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Game bugged?

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  • Game bugged?

    I am playing a game of AC whit a game by email, recently he sent me the turn for him, and i told him, this is not for me, this is for you, sent me my turn, he try again and what i receive was again the turn for him, he is playing Deirdre and im playing Zacharov, the history repeats, i told him what is happenning you snet me the same turn again, so he try again and finally i got the right turn, but when i finalize playing and end my turn the game says that next player will be Zacharov, means me again!
    Has this happen to you? does this happens often? how to resolve this trouble? Thanks for your help

  • #2
    Its his fault. Hes saving the game, not clicking on end turn.


    • #3
      ok i will tell him


      • #4
        Ok this, worked at first but now its me the one whit the problem, i correctly end the turn, but when all finish it says its zacharov turns agains, means me, what is going on?
        Help please

