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new newbie PBEM 15/04/06

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  • new newbie PBEM 15/04/06

    hi there im looking for a few players to help me set up a game (having realised ive missed one by a few days,lol)

    i have both expansion and original

  • #2
    Hi, Drow21
    If you are looking for CMN also, I can set up this game for you.

    It is just after Easter holidays, probably in a few days the whole team will show up. Write more about what kind of game you wish to play. Settings, number of players, AI, etc.
    Drow21		Morgan(Sparta)
    Platypus Rex	?
    ForesterSOF	any
    Lobo7922	Univ(Pirates,Cyber,DA), huge map
    Last edited by Mart; April 23, 2006, 03:16.
    Map creation contest
    WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


    • #3
      as im new im realy adaptable the only things id like to limit is
      No alien races
      no other victorories arpart from conquest
      say 4/5 players
      and preferably id like to be the morganites or spartans
      spoils of war on
      (any other segestions? as im realy new to this but realy looking forward to it)

      ok lvl of ai hmm th usual is trancendant isnt it?
      Last edited by drow21; April 18, 2006, 00:19.


      • #4
        Yes, AI in SMAC even on transcend is easy to beat.
        What is your experience in singleplayer?
        Would you like enhanced AI? There are ways to make it play much better. Some moderate level is ok, if the game is going to be mostly for human players interaction. You possibly avoid situation when AI is more threatening than other human factions.
        Map creation contest
        WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


        • #5
          my eperince in sp is i play casual ive beat it on every posibl win an lvl (enhanced ai is that randomise events and social egendas?)

          otherwise anything you sergest is fine


          • #6
            if its SMAC count me in !

            jones'n to play
            anti steam and proud of it

            CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


            • #7
              Originally posted by drow21
              (enhanced ai is that randomise events and social egendas?)
              I rarely used this. In most cases players dislike it due to strange effects not in agreement with storyline. I am not sure also how much this would improve AI. Interesting would be to find out.

              I thought about giving AI some additional units at the game start, some terraformed tiles already. Nothing big though, as you ask for a newbie game. Standard game setup gives poor AI performance, but we know now many ways to make AI really strong.
              Map creation contest
              WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


              • #8
                personaly as this is pbem id like if an experienced person set the game up so i can get a hang of playing it


                • #9
                  Only conquest victory on? I'm not sure... would there be cooperative victory?


                  • #10
                    Surprise me.

                    Set-up as you want and make me anyone you want.

                    The best time for me to play is 8 am my time which is GMT-7

                    ssjwyatt at cableone dot net or setup a turn tracking thread and put the save in it.
                    You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                    There is a reason for everything.


                    • #11
                      Hello, i really like this game, so if you ar still looking for players, count me in; im playing 2 games at the moment, both of them smac so i would like to play one smax, but if you play smac ok whit me
                      i would like to play Zacharov or Svengard or Aki-z-5 or Rose i have no preference whit the AI but i have to say i really like huge maps, but i will play any size


                      • #12
                        Please post your game preferences.
                        Preference..	|
                        Map size	|?
                        Ocean		|?
                        Erosion		|?
                        Life		|?
                        Clouds		|?
                        Difficulty	|?
                        Transcend	|?
                        Diplomatic	|?
                        Economic	|?
                        Cooperative	|?
                        Conquest	|?
                        Do or Die	|?
                        Flexible start	|?
                        Tech stag	|?
                        Spoils of war	|?
                        Blind research	|?
                        Intense riv	|?
                        No survey	|?
                        No scatter	|?
                        No rnd events	|?
                        Time Warp	|?
                        Iron man	|?
                        Rand person	|?
                        Rand social	|?
                        Map creation contest
                        WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mart7x5
                          Please post your game preferences.
                          Preference..	|
                          Map size	| huge 
                          Ocean		|?low
                          Erosion		|?min
                          Life		|?min
                          Clouds		|?min
                          Difficulty	|?     trancendance
                          Transcend	|?no
                          Diplomatic	|?no
                          Economic	|?  no
                          Cooperative	|? yes
                          Conquest	|?    yes
                          Do or Die	|? (this the one that restart peeps if so yup)
                          Flexible start	|? yes
                          Tech stag	|?  no
                          Spoils of war	|? yes
                          Blind research	|?  no
                          Intense riv	|?   no
                          No survey	|?         no
                          No scatter	|?no
                          No rnd events	|?no
                          Time Warp	|?no
                          Iron man	|?   no
                          Rand person	|?no
                          Rand social	|?no

                          sory bout the delay guys but my net died ok thease are just my prefrances if anyone wants to start / change any of it please do

                          spookyghosty at gmail dot com


                          • #14
                            And other players?
                            Anything to add/discuss?
                            Map creation contest
                            WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                            • #15
                              here but already stated preferences
                              You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                              There is a reason for everything.

