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Yet another war....

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  • Yet another war....

    Spartan Federation headquarters, Sparta Command

    Spartan Federation Council room was tipically spartan. Round table with 20 chairs and comm screens in front of everyone. There were no windows and illumination was provided by ceiling lights. On table were couple of pitchers of water, some pots of coffee and glasses. Both chairs and table were of simple manufacture and design. There were large screens on three walls and Spartan flag (arrow-on-the-shield on light brown background) on fourth. On the wall with flag was also written motto of Spartan Federation: Strenght, Valor, Honor. And nothing else. Casual observer (if any could come in) wouldn't be able to tell what it was as it was similar to any other conference room.

    War council consisted of 13 members: Corazon Santiago, Bruce Besser (president of Council of Federation and governor of Sparta Command), Jan Howard (foreign minister), Kristan Largo (defence minister), Maria Cettolo (interior minister), Joan Cerrs (minister of industry), Adrianna Sall (minister of energy), Douglas Fler (minister of science and education), Marek Dobrowolski (minister of psych), Robert Everton (minister of justice), Francis Carrera (head of Foreign Intelligence Service-FIS), Robert Lussier (head of Counter Intelligence Service-CIS) and Eric Mosquera (chief of general staff). Other chairs were for people whose presence was sometimes required.

    When Santiago walked into the room all other members stood up. Santiago vawed them to their chairs and sat. She went right to the point. »Kristan, what's status of our armed forces?«
    »Upgrade plan is proceding as planned. Most of our Rover brigades are equiped with plasma shards and photon wall armour. Also replacement of fission plants with fussion reactors is going as planned. But I must warn you that Hive has discovered means to produce this type of reactors so this will give as an edge but not as much of it as we would like. Also another Drop infantry battalion completed it's training 18 days ago-that brings us to 3 brigade strenght. Navy and Air force same. Naval modernisation is proceding a bit slower that other services, but that was expected. We expect to end modernisation of our forces by the end of this MY.«
    »Hives are preparing for war too. They are modernising their units. Same with Believers.« added Francis Carrera.
    »Thanks Francis. Jan, what about Gaians?«
    »Last time I talked to their emisarry he assured me that Deirdre will stand by us if Yang attacks us but will stay neutral if we attack.«
    »That's good. Since they share so little border with Hives their main concern will be Miriam. Are they still asking for help?« Jan nodded. »Damn. As if we have units to throw around. Tell him that we'll send some aditional forces to strenghten those already there. And these are also intended to fight against Hives. Miriam remains their responsibility. And Diosa alliance?«
    »Well, Peacekeepers woun't mess with us...« All members of War council grinned savagely. »...and they hate Hives as much as we do. As for Morgan.... We know what state his army is in. I don't think that we have anything to fear from Diosans. And if they do...«
    »Yes, we all remember how fast they ran 20 years ago.How are our defences?«
    Kristan answered: »As expected. We are building bunkers and expanding sensor network. All bases in northern sector have at least two sensor networks, bases in central sector less. Important magheads are protected by anti-air units and most of logistical points are finished. I can asure you we can move units freely from any base north.«
    »Good. Now less urgent things.« And the meeting went on...

    Spartan Federation Armed Forces' training grounds, near Blast Rifle Crag

    Armored troop carrier slowed down and lowered it's entry ramp. Before it touched ground sargeant Hesko was yelling »Out, out. Get out, we aren't here to sit on our asses.« Private Michael Robertson was first one out on the left side. He already had his gun in hands.
    »Keep your distance from the carrier. Hinshu, move your ugly face forward. You are falling behind. Move, move. Carrier woun't wait for you. Let's go.« Michael was always wondering where sargeant was getting energy to yell, run and carry 40 kilos of equipment at the same time. But this was neither the place or the time to do much thinking. The »enemy« was already shooting at them. Training lasers they were using didn't kill you as guns did but that didn't stop your sargeant or some other instructor from yelling at you after the training. Subconciously he knew that this will help him when they will clash with whoever they will clash (if Sparta was short on anything it wasn't enemies or potential enemies), but that didn't stopped him from swearing at instuctors when they weren't within earshot. Today they were practising infantry/rover cooperation. Among troop carriers from 347th infantry battalion were rovers from 20th rover brigade. Michael had to admire those beasts. Moving at reckless 100 km/h they could outrun infanty not to mention outshoot them. »Enemy« (10th infantry brigade) was defending hard. They were entrenched on reverse slope of the hill. Before infantry disembarked from carriers there was artillery preparation and Combat air support (CAS). But those entrenched were Spartans and if Spartans execelled in anything it was fighting. The attack was classical (one company attacking enemy head on to pin him down while two companies moved around his flanks and encircle him). Bravo company was the one attacking head on which meant it disembarked first and first into action. It all spelled tiring two days. And the first day was only starting. Michael Robertson ran forward. One hour later hill was secured but that was only the beginning.

