Director Morgan’s office, Morgan Industries Inc. – MORGAN 2174
It seems I might have been given incorrect information as it pertains to your technology. I will have to re-check with my sources and determine where the fault lays. If this has given you any trouble please accept my apology.
I think perhaps you might be slightly misinformed as well, as you put it and I quote, “Moreover, you are once again talking about technology levels, which is illogical and meaningless.” What we did say in our last communication was that “if” you had possession of such technology then we would consider a one for one exchange that is satisfactory to us and I believe for you as well. We might reach that decision from two different methods but in the end the result was the same an equal exchange of technology, one for one.
I think it important at this time to clear up one issue between us. At this time Morgan Enterprises Inc. puts no “value” in military technology. We will even go as far as to say that any military technology is of equal importance to any other technology. What we do believe is that any military technology is of little value to our society when compared to what other types of technology can offer us. We are so far behind militarily at this time and I will be blunt with you because I feel you are an honorable person, that any attempts to try and “catch-up” would be foolhardy at best. So until such time as we can secure a “package” of technology that can help us achieve a “creditable” military force it does not seem worthwhile to try! It is regrettable that we have fallen into this position but the simple fact of the matter is that we are in it. Luckily for us we do have sophisticated anti-espionage teams stationed at many of our cities that will secure our technology and data-systems from intrusion. If an aggressive power feels the need to storm our shores to take our technology there is little I can do about it. So we will have to seek other methods of securing our safety. It does seem a shame that two free-market economic systems cannot figure out away to develop a mutual defense system to protect our markets. So far from what I have been told there are few “reasonable” factions on Chiron to work with so perhaps building a stronger alliance with us would be preferable?
As to you comment about “technology it would be inappropriate to exchange it with your people until we had an agreement as to the disposition” I am sure we could work out some arrangement that would compensate both of us. It hardly would seem fair to us as the buyer to purchase technology that only offered ½ of 1/3 of the benefits? I mean we certainly would not expect to sell you our advanced and highly profitable supplier crawler technology and then inform you that you can only build “a few” crawlers, would it? Of course, if you were willing to offer us an additional technology as compensation for us not to develop the project then perhaps we could work something out. However, on the other hand, would it not be in the spirit of our two “free market” societies that we should compete and see which one of us would win the race to complete it? Since it takes equal effort “according to you” to develop any technology should we not also have an equal chance to develop that project if it were part of an exchange? I think you can agree with me there.
I have reviewed your report on how cyborgs work and I found it fascinating reading. I still wonder how your cyborgs are able to “partition” parts of their minds so that other cyborgs cannot read them. I think it is fascinating. I do wonder how you can achieve a common purpose among you all and yet still have a free market system. As I mentioned in my last communication we have many business groups and they frequently work at cross-purposes to each other and sometimes they are hostile to each other. So it strikes me as odd how you can have a common purpose and yet have individual choice? Perhaps you can elaborate on that for me? I suppose it might have to do with your political system? We long ago decided that money was the best vote any individual could have. The person that has the most should make the decisions since they have more to risk! Once again, fascinating!
I think it is wonderful that you have achieved, what many would call, a utopian society! You seem to have the best of all worlds!
I wish you continued profits!
CEO Nwabudike Morgan
Alpha Prime, MY 2175
((Greetings Prime Function. Program repair algorithm in effect.))
((Affirmative. Protein breakdown identified as the cause for the termination of Hsu Phi-Seventeen. The protein RNQ-4 was used in the manufacture of transmission enzymes; without adequate transmission enzymes the Program appropriated the closest enzyme from the cerebellum, RNQ-3, which is required for basal body functions including breathing and basic motor functions.)
((Affirmative. Cyborgs associates of Hsu Phi-Seventeen have been notified and they have placed themselves under medical monitoring, with only a minimum thread to the Consciousness. This last procedure does entail risk, but was required to maintain the stability of the Program within the individuals.))
((Available data indicate that the condition is unique to Hsu Phi-Seventeen. Her DNA profile, when examined in greater detail, indicates that her naturally occurring RNQ and transmitter RNQ are biologically closer than that of other individuals. Recommendation: generate a distribution the biologic makeup for susceptibility to this condition and assess the likelihood of complications.))
