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New game - pbem sign up

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  • New game - pbem sign up


    We have recently few new threads that intend to start a new pbem game. To keep things organized, we can all post in this thread and setup games appropriately.

    Please post here writing also:
    - game type: SMAC or expansion SMAX
    - your installed patches, most recent SMAC is 5.0 SMAX is 2.0, I can post links to explanation about it.
    - your time zone - important in SMAX - makes the game faster
    - preferences of the game, like map size, cloud cover, native life, etc.
    - preferred faction/s.
    - preferences with whom you would like to play, i mean maybe you have a group of players and you want together play one game, you maybe bring here a team of players, just need to have a CMN.

    And welcome to Apolyton!
    Last edited by Mart; February 27, 2008, 17:59.
    Map creation contest
    WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet

  • #2
    Game Type: SMAC
    Patched: Yes
    Time Zone: EST
    Game Preference: Normal, I don't care too much as long as its not too weird.
    Preferred Faction: UoP, Gaia, Spartan
    I would prefer a free for all, but I'm happy to do teams as well.


    • #3
      Hey i can join your game

      I prefer PK, but i'm willing to take Hive

      if you want me to set up the game , let me know and i'm sure Mart will CMN


      • #4
        can i join if your setting one up

        game type : either smac or xmac
        patched: yes
        time zone: GMT
        Game preferance : any
        i dont mind if its ffa or teams ill be hive or spartan


        • #5
          3 or 4 players can make a good and fast game. you can wait for another person.
          When more players come, we can setup another game
          Map creation contest
          WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


          • #6
            so we wait for a 4th


            • #7
              No preference
              No preference
              No preference


              • #8
                The first game can be:

                -Aarghhh - University
                -Drow21 - Hive
                -Florin79c - PK
                -Bachmann1234 - any, so - Morgan

                I would recommend map size no larger than standard. I can enhance AI for more interesting challenge. What do you think?
                Map creation contest
                WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                • #9
                  Here is somthing to get things started
                  -Aarghhh - University
                  -Drow21 - Hive
                  -Florin79c - PK
                  -Bachmann1234 - Morgan

                  Map size | standard (recommended )
                  Ocean | 50-70
                  Erosion | average
                  Life | Average
                  Clouds | Average
                  Difficulty | Transcendent

                  Transcend | Yes
                  Conquest | Yes
                  Diplomatic | Yes
                  Economic | Yes
                  Cooperative | Yes
                  Do or Die | Yes
                  Flexible start | Yes
                  Tech stag | Yes
                  Spoils of war | No
                  Blind research | No
                  Intense riv | Yes (AI enhance by Mart)
                  No survey | Yes
                  No scatter | No
                  No rnd events | Yes
                  Time Warp | No
                  Iron man | No
                  Rand person | No
                  Rand social | No

                  And standard multiplayer rulse

                  If you dont like somthing, pls say so and what else you want to add


                  • #10
                    how about cba and the other one thats not normally allowed? the one that gives infiltrators?


                    • #11
                      Standard multiplayer rulse:

                      A player may not restart a turn without good reason. The player should specify the reason in the game thread if he was not able to avoid reloading the turn. (Obviously, if a player has suffered some sort of crash during a turn, such a reload is unavoidable)

                      A player is not permitted to establish contact with another faction prior to having met them in-game.

                      If a player performs a probe team action other than to infiltrate against another player with whom (s)he is in a truce, treaty or pact, they must inform the probed player what it was they did and what they stole/sabotaged. They must also choose the 'declare vendetta/cancel pact' option when they perform the action.

                      A player is not permitted to make more than one social engineering change per line, per turn. For instance, one is not permitted to start the turn in wealth, switch to power mid-turn for the extra disbanded minerals, and then switch back to wealth that same turn, getting the refund.

                      A player is not permitted to use the 'demand withdrawal' feature against another player, leaving the AI the decision of whether to withdraw or not.

                      A player may not accept a bribe from another player's AI during council sessions.

                      A player may not perform multiple airdrops in a single turn with the same unit using the right-click menu.

                      A player may not use the F4 screen when infiltrated to change an opponent's workers to specialists.

                      If a player declares vendetta upon another player, either directly or indirectly, they must not accept a pending diplomatic agreement between the two factions in the same turn.

                      A player may not upgrade a particular type of unit using the design workshop, and then attack with that unit in the same turn.

                      A player may not make air drops using the right click "air drop to" function, when it is not possible to do so with the "i" button, ie. after already having moved or made a drop.

