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Playing TCP/IP over Hamachi (for those, who had problems starting TCP/IP over inet)

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  • Playing TCP/IP over Hamachi (for those, who had problems starting TCP/IP over inet)


    Glad to visit such respectable site again.

    If you whant to play SMAC over TCP/IP, and, maybe, if this was impossible for you earlier due to the technical problems (you have no real IP adress or any other), now it becomes possible to play by HAMACHI, program that creates VPN (private netvork) between two or more users (it just setups proper connection). (!!!)

    So, for me, who seen smac technology tree even in sleep, it sounds like this: I CAN PLAY SMAC OVER INET, REAL TIME, AFTER THIS 5 YEARS OF SINGLE AND PBEM PLAYING!!! Aaaaaa-haaaa! I hope that it is same for you.

    The game goes much more faster, much more, especially when simoltaneous moves option is on. Half-game in day!

    I understand, that this info will be no new for someone, or not very actual for advanced networks users, but for those who failed to set up internet the game 4 years ago, like myself........ it will be kind of thing that you have missed for time.

    So, i hope i have sucessfuly described the thing, considering my bad english, now let me say how to play:

    1. Install Hamachi.
    start> link <

    Hamachi is a program with character, it may work today, but can stop to work just becouse you turned the electric teapot in the kitchen on ) So all depends on this first stage. If program will setup hamachi network adapter well - there is teoretical possability to play, theoretical it is becouse i have encountered myself situations when program stop to work without seenable reason, but have solved miracolasly such things till now .

    2. Join my SMAC hamachi network.

    Now, it is optional pleasure for you to play with someone who sits deep in in the Russia forests, along with bears and vodka : you can easily create your own room. But you are welcome to my own!! Click "join network", enter the room name:

    Sntml's Chaos Under the Big Dome

    Then, best of passwords : garland

    Such long name, and strange pass should not serve my room's popularity, but what you will not do for the good joke?

    It is not the first smac hamachi room, but, as i know, there it lots of Yang's and Zakharov's still thinking in Miriam's concepts. Comrades, now evil have new neighbor in datalinks: hamachi )

    Now, thank you! Waiting for your answers, Sntml.

    sntml at (yes, from Russia with hamachi

    please be comfortable to write.

    also my I C Q : 104851067.
    English is not my native language,
    so im sorry if i made any not intertaining mistakes. :)

  • #2
    I'll vouch that Hamachi does indeed work quite nicely. My friend and I use it for Age of Empires 3, though we've never tried it with SMAC or any other game.
    I once was a slave to the Alderbaran 2 project!
    Now I shall work towards cIV:AC!... Oh Wait, that's dead too...
    It's Nword like 'lord' and 'sword'

