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The Chiron Chronicle

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  • #91
    *Secret data files of Prokhor Zakharov*

    Destruction of all Cyborg-Sympathisers...

    Due to the mannerisms of the evil cyborgs, all supporters within our faction were required to be exterminated, before the problem could escalate...

    I can only hope that in future years my people will forgive me.

    Mobilization of Forces

    Due to the recent escalation of troubles, I have been forced to mobilize our forces on both Morganite, and Cyborg borders.

    From now on we shall not trust either faction's leaders, for they spread lies.

    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


    • #92
      Morgan Newslink Network
      unknown broadcast # (unarchived)
      unknown date (unarchived)

      The Day that will live Forever

      Our rich and powerful CEO has seen fit to declare war on the evil and reclusive Zakharov. Due to his isolationist polices, our CEO has seen that, in the best interests of the free-market, he should defend the new faction, the Cyborgs.

      It is unknown how many units the University has, exactly, for it seems they have been hiding the data that should have been freely given out.

      So, great and rich citizens of the Morganites, support your troops with money, food and other supplies...
      -->Visit CGN!
      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


      • #93
        OOC:Lonestar, if you keep playing, you should go to the thread ”Chiron chronicles-Admin” and see what cities and units the Spartans really have, and post there the peacekeepers production post.

        Secret message
        From:Colonel Santiago
        To:Commanders of 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Laser rover units
        Subjects:Attack orders

        War, the chance to prove yourselves has arrived.Commander Hardion will be in command and responsible for this force.
        You will proceed as stelthily as possible to the peacekeeper base known to us.If there are any peacekeeper forces or civilians that have noticed you or are on your path, eliminate them.Do not let anybody alert the base.

        After you have located the base, surround it and attack it from four directions.The most experienced unit will attack the most heavily fortified part of the base.Do not take great risks and try to keep own casualties low.

        After you have conquered the base do not hesitate in using force against possible revolts.
        Then you will send 4th and 5th units to scout around the conquered base and to report about possible enemy units coming towards or enemy bases.The other two units will remain in the base until a sythmetal garrison from Sparta Command arrives to fortify the place, within a week after you have captured the base .Then your force of four units will continue towards the next base.

        If you, however, fail to capture the base, the remnants of your taskforce will go back to the nearest friendly base.


        • #94
          The University Underground

          Irregular newsletter
          Headline Story
          Source and author unknown

          The Campaign of Terror Begins

          With war about to erupt against our cyborg sisters, Big Brother is doing its best to 'clean up house' and eradicate basically all those who believe in the basic human rights of freedom of expression and self-determination.

          This violation of our rights has echoes of another time, on a distant planet, where a group of people called the Nazi's preached racial purity and world domination. Yet despite this, Zhakarov's dramatically underpayed publicist still manages to introduce the Good Doctor without the slightest hint of sarcasm.

          The common rhetoric in the speeches of 'solidarity/unity' and 'no secrets' breed anything but. Solidarity really means sectioning off dissedents and eliminating them. No secrets in politics speech has always meant 'well, none from me anyway...'

          It is obvious that Zhakarov is demonising the Consciousness to serve his own political purposes. His calls that they are evil are unfounded. What makes them evil? The implant? It is a basic human right of self-expression to have complete control over one's body, what should we call evil next, body piercing...some of those tattoed freaks look pretty scary, and they have shops with this active coercion, are they trying to convert us? Burn them!!!

          And now a number of my friends have disappeared. Victims of the 'solidarity' propaganda machine as it rolls steadily and silently towards its goal of a submissive and brainwashed public.

          The silence stops here

          Long live my brothers and sisters, lost in the fight for our rights
          Genocider(aka Richard French)
          Big harry (aka Harold Kolchak)
          Eddie Jackson
          Alice Marrow
          Jane Despoya
          LookingBackMan (aka Sam Fairbanks)


          • #95
            The University Sun-Governor
            (published irreguarly)

            Volume 17, Issue 38

            People Numbers

            In an excellent move to day Academian Prokhor Zakharov has taken social security numbers one step further.

