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The Nessus Chronicle

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  • The Nessus Chronicle

    Storm Guard
    The Spartan Confederation

    Vice-Regent Thurio Santiago stared blankly out his large window into the storm beyond. A half-full glass of wine sat untouched on his massive wooden desk. It was four hours before dawn and no word had came as of yet from the search teams.

    Lightning illuminated the landscape enough for him to briefly make out the dark outline of the Raiva River. His eyes strained but he couldn't see any sign of the search teams against the darkness. He stood and began pacing. The only sound in the room was the heals of his boots clicking on the polished red marble. After what felt like an eternity of pacing he stood in front of the window and peered out into the darkness, hands clasped behind his back. Though his face remained as hard as ever, inside emotion tore at him.

    Why would someone have gone to the trouble of kidnapping Talia? They had found two of her valets murdered, and she was missing. Yet, what could the motive be? His nephew had little power or wealth, and Spartan Confederation Vice-Regents did not have a reputation for negotiating with criminals.

    Captain Cotroneo had conducted a search of the Storm Guard compound and had discovered the tampered airlock. It looked like the kidnappers had a three-hour head start, but who would be foolish enough to risk an escape in weather like this? Nothing about this seemed right, although Thurio couldn't understand why they had kidnapped Talia yet, hopefully he would soon. He silently prayed for Talia's safety.
    [This message has been edited by korn469 (edited March 13, 2000).]

  • #2
    Vice-Regent Santiago was resting snugly in his soft leather chair, when the caustic buzz of the commlink woke him from his repose. Having just fallen asleep less than an hour ago, the noise startled him and he bolted upright in his chair. He rubbed his bleary eyes and activated the channel.

    “Yes, what is it?” He demanded. Thurio glanced down out the readout; it was 06:21.

    “Lord Santiago, one of the search teams have had an accident. They have sustained casualties and are on the way back to…”

    “Was anyone killed?” Interrupted Thurio.

    “Unfortunately there was one fatality and two others are apparently in very serious condition. I already have a trauma team standing by.” The Vice-Regent’s aided reported emotionlessly.

    “Do you know who it was?” he inquired anxiously.

    “No Sir, I do not. However, I know it wasn’t Sir Diego. He checked in right after the accident and said his team is going to continue searching for Lady Talia.”

    “That sounds like Diego.” Santiago thought outloud, sounding noticeably relieved. “What is their E.T.A.?”

    “They should be arriving at the central airlock in approximately ten minutes my lord.”

    “I guess there wasn’t any word about Talia was there?” his voice was strained, but he contained his grief.

    “I’m afraid not, my lord.” Author’s voice was as impassive as ever.

    “Good work Author.” Thurio prided himself on never taking out his emotions on a messenger with bad news. “Bring me a glass of tea, and have Captain Cotroneo meet us in the central airlock in fifteen minutes.” He commanded.

    “Yes, my lord. Anything else sir?”

    “No Author. That will be all.” He said as he cut the commlink.

    Thurio looked out the window; it was still storming outside without showing any sign of letting up. Talia had been missing for nearly ten hours now, and Thurio wasn’t sure if they would ever see her alive again. It would take a miracle he thought, and he kept silently praying for her safety. Thurio kept a copy of the Conclave Bible on his nightstand that he would sometimes read for comfort during trying times. This was certainly one of those times he mused to himself, trying to force a smile. He then thought of his favorite verse, “God will never forsake the just, nor will he ever turn a blind eye to a righteous cause.” He had faith that it was true, but with three deaths and a kidnapping, today would be a very trying day indeed.

    Author quietly opened one of the large main double-doors to his office and a shaft of light poured into the dark room from the hallway. Author brought him a hefty mug of steaming hot fungal tea, setting it in front of him. Without so much as acknowledging Author, Thurio took a sip of the tea. It was delicious, Author had a secret family recipe for making the tea, and his was the best in all of Storm Guard. After a few sips of the hot brew, Thurio started feeling much better. His senses came alive.

    “Author this is delightful.” He said as he blew on the hot tea to cool it down enough to drink it without burning his tongue. He drank some more of the tea and stood up. “Fetch me my cloak.” Author simply nodded and brought the Vice-Regent his cloak. He took one last sip of his tea, donned his cloak and then they headed for the elevator.
    [This message has been edited by korn469 (edited March 16, 2000).]

