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commments on "The Spartan Chronicles" (vol. 3)

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  • Hi.
    Just asking if a I could join the SC?

    Anyways, have the Spartans or/and The Hive launched their first spacecraft since planetfall?Or do they even have the tech for it?Could start writing about the war spreading to the heavens.

    Oh, and Googlie, could you send me the maps, calendars, SC volumes etc. to .I think I got the same problem as Xwaste.

    [This message has been edited by Cyber (edited November 07, 2000).]


    • Hey Cyber,

      Glad your interested. People have launched sky hydroponics labs, but the Usurpers pretty much wasted them. My recommendation is to catch up on the reading before you jump in. A lot of stuff has happened, and the little world that's been created gets pretty complicated. I've read it all, and I still keep on making mistakes and harass Googlie with a lot of questions! If your interested, we meet every Monday at around 8:00/8:30 EST (as in Toronto/New York Time). We're planning 'the end', but that's still along way off. And of course, "these days, you gotta have a sequal!"

      "People want to believe what they see is true, even if it's only for the time they are in the playhouse. That's what theatre is, don't you understand? Showing people what they wish were true."
      -Robertson Davies "World of Wonders"

      "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


      • Cyber:

        We're always glad to have fresh writers with a different perspective.

        I'll send you a series of e-mails with the files (rather than dump them into one humungus download). And as Argo says, we meet each Monday in the chatroom of the Spartan Chronicles website ( )

        As to the space angle....

        Sparta, Morgan and the Hive launched hydroponics. When the Usurper starship, the Impaler, arrived, after Marr pacted with Yang, it destroyed the Morgan and Gaian satellites. It has since been converted into the space terminal of the Space Elevator. the Impaler's companion scoutship has likewise been put into geosynchrynous orbit as the Skybase Academy.

        The factions did band together to build a spaceship to salvage the Unity core, but that has now returned.

        Only the Usurpers have Advanced Spaceflight, let alone Self Aware Machines (which they also have) altho it might be expected that Marr would share these techs with Yang in exchange for something really worthwhile to him (unless Marr felt that Yang's security was compromised).

        So happy reading, we'll see you on Monday evening, and look forward to your contribution.



        • Cyber;

          Yes, it'd be great to have more writers. Reading
          past Spartan Chronicles may be intimidating; the
          earlier pieces are very chaotic because there were
          so many writers and plotlines. It might be easier
          to start with Volume 2 or Volume 3. What I did was
          focus with a small faction / group (Believers) to
          get into the pace first. What sort of thing were
          you thinking of?


          • Senatus,

            I´ve read until now 1/3 of SC, staring from the beginning and I´ve scrolled the whole thing, looking especially for space related stories.Googlie hasn´t e-mailed me yet the maps, calendars or the volumes, so I´m not clear on everything.

            I was thinking about re-establishing the Spartan Space Defence program, that Slats had started and gathering a Needlejet/paradrop space division to make it possible.
            I think the Axis have let the Usurpers meddle around unchalenged Chiron orbit for too long.(Got some nasty ideas going around my head )

            After I´ve got into the pace, I´ll probably start some new stories and characters.
            Anyways, lets talk more about this on Monday evening.
            I´ve got a ton of questions.



            • Penzance needn't be a Hive/Pirate base - if concensus is that a small number of Pirate bases will imbalance the story then it can be a building (bar or cafe type?) in one of the coastal UN Bases where the breakaway group is holed out.

              Or if we go with the flow, we needn't have all the suggested five ex-Pirate bases that I put on the 2227 map.



              • Hey guys,

                Sorry I missed the chat. I logged on to Spartan Chronicles, but Chat simply wouldn't load. I gave up after 15 minutes of waiting. Please e-mail a transcript of what juicy stuff was discussed!



                • *** Shoot ***, I forgot the chat again.

                  (Trouble with this semi-retired golf course living is that every day seems like a weekend . )

                  Was here, too, trying out some Cha moves.


                  Googlie (time for a visit to the rejuv - maybe even the recycling - tanks, eh?)


                  • quote:

                    Originally posted by Googlie on 11-19-2000 09:58 AM

                    Penzance needn't be a Hive/Pirate base - if concensus is that a small number of Pirate bases will imbalance the story then it can be a building (bar or cafe type?) in one of the coastal UN Bases where the breakaway group is holed out.

                    Or if we go with the flow, we needn't have all the suggested five ex-Pirate bases that I put on the 2227 map.


                    I liked that piece of writing. I have no problem with
                    Ashaandi puppet-running the Pirates (though they should
                    be a *small* faction - they are new, and should be
                    no more significant than the Believers or Cyborgs,
                    IMO... maybe give them 1-2 small bases, plus about 4
                    independent units... which with Yang's MCC, are a
                    significant addition). My biggest objection was seeing
                    the pirates independent enough to be useful (can't
                    exactly run a warship with a captive crew), but cowed
                    enough to work for Yang. Having a fake Svensgaard
                    solves that problem.


                    • Hey all,

                      Been trying to log on to Spartan Chronicles for the last half hour, but get a nastygram saying it cannot connect.


                      Anyway, please send a transcript. Argo - maybe a mindworm would solve your psi team problem? I'd guess they are pretty adept with psi work, and would bet they are pretty good with sneaky spy stuff with a little training, too. Imaging Rose having to work with a bunch of worms!! And how do you intimidate a mindworm anyway?



                      • Hey, Sorry I missed the chat last night. My girlfriend apparently thinks that spending time together is important or something....and I just got hit on the head for that one....Hope I didn't leave anyone in the lurch.

                        "People want to believe what they see is true, even if it's only for the time they are in the playhouse. That's what theatre is, don't you understand? Showing people what they wish were true."
                        -Robertson Davies "World of Wonders"

                        "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                        • Last week I logged on to SC Chat and no one was there. Well, Argo was logged in but never seemed to be active.

                          And now it's happened again - I can't log on to Chat.


                          I'll have to console myself by reading (maybe finishing) Centauri Dawn. So far it generally follows SMAC, although a few liberties were taken. Ely has make Lal an appealing figure, and Santiago believable. If he accomplishes no more than that he will be a success.



                          • Hydro:

                            Don't know if you will read this in time, but:

                            We're in the Apolyton chat room.

                            Instructions :

                            go here:

                            select "Chat", in the Miscellaneous section (after the six games listed
                            on the right

                            select Java chat room

                            hilight your nick name and enter yours

                            move down to the white window below the server, and select ""

                            hit "connect now"

                            and you're in

                            maybe see you there



                            • Hey gang!

                              Just stopping by to offer my congrats to all those still with the project. I truly never thought this thing would take on such a life of its own. Sadly, I have no time to stay involved, but wanted you all to know that I still try to keep up with things. Everyone is doing such a great job!

                              Keep up the excellent work everyone!!


                              "Why, I remember back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy schmancy organization and commentary forum!"


                              • Hey Kinjy

                                Visit the site:


                                That's right. The Chronicles has its own website now. (Even quotes you)