            Now with just one click of the button our security personell will be able to determine your entire life story. Wearing the 'People' wrists they will be able to determine your age, name, every immunization you have had and when, and where you have gone every night.

            Thanks to innovative technology police won't have to stop speeders on the rover interstate any more for I.D. numbers... all they will have to do is scan the barcodes on the sides of the rovers and report back to police central... It's that easy!

            Reporter Jihad Jade-Khobles

            Sneak Attack

            That evil fiend CEO Morgan of the Morganites has declared war on us, the great University, citing that we are making economic sanctions against the Cyborgs unjustly.

            Zakharov has responded today that the "Morganites and all their monentary funds will be destroyed [unless] they back off and recall their declaration of war..."

            The 5th division of militia guards was called into service today without leave.

            All leave for soldiers and transport to Morganite cities has been revoked.

            Reporter Tina Towel-Stanza

            -->Visit CGN!
            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


            • #96
              Freedom's Banner
              Volume I, Issue 10

              Roze Condemns Violent Stance

              Once again, Roze spoke out today against escalating violence in the University-Cyborg conflict. CEO Morgan has chosen to side with the Conciousness, putting the weight of his military against Provost Zakharov's University.
              "As far as we know, we are all that is left of humankind. It is sad that we have not learned from our violent past, and continue to slaughter each other needlessly. I still hope that a diplomatic solution can be reached, before shots are fired. But we will not take sides, nor will we condone violence. If any faction intiates an offensive against another, trade sanctions will be necessary. I pray that it does not come to that."
              That communique from Datajack Roze, was broadcast via Morgan New Net to all three factions. Peace at this point seems to be an idealistic dream, and many wonder how much longer Roze's neutrality approach can last.

              Construction Begins on Nettap Complex

              Construction has begun on the newest Data Angel base, to be named Nettap Complex on it's completion. Currently, there is only housing for the critical construction crews, however slowly the colony pod's resources are being converted into permanant base facilities. It is hoped that construction will be completed shortly.

              "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


              • #97
                TO: Nautilus of the Sea
                FROM: 2nd Recon Rovers, reporting

                Disguising our unit as part of the Cybernetic Consciousness works well. So much that we got shot at by what believe to be a University Patrol Unit while exploring along the University borders.

                We have, of course, eliminated them in self-defence. It was easy, with our superior mobility of the rovers. We suffered no casualties, just damage to our rovers. We are moving to the cyborgs new base Gamma Heights for repairs, and to transfer the University survivors to the cyborgs.

                The University Units commander, who survived with some injuries, was surely surprised that we weren't cyborgs when i interogated him.

                Captain Sierra Binks
                2nd Recon Rovers
                [This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited October 15, 2000).]


                • #98
                  OOC:As Lonestar or whoever is controlling the peacekeepers hasn´t posted a defensive plan,I assume the Spartans have captured the base.The base is the most northern one of the three peacekeeper bases.

                  From:Commander Hardion, 1st laser Rovers
                  To:Colonel Santiago, Sparta Command HQ.
                  Subject: The capture of U.N. High Comission

                  Sir, our forces have succesfully captured the peacekeeper base at 2000 hours.It was a short battle.We kept, as you said, our casualties (compared to the defenders)moderately low.

                  We attacked 0600 hours in the morning.The peacekeepers outer defences were still construction, so they didn´t stand a chance against our rover charge.We estimate the defenders consisted of only a single synthmetal garrison.
                  Still, after their outer defence collapsed they had another trick up their sleeve.They had built other defences inside the base, so the battle bogged down into a street-after-street and building-after-building close combat.The peacekeepers probably thought that they would detect a attacking force in time to evacuate the civilian population.Unfortunately the population of the base was still sleeping when we attacked.The number
                  of dead or wounded civilians is high.