((Unknown. Zakharov created 46 engineered proteins that enable the manufacture of 198 enzymes that are necessary to keep the link between the human higher brain functions and the hardware. This link allows the Program to function as an integrated part of the Consciousness; upon assimilation the Full Human is able to accept higher orders, and the construct of the group mind. There is a build in redundancy within the engineered proteins and enzymes constructs to prevent systemic failure and allow for self-repair. The Program’s aggressiveness in perpetuation resulted, in this instance. At this time speculation is not possible.))
((Negative. Only full members of the Consciousness are susceptible to this condition.))
##link terminated##
Future site of Morgan Networks Company, Morgan Entertainment Inc. – MORGAN 2175
“Very impressive Mr. Gray, very impressive indeed.”
“Why thank you sir. We are very fortunate here to have so many ample resources at our disposal. The latest reports I have from my assistant is that we are mining or harvesting nearly 16 Morgan units each turn.”
“And each one of them are mined and processed by a Morgan Industries Inc. automated supply crawler operation!” Morgan cheerfully added.
It was a very impressive statistic to anyone who could appreciate economics and business. Morgan Enterprises had 10 automated supply crawlers in operation with another 21 book for production. But what brought Morgan today to Morgan Entertainment Inc. today was the building in front of him. It was the new corporate headquarters and operation center for a massive computer network facility.
“When will you have it in operation?” Morgan asked hopefully.
“We will have it completed within 6 turns Director, maybe less if I can convince you and board to part with a few mega-credits.” Mr. Gray chuckled as he replied.
“Mr. Gray your city has received a great deal of support as it is. We will soon need every credit to help our new colonies get established. We will have to help those new colonists build critical systems so they can get running as quickly as possible.” Morgan said seriously. It was getting more and more difficult to accommodate every request from every city manager that wanted to complete this project first so they could get on to the next one sooner. As it stood now Alisa Stevens and the other board members had wrangled a deal from him that the next two turns of profits would be used to complete the holo-compelex at Unity Consortium Inc. In exchange, Morgan had secured the production contracts for the new research hospitals that would soon be built at several Morgan cities.
“Well Director I can tell you this is the place that you will get the biggest bang for the buck! When this facility comes on line we should be pushing nearly 73 terraquads of energy per turn! It just goes to show you Director that with enough money I could cure the common cold!”
Both men laughed at the joke.
“Just make sure we patent the cure after you find it Mr. Gray. It is unfortunate that even though we are making breakthroughs almost every 8 to 9 turns we are only discovering technology that either the Cyborgs or other factions already have. It is unfortunate we could not make a deal with the robots but it is clear that their free market economy is far different than ours.” Morgan commented as both men began to walk towards the construction site.
“Director I know that our scientists think that the next breakthrough will most likely be something in the field of high energy plasma. Perhaps it might even have a military application. It is a shame that they could not find some other field to work on.” Mr. Gray commented as they walked into the building.
“Agreed but I am told that to “force” these scientists in the pure research field to “make” something you want would be like asking me to give up my fortune, next to impossible! Now lets see those new computer systems that I have bought at such a pretty penny. I want to make sure we have everything that you need to get things moving here as quickly as possible!”
Morgan slapped the city manager on the back as they gingerly stepped around work equipment so that their expensive shoes did not get dirty.
Alpha Prime, MY 2176
”Chairman Yang,” Aki Zeta-Five said. “It is good to see you.”
Yang inclined his head slightly. “And you, also,” he stated. His voice was flat, and Aki detected a hint of antipathy, if that was possible. “I am pleased to report that our war with the Caretakers goes well. We have captured an alien sea city for the people of the Hive. This is humanity’s struggle against the alien onslaught. We encourage you to join us in our war of liberation for the People.”
Aki digested these important bits of information. First: the Hive was at war with the Caretakers. This was likely a good thing for the Consciousness since the Hive would therefore be less likely to land forces on their territory. Such an eventuality had been prepared for, and even now plasma garrisons and impact rovers guarded their western holdings. Second: the aliens had shown their aggressive intentions, and humans had beaten them! It was to be sure that this ‘victory’ may have been hollow, but it was just as clear that the aliens were quickly ascending in power. Two alien foils had been seen traversing the seas north of Consciousness territory, and it was well known that Morgan was so weak willed that he was paying off the aliens with valued technology; a Faustian bargain that would harm them all.