    Spartan Federation naval command, Assasin's Redoubt

    Robert Pierce was a very busy man. Reports kept piling on his desk despite his eforts to keep pace. His office wasn't very different from those of his subordinates. Windows covered half of one wall. On other were picures from his long service with Spartan navy. Behind his desk were two flags, Spartan and battle flag of Spartan navy (similar to Spartan flag with an anchor behind shield). He joined navy as soon as first ship on the Planet was put to sea. It wasn't much but it was something. He was logical choice for command. He served with Australian navy on Terra and was probably one of few that had any experience with naval operations. He was also member of Spartan Coalition back there and when Spartans demanded their colony pod on Unity he was fighting by Santiago's side. On one wall was meter by half meter large metal plate. Writing on it read S.F.N. Kurn. It was from first Spartan war ship, named after Spartan that died aboard Unity. Robert still remembered how it was to serve on it. It wasn't build to do any serious damage or to fight for control of the seas. It was build more or less to gain knowledge in shipbuilding and demonstrate the fact that Spartans can project force. When it was put to sea Spartans were fighting on ground. When Crater war erupted Spartans had some 20 ships. Then their main task was to secure convoys which were transporting reinforcements for units fighting University. And in the middle of war he had to do a task that will always be a part of his nightmares. His ship was used to transport thousands of victims of genetic plague and droping them to sea. Some 50.000 people died at Bunker 118 and they couldn't all be burried. So they had to ship them out and drop them into the ocean. But he got his revenge when he commanded Spartan forces at Battle of Deep sea. After that battle University navy ceased to exist.

    And now he was to lead ships into battle again. Only this time he would stay on land. He had trust in his officers and sailors. Spartan navy conducted major naval exercise half a year ago and he was impresed with results. It was also the first time Spartan and Gaian navies cooperated on such scale. He wasn't much impresed with quality of Gaian regular navy but he saw how well their isles of the deep operated. He was on ship when they simulated attack. He felt paralised. Spartans had some Isles but they were small and few. With modernisation going as planned his trust in ships grew also. 1. and 2. fleets were completly modernised, 3., 4. and 5. about 75% and 6. 60%. About 300 ships without counting transports. His orders at the event of war were to sail to preasigned positions and wait for further orders. Most of naval forces were stationed far south to prevent from being cought in harbours if Hives launched air attack to destroy them but 2. fleet was stationed near the border. They were always prepared to sail in 12 metric hours. His further actions would depend on progress of war. They would either engage Hive navy moving south or they would move north and seek the enemy. Destuction of Hive navy was his primal concern. After that was done navy would attack Hive sea bases and capture them. But he was told in very specific terms that that was his secondary assigment. He felt confident that he could do his job and defend his nation.

    The only thing he missed from Earth were carriers. He wished that his fleets could have better means of defending themselves from needlejets. But wishes and reality were in this case two different things. AAA and SAM equiped ships provided some protection but that was limited to just those ships. He just hoped that Spartan needlejets could protect them.

    Spartan Federation Air force command, Sparta Command

    Carlos Ferguson was still uncomfortable with rank of general. With it he technically outranked Santiago, but after Spartan armed forces grew higher posts had to be created to allow coordination of brigades and divisions. And as it's air force grew this applied to it as well. Santiago decided that she will ratain her rank and was still Commander-in-Chief of armed forces.

    But his main source of concern wasn't his relations towards Santiago but expected war with Hive. Tensions grew in the last few years and everybody was expecting war. Production of needlejets has increased and so did their quality. He knew that good planes made only a part of good air force. He was pleased with level of training his pilots got. He knew that when (for him it was when, not if) war breaks out needlejets would be first into combat. War council was finally beginning to listen to his sugestions and started to increase number of interceptors. He wished that interceptors would form one third of his force but currently there was about only half of that. Ground forces would have to depend on their anti-aircraft weapons. He was glad that most of bases had aerospace compex. There planes could be repaired quickly and it helped ground units to defend against planes.

    His orders for war were similar to Pierce's. Engage Hive needlejets and destroy as many as possible. His needlejets were to cooperate with ground units and interceptors to engage enemy needlejets at every oportunity. His pilots had experience and excelent training-facts that made the difference. He was veteran from Crater war. He was also first pilot with title ace of aces. He destroyed 25 needlejets to gain that title and he wore it with pride. His overall performance reached 71 needlejets destroyed. There were 30-something pilots with that title and only 3 with ace's ace of aces (title for destroying 125 needleyets). He wanted to fly in Diosa war but he was seen as to valuable on the ground. He used the excuse of coordinating air battle from the air to fight twice. He shot down 4 needlejets. But now it was time to let the flying to younger pilots.

    Number of Hive and Believer needlejets worried him. They were higher than Spartan for some 30%. But he knew Spartans had a large advantage in training and small advantage in equipment. It made all the difference in Diosa war. He hoped it will again.