                  After a slow and bloody but sure advance in to the bases center, we finally had them surrounded in the towh hall and its sourrounding buildings.And they still didn´t want to surrender.The toughest part of the whole battle was to blast them out of there.It took more than eight hours and 5 dead 21 wounded from our side to eliminate that pocket of resistance.Most of the defenders, barricated in the town hall were eliminated.Only a small number surrendered, including the commanding officer of the synth.garrison.He has been sent to Sparta Command for interrogation.

                  The base population has been until now quiet.No revolts or other activity of that kind has been happening.Also, we have gathered all surviving officers, scientist and local leaders in a special containment building/camp, to keep them there from making any trouble and later to send them to be interrogated.

                  Most of the base has turned into rubble, but still we have found the same type of resycling tanks as we are building in our bases.Also the crude harbour got away with minor damage Most of the other important buildings or facilities were turned into a battlefield, as the defending peacekeepers barricated in them.Only the power grid was left relatively intact as the defenders knew the destruction of the power grid would mean the death of the whole base population.

                  Sir, there are a lot of wounded people here.I would like to request immediate medical help sent here.Also, we would need food and building materials for temporary shelters for the homeless civilians.

                  The 4th and 5th unit are scouting near the base as you have ordered and we all are anxiously waiting for the synth.garrison to arrive, so we can make more conquests in the name of the Spartan Federation.We already have extrated the location of the peacekeepers capital and second base.

                  Death count

                  Spartans:27 dead, 42 wounded, 0 missing, 0 prisoners
                  Peacekeepers:201 dead, 427 wounded, unknown number missing, 22 prisoners
                  peacekeeper civilians:547 dead, 2206 wounded, unknown number missing,64 prisoners

                  [This message has been edited by Cyber (edited October 16, 2000).]


                  • #99
                    The University Sun-Governor
                    (published irreguarly)
                    Volume 17, Issue 40

                    Colony Pod Nearly Ready

                    Our colony pod at inspiration point is nearly ready; however it may not be deployed for quite some time due to the rising of hostilities on the borders of the university.

                    Reporter- Robert Nils-Sparrin

                    Can we count on Angels?

                    In this war of destruction and betrayal can we count on our once-good allies the Data Angels to assist us. Will they side with their 'friends' the Cyborgs or assist us, their true allies and friends.

                    They will surely not remain neutral, for this war has escalated too far for them to remain in the middle.

                    In the same vein, our leader Prokhor Zakharov has initiated a plea to the Data Angels for, if not military, economic help with sanctions against the Morganites.

                    -Reporter James Tuva-Ilsim

                    Militia destroyed

                    After having one of our militia foot patrols destroyed near the Cyborg border, all patrols and miltia members have been recalled back to baseside.

                    Zakharov has been quoted as saying- "This war will be continued nevertheless, but our forces must be consolidated for the attack.

                    [i]-Reporter Nathan Neil-Duncan
                    -->Visit CGN!
                    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                    • Troop Orders
                      1st Laser Rovers
                      Leftenant Lukhas Ivonovich-Edvlads
                      From: Academian Prokhor Zakharov

                      Your orders are as follows:

                      You shall proceed deep into Morganite territory and strike at their capital. You shall be escorted by one Recon Rover.

                      However it is not expected that you will survive. This raid is mainly to execute fear into the hearts of our enemies.

                      If, however you do survive, make your way back to the university after the first attack and consolodate your forces in University Base.

                      It is expected you will destroy a large amount of their troops.

                      CODED WORD $($*KAS0-3939DOk
                      It is also ordered that you aim to destroy their banks, government buildings, stock markets and farms especially.

                      Remember this is not a 20th or 21st century war with rules, this is a war of survival. If we do not win this war, then our faction will be exterminated and then where will be our knowledge.

                      There will be no knowledge, only insanity. This is your mission and you must accept it.