“The Consciousness congratulates you on your victory, Chairman. As fellow humans we wish you well in your struggles. However, at this time we are not prepared to engage in a war. Perhaps we can offer some material support by way of information, but that is all.”
Yang’s face pinched. Even Aki could see that he was not happy. “Then our conversation is ended,” he said.
Aki was waiting for him to then terminate their treaty, and perhaps worse.
But, that did not occur. The communication channel went dead.
Chancellor Rebecca Whinn entered the room. “That was close.”
Aki looked up. “Yes, it was. Any news?”
Rebecca had a pained look on her face. “Yes. A transport left The Hive a week ago. Our sensors on the northwestern portion of our territory saw it just a few hours ago. An interesting coincidence, wouldn’t you say? With a little more time we could determine what the transport contains, but not right now. I wanted to make sure you knew right away.”
Aki nodded. “Thank you,” she said. Full Humans responded better to such courtesies, even if they were redundant. “In what direction is it headed?”
“Currently north, but it could hit Psi Consensus, or even unload troops that are toward Theta Banks. Or it could be going north to take on the Caretakers.”
“Or Morgan,” Aki commented.
That stopped Rebecca in her tracks. “Should we warn him?”
After a moment of thought Aki said, “No.”
Nwabudike Morgan’s penthouse apartments, Morgan Industries Inc. – MORGAN 2176
“Director it was so kind of you to invite us to your party tonight.”
Morgan simply smiled and kissed the hand that was stretched out in front of him. His lips barely touched the hand but he did ever so gently message the hand. His eyes looked up and he had a sly smile on his face.
“Kindness had nothing to do with Abby. I need your support for my next venture into medical research and I hope to get that tonight.”
Abby Reynolds gave a slight laugh and tossed her graying hair to one side. “Nwabudike you have made me too much money in the past for me not to listen to any proposal you have.”
“And who is this yes?” Morgan asked with a slight infliction as he gently released her hand.
Abby turned to the man standing beside her.
“Why this is my date Nwabudike. Allow me to introduce Constantine Ivanovich Zaitsev.”
The man standing next to Abby Reynolds was in his late forties, perhaps older. He had a strong muscular build and short black hair that was peppered with gray. His face look like a piece of marble that hand been roughly chiseled.
“Good to meet you Constantine.” Morgan reached out to shake the man’s hand. It was strong and his hands were rough. Morgan immediately thought that he must be a common laborer but how could a Reynolds ever associate with a simple laborer. “Have we ever met?”
“Nyet.” Constantine replied quickly. “I am the security inspector for Morgan Data Systems Inc. I am their chief of security.”
“Ah yes.” Morgan replied quickly as he rapidly tried to remember any information about that operation. “Well it is good to have you with us tonight. I hope that you will consider investing in my new venture tonight. I am offering everyone here exclusive options for a buy in.”
“I am afraid not.” Constantine quickly replied. “All of my fortune is committed to my own business. Aside from my day job I am the president of Security Incorporated. We offer a wide variety of training programs both military and security to those who are interested.”
“Yes, well I can fully understand the “security” aspect but military?” Morgan shrugged his shoulders in disbelief. “Why fight when you can negotiate. We gave the aliens technology nearly 30 turns ago and they have left us alone since then. Imagine if we had allowed the Cyborgs to talk us into creating an army. Where would we be then? We would not have half the advances we have now. No my new friend let the other fight it out and we will negotiate like civilized people.”
“Negotiations don’t always work Director. It is a simple fact and what if you fail? You have yet to make any headway with the Cyborgs to procure any additional technology.” Constantine fired back.
“Immaterial.” Morgan brushed the annoying response away like he would a fly. “The robots are a broken record that take advantage of lesser technological factions by making exchanges with them and then they harp at us for wanting to do the same to them. All we have ever asked is for a list of technologies that we can choose from so that we can select something of equal value to us and they simply refuse. All they want to trade with is military technology. What rubbish! They might be able to get away with that with Yang and whomever else they bumped into out there but not us. I am sure that they even gave away some technology, worthless crap it might be, to secure friendly relations with anyone they met. Morgan Enterprises will not be treated like a third world nation!”
