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Love and War Turn Tracking thread

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  • The young ensigns on nightwatch diligently monitored their commscreens, the silence broken only the regular whirr and humm of the recording drives.

    One muttered to the other " Crimmny-- THREE days of extra duty so they could have twice the staff to monitor these comms and radars and we haven't heard one sound. I coulda been seein' my girl. She's an economist y'know. In fact they says she was one of the key people when they disover how to work adaptive economics. I wuz gonna take her to the Fungus refuge and had booked a ride fo us on one of them newfangled heli-copters .. . but NOOOO the lieutenant say I gotta come , that its crucial they we are here . . . why? so there's twice as many of us to say there's nothing to report?."
    You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


    • Just a note kirov, taking back your capital was something of a surprise to me. You do remember that choppers attacking cities is not permitted in this game?


      • 2167 on to fosse
        You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


        • Originally posted by Senethro
          Just a note kirov, taking back your capital was something of a surprise to me.


          Originally posted by Senethro
          You do remember that choppers attacking cities is not permitted in this game?

          I don't know and although I passed the turn on, it would require a replay if he forgot. I suspect though that he played within our rules.
          You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


          • The ensigns were startled from their stupor when a subtle beep announced an incoming transmission. Within moments screens flashed as message after message came in.

            One ensign looked at the other " I see messages from the 1st, 3rd, 8th and 12th Air with priority coding, messages from about 20 other units showing urgent and there's a bunch on encrypted stuff as well as bases staus reports, sensor readings and news highlights from the other three factions . . .. Call the captain .. . he will want everyone from Threat Assessment here NOW"
            You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


            • Originally posted by Senethro
              Just a note kirov, taking back your capital was something of a surprise to me. You do remember that choppers attacking cities is not permitted in this game?
              I passed the query on to kirov -- he continues to have problems accessing poly.

              He confirmed that he did not use helicopters at all against bases as he is very familiar with that rule. Senethro's battle reports should be able to confirm that.
              You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


              • UNN new highlights


                UNN has unconfirmed reports of at least two epsiodes of mass killings in the Spartan- Cyborg War. It is reported that two Cyborg bases were incinerated following capture by the Spartans killing all inhabitants. Deaths are reported in the tens of thousands.

                A University Intelligence Agency spokesman acknowledged that they had received similar reports but stated that they were unable to confirm the reports at this time. Meanwhile a communications official did say that " The UNiversity has noted a marked increase in the amounts and types of Spartan scientific and mass appeal programming which refers to Cyborgs as something other than completely human. Historically, such tactics have been used successfully many times in propoganda which accompanied genocide. A population that sees another group as less than human has less problem with a slaughter. We are not saying that this is happening here but it is one possibility."


                A spokesman for the Spartan Federation denied allegations that their leadership was unprepared for and quite surprised by the events of the Spartan-Cyborg War. The spokesman stated " we have the utmost confidence in our troops and believe that they will achieve our objectives in short order".

                The spokesman refused to respond when questioned as to whether the Cyborgs had recaptured their capitol one short year after the Spartans had taken it . The spokesman did address Cyborg claims as to Spartan casualties stating they were "highly exaggerated"


                Here at home, Chancellor Flubber refused to address any questions related to the Cyborg-Spartan war, merely stating that he hoped for a peaceful conclusion as soon as possible.

                The Chancellor was touring the treefarms at uiniversity Base where he addressed the staff, praising their hard work and dedication. Later he pledged 23 million zlubles over 5 years to expand the treefarm program to other bases

                Over at the United Nations there are reports that the Peacekeepers have scheduled a major policy announcement for later in the day. Speculation that it is a call for mediation to resolve the current warfare has been vehemently denied by UN spokespeople

                THIS IS UNN
                You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                • Hi guys, I see there's been quite a lot of interesting stuff written here, but unfortunately at my friend's place where SMAX is installed and where I'm living these days (just to be with you, guys ) poly seems not to work. It's not my machine and I don't know what the problem is.

                  Just wanted to let you know that I'm around and available by e-mails. And yes, I'm familiar with and obey all the rules we play by.

                  Needless I'm waiting for the turn very impatiently.

                  See you soon here in a few days.


                  • Turn sent.

                    The University of Planet has seen that the war is resulting in much death and mayhem, and has responded by sending peacekeeping troops to the region. An unfortunate side effect is that the diplomats of the Cyborgs have seen this as an act of war, though the PK assure all that the acts only in the best interests of the civilians and the troops on the ground.

                    May Peace, once restored, be everlasting.



                    • "uhhh-- wuzzattt"

                      " Sorry to wake you chancellor but I just thought you should know-- The UN is at war with the Cyborgs"

                      "WHAT? That's unexpected. I thought they were the best of friends. What happened?

                      "Uncertain at this time sir. The UN is claiming it was a peacekeeping mission that was misunderstood"

                      "Peacekeeping?? We weren't invited on a peacekeeping mission. Did they try to insert themselves at the front ? I need information dammmit! Call fosse, Call kirov-- heck call senethro.. . . the world's going mad "

                      The chancellor rose wearily. " Assemble the Joint chiefs. yes again. Oh and raise our alert level in sectors neptune and Thor to Crimson. . .. and call Colonel Thrugood and tell him 'Execute Alpha' . . . he'll now what it means. I don't think that Fosse will try anything on our borders but those measures should monitor things. "
                      You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                      • Sparta, very sulkily, burns down two more Cyborg bases.

                        Sparta also shot down a University chopper BECAUSE THEY CAN and dares the University to do something about it.


                        • Originally posted by Senethro

                          Sparta also shot down a University chopper BECAUSE THEY CAN and dares the University to do something about it.
                          Ask and ye shall receive
                          You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                          • I see that senethro played and posted at around 7:30 my time -- Since thats the very beginning of my workday , you can expect to see a turn pass from me about 12 hours from now ( currently 8.15 my local time)
                            You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                            • The chancellor was in the situation room receiving reports on the UN-Cyborg situation

                              " Sir incoming"

                              "What is it?

                              " There is a personal message from senethro broadcast openly on the public airwaves. It mocks our abilities and states they have shot down a chopper. We cannot raise the chopper on comm at the moment sir"

                              "WHAT? I thought we had an understanding on this stuff. WE would scout all the waters south of his empire and not kill anything and he would not kill our stuff. Heck everyone knows a chopper is unable to attack a base anyway. and did you say he MOCKS us ??

                              "Well sir the message was Sparta also shot down a University chopper BECAUSE THEY CAN and dares the University to do something about it "

                              " OK -- its obvious that the Spartans do not want any form of detente. Rather cocky language from a group that just lost half their military when they defected. WE will obviously retaliate. The measure and scope will be determined once we hear back from our units. Implement our level Alpha one alert. "

                              " What about the UN-- any orders there"

                              "Oh that one doesn't require any briefings or unit status reports. Implement Operation PEACE"
                              You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                              • Moreover, men are less careful how they offend him who makes himself loved than him who makes himself feared. For love is held by the tie of obligation, which, because men are a sorry breed, is broken on every whisper of private interest; but fear is bound by the apprehension of punishment which never relaxes its grasp.

                                Nevertheless a Prince should inspire fear in such a fashion that if he do not win love he may escape hate. For a man may very well be feared and yet not hated, and this will be the case so long as he does not meddle with the property or with the women of his citizens and subjects. And if constrained to put any to death, he should do so only when there is manifest cause or reasonable justification.



                                To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our
                                own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.


                                So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong
                                and to strike at what is weak

                                19. Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night,
                                and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.

                                The insight of these ancient masters continue to apply to the present day
                                You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo

