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The Reformation

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  • The Reformation

    OOC: Hello everybody I am sort of new, here in a sense that I been reading stories from here off and on for about an year now, but I have never bothered to sign on becuase I never had an good story idea. Now I think I do, so without further ado the story begins.

    It is year 2260, most of the planet is under the domination of the Lords Believers,
    the remaining 4 other factions are not yet in an position to challenge the Believers global
    hegemony, and with most of their populace scared of being excommunicated they dare not
    to. Under these pressures several small independent factions left after the great War of
    Thought, the twenty bases that were left from the 3 sided Morgan, University, and Spartan
    conflict are free to an group of lords that are planning an rebellion against the all
    encompassing Church. Sister Miriam now the supreme leader of the planet has grown
    more and more disconnect with her people, and the night and fog tactics of the inquisition
    leave her enemies terrified they are next......

    Port Yang
    Father Captain Martin Olson laughed as he heard the last of the Spartan sailor’s
    highly improbable tale of an mermaid in the Fresh Water Sea. It had been going on for
    about an half hour with many orders of the local beer. The climax was when he was taken
    to an monolith and it spoke to him. The Spartan looked around as the room got deathly
    silent, as since he had broken one of the countless no no’s that existed in present-day. He
    then realized what he done and said “Hey guys it was just an joke, any this mermaid was
    hot I tell you..” and went on with another tangent of the story loosing some of his crowd,
    Martin shaking his head walked away hopping none of the inquisition had seen
    him, he looked across the bar at the window showing 5th Fleet of God docked at the
    harbor, he could make out lines of the Trumpet, his Chaos Destroyer, its side was
    being repaired after an renegade pirate Impact Foil got more shots then it should of before
    being blasted apart, in of the countless islands that made up Planet. It never ceased to
    amaze him when he looked down on Planet in the colony pod that had escaped the ill fated
    Unity that an planet could be so huge, and the only 1 major landmass, which
    Martin’s colony pod of the Believers landed on, with an stroke of luck his faction had
    grown and built up an big army and an navy and set for to covert the heathen. And they
    did, in an fashion, after an faction was beaten it was allowed to have limited self rule and
    an small defense force and was allowed to keep its name, but it was really under the
    Blessed Sister Miriam’s control. His personal com system beeped and he looked at it,
    Bishop Terrance Smith wanted to speak with him, him!!!, what? he thought, why does the
    defacto ruler of the Hive wants to speak with an lowly Father-Captain? He got the
    address from the city’s computer and headed towards the street.....

