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Comments on Timescape

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  • Comments on Timescape

    Write me in! If I was in such a team, I think I'd be the historian. I'm a big guy, but a smart one too. (Trust me. I've spent much more time developing my mind than my body, and more time than that playing computer games.) I'd be the guy that would be most knowledgable about the past.

    However, I am not demanding that you make the character named after me be like that. After all, in chapter five I named the General that commands Lt. Kazin's Brigade after Covelia. Be creative, as always.

    One last point: suddenly we've got two time-travel threads going. Reminds me of the zealot in Starcraft: "Would you like to learn the secrets of time travel?"

    --President Jakjon
    --President Jakjon

  • #2
    Eh? There is another time traveling story? DANG!!!!

    By the way, the begining is based on the book "Timeline", but the rest is origional stuff.
    Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

    Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


    • #3
      Well you can use my username (if you want to). Hmm.. Now what could I be, with a name like that? Possibly a combat-instructor who carries the name out of misplaced pride; it was given to him by his teacher in martial arts (as an insult). Guess I'd be a really small guy with a bad temper in order to really 'deserve' the name.

      BTW, the other time-travel story is 'Nemesis'. Go check it out; I think you are far enough apart plot-wise...


      • #4
        Haha... I can picture these two characters already. You'll love the people you get.

        I'm thinking of 'borrowing' some event and names from the old Crossfire Tales as well, so we may see some old friends. Already Talon 5 pilot Mithrel is in there.

        The other one seems to have ended. Hmm...
        Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

        Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


        • #5
          You could write me in somewhere... I dunno.
          It's a CB.
          SteamID: rampant_scumbag


          • #6

            you had an idea similar to mine...but i still haven't gotten around to writing it, the story was going to be called the forever explosion

            i might still write it though the material would be kind of the same (though very different)

            i'm looking forward to more



            • #7
              Let's see what could I be? Ah I know I could be a high ranking leader in the Union Stellar Navy. Or whatever yo uwant me to be .

              Damnit, Jim I'm a doctor not an animal psychologist


              • #8
                There is no Union Steller Navy There is only one ship in the entire Union space fleet, and that is 'the shuttle'

                I'll put ya in anyway though.
                Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                • #9
                  ....well long time old amigos of the crossfire tales....

                  your welcome to make use of the great name "cotroneo"

                  is this a solo story or mult people?


                  • #10
                    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I know that raging mouse mentioning my story "Nemesis" dosent seem like much but it makes feel sooooooooo good inside!
                    And I asked him,
                    What is thy name?
                    And he replied saying:
                    My Name is iMac: for we
                    are many..


                    • #11
                      Feel free to use my name. I think your story is great. It's definetly one that I shall check frequently for new posts.

                      Jason the Argonaut
                      "I like horses. Thank You."
                      -Daniel MacIvor

                      "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                      • #12
                        Comments on Timescape

                        Ok, before everyone freaks out, there is NO story thread named "Timescape", at least not yet. I'm going to start posting this story very soon.

                        Before I do, however, I'd like to blatently steal someone's idea. Anyone that wants to be in the story, post your name here.

                        To give you a brief outline of the story, the Usurpers have erradicated all factions but the University, Cyborgs, and Data Angels. The remaining three have pacted and left Planet, building a small base on a hidden asteroid near Nessus.

                        Using the University's technology, the Cyborg's equipment, and the Angel's skill, three factions have cracked a plan to send two probes through time. Their ultimate goal is to infltrate the Usuerper capital seconds before a volley of PB's are launched and detonate them IN the capital, thus crippling the Usurpers and changing time.

                        Along the way, they have to travel through three different periods of time on Planet to reach their goal. They will have to pass through other faction's territory. In times of failing politics and rumors of war, the mission is extremly dangerous, even for two probes. That's were the names come in. You guys will be operatives that have been trained to help the probes though hostile areas.

                        Post away, and I'll be starting soon.
                        Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                        Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                        • #13
                          This is another nice story. I'm anxious to see how it develops.

                          If you wish to use my "handle", please feel free to do so--though I don't see how you could. I won't give you any biographical information unless you want it. That way, you are free to write the character as you see fit.

                          Old age and treachery: the perfect cure for youth and ambition...
                          Old age and treachery: the perfect cure for youth and ambition...


                          • #14
                            This story is going to be solo. I've got a basic outline, and I will reveal most of in the next part when I brief the probes.

                            As for the names, any and all names are welcome! Trust me, I can make use of any of them . Any name will have at least 1 part, and some names might last 5 or 6. But I will kill some of you off, and I'm not telling who. So, BE WARNED!
                            Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                            Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                            • #15

                              i love the story! it keeps on getting better and better, i can't wait for more!

                              The OpenCiv3 website