Everyone in the room got very quiet.
“Of course you might be right Director.” Constantine pointed out. “But what if you are wrong. What if other factions land on our shores and decide that it is far easier to just take what they want rather than negotiations.”
“Why would they!” Morgan laughed confidently. “Have we harmed them in anyway? NO! Using the famous line of that half robot witch Aki-Zeta “it is illogical!”
“I agree but what if logic has nothing to do with it. All I am saying Director is that I have decided to make it MY business to prepare for that eventuality. I think you would be surprised to find out how many of your closest supporters and stockholders have sought me out for advice. Credits are only good if you are around to spend them.” Constantine said in a more reasonable tone. He quickly realized that Morgan was not amused anymore by this little debate and did not want to risk his wrath or more appropriately his business wrath.
“I am not worried. We have our own security forces and anti-espionage teams. I am sure they can deal with any minor incursions. The cost of trying to take any Morgan or Unity Consortium City might be higher than they expect.”
“I don’t think so Director. I can send you a report in the morning detailing how fragile our military security is. We do have good anti-espionage systems and people but if it came to war we would be in trouble.” Constantine replied as calmly as he could.
“Well I do wish you success in your new business Constantine. I would still hedge your bets by putting some investment in one of my operations though. We still sell a considerable amount of material and luxury goods to the non-cyborgs and even some of those cyborgs as well. In time we will sell more to everyone else as well. Economic power is the single most powerful force in the universe. It brought us here to this planet and it will dominant humanity for all time. Watch and see my friend. Economic behavior is human behavior and I understand both very well. We are safe and secure and I have no concerns. Now before you get me really mad and I buy out your company and have you fired please have a drink with me and eat some of my food.” Morgan finished speaking and laughed and the tension in the room was broken.
As the night continued Morgan could not help but think that this man might bear watching. Some of the things he said did make sense in a way. One thing that Morgan had learned over time was when you found a person that had the right “stuff” you kept them close so you could use them to make even more money and he had a feeling about this man.
It seems I might have been given incorrect information as it pertains to your technology. I will have to re-check with my sources and determine where the fault lays. If this has given you any trouble please accept my apology.
I think perhaps you might be slightly misinformed as well, as you put it and I quote, “Moreover, you are once again talking about technology levels, which is illogical and meaningless.” What we did say in our last communication was that “if” you had possession of such technology then we would consider a one for one exchange that is satisfactory to us and I believe for you as well. We might reach that decision from two different methods but in the end the result was the same an equal exchange of technology, one for one.
I think it important at this time to clear up one issue between us. At this time Morgan Enterprises Inc. puts no “value” in military technology. We will even go as far as to say that any military technology is of equal importance to any other technology. What we do believe is that any military technology is of little value to our society when compared to what other types of technology can offer us. We are so far behind militarily at this time and I will be blunt with you because I feel you are an honorable person, that any attempts to try and “catch-up” would be foolhardy at best. So until such time as we can secure a “package” of technology that can help us achieve a “creditable” military force it does not seem worthwhile to try! It is regrettable that we have fallen into this position but the simple fact of the matter is that we are in it. Luckily for us we do have sophisticated anti-espionage teams stationed at many of our cities that will secure our technology and data-systems from intrusion. If an aggressive power feels the need to storm our shores to take our technology there is little I can do about it. So we will have to seek other methods of securing our safety. It does seem a shame that two free-market economic systems cannot figure out away to develop a mutual defense system to protect our markets. So far from what I have been told there are few “reasonable” factions on Chiron to work with so perhaps building a stronger alliance with us would be preferable?
As to you comment about “technology it would be inappropriate to exchange it with your people until we had an agreement as to the disposition” I am sure we could work out some arrangement that would compensate both of us. It hardly would seem fair to us as the buyer to purchase technology that only offered ½ of 1/3 of the benefits? I mean we certainly would not expect to sell you our advanced and highly profitable supplier crawler technology and then inform you that you can only build “a few” crawlers, would it? Of course, if you were willing to offer us an additional technology as compensation for us not to develop the project then perhaps we could work something out. However, on the other hand, would it not be in the spirit of our two “free market” societies that we should compete and see which one of us would win the race to complete it? Since it takes equal effort “according to you” to develop any technology should we not also have an equal chance to develop that project if it were part of an exchange? I think you can agree with me there.
