I was playing an intersting game last night, I called the Seven Sisters of Gaia.
I saved Deiedre's factions with six different names and then loaded them all into the faction slots, so 7 'versions' of Gaia's Stepdaugheters were facing off against each other.
It was amazinG! Total warfare with mindworms in the beginning. Just smashing each other to pieces. Midgame was a bit boring, except for lots of intrigue (probing and bribing). The later game was brutal. Once locuts entered the picture, no one faction could maintain control of their bases. Or terrain improvements for that matter.
I actually lost cause I went for Transcendance. I was about 2 turns away from transcending when two of the remaining four other factions teamed up and assaulted the city with everything, including about 30 Demon Boil class locusts of Chiron and a few singularity tanks. Wiped the city out completely.
Tonight I think I will try the all Fundie approach to see if it turns into the Probe War as I think it will...
I saved Deiedre's factions with six different names and then loaded them all into the faction slots, so 7 'versions' of Gaia's Stepdaugheters were facing off against each other.
It was amazinG! Total warfare with mindworms in the beginning. Just smashing each other to pieces. Midgame was a bit boring, except for lots of intrigue (probing and bribing). The later game was brutal. Once locuts entered the picture, no one faction could maintain control of their bases. Or terrain improvements for that matter.
I actually lost cause I went for Transcendance. I was about 2 turns away from transcending when two of the remaining four other factions teamed up and assaulted the city with everything, including about 30 Demon Boil class locusts of Chiron and a few singularity tanks. Wiped the city out completely.
Tonight I think I will try the all Fundie approach to see if it turns into the Probe War as I think it will...