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The Chiron Chronicle

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  • The Chiron Chronicle


    Refer to [Lord LMP's] thread to post story ideas!!
    [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 14, 2000).]
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    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

  • #2
    The University Sun-Governor
    Volume 16, Issue 45

    Zakharov Announces Treaty
    -In a newly released statement by the 'people who should know.' It seems Academian Prokhor Zakharov has inked a treaty with the newly founded chaotic techno-greeks the so-called 'Data Angels' and their leader the self-styled 'Head Datajack Sinder Roze' after a bloody battle of two years.
    -Despite numerous protests led by the so-called 'Savior of Moon Rock'- Daniel Jakhobs, Zakharov seemed to think that recognizing the renegade Data Angels was the best thing to do. However in a recent press statement he was quoted as saying- "I will no under [any] circumstances tolerate any [other] new break-off groups of humans on Chiron under any circumstances"

    -Reporter Dug Daniels (Report #005)
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    • #3

      The University Sun-Governor
      Volume 16, Issue 46

      Treaty Reprecussions Great, Yet Zakharov Untroubled

      -Our great and benevolent leader Academian Prokhor Zakharov has just released a press statement aimed at C.E.O Morgan, leader of the Morganites. And I quote-
      "Having proved University infallibility time and time again it would prove unwise for us of the great University to reenge on our word. For if we do this once then who can trust us. Who [will] make treaties with us.

      "For this I condemn CEO Morgan's statement and insist he change his side in this issue."

      -Assistant Editor Luc Mors

      Letters to the Editor

      Dear Editor,

      It seems that our "leader" Zakharov has made a great mistake and I personally will see to it that he is 'dealt' with. Our movement once started will not be quelled, even by our mighty leader. Many of our valiant men have died in service of the University in this war against the rogue 'Data Angels.' I should know for I, The Savior of Moon Rock, Daniel Jakhobs participated in a battle against them and saw just what kind of gross and indecent tactics they performed.

      In closing: The Movement will continue. The Movement will go on. We will prevail, whether you, the public and Zakharov support us or not, it does not matter. We will prevail.

      -The Savior of Moon Rock,
      Daniel Jakhobs

      From the secret files of Academian Prokhor Zakharov

      Message to High Commanders
      From The Desk of Academian Prokhor Zakharov

      Daniel Jakhobs will be arrested as will his band of minions. They will then be tried for treason against the leader.
      Use any force necessary.


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      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


      • #4
        The Morganite Globe
        Volume 14, Issue 32

        CEO Condemns University Support of Terroist Group

        CEO Nwabudike Morgan today condemned the actions of University leader Provost Prokhor Zakharov in a press conference at his office in Mogran Industries. The Provost's recognition of the terrorist faction known as the "Data Angels" with a formal treaty, has outraged leaders across Planet. The Data Angels, led by the infamous Sinder Roze, have plagued Morganite society, and other factions for the past several years. The Data Angels have been linked to numerous violations of private computer systems and have repeatedly hacked into highly confindetial goverment files. CEO Morgan has insisted that the University break off any cooperation with the Data Angels warning that "consequences may ensue".

        To: Data Angels Everywhere
        Subject: Freedom's Banner Volume 4, Issue 15
        CC: CEO Nwabudike Morgan

        Zakharov and Roze Agree to Treaty!

        In an unprecidented move, Provost Prokhor Zakharov of the University ratified a treaty early this morning with our benevolent and beautiful Sinder Roze. This startling move grants the Data Angel movement new strength in it's push for independence. All ready, plans are underway for the creation of a seperate facility, away from Morganite territory, to create a new Data Angel homeland. Please forward this to all those Angels you know out there and let them know the good news!

        -The Kat

        "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


        • #5
          The Underground Herald

          Dear friends of Daniel Jakhobs,

          What you read here must stay amongst us or else we shall fail.

          The plans for the assassination of Academian Prokhor Zakharov are listed below.
          1. People #133-175 will create a rioting disturbance at the courthouse whilst Zakharov is giving a speech at the "Great Zakharovian Library of Congress."
          2. People #176-227 will quietly protest at the Zakharov Water Works about 'water purity' or some other cr*p
          3. People #2-132 will accompany me to Zakharov's speech and shoot up him and his guards at an appropriate time.

          We must all work together to make this work and thus we must unite! The Data Angels will wish they never existed after we regain power of our country from this madman!

          -The Savior of Moon Rock
          Daniel Jakhobs

          -->Visit CGN!
          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


          • #6
            Funny that Darkcloud is the only one really playing here, before Barb himself starts the game since he IS THE GM. I will listen to the GM, not the self-nominated GM sidekick.
            I have no problem with Darkcloud personally, just rather wait for the GM to start it up.
            well, atleast you demonstrated how things may look a bit and notice some of the bugs we need to avoid when the Game really starts tommorrow as the first month of 2118.



            • #7
              OOC: The story now begins where we left off...
              [Lord LMP] would you please delete what you wrote above so long ago so this space can have room for more posts.

              Thank you.
              [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 13, 2000).]
              -->Visit CGN!
              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


              • #8

                -Storytelling Starts Now:
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                -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