    He was to coordinate his operations with commander of 1. missile group. That would be difficult as the two disliked each other from the moment they met. Carlos regarded Ivan as overzalous and reckless, Ivan regarded Carlos as something from an old era that should be removed. Ivan also used every opportunity he got to demand more missiles for him. Carlos regarded missiles as excelent weapons. It removed pilot from harm's way but they were only good for offensive and had little use on defensive. Ivan wasn't listen to very often on account that missiles were new (and therefore not battle proven) weapons and that they could only hit large targets. They could hit troop concetrations but not terraforming constructions-which his needlejets had little trouble destroying.

    His main concern was to prevent his planes from being cought on the ground. To prevent that all bases within range of Hive air force had at least one squadron (20 needlejets) of interceptors. In each 4 needlejets stood what was called zero-notice alert. That ment that they were standing on the runway armed and fueled with pilots in cockpits. All pilots had to do was start engines and take off. When airborne they would be vectored toward incoming enemy by ground control. 6 more planes were on 20-metric-minutes alert (their needlejets were fueled and armed but they were in hardened needlejet shelters and pilots were in briefing room). Remaining needlejets had to be armed (they were fueled). He knew that Spartans would be on the defensive (at least in the beginning) and couldn't take offensive actions until Spartans destroyed Hive air force.

    Planetary Council, Unity island,

    Despite the fact that Unity island lay less than 50 kilometers from Morgan Solarflex Morgan didn't claim it and so it was decided that Planetary council seat should be build there. It was agreed among faction leaders that this island wouldn't be included in any faction's territory. It would have governor appointed by Planetary council (it was agreed that governors should rotate between factions). Security was to be handled by joint protective forces composed of members of all factions.

    Sealte Wimming was going through her usual morning routine of checking messages from Sparta Command. None were marked urgent-if any would be she would be called the moment it arrived. They were usual messages concerning Sparta's position on on procedural matters such as energy allocations for pay increase for security officers and similar. Just as she finished reading the last her secretary's face appeared on comm screen.
    »Joachimm Bertlow is here. Do you wish to speak with him?«
    »Has he told you what he wanted?«
    »No, but he said it is a matter of great importance.«
    »In that case send him in.«
    »As you wish.«
    Couple of seconds later there was a knock at her door and Joachimm entered.
    »Mr. Bertlow please take a seat. It's an honour to have you come to Spartan Federation emisarry. Can I offer you some coffe or tea? I can't offer you any xenogin bacause we don't have any.«
    »Tea will be fine Miss Wimming.«
    She studied him while she poured tea. She tried to judge why he came. It wasn't usual practise for Council chairman to visit other faction's emissaries-specially faction's which more often than not abstained on votings. Patience, she told herself, patience. This kind of visits could last couple of hours-of which serious business took half or even less of that. At first she thought she will go crazy. When she served as part of emissary she could barely control herself from beating members of other delegation until they stopped avoiding the subject and started discussing serious matters. Now she had more control.

    She noticed that Joachimm was watching her too. Hmmmm...... 20 years are from last vote for Planetary Council Chairman. Right after Diosa war. Peacekeepers were so weakened that they couldn't muster enough votes for themselves and nobody wanted to support faction that just lost a war. So Morganites jumped in. That must be it. Probably. She handed him his tea. And the small talk began.

    After only 20 minutes or so Joachimm said: »You know that there are Chairman elections comming up?«
    »Yes, I was notified.« Aha. She was right.
    »Would you agree with me if I said that Spartan federation has no chance of getting Chairman?«
    »I agree. Both Morgan Industries and Human Hive Factions have more council votes than Spartan Federation.«
    »Has leadership of your faction decided whom it will support?«
    »I'm not aware what if any decission was taken by the War Council.« So there it was. Will he make an offer today or is he just feeling around?
    »Morgan Industries is very keen on retaining position of chairman. I came here today to ask you if Spartan federation would support Morgan Industries candidate.«
    »Mr. Bertlow you know I can't give you an answer right away. I will have to discuss matters with Sparta Command. You do realise that this does not mean that we will support you?«
    »I do realise that and I didn't expect an answer right away. I just wanted to let you know what our wishes are. This conversation will remain between us? For the time beeing of course?«
    »Of course.«
    »In hope of favourable resolution of our talks I leave you.«
    »Good bye.«

    So, they want support do they? They want to keep getting fat on those comissions from trade chairfaction gets. In her mind she began to formulate a message for Jan Howard. He'll want to know this as soon as possible.

