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The Chiron Chronicle III

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  • OOC: I'd like to join in too, but not sure about leading an entire faction... I got a plan already, where I would be the leader of a single small, remote city. In the end I hope to become part of a larger faction. Is it okay to 'just write away', and see if anyone reacts to my presence? Oh, and do I have to write in "reporter style", or may I write in personal style? I personally like the second option better, it will allow me to "evolve" my character... Then again, your choice


    • Welcome, Alisa. I hope we can get this story back online. To answer your question the unwritten rule is to use a newspaper style of writing but you may write anyway you want.

      [b]Unintended Thought Projection From PlanetMind to Col. Santiago...[b]

      Humans : strong in head, not body. Humans : humorious for Planetmind.
      "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
      "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
      "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me


      • Bump.
        -->Visit CGN!
        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


        • Spartan History 2123-2180.

          The war between the Spartans and the Hive turned into a full scale carnage.
          After the Spartan taskforces found out that they were chased by three ogres, they left three units out of seven to prepare a suicide ambush. Destroying one ogre, and damaging the other two, the rest of the Spartans gained enough time retaliate.
          As most of the Hive forces had gone to defend the Hive capital, the rest of the hive bases were in trouble. especially the bases in the monsoon jungle were left undefended or had only a sceleton defence.

          The Spartans once again began their gruesome genocide directed mostly towards the five Hive cities located on the border of the mountains and the monsoon jungle, as they left towards home.They looted everything valuable, burning everything else to ashes.
          Spartans killed tens of thousands of people, and took more than 10000 people as slaves and as a guaranteed pass through Hive controlled territory. If Yang decided to attack, he would have to go through the 10000 human shields, that the Spartans had taken with them. Even a Hiver can´t be so inhumane.

          The remaining two units and some surviving remnants of the seven other units, that had been destroyed during the campaign, were greeted as heroes and the huge gathering of loot and slaves further added to their glory. General Halzburg got a place in the Junta and vastly increased his power.

          After the successful campaign against the Hive, Spartans closed their borders and turned to a self inflicted isolationism, prohibiting all movement through their borders. Only closely monitored trade with the free drones was allowed.

          However, inside their carefully controlled borders, progress continued. Once again, a huge rover army was built for defence purposes, or against the small amount of native life that hadn´t been terraformed or burned to ashes with the help of the weather paradigm.
          As Spartans had done since the antique, bases continued to send their overgrowth populations into new colonies, which resulted in five new colonies.

          The fleet project was mostly abandoned, but for the four already built foils, working as scouts. In 2180 these four foils are old and in desperate need of repair and refit.

          With the invention of Doctrine:Loyalty, the Spartans turned officially into a police state, one more of Santiagos moves to secure her position. Research and industry continued the same way, and in the year 2140, Sparta Command built the Command Nexus, because of the huge pressures created by controlling the iron curtail put around Spartan territory.

          The year 2142 is well remembered by every Spartan, because of the rebellion of War Outpost. After a long siege and a bloody skirmish in the base, the rebellion was crushed and about 1000 military and bureaucratic personnel were publicly executed.

          In mission year 2151, the Hive was finally able to open a channel through the blokade made by the Free Drones, and launched a series of attacks against the Spartans. Most of them turned into pointless suicide attacks, as the Spartans quickly repelled these attacks. Few attacks though, succeeded , the best of them being the sacking of Centurion Caves. After that, the Spartans sent a large amount of forces to help the Free Drones in the their struggles to keep the Hive cornered. Since then, it has been a constant battle south of drone territory.

          Now, it’s year 2180, and Sparta is boiling within. Huge areas have been turned into farmlands and industrial facilities, with not much success. Thousands of kilometers of arable land has been turned into a wasteland. The cities are turning overcrowded and the countryside just doesn´t have enough places for all the people wanting to move out. The Hive is getting more powerful and the blokade, if nothing is done, will brake.
          The pressure made by the discontented people and the corrupt Junta, has forced Santiago to lift the iron curtail. The Spartan juggernaut directs its eyes towards the ex-peacekeeper lands south of the Great Dunes and lands reported by the small Spartan fleet to east, beyond the sea.

          (OOC:LordLMP, you can put the five new Spartan colonies where ever you want, but not too near the Drones, or south of the Great Dunes. Thanks)

          [This message has been edited by Cyber (edited January 23, 2001).]


