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Spartan resolve

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  • Spartan resolve

    I'm probably not the best to brief you on this but here goes my best guess.....

    Dead Factions:

    >>>> Conquered by Spartans, strong UoP underground resistance. Don't know the reason but I think it was probably just a Spartan jaunt to assimilate an enemy, for research or something, ask Hydro....

    >>>> All but eradicated by Hive, some resistance still survives. It's Yang, what do you expect?? Miriam WAS his biggest adversary at the time and now she's dead.

    Morgan is'nt dead, he was until recently an ally of the Hive but has turned over to Spartans. He's got plenty of bases, how can he be dead???

    Gaians. The Hive took a chunk out of them early forcing what was left of them to flee to the Emerald Isle. They now have 3 or 4 bases not counting two old bases that Morgan is now planning to give back to them.

    Tell me, what unit are you thinking of taking over?

    See ya


    What lies ahead of us & what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

  • #2

    Dig back to 10/14 and review the thread Spartan Chronicles Timelines. This will give you a time-indexed summary of the plot through mid august (apx post 220). There is a lot of good stuff way back in the 8/20 thread The Spartan Chronicles: The Chiron Archive. Look for the History of SC, by Korn (it is under my tag name, though). This also has some data on author's characters.

    Also, the Gaians established themselves on the Monsoon Jungle continent after fleeting Yang, not Emerald Isle. They did have a colony there for a little while, but Morgan destroyed it. The refugees from this lost colony assimilated into the Spartan colony Assassin's Redoubt. One of my characters (Markus) is actually a Gaian refugee.

    Also, do you have a copy of the SC scenareo map that Korn put together? It shows the factions, where they are, etc as of the start of SC. It has, of course, changed since then. Googlie or Korn may have an updated map, too.

    Reading through SC is a big task, but you really do need to do it. Hopefully some of this info should help.



    • #3
      thks guys, ive been reading about 30 pages a night....i should be done within a week or too....its really a great evolving story, so it latches hold of you, its just my darn english teacher giving me reading the same day thats really annoying me

      I may take up a position from the gaians point of view....kind of a revenge thingy against the hive.....has anyone started this or is going to do? pls i don't do anything bad....although i will be reading the story just incase


      • #4

        One thing you should know is that the SC leaders follow their SMAC bio/outline with respect to their goals and attitudes. This means that Lal is strongly inclined toward peace and democracy, Deidre is a pacifist and a tree hugger, Morgan is a shameless industrialist who believes everything (and everyone) has a price, the Yang believes the individual is subservient to the group, etc.

        So, you will not see Lal lobbing PBs or using genetic warfare. Morgan is not likely to launch a war of conquest (but a war of coversion is perfectly fine). The UoP is a tad light on the ethics side.

        You get the point.

        Good luck on your reading, and don't skimp on your English assignments!



        • #5
          Spartan resolve

          Maybe you guys can help me preparing to write a section for the chronicles, but its almost impossible to catch up to 800 pages of history....

          what factions are dead...and how did they die...if you got the time...a brief reason would be nice

          i think

          morgan,gaian,believers,university are dead

          em i right


          • #6
            Not to dissuade you writing from a Gaian voiewpoint, but the Chron authors have an (unstated) convention that we won't monopolize the non Spartan characters.

            Thus all have felt free to wire some Morgan pieces, Lal, Deirdre or Yang.

            Hydro and Googlie have been the ones who have written most re the Gaians, so if you do it'd be good to see the same characteristics as they've given Deirdre and her faction.



            • #7
              Excellent! I am looking forward to seeing what our newest addition to the "coven" will be showing us!

              The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


              • #8
                yes gentalmen, i understand were you guys are coming from.....not like im going to go nuke the hive or something....perhaps an organization of radical gaians, who go around destroying morgan or hive industrial complexes....i don't know.....i'm still probaby go to change or something