    Spartan Federation headquarters, Sparta Command

    With lot of work to do Santiago went right to business.
    »Jan, what is with this request for support from Morganites?«
    »Basically they want us to support them at next Planetary Council elections. My opinion is in favour. We have no quarells with them. O.K. they are allied with that crazy old Lal but they don't threaten us. I did some simple math. Only possible candidates are Morganites and Hives. Believers will support Hive and Peacekeepers Morganites. That will put our northern neighbours ahead by some 50 votes. Now question is Deirdre. They don't like Hives and are still in our debt for saving them from Believers but they like Morganites even less with their free market and all that. So they will probably abstain. That leaves us. As I said earlier I think we should support them. For a price of course. That way it woun't matter which way Gaians vote.«
    »Yes, I thought more or less along same lines.« agreed Santiago.
    »We should ask for energy, not technology. They lead in some fields but nothing we could use in war. And we could use energy in war. Their reserves are about 4500 credits. I think we could demand 1500 and let them negotiate down to 1000.« sugested Francis Carrera.
    Adrianna Sall was sceptical: »You honestly think they will pay that much? It's harder separating energy from Morganite than it is removing worm larvae from one's brain.«
    »If they pay us and they retain chairmanship they will made that up in couple of years. Do you prefer Hive being chairfaction? Getting all that energy from our trade and building weapons and using them on our northern bases? I would recomend support for Morganites even if there was nothing on the table for us.«
    »All right enough of that. Any other thoughts about this matter?« intervened Santiago.
    »No? Let's vote then.«
    Every memeber had one vote. Voting was done via commlinks and vas anomymous. 8 members were for supporting Morgan and 4 abstained.
    »So it's is agreed. We'll ask for 1500 energy credits and hopefully we'll get 1000. Notify Miss. Wimming. Next order of business are increased drone riots in southeast. I thought this council ordered building of some facilities that will calm them? What's happening?«
    »Hospitals and rec facilities were build but after their completion governors decided to build some genejacks facilities to increase production.«
    »First thing I want is to replace governors of Hero's Waypoint and Parade Ground. Send them to Hydrodock and Firebase Renck. No sense in scraping genejack facilities, we'll need output in the war. Train some workers for talents and let them entertain those drones. Make sure you don't remove too much workers from mines but don't let those bases starve. As soon as things normalise build some facilities to silence them. I don't want drones rioting and blocking production when we'll need those repair facilities. Tell new governors that if they screw this up they woun't be transfered into dumps like Hydrodock or that Renck hellhole but they'll be kicked out of service.« And so the meeting went on....

    Island 20/56

    The island was so small and far from any bases that it had no name. When Spartan hydroponics lab passed over it ground controllers noticed that Hives were building something on it. Nobody knew exactly what it was but it was clear it wasn't a base. Images were catalogued. Nobody wanted to guess what it was and so it was decided to wait for next pass. But due to circumstances analists had to wait for the next pass more than half a year. It will pass island in a few days....

    Hives were really busy. Two terraformer units and several hudred drones were assigned to work. Only few people knew what they were building. It was round metal construction with large hole in the middle. Similar work was done at another island some 50 kilometers away. There drones were mostly digging. Nobody asked questions there either. After work was done all drones were shipped back and several days later transport ship docked at small harbour build on the island. What was unusual about it was that it was escorted by 5 destroyers and its cargo guarded by a battalion of troops. A crate was transported from transported to construction. After one day of work it was done. All the troops were then moved from the island to their base. Island 20/56 was again silent.

    At Island 21/57 15 people waited. General Gowerr checked his watch. T-20 minutes. It was nearly done. After 10 years of hard work and hundrets of energy credits spent they were nearly done. Just one more thing. If it would work he knew he would be promoted. If it failed he would face Spartans as a mayor-or firing squad if he wouldn't be so lucky. T-15 minutes.
    »Is everything ready?«
    »Yes sir, it is.«
    »Check again.«
    »Yes sir.« T-10 minutes. He checked his computer. Spartan hydroponics lab was comming over the horizont.
    »Prepare for test. Retract all antennaes and put all sensor on level 2.«
    »Yes sir.« T-5 minutes. He step to the command console and put his palm on idetification panel and opened his eyes for retinal scan.
    »Identity confirmed. You are authorised for firing.« He never got used to mechanical sound of computer voice. T-1 minute. He removed protective cover from red button and waited. Time T. He pressed the button.

    He looked at large computer screen that was showing what cameras were recording. He saw nothing unusual. Cold sweat ran down his back. It failed. And than it happened . Island 20/56 dissapeared in large fire ball which grew and grew until it split into tower and base. Tower was still rising while base began to spread in all directions. It reached Island 21/57 in 30 seconds. It hit it like a mag train. Even protected by hundreds of tons of steel and concrete he still felt the shock. Things not secured or not heavy enogh started to move around and he wondered if they were too close to epicentre. But in couple of seconds things settled down. He prepared for what scientists called backlash. It came in a minute and it wasn't as powerfull as initial shock wave. It worked. He walked to other room and activated communication computer. It took computer couple of minutes to establish link with The Hive as it had to align antennaes. He entered his identification card into slot and turned it. As conection was established he was requiered to pronuonce code composed of several numbers and words. After his identity was comfirmed there was a brief pause and Chairman Yang's face apeared on screen.
    »It worked Chairman. Initial analisys comfirmes results within expected parameters.«
    »Good.« And screen was blank again. What a relief.