          • OOC: Oh I was going to start a new thread, but let us continue it here to 150 posts...
            -->Visit CGN!
            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


            • Data Angel History 2123-2180

              In an attempt to maintain peace on the continent, the Data Angel government agreed to work peaceably with the University of Planet, despite concerns regarding Zakharov's replacement.

              Roze was consistently elected, term after term, always winning with a heavy majority. A seperate civilian administration was established, with a sepretely elected Prime Minister. The civilian government organized the distribution of wealth and luxuries among the people and made proposals for improvements to infrastructure and requistions for terraforming equipment.

              Tensions increased between Roze and Morgan when the Data Angels adopted a Green economic stance. Eventually the inevitable war ensued. Data Angel forces were able to capture Morgan Bank, however the base was returned as part of the eventual peace agreement. The war was ended do to a public uprising in Morgan Industries requesting an abandonment of the hostile stance.

              Datajack Roze continued to be a strong supporter of the Trade Alliance, comissioning a respectable fleet of ships to assist the Pirates in defedning Trade Alliance ships. Several new bases were founded in order to increase trade between the Data Angels and the Cybernetic Conciousness.

              Datajack Roze willingly backed Comissioner Lal in his election as Planetary Governor, and also supported Lady Deirdre's motion to join the Trade Alliance.

              With the release of Zakharov, tensions have once again increased between the Data Angels and the University, however all attempts possible have been made to keep diplomatic channels open.

              Datajack Roze has expressed a great deal of concern regarding the military powered factions in the East, and the strange Anti-mind which caused the Gaians grief. She has tried to further her connection to the Planetmind, continuing to assist in the defense of the Manifold Nexus and adopting policies which provide limited harm to the environment.

              "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


              • Transferred to Chiron Chronicles IV:2180
                [This message has been edited by Cyber (edited January 30, 2001).]


                • OOC: Let's stur things up a bit... Muhahaha!

                  Hijacking of the Planetary Coucil Base (?) PA system

                  They did it!.........Mindworms.........BURNT......Piratesss ......THEM...............................

                  Closed Circut Holo System, PCB.

                  ""A IoD and Pirate foil approach a port with a PK trade ship. An explosion rocks the IoD. The IoD's tenticles reach up to the foil's deck to stop it from sinking. The foil's guns are turned to the IoD and fired. The IoD sends out a scream of pain then dies, sinking below the wake of the foil. Pieces of mines and worms float to the surface. The Pirate foil quickly leads the PK transport away.""
                  "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
                  "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
                  "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me


                  • **Dream to Planetmind:**

                    greetings once again my friend...we have a request to make of you...can you provide us with a mind worm specimen...we intend to give it cybernetic implants...a neural interlink, a conduit to the planetmind...easier would not be harmed in any way...what is this antimind of which you speak...i have felt your turmoil...if there is any way in which i can assist, please say...


                    **Private to Datajack Roze of the Data Angels**

                    Greetings, most loyal of my allies. I am grateful to hear that your people have once again decided that you should continue to rule over them. You are truly a wise and benevolent leader.
                    The other faction leaders have been pushing me to call for elections within our people. I ask you this: what need have we, who can sense each others' thoughts, intents and emotions, for crude popularity contests? Are we not the ultimate democracy? I shall remain Prime Function for only as long as my equals wish me to. I am no further above them than a mind worm is above a spore launcher - the concept of social standing is alien to both Planet and to us. Elections are called with every second that passes - if thoughts of discontent against my 'rule' are manifest in a majority of minds amongst the Consciousness, I will be replaced with another Prime Function.
                    The title of Prime Function means little more than 'spokesperson' to many amongst our people.

                    Also, be not afraid. These rumours coming from University territory that we seek only to assimilate others into our collective are unfounded. Only those who wish to join us, to give up the disordered half of their humanity in exchange for greater cognitive abilities, will do so.

                    I thank you once again, my loyal friend.

                    Aki Zeta-5 out.
                    "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


                    • Thanks for the quick reply.

                      Well, I'm very interested in joining. But the factions remaining limit my enthusiasm to some degree. I suppose that if I must, I'll throw my lot in as the Hive. But I'd like to speak with one of the moderators over ICQ before that happens.
                      "These men are extremely well-disciplined, and they have a history of engaging in such activities that will serve us well. They will appear spontaneous and ideologically motivated. These men carry their own cover and will not be tracable to us."

                      - G. Gordon Liddy on his special teams prior to Watergate

