Unavoidable Casualties is by far the best of these stories that I have read so far. The plot and descripition is excelent (even though I got somewhat lost in the gaian chapter)! This is also the first of these stories that has described the faction leaders exactly the way I think of them acting. I can't wait for the next part to come out!
No announcement yet.
I love Unavoidable Casualties!
I can't wait till Elemental gets back and we can enjoy more of this outstanding story.
If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail.
Battles are won and lost, long before the first round is fired, by logisticians. Amateurs study tactics, generals study logistics.
- Erwin Rommel
Delthalaz and Ironwolf:
Open up your "show topics for..." to show the last 100 days.
Go to p2, where The Episodes begin.
I think you'll enjoy "The Episodes" by Velociryx. He hasn't nearly finished them yet, but IMHO it's great fiction.
I had fun writing "The Mindworm" series which was different - give me some feedback if you get a chance to read that series.
[This message has been edited by Googlie (edited August 06, 1999).]
Del and Iron,
I agree - Elemental has done a first-rate job! Elemental's and Googlie's work were what first piqued my interest in SMAC fiction and have done a lot to build the character of SMAC. I wish Elemental would get the next episode out!
Thanks for the info. Both Episodes and The Mindworm were great. Reading these stories just makes the game that much more fun.
FYI. Elemental stated in one of his threads that he was going to be out of town for a while. I will keep vigil for Elemental's return.
If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail.
Battles are won and lost, long before the first round is fired, by logisticians. Amateurs study tactics, generals study logistics.
- Erwin Rommel
I will check out all of those sites. I really love SMAC stories. They add a whole new dimension to the game. Hey you guys know the new Alien Crossfire add-on for SMAC? Do you guys think that they are going to come up with 35 or so new "episodes" or just 10 or so?
Wow, I didn't know that people were waiting for the next installment. I've been busy doing various things, like putting up a new website that's got all sorts on it (including another of my non-SMAC stories), some essays, book reviews and B5 reviews.
I got a bit disheartened with Unavoidable Casualties after I have a reading binge of Iain Banks and David Brin books, so I started planning a completely new story (which, I reckon, could be adapted to fit the SMAC universe with a very very tenuous link).
The new story is basically about Earth having solidified after a huge 'Calamity' into the 'United States of Earth', but at the same time there are hundreds of independant colonies scattered throughout the solar system. There's already been a war with one of the colonies, resulting in several million deaths, but for the last few decades it's been peaceful. Now that the colonies are multiplying and growing larger, the possibility of conflict is increasing, and the USE is trying to do everything it can to avoid it.
I should have the next chapter up within two days, and if I don't finish UC, I'll probably upload the notes I'd made which detail exactly what happens.
BTW, my website is at www.gen-mars.freeserve.co.uk