    He made it to the Believer’s Consulate where two men dressed in shock armor
    greeted him at the door way. As Martin walked in he was greeted by an service droid,
    who said to follow it. Martin’s interests in this situation was raised since only the most
    spiritually pure could use such an machine and not get influenced from its infernal ways.
    He followed it to an elevator guarded by 4 Guards this time, they stooped him and
    scanned for weapons and triple check his identify card. Then was ushered into the
    elevator and it took off and an fast speed higher and higher up the tower till he reached the
    top floor. There he was greeted by an rather short and pudgy man in black robes, who
    motioned for him to sit in the couch in front of his big desk, then Bishop Smith started
    “Well Father, I have an new assignment for you. You know that my being in charge of the
    Hive District I have pretty broad power, including ordering around the local navy, well I
    reviewed your record and I found it to be pretty neat, not many Church Officers become
    Command Staff Officers, only 3 others and they are all Admirals, you sir are one luckily
    dog to be both Chaplain and Captain of your ship, ever since that battle with the Morgans
    your ship has improved at an stupendous rate, and your single handed captured of an
    entire convoy with alien pods was just great also. So I can see from here you are one of
    the most competed officers and faithful to the Church at the same time, so I am giving you
    an very important assignment, two weeks ago our scout planes found an small Gaian Base
    that has gone rouge in Sector 12, of my district, it is not heavily defended an small
    detachment of garrison troopers, and now with this latest round of reinforcements I have
    can send the Trumpet the Missile Foils Hagar and Admiral Ruttgers
    along with the transport Jerchio with an division of inquisition troops, to neutralize
    this base” He finished taking an glass of what defiantly didn’t look like water.
    Martin said “IQ troops?” from what he heard of them, he didn’t want any of those
    martinets any near his ship.
    “Plus an small rover company the army is sending with you”
    “Your Grace I assume you want something from this base, and it would best be to
    tell me then have some IQ trooper undercutting me.” Martin said bluntly.
    The Bishop faced froze for an moment surprise from such an question and then
    quickly recovered “Well believe that the infernal Green Lady maybe running the show, and
    we believe that they now have an way to control Islands of the Deep”
    My blood became cold, Islands of the Deep, like any sailor he had encounters with
    them, but his mind was strong enough, but to control such an beast could drastically move
    the balance of power to the renegade’s hands, like the still independent UN Peacekeepers
    up North. Speaking of which.
    “Your Grace how goes the siege of UN Temple of Sol?” he asked, he had friends
    there along with Admiral Thomas’s 1st Fleet.
    “Just between me and you, its stalemate, their foils and what’s left of their airforce
    has been sinking any transports while they can’t attack our main body of the fleet, the
    beachhead as turned into trench warfare, Templar Wills is calling for use of our chemical
    weapons upon them.” The Bishop was referring to use of the weapon system that the
    former University had been working on.
    “Well Your Grace, I have better start getting the Trumpet back in one piece,
    she took an small beating 2 weeks ago.” Martin said.
    “Well before you go I told the yardmaster that he is give his full focus to your ship,
    remember you leave in two weeks, the night before you leave come see me again OK
    “Yes your Grace” and Father-Captain Martin Olson left the room.
    [This message has been edited by Silence (edited February 12, 2001).]
    "I do think that it is important to realize that wars are ugly and vile and that there better be a damned good reason for getting involved in one. Because the price for somebody is going to be very, very high."

    David Weber

  • #2
    UN Temple of Sol
    Spartan Kell woke as he did in the last six months in hell. His tent was near the barracks of the forward command post of defensive line A. He yawned and looked up and saw the Chaos Shots fly back and forth in an duel between long range shore guns and the massive battleships the enemy had brought with them. He shrugged and proceeded to get
    dressed. As he was finishing up he heard the sounds of needles jets break the sound barrier. The was had an smell of burnt flesh and plasma steel. He took out his binoculars and got out of the tent putting them to his eyes and was pleasantly surprise to see the needle jets take out an small destroyer while an larger battleship was on fire. But as the needle jets were going to make an another pass 3 large ships bigger then anything he had seen before got into range and opened fire with an new beam weapon of some sort, their AAA radars locking onto one of the planes firing off an missile. The needle jet finally saw the unwanted visitors and tried to evade, turning wildly but it got hit by a well place chaos battery shoot from one of the command ships. “Damn them” Spartan Kell said. He
    started to head towards General Blanks command post.
    Along the way he thought about the events that lead up to him awaking on this godforsaken beach.... It all started with those damned Believers, they and the University both landed on the largest of the two land masses, after the ill fated 3 Corner war with Morgan, University, and Sparta all claming an new land mass that had formed all of their armies were depleted ripe for the picking, Miriam seeing this caused several events that caused the University to declare war upon her, which ended with University loosing giving up its research facilities. The Believers started to expand till they ran into Spartans, and with University equipped weapons, the legions of the faithful smashed threw Santiago’s own Holding line, the battle for Sparta Command was an long drawn out affair
    but in the end not even Kell’s Elite Impact Regiment could hold the line. As the faithful began their march into the city the Colonel took him aside and told him these words “Escape, go out to the other factions and stop them!”
    And escape he did, he thought in the equally bloody Hive War were he along with Yang’s elite probe team had caused the reactors in Plex Ant Hill to go up wiping out the 4th fleet that was in port there. After the Hive fell he along with other survivors from Sparta Command, the Hive and other bases along the way took control of the an small Hive fleet that had been abandoned and made their way to the Morgan, which was a lot of Sea Bases that was spread out around an small Island, there they were welcomed till one of the men found out that Morgan was going to betray them, so in an climatic battle his small fleet ran the gauntlet to Temple of Sol, where Lal took him in. From accounts he heard that Santiago was brainwashed and had been converted and was now holding an
    high rank in the Inquisition.....