    As soon as hydroponics lab began it's northern course analist at Spartan Space command was notified and he turned on his computer to get first hand information what Hives had done on that island. As it came over it the screen became bright yellow. He muttered something about competence (or rather lack of it) of computer manufacturers. As lens on lab compensated for this there was another mutter.
    »This can't be...«. He activated his communication console.
    »Get me General Ricardo. Now, it's important. General? It appears that Hives had just detonated planet buster warhead. It appears to be just warhead as we didn't detect launch of missile. They did it at Island 20/56. From range of blast wave it apears that it's a fussion type weapon.« Spartan buster monopoly was broken. Time will tell what that means.

    Spartan Federation headquarters, Sparta Command

    Room in which War council had meetings was dark. Members were watching Hive planet buster test. By then all had seen it but Santiago demanded that they see it again. When it was over lights came back on.
    »Well, we didn't expect our buster monopoly to last forever.« said Santiago. »What I want to know is what will this means for us.«
    Silence was streching until Jan Howard said:
    »It depends on Hives. Since they couldn't get enough votes to repeal UN charter its use remains major atrocity. I don't think they are crazy enough to start throwing busters around. Even Miriam would be pressured into vendetta against them. And question remains how many they have. We saw detonation of one warhead. We detonated ours 25 years ago and were producing busters since than yet we have 20 of them. With Hive industrial output being a bit higher than our's we can assume they will produce them faster than we did. And since we expect war this or next year they woun't have that many. Not to mention that all of our busters are stationed enough south that Hives can't reach them. Yes, our monopoly is broken but we have more of them. If they use them first he can wipe out more that half of their bases.«

    »If this isn't just f*****g great. So we're back at MAD. There are couple of things that need to be done. Francis: I want to step up our intelligence efforts to locate where these busters are produced and located. When war starts I want to know where they are so we can take them out. Next I want to step up production of our busters. Build them at some base that isn't scheduled to build conventional units. Joan: prepare a list of potential bases and bring it to me for authorisation. Doug: wake up your scientists to come up with a plan for defence against them. They have enough labs and other stuff to come up with something by now. Orders were given to develop something more than 20 years ago and nothing yet. I'm not sure if they are worth the pay they get and if they wouldn't serve the Federation better with a rifle in their hands. And you are free to tell them I said so.«

    Everybody knew that when Santiago was like this it was best not to oppose her-and that she wasn't making hollow threats. Right after Planetfall she wasn't above outbursts of physical violence directed against those who failed her. Rumors had it that when commander of rover battalion had to report that he failed to take Worker's Nest and that he lost almost all 40 rovers she threw him from the window of the old Council room. And since that room was on third floor and Planet's gravity was much stronger than Terra's he failed to make soft landing. Maybe that was true but maybe not since much of first years has become something like legend and it was very hard to tell what was truth and what myth.

    Some 50 kilometers south of Taurus mountain chain, altitude 200 meters

    Katja »Black Hawk« Norg checked her radar. Nothing wasn't in the air that wasn't supposed to be there. She and 3 other nedleejets (everybody who flew them called them 'jets) were on patrol on Sparta's northern border. She had set autopilot to extended eight pattern (nicknamed lazy eight). On one of her Head down display (HDD) she had picture of area some 100x100km. Her own radar couldn't cover that much space but she was receiving input from several ground sensors and other airborne 'jets. In turn she was transmiting what she was receiving from her radar to other 'jets and Northern air command. She saw Hive 'jets some 100 kilometers north-east. She was sure they wouldn't attack (there were just 4 of them and they were clearly seen by everybody). Anyway she wasn't on interceptor patrol and she was in the air to support any Spartan ground forces under attack.

    As often happened during monotonous flight memories surfaced. She remembered flying against Peacekeeping forces in Diosa war. She still wondered how she had survived that air battle over Uranium flats. When it was some 100 interceptors against your 20 'jets it was only superior weapons and superior training that got you out alive. She and 9 other Spartan 'jets got out of that battle while Peacekeepers lost more than 80 'jets in single day. Santiago was very pleased when she heard that. Katja and others were flown to Sparta Command where Santiago prepared reception for them. Medals and promotions were given, toasts were raised and she was never more proud to be a Spartan. After that battle Peacekeepers never again atempted to seize control of the skies. War was quickly ended with a treaty soon after. Yes, those were the days that send adrenalin rushing through your body.

    She checked fuel status. As commander other 'jets send her their status. They had enough fuel for 1 more hour. Their replacements were already airborne and on their way. Their ETA was 20 minutes.

    She wondered how her twin sons were. They graduated last year and were assigned to 9th interceptor wing (it was common practise in Spartan armed forces not to assign children to same unit as their parents). Because they were stationed at Velvetgrass Point she didn't saw them very often. When she last talked to commander of that wing he was very pleased with their performance. Flying in same plane they were quite a team, one knowing what other expected even before other said anything. She smiled. Yes, they were like that even when kids. They had love for flight in their blood (she was only half joking when she said that-they flew 2 months inside her). She remembered how Santiago joked with her when she saw her pregnant at the reception (»I thought that 'jets were designed for crew of 2, not 4«). It wasn't mean (Santiago was a mother herself and both her son and daughter were in the armed forces). Luckilly both her twins were healthy and it didn't appear to be any damage caused by high-g turns.