I have reviewed your report on how cyborgs work and I found it fascinating reading. I still wonder how your cyborgs are able to “partition” parts of their minds so that other cyborgs cannot read them. I think it is fascinating. I do wonder how you can achieve a common purpose among you all and yet still have a free market system. As I mentioned in my last communication we have many business groups and they frequently work at cross-purposes to each other and sometimes they are hostile to each other. So it strikes me as odd how you can have a common purpose and yet have individual choice? Perhaps you can elaborate on that for me? I suppose it might have to do with your political system? We long ago decided that money was the best vote any individual could have. The person that has the most should make the decisions since they have more to risk! Once again, fascinating!
I think it is wonderful that you have achieved, what many would call, a utopian society! You seem to have the best of all worlds!
I wish you continued profits!
CEO Nwabudike Morgan
Alpha Prime, MY 2175
((Greetings Prime Function. Program repair algorithm in effect.))
((Affirmative. Protein breakdown identified as the cause for the termination of Hsu Phi-Seventeen. The protein RNQ-4 was used in the manufacture of transmission enzymes; without adequate transmission enzymes the Program appropriated the closest enzyme from the cerebellum, RNQ-3, which is required for basal body functions including breathing and basic motor functions.)
((Affirmative. Cyborgs associates of Hsu Phi-Seventeen have been notified and they have placed themselves under medical monitoring, with only a minimum thread to the Consciousness. This last procedure does entail risk, but was required to maintain the stability of the Program within the individuals.))
((Available data indicate that the condition is unique to Hsu Phi-Seventeen. Her DNA profile, when examined in greater detail, indicates that her naturally occurring RNQ and transmitter RNQ are biologically closer than that of other individuals. Recommendation: generate a distribution the biologic makeup for susceptibility to this condition and assess the likelihood of complications.))
((Unknown. Zakharov created 46 engineered proteins that enable the manufacture of 198 enzymes that are necessary to keep the link between the human higher brain functions and the hardware. This link allows the Program to function as an integrated part of the Consciousness; upon assimilation the Full Human is able to accept higher orders, and the construct of the group mind. There is a build in redundancy within the engineered proteins and enzymes constructs to prevent systemic failure and allow for self-repair. The Program’s aggressiveness in perpetuation resulted, in this instance. At this time speculation is not possible.))
((Negative. Only full members of the Consciousness are susceptible to this condition.))
##link terminated##
Future site of Morgan Networks Company, Morgan Entertainment Inc. – MORGAN 2175
“Very impressive Mr. Gray, very impressive indeed.”
“Why thank you sir. We are very fortunate here to have so many ample resources at our disposal. The latest reports I have from my assistant is that we are mining or harvesting nearly 16 Morgan units each turn.”
“And each one of them are mined and processed by a Morgan Industries Inc. automated supply crawler operation!” Morgan cheerfully added.
It was a very impressive statistic to anyone who could appreciate economics and business. Morgan Enterprises had 10 automated supply crawlers in operation with another 21 book for production. But what brought Morgan today to Morgan Entertainment Inc. today was the building in front of him. It was the new corporate headquarters and operation center for a massive computer network facility.
“When will you have it in operation?” Morgan asked hopefully.
“We will have it completed within 6 turns Director, maybe less if I can convince you and board to part with a few mega-credits.” Mr. Gray chuckled as he replied.
“Mr. Gray your city has received a great deal of support as it is. We will soon need every credit to help our new colonies get established. We will have to help those new colonists build critical systems so they can get running as quickly as possible.” Morgan said seriously. It was getting more and more difficult to accommodate every request from every city manager that wanted to complete this project first so they could get on to the next one sooner. As it stood now Alisa Stevens and the other board members had wrangled a deal from him that the next two turns of profits would be used to complete the holo-compelex at Unity Consortium Inc. In exchange, Morgan had secured the production contracts for the new research hospitals that would soon be built at several Morgan cities.
