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  • Nemesis

    This is this first SMAC story that i am typing here at my imac so dont critizize me too much

    In a remote genetics lab at University Base Prokor Zakarov was overseeing a special project, N.E.M.E.S.I.S. It was supposed to be a new type of biological soldier to assist in fighting the Progenetors. However, there were many complications, fist they needed put a stitch in his malformed head, second, the uniform they gave him to wear tore repatedly, so they had to stitch that constantly but they finnally got him a fitting uniform. Third, he had a genetic defect in whisch he would mutate twice if exposed to extreme heat or reached the age of 1. He liked having the caring company of the scientist and therapist to psychologicl whip him into shape but one night after a training session, nemesis over heard the scientists talking about sending him out into the field and his possible death at the hands of the Manifold Usurpers. Nemesis did not like this at all so he punched out of his containment unit and killed all the security guards that tried to stop him and escaped from the research lab in University base.
    Zakarov did not like this at all
    "I want you to find that creature before we lose it, it could be our last chance against the Progenetors!!!" He denouced.
    The security officer agreed and sent out all security forces in all bases to find the runaway nemesis. Nemesis on the other hand had a keen knowledge of faction teritories programed into his brain and escaped into Hive territory.
    Charman Yang was unbeknownst to the lone Nemesis infiltrating the city of Chairman's Burrow and went on about his duties until a few days after when he noticed a rash of brutal killings in that city.
    "I want you to find whoever is killing the servants and have him destroyed immeditely." Chairman Yang calmly said and security forces were sent to Chairman's Burrow and they never returned. realizing that he wasnt safe Nemesis jouneyed to Peacekeeping terrtory, Beliving territory and finnally Cyborg territory where he foun a perfect hiding place, an abandoned warehouse.
    However, news of nemesis' existence leaked out worldwide among the datalinks and soon everyone was looking for him, he then feld the warehouse and into the xenofungus blooms of the ruins, where he was forced out by mind worms and then ran to his capture in the University controlled manifold nexus. He followed a scientist into a dark room and just as he was about to slaughter the poor guy, hes was caught in a stasis field by security guards. He was placed back into his containment cell where he was subjected to further brain treatments, his IQ was raised so he could use weapons and artillery, his genetic flaws were fixed and his memory was wiped clean of the whole ordeal.
    So just as he was being shipped to Gagarin Memorial for holographic training a progenetor suprise attack happend, the cell was blasted and Nemesis popped out and just as he came to, he went crazy and savagely attacked the Usurpers, busted thier heads open, knocked thier blocks off,(literaly) and used his tentacles to tear the progenetors limb from limb, he suffered several blaster bolts but healed quickly.
    Zakarov was quite pleased that his creation peformed so well, he ordered that Nemesis be given the best training possible to hone his skills in battle. The training grounds were right beside the Temporal Mechanics lab in Gagarin Memorial, while he was being trained, an accident opened a temporal distortion that broke right through the wall of both buildings and sucked Nemesis right in the experiment the scientists were doing involve not time travel, but seeing into the past the time frame you ask? Septemper 20, 2000, a small midwestern town called Racoon City.

    The End
    This is my first story, the grammar may not be right but its a good story im sure but hey im only getting a B in English!
    And I asked him,
    What is thy name?
    And he replied saying:
    My Name is iMac: for we
    are many..