    She checked her wingman. Right where she wanted him to be, some 50 meters to port and some 100 meters behind. She knew everybody knew their business. She made damn sure they did. 5th Penetrators (»Vultures«) was the elite of Spartan Air Force. That meant they got new equipment first, got first pick of new cadets and officers and got most difficult missions. That's why their commander was the only still active ace's ace of aces (hell, he was one of two that were still alive). Ah, the next shift has arrived. Their flight leader radioed her that they were ready to assume patrol. She acknowledged and led her flight south-west.

    Suburb of Velvetgrass Point, Gaia's Stepdaughters

    Roberta Junack was standing on a hill and admiring the view. Velvetgrass Point was melted into terrain. Yet it was so much different than any Hive base she saw. She wasn't one to get all mushy over nice pice of art or something but this was really something. Everything was in harmony with everything else. She liked her morning runs. Despite the fact that she was born more than 300 years ago she still looked like 40-something. Effect of great care for her health, physicall exercise and genome treatment. She was member of small group of Spartans that were members of Spartan Coalition on Terra (and had survived those chaotic and violent first years on the Planet). They were identified by arrow-on-the-shield tatoo and dagger that was worn with ceremonial uniform. That also meant that she could call Santiago by her first name. That was privelidge that was allowed only to few.

    She liked her morning runs. It gave her chance to think and clear her mind. When she was assingned to Gaia at first Gaian officers were running with her. But they hadn't counted on her being so physically fit. Spartan officers (and that went for generals as well) had to meet same physicall fitness conditions as NCOs and soldairs. And those standards were high. If officer couldn't meet them he was demoted. Not many Gaians could keep up with her and many soon bacame »busy« in the mornings and she usually ran alone or with some other Spartans. This morning she was alone. She had to clear her head as there was much work to do. Previous day she was told by general Murilla that they were to get two more divisions which would increase number of divisions in 9th Army to 11. On one hand they would greatly increase their firepower. Which was great. But on the other hand they were comming within 30 days. Which was nearly catastrophic. She had absolutly no idea where to put something like 15.000 troops. And as usuall Murilla dumped everything on her. Like she was his f*****g XO or something. As if she didn't have enough troubles. When her 16th corps was moved to Velvetgrass Point Gaians welcomed them and were given portion of barracks there. Things got more difficult when they were joined by 21st corps and went almost out of control when they were joined by 12th corps. At that point somebody at Sparta Command saw that things were going a bit out of hand at Gaia and merged their 3 corpses to 9th Army. Yes, things are definetly going out of control. At least there wasn't any serious friction between two faction's armies. Thank Heavens for that. She took one more look over Velvetgrass and started running again.

    FIS Headquarters, Sparta Command

    Francis Carrera liked his job. He knew his job was cruical for Federation. His service was tasked with collecting intelligence from other factions. Apart from that they were also tasked with covert operations. And they were excellent. He believed that Spartan intelligence comunity was the best on the Planet. They had no troubles running covert operations (stealing tech or energy or blowing things up) and deceptions (blaming other factions for Spartan actions). He remembered how they have split University/Morgan pact during Crater war.

    Spartan probe team entered Morgan Trade center and diverted some 200 energy credits. They left some equipment that was made to look like it was made by University. When Morganites found out what happened (or thought they did) they blamed University. Soon they declared vendetta. Main goal was to prevent Morganites to supplying University with energy and allowing them to use it's territory for stationing troops there. During the war Morganites captured two bases but that couldn't be prevented.

    At any given time there were at least two operations running somewhere on the Planet. Some were aimed at getting energy and some to get technology. War Council decided that getting energy should be their prime goal to support comming war. And with Hive buster weapon test they got another task. Finding where they were produced. That shouldn't be too hard as they were able to penetrate Hive datalinks some 50 years ago. Time to give his Intelligence deputy a call.

    [This message has been edited by aktarian (edited January 21, 2001).]
    [This message has been edited by aktarian (edited January 21, 2001).]
    Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here, obedient to their laws, we lie.

  • #2
    Military aerospace complex, Ironholm

    »Ironholm air control, this is Darter. Do you read? Over«
    »Darter, this is Ironholm air control. We read you loud and clear. Over.«
    »Permision to enter Ironholm airspace. Over.«
    »Permision granted. Over and out.«

