angels in having a good navy while the Angels help the pirates have a good Probe Teams.

                          To: Colonel Santiego
                          From: Captain Svensgaard

                          Revenge or not, it is pretty much the spartans fault that the Pro-War exist. It doesn't concern the Nautilus Pirates, but your presence in Chiron Sea does. Once again Colonel, order fleet back to where it came from.

                          Captain Svensgaard

                          Note: About 1/3 of the Third Fleet is at Fossil Field Ridge, and there is some U.N. Navy foils aswell. With the Maritime Control Center, Pirates knowledge of the seas and their Cruisers, Pirates Naval units have pretty good moral and faster and more maneuverable. The Spartans ships wouldn't give more of a challenge compare to the Hive Fleet back in the Hive War.


                          • #28
                            OOC: Don't have Cruisers yet, or Airpower but am more than willing to trade for them. I do think I have some tech points with the new year, but I haven't had time to sort that just yet.

                            To: All Chiron Alliance Leaders
                            From: Datajack Roze

                            I must agree with both Captain Svensgaard and General Braddock. The Spartans pose a threat not only to the Peacekeeper holdings on the continent, but to everyone else on Planet. I know they have dealings with Zakharov, although I as yet have been unable to determine to what extent. However, an unusually large sum of money was recently deposited in their account, and I'm quite sure the trail originates from Spartan Territory.

                            My coders have also completed their analysis of the mysterious message sent from UN Seaquest just before it's destruction which implicated the Hive. We have determined that it is definetively a Spartan code sent to fram Chairman Yang's forces. My people have been more than thorough, and there is no doubt in anyone's mind here that the Spartan's are responsible for that attrocity.

                            As a result I am dispatching three of my most advanced Impact Rover groups to Peacekeeper Continental Holdings and large portion of my Eastern Fleet. They will be under orders to defend the Peacekeeprs holdings and respond to agression on behalf of the Spartan Federation. I wish I could send more, but I trust Zakharov and Morgan less than I could throw them, especially with Zakharov's dealings with Santiago.

                            I will also speak to Planetmind, and attempt to cool his feelings towards the Cult. While I don't agree with Cultist beliefs and policies, I do appreciate the need for every ally we have.


                            Dream to Planetmind...
                            Please, Planetmind, reconsider your call for attack on Cha Dawn's forces, at least for the time was a misunderstanding, they we're trying to help the Peacekeepers....the Spartans are proving to be our most dangerous foe...I know you disagree with them, as do I....I also understand that one of your Isle's was hurt in the conflict....but we may need all the help we can get to keep back the Spartans....Please reconsider, that is all I ask....I will support you, but I do hope it won't be necessary....


                            "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                            • #29
                              OOC: And you don't have Synthetic Fossil Fuel either :P Pirates have Iniciative, Air Power and Synthetic Fuel, aswell as AMA for trade. Cyborgs have their Silksteel and maybe some other tech. Gaians may have some LVL5 or more Centauri Tech to trade. Peacekeepers have Air Power, AMA, and Synthetic Fossil fuel and maybe something else. Does Angels have Automation? Any techs near or have Neural Grafting? Mind/Machine Interface?

                              To: Chiron Alliance Leaders
                              From: Captain Svensgaard

                              Nautilus Intelligence is still taking that message apart themselves, but I am sure they will get the same results. All evidence points to Spartans anyhow. I have a Probe Team in Spartan Territory aswell and have acquired various specs on Spartan Fission Reactors. Their reactors is nowhere as safe as ours it seems. A few modifications and you got yourself Fission Bomb.

                              So its either we wait until the Spartans attack or we attack first. My faction is also prepared to take on the Morganites and University. They are not warlike factions, so they are not as big of a threat as the Spartans.

                              Captain Svensgaard

                              To: Branko
                              From: Captain Svensgaard

                              Activate your Probe Teams in Morgan and University territories. They are to do a general recon of what they are up to. And try to locate any Spartan Probe Teams.

                              Captain Svensgaard


                              • #30
                                OOC: Sorry I was gone for a while, my phone line has been out because of bad weather. And Braddock cannot send me psi messages since I have never contacted him.

                                Dream to Datajack Roze...

                                I guess you are right. I shall pledge what you call a "blood truce" to that little brat for the time being. But it cannot last forever...

                                Dream to all Chiron Aliance leaders...

                                I have recently receaved a message from one of you that helped me to decide to pledge blood truce to the EarthCult. I will, for now, not engage hostle activities with the EarthCult in the best interest of the Planetpeacekeepers. My Planetlocusts shall arrive in the Planetpeacekeeper's bases in a day or so. Then they will help with the defence. I will also be helping in another way...

                                Dream to Prophet Dawn...

                                I shall pledge blood truce for the time being. Don't you ever think that I didn't hear the little psi contact between your diplomat and AntiMind's at the Planetpcb.

                                Manifold Nexus...

                                The drones had finished retrofitting the two fission reactor onto the fungal missle (this gives it the power of a fusion missle) and had started to fuel up the fuel tanks with synthfuel. They were interrupted by a psionic message from Planetmind, telling them that the missle was not needed anymore. The drones started to take the fuel lines off but were again interrupted by a small Unity rover speeding to their position. They pulled out their lasers (i.e. ResBolt) but their ancient bodies were cut down with the primitive shredder darts from the rover. The rover stopped near the missle and some mindworms inside rolled out a tank. A human servant stood over the container and gave a psi message to the spores inside. The message, though simple, was "Serve the AntiMind." That message would create a mind block that would force the spores to always attack anything other then AntiMind. The tank was attached to the missle and the contents drained. The AntiMind troops then climbed back into their rover, only to be cut down by some of Planetmind's drones. But not before the missle started its pre-launch sequence. The targeting system, using Planet's intricate monolith guidance system, targeted a small area just south of War Outpost and launched. The spores quickly converted any old Planetmind-loyal spores inside the tank.

                                OOC: When the missle explodes a 3 square fungal patch should appear 3-4 squares south of War Outpost with 2 Spore launcher; mindworms; and locusts, plus a tower, all at Great Boil moral level.

                                "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
                                "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
                                "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me

