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Confessions of a Deranged Mind

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  • Confessions of a Deranged Mind

    I had this idea one late night, so I transposed it...
    Have you ever thought that life as a worm handler might not be perfect?

    Comments please!

    They all think it is so good... those people! The commoners, the people that you might see doing daily buisness! They have a neat little box defining how it should be, and that is how it will be.... but no, it isn't just their faults... oh no! The reason for the false perceptions, for everything, it's all her! The whore! The queen bee of the whole perverted system! She knows what it's like... oh yes she does!

    As you know, I was twenty-eight when I was commisioned onto the Unity. I was in near-perfect health. I was a conundrum, a security guard who was a prize winner in botany. I was from a small little town in what, at one point long ago, was a state called Kansas. I grew up loving the plants, and conditioned by the work. Why I was picked out of the thousands of applicants to the UN, who knows? I served under Diedre while setting up the hydroponics bays, and therefore, under Zarhakov. The academician wasn't around hydroponics much, he tended to stay with his beloved engines. He has cold eyes, that one, he does. Diedre, she didn't like him much, but isn't she becoming him too? It all blends together in the mind... all those sorts. The controlling people who think they are above it all. Foolish idealists, the lot of them. But I stayed faithful, stayed to my work. Under the deep freeze, and then back out. I was critical enough staff to make it out in the early thawing, so when I crashed, I crashed with my station. No derelicition of duty, or anything like that. Then, she starts ordering us around like peasants. Thinks she controls us... I wasn't part of her little inner core, so I got handed a gun and sent out as a scout. It wasn't bad at first...

    We found one of the pods, the ones that she had referred to litter on her virgin world. Under orders from her, we activated the doors. Investegations turned up power cells, that were relayed back to the main operations center. The second pod turned out to be one of the hydroponics seeding pods, filled with seeds of different trees, opening up to form a forest. Then, the third one, and IT....

    We cued the door to open, weapons at the ready, but not nearly ready enough. A horrible sound, some mix of squeals, squelches, screams, and slitherings came rushing out. Hundreds of the little worms, all intertwined, that had come up through a hole that must have been torn in the pod on landing. We began firing, and then they entered....

    It was horrible.... torturous dreams of past times, nightmares from childhood, everything! Terror and horror can not begin to explain what it was.... No one can understand... not until they experience it. They forced their way into my mind, pushing things that they did not care for out of the way. They demanded attention and release at the same time. The true pain started then. The others in the squad began firing. The pain of the creatures forced itself into my mind... I knew it not, but later I was told that I threw my arms up and shrieked until the shooting stopped.

    When I eventually began to realize what had happened, it got worse. After I was sufficiently recovered, I reported in to Diedre. I told her what I had seen, what it was like being with the worms. That's when that whore revealed her true colors, and condemned us all! She willingly decided to let these worms mingle with our people, and to go out of our way to be with them. Even after my stories, she couldn't grasp what it was like. Later, I heard, that whore did encounter the worms, but they didn't take her like they take me... otherwise she could not let this atrocity continue. I was ordered not to say anything to anyone.. why would I though! No one would believe me, and anywhere else they would kill me... Maybe that would be for the better... To be free of this once and for all...

    It is said that it is an easy relationship, that the 'handler' simply indicates in their mind the action, and the worms do it... But that doesn't begin to tell about the feeling of invasion, of openess...Your mind is open to the creatures, and it is like a continual rape..... They can read your every thought, your every emotion...

    I've been interviewed by the holos hundreds of times, and they all ask the same questions. All optimism, it is... they're all controlled by her! They only ask how fun it is, about how I feel to be the first of the Gaian pioneers, the first one of a 'wonderful' symbosis. They could never grasp it... They all want to see the worms perform. They don't know how hard it is to force them to do anything.... their psionic power is much stronger that a human's, and it is like running a marathon to get them to do anything. People want to pet it, not knowing that I feel every stroke... They think that we must be empaths to have a worm... nothing could be further from the truth! The scientists say that the mindworm seems to pick the open, and thus weak, minds.

    I'll get her, someday! I'll teach that whore what it's like! Then we'll see if she still wants us to mingle with them, and encourage tolerance..... She'll be up there with Morgan, raping the planet, and slaughtering the worms, she will be! I promise it!

    Just stop the screaming! Tell the voices to quiet down! No one can hear them, but they are there! And the worm creeps closer and closer in my mind....

    Transcripts of tapes, interview with Casey Nielson, first Gaian to control a mind worm
    Property of Autumn Grove Psychiatric Institute
    Last edited by Ouro_827; June 14, 2004, 15:55.

  • #2

    good value

    will there be more
    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.

