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Where is Everyone???

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  • Where is Everyone???

    Now I know that this is an older game so the community is less busy. I also figure with better weather in the northern hemisphere we might see people less active as they go outside etc etc.

    But I am in 4 games and have not seen a turn in ANY of them in days (in one the delay is explained, in the rest just silence). And its not just my games-- On the weekend there was a period of over 12 hours when there were ZERO posts in this forum . . . ZERO ??!!!

    So where has everyone gone?
    You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo

  • #2
    I'm waiting for the ladies' tea party pbem to get going... hopefully I've got a place in it.


    • #3
      Summer? Civ4?
      Civ4 brought a brief boost of activity but which quickly tailed off. We've especially lost a lot of the old veterans, but still have a good number of new-school players like me.


      • #4
        't Is time the C4-AC mod gets done.
        He who knows others is wise.
        He who knows himself is enlightened.
        -- Lao Tsu

        SMAC(X) Marsscenario


        • #5
          I'v been practicing would be up for playing more MP smac games but they all seem so dead

          Can't play civ4 cos my laptop overheats in this weather :P although, to be fair, i played it a bit and hated it, so i'm not really fussed hehe.



          • #6
            Well I'm sitting in my office marking exams on a cold, wet, winters day. I long for a PBEM game to arrive to break my depression.

            If you want to kiss the sky/Better learn how to kneel/On your knees boy - U2, Mysterious Ways



            • #7
              Originally posted by H0bbes
              Well I'm sitting in my office marking exams on a cold, wet, winters day. I long for a PBEM game to arrive to break my depression.


              • #8
                Since I'm down to 4 games, I'm interested in some new ones, but preferably nonstandard ones. I tried to revive the custom factions thread, but it didn't stay up.
                "Cutlery confused Stalin"
                -BBC news

