Yeah, yeah....I know....Morgan is the faction that everybody kinda looks past, but I gotta tell you, I just finished my second Transcendent-Level game (both with Morgan) and I didn't have any problems at all. If Morgan gets the Genome Project, it's all gravy beyond that....makes switching to Free Market in the Early game a thing I'd recommend to anybody who wants to play the faction is to stay away from Pacts!!! Treaties are great for you, but Pacts tend to be too entangling....besides, if you can ally yourself with everyone, you make money two ways....first, the money you make in trade, and second, interest on money you lend them to fight each both games I played (winning both by Ascending), I was making enough cash from interest and trade to run the entire empire, and was producing evil amounts of research.....all this with my Psych set at about a perpetual golden age....:-)