                      Good Luck,

                      The Good Academian, Zakharov

                      [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited October 16, 2000).]
                      -->Visit CGN!
                      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                      • Consciousness Post

                        This post is first to thank everyone who donated time/service and food to the troops recently stationed at Gamma Heights. Your contribution has been noted and will be acknowledged in a speech given by Aki Zeta-5 herself in a weeks time, when she arrives for her survey of the new base.

                        This trip to Gamma Heights by the Prime Function is part of her preparation to meet with foreign leaders possibly in Data DeCentral. In her words
                        'I am happy that, while I wait for any chance that diplomatic talks could begin, to be able to have an excuse to visit our newest of havens...Gamma Heights. Of course, it is grossly inefficient of me to travel to every new construction purely for the purposes of gathering sensory data, when our recording instruments are of such high quality. But there is some quaint, humanish, charm to actually visiting the site that I am glad to indulge this one time.'

                        Information gathered from the University captives has revealed one highly ironical point. Zhakarov has introduced his own form of human augmentation in the form of 'people' wrists. This little 'device' links the biologicals to an information database for use by the authorities. A bit crude perhaps, but it's a start This apparantly tracks the wearer's every move...and they call us evil


                        • Freedom's Banner
                          Volume I, Issue 11

                          Roze Suspends Trade

                          Roze today announced that all foreign trade will be suspeneded, until such a time that a diplomatic solution can be reached. While this may mean harder times for the Data Angel economy, Roze believes it is a 'necessary step' to stop the violence that is sweeping across the continent. Hopefully this can persuade the other factions to sit down and discuss a satisfactory peace treaty. So far, Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five is the only leader to show interest in a diplomatic solution.

                          Reports of Human Rights Violation Disturbing

                          Once again, rumours have spread across the datalinks, regarding reported human rights violations in University bases. Reports that Provost Zakharov is ruthlessly exterminating Cybernetic sympathisers, as well as restricting free movement of hhis people, have raised concerns at Data DeCentral headquarters. Roze hopes to meet with Provost Zakharov so that he might dispell the rumours for everyone to hear.

                          "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                          • Message sent to CEO Morgan in his sleep......



                            Planetworms, hear me. It is time I show you the the ring in which a great power will make you strong for the conflict the future will bring. Earthmorgan must be made to respect the fragile balance. Go my fungal spores. GO!
                            Come my Planetisles. Carry my armies.

                            (For a bit of ease I will use the human names for any Planet life. I will also describe what I just ordered in my message for the ease of humans reading this.)

                            (Two Isles of the Deep have just started to bring 4 mindworms to the Ruins to upgrade their abilities. Morgan is warned not to upset the fungus anymore.)
                            "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
                            "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
                            "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me


                            • Various News Quotes
                              Excerpts from "Quotes from 2119- The War Year"

                              Zakharov Denying Restriction of Rights

                              "But Roze, rights have not been violated- they have been merely... restricted until a later date.
                              The people can move, but they must be monitored."

                              People Wrist Bands Ad

                              "Buy all the colors of the rainbow, be stylish, be cool, wear your collers [sic] with pride, remember if you are tracked... you are helping your faction!"

                              Morgan Newslink Broadcast

                              "Stock Market- University Stock... trading $0.00... War Funds... trading $30202020.1/4"

                              Cybernetic Consciousness Broadcast

                              "Be calm my people- the end is near..." (Pause)(Murmers of dissent and confusion)(Sees end of sentence and finishes it) "For Zakharov."

                              Data Angel E-Mail

                              -Wow Roze, we kulda kicked tha Morganitez a**es if wedaz actz soon.
                              -We couldaz get backz at themz if wez attackz nowz

                              -->Visit CGN!
                              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                              • My Money Ledger
                                By: CEO Nwandbwe Morgan

                                -It is not in my usual manner to write a matter of so little importance as a dream here, but I shall.
                                In a dream I had I received a message not to do any more mining...
                                I have never had any dream as compelling as it, however I will not heed it for there is no reason for me not to mine, especially with a war on.

                                -->Visit CGN!
                                -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