    1st Fleet, Fusion Monitor Meier
    Inquisitor Geoffrey Baum looked at sastifaction as one of the Chaos Cruiser downed and needlejet. It was nice to see some sort of victory despite the lopsided damage those planes were causing. The Hegemony was having an hard enough time to stay out of recession as it was without having most of it resources to building new ships and training new marines. Baum threw his hood of his robes over his head and walked inside into the Combat Command Center. There Admiral Thomas CINC of the 1st fleet was standing over along with Marine General Taft. Both of them like Baum were Landers, an dieing bread since most of them had an disturbing habit of displeasing the Inquisition. Taft looked up and for an brief movement disgust was on his face, but then the smile and an
    greeting. “Ahh Inquisitor Baum, good morning, we have as you requested your probe team foil has been arrived, along with the Transports from Godwinson’s Hope.”
    “Good General because the plan that I have made will allow us to finally breach threw the defenses surrounding the TSol.” Baum said in an even voice. Thomas looked up from the holo maps.
    “This plan doesn’t take into account the UN Navy” He said.
    “Their navy is slightly larger then the 1st fleet in ship numbers and most of them are fusion missile foils”
    “But they have lose air support”
    “This ship and her consorts with the weapons systems and tracking will teach them not to mess with us.”
    “I still say this is an reckless plan” General Taft said.
    “Well Her Holiness has given me nominal command of this situation since you two gentlemen have turned this into the biggest cluster**** since Sparta Command.” Once he said this Taft wince and rubbed his left arm which he lost at the fateful battle. Baum not stopping said “And lets not forget that we have boy wonder and his the rest of Kell Rangers that will be able to stop any attempt we can with his defense line. This battle had gotten to be to costly I am going to end this now. Now if any of you wants to take it up, I happen to have two extra punishment spheres back at NJ for little Admirals and Generals that get in my way:” There, they were beaten enough into the ground. Admiral Thomas was the first to say. “Not an problem at all we will be ready to being the assault in an hour.....”

    The battle for Temple of Sol had been going on for an better part of 2 years now, each side expecting quick victory as it is when Chaos bolts and demi-nukes are going off, quickly turned into an bloodbath, beach where the guns of the ships could reach was under Believer control while anything more then that they would have to fight for. The city itself was in the middle of the island only connecting directly to the Island on the North side, where an small canal reaches, but the majority of the big Chaos guns were facing that way and not even the vaunted 1st fleet wanted to engage those behemoths. So Admiral Thomas decided to encircle the island in an blockade outside of those guns. While General Taft dropped his marines off on the southside beach where the land wasn’t so rocky and impenetrable, this allowed Lal to shifted most of his forces to the Southern front while keeping his perimeter secure. Once the first units left range of the 1st fleet guns they were immediately assaulted upon by Kell’s Rangers (as they taken to calling themselves) an small but decidedly unmoving force for the time being, while the rest of the
    Peacekeeping army got its butt in there. And it went downhill success for months were measured in yards captured and loss, deaths became heavy and it bogged down into old WW1 type of warfare. But with the recent reinforcements under the command of the infamous Baum who was known as the troubleshooter for Miriam things were going to change.....
    "I do think that it is important to realize that wars are ugly and vile and that there better be a damned good reason for getting involved in one. Because the price for somebody is going to be very, very high."

    David Weber