“Well Director I can tell you this is the place that you will get the biggest bang for the buck! When this facility comes on line we should be pushing nearly 73 terraquads of energy per turn! It just goes to show you Director that with enough money I could cure the common cold!”
Both men laughed at the joke.
“Just make sure we patent the cure after you find it Mr. Gray. It is unfortunate that even though we are making breakthroughs almost every 8 to 9 turns we are only discovering technology that either the Cyborgs or other factions already have. It is unfortunate we could not make a deal with the robots but it is clear that their free market economy is far different than ours.” Morgan commented as both men began to walk towards the construction site.
“Director I know that our scientists think that the next breakthrough will most likely be something in the field of high energy plasma. Perhaps it might even have a military application. It is a shame that they could not find some other field to work on.” Mr. Gray commented as they walked into the building.
“Agreed but I am told that to “force” these scientists in the pure research field to “make” something you want would be like asking me to give up my fortune, next to impossible! Now lets see those new computer systems that I have bought at such a pretty penny. I want to make sure we have everything that you need to get things moving here as quickly as possible!”
Morgan slapped the city manager on the back as they gingerly stepped around work equipment so that their expensive shoes did not get dirty.
Alpha Prime, MY 2176
”Chairman Yang,” Aki Zeta-Five said. “It is good to see you.”
Yang inclined his head slightly. “And you, also,” he stated. His voice was flat, and Aki detected a hint of antipathy, if that was possible. “I am pleased to report that our war with the Caretakers goes well. We have captured an alien sea city for the people of the Hive. This is humanity’s struggle against the alien onslaught. We encourage you to join us in our war of liberation for the People.”
Aki digested these important bits of information. First: the Hive was at war with the Caretakers. This was likely a good thing for the Consciousness since the Hive would therefore be less likely to land forces on their territory. Such an eventuality had been prepared for, and even now plasma garrisons and impact rovers guarded their western holdings. Second: the aliens had shown their aggressive intentions, and humans had beaten them! It was to be sure that this ‘victory’ may have been hollow, but it was just as clear that the aliens were quickly ascending in power. Two alien foils had been seen traversing the seas north of Consciousness territory, and it was well known that Morgan was so weak willed that he was paying off the aliens with valued technology; a Faustian bargain that would harm them all.
“The Consciousness congratulates you on your victory, Chairman. As fellow humans we wish you well in your struggles. However, at this time we are not prepared to engage in a war. Perhaps we can offer some material support by way of information, but that is all.”
Yang’s face pinched. Even Aki could see that he was not happy. “Then our conversation is ended,” he said.
Aki was waiting for him to then terminate their treaty, and perhaps worse.
But, that did not occur. The communication channel went dead.
Chancellor Rebecca Whinn entered the room. “That was close.”
Aki looked up. “Yes, it was. Any news?”
Rebecca had a pained look on her face. “Yes. A transport left The Hive a week ago. Our sensors on the northwestern portion of our territory saw it just a few hours ago. An interesting coincidence, wouldn’t you say? With a little more time we could determine what the transport contains, but not right now. I wanted to make sure you knew right away.”
Aki nodded. “Thank you,” she said. Full Humans responded better to such courtesies, even if they were redundant. “In what direction is it headed?”
“Currently north, but it could hit Psi Consensus, or even unload troops that are toward Theta Banks. Or it could be going north to take on the Caretakers.”
“Or Morgan,” Aki commented.
That stopped Rebecca in her tracks. “Should we warn him?”
After a moment of thought Aki said, “No.”
Nwabudike Morgan’s penthouse apartments, Morgan Industries Inc. – MORGAN 2176
“Director it was so kind of you to invite us to your party tonight.”
Morgan simply smiled and kissed the hand that was stretched out in front of him. His lips barely touched the hand but he did ever so gently message the hand. His eyes looked up and he had a sly smile on his face.
“Kindness had nothing to do with Abby. I need your support for my next venture into medical research and I hope to get that tonight.”
Abby Reynolds gave a slight laugh and tossed her graying hair to one side. “Nwabudike you have made me too much money in the past for me not to listen to any proposal you have.”
“And who is this yes?” Morgan asked with a slight infliction as he gently released her hand.