    Juanita Santiago switched off her radio and activated her Instrumental lading system (ILS) which flew the choppter for her. Final landing would be made by her but now she could relax for 10 minutes. It was dark outside. That wasn't problem. In fact, most of her training was done in the dark. Combat search and rescue pilots had to be able to fly in worst possible conditions and land everywhere. With spartan military no efort was spared in atempts to bring its troops home. If 'jet was shot down behind enemy lines CSAR team was dispached to bring it home. This served many reasons: pilot training was long and expensive and if pilot could be brought home there woun't be need to train new; if pilot was captured it would be forced to talk (everybody talked sooner or later) and probably most important: it was significant for morale, pilots flew with ligther heart if they knew that they will be rescued if anything happened to them. Since its beginnings Spartans didn't leave their wounded on the battlefield and their evacuation was done by CSAR. CSAR was also service with second largest percentage of KIAs (second only to assault marines). Acceptance criteria for CSAR squadrons were extremly high. For start only pilots with at least 10 years or 2.000 flying hours on chopers were considered. Then potential pilot was subjected to varios tests. Only about 10 percent of candidates were accepted. And once pilot was accepted he was constantly training. And Juanita »Grey Locutus« Santiago was just returning from one such flight. Her on one other choper were practising disembarking para-rescuer team. The idea was for two chopers to land, disembark p-rs and lift off again. Once on the ground p-rs were to secure the area, find pilot (whose positon was located before) and call chopers back down. Then everybody would embark again and leave the area. That was theory, practise was something different. Pilots were often injured and under a lot of stress and locating them could be a problem. Behind enemy lines nobody wanted to use his radio much as not to alert the enemy. Sometimes these actions could last to 30 minutes of searching, during which chopper had to stay near and thus increase the chance of being detected. Evacuation of ground troops was easier. They established their own defensive parameter, knew how to use their radios eficently and gave precise locations.

    Her choper was aproaching landing zone so she took control. Landing on aerospace complex was easy. She landed smoothly and taxied to her shelter.
    »All right folks, we're home.« she said to her crew
    »Yeah, now for debriefing.« answered her copilot.
    »Well, that's a price we have to pay.«
    She shut down the engines and took out memo box. It contained records of all sensors. First she connected it to diagnostic computer. It searched informations for any anomalies in functioning of the choper. Then she gave it to her debriefing officer. The flight was uneventful so debriefing was short. Crew did their part acording to plan. After debriefing she showered and went to sleep. She wasn't on duty tomorow but she was really tired. She was soon sleeping

    Firebase Renck (former U.N. Humanity Base)

    CIS 9th directorate (Special Tactics and Weapons-STW) was called when it was predicted that arrest of a suspect would be difficult and that arresting force would be resisted. It was called when local police couldn't handle things or when civilian police didn't exist. Firebase Renck was occupied a little more than 20 years ago. As such order was kept by the police and civil institutions were only beginning to develop. It wasn't represented in Council of the Federation and had apointed (not elected) governor. And due to recent outburst of violence (during some 30 people were killed, including Spartan governor and a colonel, deputy commander of Spartan forces) it didn't look like things would change soon. Peacekeepers were supplying weapons and sometimes instructors to Peacekeeper resistance (Peacekeper Liberation Front-PKLF). While this was violation of peace treaty that ended Diosa war it didn't stop it. Spartans couldn't prove weapons are being smugled and Peacekeepers denied everthing. Local population still hasn't accepted Spartan rule and was at least passively supporting PKLF. If captured University bases were anything to go by it will take another 30 years to assimilate these bases.

    But sometimes somebody would tip Spartans about weapons depot (to encourage such actions large amount of energy credits changed hands if anything came out of it). 5 days ago CIS was informed about location of large depot with several hundred guns, large quantities of ammo and even some anti-armour projectiles. It was put under surveilance and 9th directorate team was flown in. Their weapons were adepted for their tasks. Their guns had shorter barrels for easier handling in narrow places (like buildings) and were equiped with grenade launcher under the barrel. People wore silksteel armour (photon wall armor was considered too bulky and too heavy) and jackets, similar to assault troops in armed forces.

    For Micheal Rose things were reaching climax. After landing at Renck's aerospace complex all 40 members were briefed. They were shown pictures of farm where weapons were and best ways to aproach it silently. As usually they were divided into 8 5-men teams. Surveilance team reported incresed movement around the farm which might indicate that depot will be moved soon so there wasn't enough time to reherse assault. But assault team were veterans and knew their job. It was a large farm. 6 buildings: 2 living buildings, 2 storages and 2 halls for equipment. Guns were supposed to be at both storages and one hall.

    They aproached the farm soon after dark. It took assault teams more than 3 hours to get to their positions without being noticed. Michael was part of the team that was to storm one of the living buildings. He was on his position and waited.

    »Team Bravo in position.«
    »Team Delta in position.«
    »Team Alfa in position.«
    »Team Golf in position.«
    »Team Foxtrot in position.«
    »Team Charlie in position.« that was Michael's team
    »Team Hotel in position.«
    »Team Echo in position.«
    »Roger that. All teams wait for my signal.«

    Whole thing was coordinated from command vehicle about kilometer away. It was almost time.

    »All teams move in. Go, go, go.« And in they went. He saw another trooper blewing hinges of front doors. He ran inside. Room to the left. He looked around the corner. It was empty. Other riflemen were already comming in. Delta team was running up the stairs to secure first floor. Couple of seconds later he heard shots upstairs. Most were shard guns Spartans were using but some were fusion laser discarges. Silksteel armour had about 50% chance od protecting wearer from injury. Soon laser discharges stopped and since nobody called for a medic Michael asumed Delta team was alright. But he had other things to worry about. Ground floor wasn't secured yet. Couple of rooms more to clear. He kicked the door of another when something hit him in the right shoulder. He droped his gun and was thrown backward. He found it amusing how his mind could focus on small details. Like the fact that he didn't smell any burning flesh which ment it was projectile weapon. Or that the man on the picture on the wall wasn't Lal altough he looked like him. Or that for some reason the hall started to turn. Or that somebody had turned off the lights. Or that he was very sleepy....