                      A player may not trade technologies with other players

                      Copters cannot attack bases

                      Players agree NOT to trade technologies between themselves or with AI in any arrangement, e.g. also tech for energy etc


                      • #12
                        Couple quesstions.

                        I don't really get the copters and tech trading rules. Are they to prevent some kind of abuse? Does no scatter mean there are going to be no pods? No random events means no viruses, worms, nutrient shortfalls, etc?

                        Who goes first? And when do we start?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by aarghhh
                          Couple quesstions.

                          I don't really get the copters and tech trading rules. Are they to prevent some kind of abuse?
                          These rules are additional and they are not due to game bugs or exploits, well maybe copters one.

                          - Copters:
                          During many years of playing it has been found out, that they are somewhat overpowered. Copters can attack multiple times, e.g. fusion copter can have 9 move poits, it can attack up to 9 times. Even if you fly it several tiles, then you still get several attacks. Often one copter can kill multiple base defenders. When having appropriately prepared bases (aerospace complexes, sensors, AAA units with good armor, good morale) then copter may be not sufficient to defeat even one unit. Mostly though copters easily conquer bases. This rule is to give a faction better defenses and require from a player more effort to conquer.

                          -Tech trading rules.
                          Florin prefers to play without tech trading. You can discuss if you want this rule or not. There should be though a rule preventing trading bases with the AI on a basis "a base for a base", AI does a bad decisions there.
                          Does no scatter mean there are going to be no pods?
                          Yes, there will be no pods on the map. Some players find them very much unbalancing the game. Note, that some factions have pods as beneficial more than others. Spartans are indicated as such faction. They start with rover and with higher morale they have greater chance of survival in case of mindworms. Maybe other things too, need to check strategy stuff...
                          No random events means no viruses, worms, nutrient shortfalls, etc?
                          Yes, those random events, both positive (like +1 mineral in one base) and negative (-1 mineral in a base) for a faction will be off.
                          Who goes first? And when do we start?
                          This needs to be setup yet. If you like factions I proposed.
                          Bachmann1234, are you ok with Morganities?
                          It may take several days or more to discuss the game, agree on settings, create map, test it and hopefully there will be no restart. SMAC has its issues - it's not Civ4 after two years of patching. Not to mention CMNs make errors...
                          Considering, that you will invest your time like months into playing such a game, it is worth this several days to spend to better prepare it.
                          Map creation contest
                          WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                          • #14
                            I talked with him about it today, he should post his own opinions on it though. This is his first time playing alpha centauri, so Gaians might be easier for him. He wants to play a builder race, and morgan can be difficult to play as.

                            Any tips that you could give us would be appreciated, as you are probably much better than both of us.

                            Some more miscellaneous questions,
                            Aren't players always informed when probe team action was unsuccessfully taken?

                            How can we frame other factions for probe team actions if we have to tell them what we did?

                            Do we still have to tell them if we used cloaked probe teams?

                            Are there no mind worms? Do mind worms still occur from pops? Do IoDs still land mind worms?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by aarghhh
                              I talked with him about it today, he should post his own opinions on it though. This is his first time playing alpha centauri, so Gaians might be easier for him. He wants to play a builder race, and morgan can be difficult to play as.
                              Yes, Gaians is a good faction to start.
                              Some more miscellaneous questions,
                              Aren't players always informed when probe team action was unsuccessfully taken?
                              SMAC Academy gives a buglist. More like additionaly list of certain features, link is here:

                              and see:
                              26. When engaging in a probe team operation against another human faction, a window appears asking whether the victim wants to "declare vendetta" or "let off with a stern warning" - if treatied or whether to "cancel pact" or ""let off with a stern warning" - pacted. This window is appearing during the wrong player's turn. It is the one doing the probing not the victim who gets the screen and makes the decision. Etiquette dictates that the prober should choose "declare vendetta" or "cancel pact" unless prior approval has been received from the victim to choose something else. (MoSe)

                              How can we frame other factions for probe team actions if we have to tell them what we did?

                              Do we still have to tell them if we used cloaked probe teams?
                              Good question! Let me check how the game exactly works there...

                              Are there no mind worms? Do mind worms still occur from pops? Do IoDs still land mind worms?
                              Mindworms will be there, appearing in fungus.
                              Only there will be no pods that would give additional mindworms.

                              An additional note. If you are going to have one of the first or the first multiplayer pbem game, that would be more an adventure one, maybe play with the pods. They really give the game some flavor. The same goes for random events, have them in the game. Have more interaction with AI, maybe I will give very little enhancements to them, so it won't be a big hassle for you, just enough to keep things interesting.
                              Map creation contest
                              WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet

