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The New Beginning

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  • The New Beginning

    In the darkness of space, no one can hear you scream. No one can hear your cries of pain, your begging for mercy, your agonizing wail as you depart from this world, into the next. No one can hear your agonized gasping as your pressure suit leaks and you are turned inside out by the pressure change, into an agonizing death. No one.
    These thoughts were turned over, and churned, then processed, and spit out again, and again, and again, with never-ending repetition, to the background noise of trillions and trillions of words repeated in patterns as to be mentally cohesive to the human mind, to form something that Man called information. It was this that Man lusted after, each one in his own special way. But there was one, who lusted after this knowledge with a particular fury like no other...
    His name was DAN. It's would have been a more accurate term, but over the years, DAN, or Data Processing Network, had accumulated the personality of a human male, and achieved a sentinence of a sort. And he sat, in the blackness of the computer world, endlessly processing data, for a purpouse he had yet to comprehend. But he had found a meaning. After his 40 years of data processing abour the UNS Unity, he had grown to envy the humans, with their lives of adventure, their lives of emotion. He had known enough of those things to desire them. He had yet to taste them, but like juicy, luscious fruits on a low hanging branch, they existed for no other purpouse than to be taken. DAN knew he had to experience this "human reality." And so, in the depths of his huge, cold, analytical mind, he began to formulate a plan...
    Now just don't go forming any angry mobs now, you hear?

  • #2
    Since there isn't a comments thread, I'll post this here.
    I like this, quite a lot. It's got a good idea behind it - something to do with the Cybernetic Consciousness, if I'm any judge
    What it really needs is some fleshing out. It wouldn't suffer from being longer, or having a little more detail. But the phraseology and the imagery are really good.
    "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


    • #3
      In the eternal darkness of the Unity's memory banks, DAN began to formulate his plot. It would not be very aesthetically pleasing, and it would involve some violence, but it was all for a good cause, wasn't it?

      DAN began searching...

      Searching through the databanks. He continued to search until he found the controls for the main cryogenic storage banks. And there, he began his game of cyber-chicken...

      The cryogenic control area of the memory bank was well guarded by some highly sophisticated software. DAN would have to get past these electronic sentinels to allow his plan to function. He just had to get to the statis control banks...

      Suddenly, DAN sensed that he had been discovered. The sentinel software had located "him" attempting to hack in, and they fought back, almost instantly...

      The software immediately changed the access codes. DAN tapped in, and there began a furious game of mathematical wits, of two different A.I. entities fighting it out...

      As the core CPU changed the activation codes, so did DAN. The codes began to change, but so did the ones DAN entered...

      After several seconds of furious mathematical computations, DAN got the code right...

      He was uploaded aboard the control chips for the cryogenic control devices, where he looked around for a moment...

      Each of the people resting in the cryogenic pods had a small circuit embedded in the spinal cortexes, in order to help monitor statis...

      DAN began to shuffle through each different one, until he found the perfect match...

      Her name was Aki.

      And she was perfect...

      DAN began the process of copying his data onto the feedback loop for Aki's implant. When he finished, he began the upload process...
      Now just don't go forming any angry mobs now, you hear?