    »Miiiiiikeeeee. Caaaan youuuuuuu heaaaaaaaaaaaar meeeeeee? Shiiiit, weeeeee ............ hiiim. Giiiive meee thaaaat syri......« and darkness again. He felt like he was swimming. And voices were distant and mufled like sea formers at sea when fog came. He felt as if pulled up.

    »Hello Michael. Good to have you back.« George Costas, team medic was kneeling and bandaging his shoulder and arm.

    »Next time you try to kick in the door check the hall first. You are lucky that PK bastard only got you in the shoulder. Couple of centimeters higher and your brains would be all over the wall.«
    »What's the status?«
    »Well, beside you we have two more wouned, thank heavens nodoby got killed. PK s.o.b.s have 5 dead and 2 wounded and I believe we captured 6 of them. Can you stand up?«
    »I'll try.« Michael slowly rose and almost fell when vawe of nausea swept over him.
    »Whoa there. Easy does it. You better sit down and let me give you an IV tube. You are B-neg, right?« he just nodded. »O.K. then, let me get it. Don't go anywhere.«

    Michael looked around. He noticed before that he wasn't it the building anymore. Somebody had carried (or more likely draged) him out and removed his armour, jacket, mask and helmet. The farm was obviously secured as STW troopers were loitering around. He saw 4 cuffed people on the floor with STW troopers guarding them. Despite the fact that they almost tried to kill him he felt something like simpathy for them. Spartan interogations were nowhere near brutal as Hive, but they probalby knew what they had to expect. They will tell interogator everything they knew and than they will be executed. Spartans and Hive were the only two faction on Planet to use death penalty. And there were two ways to execute somebody. For military personel it was shooting. For criminals it was lethal injection. These sorry PK guerillas would be injected with lethal dose of VX poison. It wasn't pleasant way to go.

    George was back. He hooked the IV tube to his left arm and called for a trooper standing nearby.
    »Hold this at this height. And don't let him get up, will you. He'll be moved to hospital soon but this should do until then.«

    Some 10 minutes later army APC came and prisoners were loaded into them. David and the other seriously wounded trooper were driven to the military hospital. He was told there that wound wasn't too serious. Nothing rehabilitation and treatment at genome tanks couldn' fix.
    Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here, obedient to their laws, we lie.


    • #3
      Militia Station barracks' gym

      »197. 198. 199. 2-bloody-hundredt. I win. Cough up the money.« Lieutenat Vincent Balck shook his head unbeliviengly and pulled out his vallet. He took out 500 lints (about 2 weeks pay) and put them on bench. He knew lieutenant Rasnick was crazy but not crazy enough to pull something like this. How could anybody make 200 pull-ups with 60 kilos on his back in less than 6 minutes? That was beyond him, but not beyond that crazy lieutenant. He was still shaking his head when he walked out of gym. Boris Resnick wasn't smiling. He never smiled. Not since that night some 80 years ago. 80 years has passed since than yet he still remebered as if it happened yesterday. He and his fiancee were walking in the park. He was given 3 days of leave and he was happy to see her. They sat on a bench and watched the stars. And than all hell broke loose. Nobody noticed University probe team setting missile launchers packed with deadly VX poison. When they were launched some 9.000 people died in first 18 hours. Karen was among them. He carried her body to nearest hospital but it was too late. She died in his arms. In a way he was glad she died early. That way she could be burried and not dumped into the sea. He burried her and waited to die. Yet death never came. After things settled down a bit he reported back to his unit or more preciselly to what was left of his unit. He was told to wait and report back in 40 days. He was send to Survival Base to complete his training. He finished it 5 weeks later. Right after swearing his oath of loyalty he went to see captain, who was good friend of his father. He asked to be assigned to next unit that would be transported to University front. He got his wish. 90 days later he was corporal and awarded Spartan Shield for single-handly destroying University rover. Another 80 days and he was sargeant and got his Medal of Valour, highest military decoration in Spartan armed forces. He remained on University front until the end. He fought in the closing battles in Planetary Archives where University leadership escaped before Spartan onslaught. Rumours had it that he was the one that killed Zakharov in underground tunnels. He neither denied or comfirm them. When asked he responded:

      »Does it matter? The bastard is dead. It makes no difference who offed that s.o.b.«

      He became something of a legend among troops of 8th infantry brigade. He was offered promotion to higher ranks but he refused. When asked why he said he wanted to remain with troops and that his duty isn't drawing on a map but being n front lines. He picked up the money and headed for the showers.
      Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here, obedient to their laws, we lie.

