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Command Nexus

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  • Command Nexus

    Spartan federation Heaquarters, Sparta Command

    Corazon Santiago was reading report from military exercise 3 weeks ago when her communication console activated. It was her secretary.
    »Colonel, governor Michells and his team are here to see you.«
    »Very well. Send them in please« She checked her watch. Michells team was punctual. Good, specially for them. Punctuality was a mark of a good soldair. And Sparta doesn't need soldairs who weren't good. Door opened and 5 people entered (governor Michells, 2 people who came with him, Abdul Yessen-chief of Spartan general staff and Donald Rons-Spartan defence minister). She didn't know Jason Michells personally but she had read his file.

    Born MY 2185 at Survival base, mother Terran (altough not a member of Spartan Coalition), father first generation of Planeters. Finished primary school with sucess slightly above average, same with secondary school. Drafted into armed forces, serving with 9th infantry brigade. After compulsory service of three years opted to serve another 10 and reaching rank of sargeant. Showed high level of initiative against Believing forces when cut off from rest of Spartan forces. Avarded Spartan Shield for his actions. Honorably discharged after 8 years of service after mind worm attack. He saved his platoon then but being wounded in process. Avarded his second Spartan Shield and promoted. Still serving with reserve forces. After discharge elected into Survival base council, elected governor in MY 2220, serving his third 5-year mandate.

    About halfway through his first mandate he began sending requests to Sparta Command for permision to begin work on project called Command Nexus. And now he was here to report in person what this was all about.

    Since Michells was still part of armed forces (altough not wearing his uniform) he saluted to Santiago when he entered. Santiago saluted back than offered her hand for handshake. After introduction of other members (one was his military advisor and other his deputy in charge of production) of his team she vawed them to their seats and sat herself. She went right to the point.
    »Governor Michells, I read your proposal and report submited to me by brigadier Yessen and minister Rons. I called you here today to hear details and to ask some questions which I believe are better asked and answered in face to face conversation. So, what do you have to say for yourself?« Michells took a deep brath and begun.

    »Let me begin my presentation with a qoute from Spartan Battle Manual »Information, the first principle of warfare, must form the foundation of all your efforts.« And Command Nexus will allow us exactly that. It will give our armed forces such an informational advantage as was last seen on Terra during Bay war. Our forces will...«
    Santiago raised her hand:
    »Whoa, whoa, stop for a minute will you? Sorry to interupt you like this but there is something I don't get. What do you mean by Bay war?«
    »I was refering to war fought between Coalition and Iraq at the end of 20th century, colonel.«
    »Bay war? Are you sure, because I don't remember... Wait, do you mean Gulf war?«
    »Yes, yes, sorry colonel.«
    Jason swore at himself. Briefing didn't even properly started and he already made a fool of himself. Damn.
    »So let me continue with my presentation. With Command Nexus our forces will be allowed to communicate more efficently between themselves. High tactical and low operational commands will know precisly where units under their command are, down to last rover and last infantry soldair. What I sugest is that we build a very potent computer that will be able to give commander picture of entire front no matter how large. Besides showing position of combat units it will display weather conditions, position of suns, composition of terrain. But that is only a central part. With information processed at the central computer this informations will be send to lower commands down to rover command console or infantry tactical display. Of course as information will move lower it will be filtered, both to avoid informational overload and to prevent enemy from gaining sensitive information. With recent advances in optical computers we will be able to provide secure communication between computers. With Command Nexus in our hand we will gain decisive advantage against enemy forces without it. And with that I end my presentation.«
    He sat down. Santiago's office became quiet. It was Santiago who spoke first.
    »In what way does this project differ from Command centres in some of our bases?«
    »In basics it doesn't. But with this project completed we woun't need centres anymore. It will allow equiping barracks at new bases with cheaper, but let me point out in no way less capable, means to raise efficency of our units. Building computers at new bases would require less than 1% of material required for Command Centre and will not interfere with building any other facility.«
    »Hmmm. Interesting. And how much will this thing cost?«
    »We estimate the cost at 220 credits«
    Now it was Rons who spoke:
    »A lot. Do you know how many new rovers we could build for this money?«
    »Yes sir, I do. But this will improve quality of our army. And I believe this is more important than increasing quantity as Sparta has always prefered former.«
    Santiago noded.
    »I agree with governor Michells on this. Do you want to ask anything else? No? All right then. Governor Michells I thank you for your presentation. This matter is to important to be decided by me alone. War Council will discuss your proposal at next session and you will be notified what decission was reached.«
    »Thank you colonel Santiago for receiving us. Good bye.«
    Michells saluted Santiago and Yessen and left. When doors closed Santiago turned to Rons:
    »What do you think?«
    »Interesting idea. We'll have to see if any other faction is thinking along similar lines.«
    Santiago noded. Since both Yessen and Rons were members of War Council there was no need to discuss this matter privately with Santiago and they left.

    .... to be continued

    [This message has been edited by aktarian (edited January 21, 2001).]
    Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here, obedient to their laws, we lie.