Abby turned to the man standing beside her.
“Why this is my date Nwabudike. Allow me to introduce Constantine Ivanovich Zaitsev.”
The man standing next to Abby Reynolds was in his late forties, perhaps older. He had a strong muscular build and short black hair that was peppered with gray. His face look like a piece of marble that hand been roughly chiseled.
“Good to meet you Constantine.” Morgan reached out to shake the man’s hand. It was strong and his hands were rough. Morgan immediately thought that he must be a common laborer but how could a Reynolds ever associate with a simple laborer. “Have we ever met?”
“Nyet.” Constantine replied quickly. “I am the security inspector for Morgan Data Systems Inc. I am their chief of security.”
“Ah yes.” Morgan replied quickly as he rapidly tried to remember any information about that operation. “Well it is good to have you with us tonight. I hope that you will consider investing in my new venture tonight. I am offering everyone here exclusive options for a buy in.”
“I am afraid not.” Constantine quickly replied. “All of my fortune is committed to my own business. Aside from my day job I am the president of Security Incorporated. We offer a wide variety of training programs both military and security to those who are interested.”
“Yes, well I can fully understand the “security” aspect but military?” Morgan shrugged his shoulders in disbelief. “Why fight when you can negotiate. We gave the aliens technology nearly 30 turns ago and they have left us alone since then. Imagine if we had allowed the Cyborgs to talk us into creating an army. Where would we be then? We would not have half the advances we have now. No my new friend let the other fight it out and we will negotiate like civilized people.”
“Negotiations don’t always work Director. It is a simple fact and what if you fail? You have yet to make any headway with the Cyborgs to procure any additional technology.” Constantine fired back.
“Immaterial.” Morgan brushed the annoying response away like he would a fly. “The robots are a broken record that take advantage of lesser technological factions by making exchanges with them and then they harp at us for wanting to do the same to them. All we have ever asked is for a list of technologies that we can choose from so that we can select something of equal value to us and they simply refuse. All they want to trade with is military technology. What rubbish! They might be able to get away with that with Yang and whomever else they bumped into out there but not us. I am sure that they even gave away some technology, worthless crap it might be, to secure friendly relations with anyone they met. Morgan Enterprises will not be treated like a third world nation!”
Everyone in the room got very quiet.
“Of course you might be right Director.” Constantine pointed out. “But what if you are wrong. What if other factions land on our shores and decide that it is far easier to just take what they want rather than negotiations.”
“Why would they!” Morgan laughed confidently. “Have we harmed them in anyway? NO! Using the famous line of that half robot witch Aki-Zeta “it is illogical!”
“I agree but what if logic has nothing to do with it. All I am saying Director is that I have decided to make it MY business to prepare for that eventuality. I think you would be surprised to find out how many of your closest supporters and stockholders have sought me out for advice. Credits are only good if you are around to spend them.” Constantine said in a more reasonable tone. He quickly realized that Morgan was not amused anymore by this little debate and did not want to risk his wrath or more appropriately his business wrath.
“I am not worried. We have our own security forces and anti-espionage teams. I am sure they can deal with any minor incursions. The cost of trying to take any Morgan or Unity Consortium City might be higher than they expect.”
“I don’t think so Director. I can send you a report in the morning detailing how fragile our military security is. We do have good anti-espionage systems and people but if it came to war we would be in trouble.” Constantine replied as calmly as he could.
“Well I do wish you success in your new business Constantine. I would still hedge your bets by putting some investment in one of my operations though. We still sell a considerable amount of material and luxury goods to the non-cyborgs and even some of those cyborgs as well. In time we will sell more to everyone else as well. Economic power is the single most powerful force in the universe. It brought us here to this planet and it will dominant humanity for all time. Watch and see my friend. Economic behavior is human behavior and I understand both very well. We are safe and secure and I have no concerns. Now before you get me really mad and I buy out your company and have you fired please have a drink with me and eat some of my food.” Morgan finished speaking and laughed and the tension in the room was broken.
As the night continued Morgan could not help but think that this man might bear watching. Some of the things he said did make sense in a way. One thing that Morgan had learned over time was when you found a person that had the right “stuff” you kept them close so you could use them to make even more money and he had a feeling about this man.