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Love and War Turn Tracking thread

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  • 2155 to Flubber.


    • Originally posted by Fosse
      The UN Peacekeepers have formed a committee to begin preperatory investigative measures regarding the feasability of forming a committee to begin preperatory investigative measures regarding the use and manufacture of Planet Busting weaponry that may or may not be happening within the Spartan provinces. If Colonel Senethro does indeed have such weapons, he should be advised that upon their potential discovery by a committee shall be promptly formed to determine potential appropriate actions, if any are deemed applicable by the international community.

      You have been warned!

      It would be tragic if it weren't so close to being true
      You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


      • 2155 to fosse

        The vacation continues. I have now loaded smax on 4 different computers in 3 different communities across an area of about 300 km. I'm now at the mom-in-laws with not much to do so Smax is a good diversion
        You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


        • Gang-- you may not see me for the next 48 hous or so -- We are headed to anothr of my wife's relatives where I think they do not have internet and afterward we are going to her mom's cabin which lacks electricity and plumbing

          So most likely you will next hear from me on Monday!!
          You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


          • Turn 2156 to Flubber. Sorry for the reload/s, I hadn't liked the outcome of the pod, so tried again.


            • Very funny. Sorry about that, I forgot that I crashed during the turn. I also don't remember popping any pods or doing any combats in that turn or even being in range to do so.


              • Originally posted by Kirov
                Turn 2156 to Flubber. Sorry for the reload/s, I hadn't liked the outcome of the pod, so tried again.

                Well I hope its joking because I would LOVE to redo my turn and get different pods. Three pops got me a map and IOD and then an autocomplete of a SCOUT PATROL. I had switched production in 3 bases but totally miscounted which was closest. Live and learn.

                I've been playing on different computers almost every third day .. . . lots of fun. I'm enjoying the vacation but will be happy to be home

                2156 to fosse
                You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                • Got the turn but will do it tomorrow. There's gonna be a reload, as I tried to do the turn 3 minutes before leaving home. Needless to say, didn't have time for neither doing nor saving it.


                  • 2157 to Flubber. The Consciousness have researched Secrets of the Human Brain and frankly speaking they don't have the foggiest what to do with it. But it boosted their research anyway.


                    • 2157 to fosse


                      UNN has learned that the University and Spartans are now in a formal state of "vendetta". Details are sketchy but an exerpt from a prior Spartan message has been obtained

                      we see no point in peaceful relations with you . Our greatest regret is that we did not eradicate you years ago but we intend to remedy that mistake

                      A university spokesman would would not confirm that statement but did issue this release.

                      We have determined that the Spartans have hostile intentions and we therefore cannot agree that they should be entitled to move freely in proximity to the University territory. We have therefore issued a vendetta notice to reflect our changed relationship. It is our most sincere wish that combat does not ensue but Spartan troops have already violated our agreed no-go zone. We implore them to turn around
                      You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                      • Originally posted by Flubber

                        Well I hope its joking because I would LOVE to redo my turn and get different pods. Three pops got me a map and IOD and then an autocomplete of a SCOUT PATROL. I had switched production in 3 bases but totally miscounted which was closest. Live and learn.
                        Sure I was joking, in fact I had played the turn, saved it, opened the save, quit the game and realized I had no file to send to you... Had to redo it, fortunately there was no pods nor moving thru fungus, so fine.

                        One thing about instabuild: I had been experiencing the same problem with miscalculations for a past few years (trust me, I know the pain - you set 4 research hospitals only to get formers...), but just the last Saturday, when playing Pirates, I realized there's a way of learning which base is the closest.

                        When your foil is active, hit "v". It switches "active unit mode" to "map mode" (or whatever their names are). Now, just hit "b". The base whose screen opens is the closest to your foil! Voila! note that sometime when you are on the antipodes of your empire the base closest to your vessel isn't closest to the pod in question; but such cases are rare.


                        • Originally posted by Kirov

                          When your foil is active, hit "v". It switches "active unit mode" to "map mode" (or whatever their names are). Now, just hit "b". The base whose screen opens is the closest to your foil! Voila! note that sometime when you are on the antipodes of your empire the base closest to your vessel isn't closest to the pod in question; but such cases are rare.
                          Cool -- I didn't know this-- Generally I just try switching all the bases that are possible production. I think this game was the first time ever that I missed one-- it hurts to think I could have had a super-rover or a trefarm or research hospital . . . but I will treasure this particular scout patrol
                          You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                          • Beware the diplomat, silence the liar, kill the builder.

                            Sparta is disgusted by the hypocrisy displayed today by the treacherous and paranoid Academician. Instead of stooping to their level and bandying words, we shall bring them the swift death they have requested.


                            • The United Nations Peacekeepers are saddened to learn of this outbreak of open hostilities. The declaration of open Vendetta and the waging of wars against any people are an evil that we have now carried from our Earth to this distant star, and an evil that we must work to end.

                              A diplomatic option always exists, and shall continue to exist despite this sudden declaration of war. According to a spokesperson for the Planetary Council Governor, the Peacekeeping Faction's official position is that a peace must be found, and that every expense must be paid by belligerant nations to minimize the threat that this conflict poses to both their own citizens and the other peoples of this united Planet.

                              The spokesperson added that representatives from both involved factions had been invited to U.N. Headquarters to negotiate an agreementin the final hours before the open declaration of war, but that said declaration was made while those representatives were en route. They were called back to their respective capitals for security reasons, but the invitation to an open conference with the goal of a cease fire -- at any cost -- has been extended again to the faction leaders.

                              End UNPK News Briefing.


                              • UNN reporting

                                Today The University Army announced the creation of a naval branch with the laying of the Keels of Bismark, Hood and Prince of Wales Class Battleships. While the specifications and completion dates of these ships are classified, a source indicated that they would be "undoubtedly be the most powerful and fasted ships on Chirron". We now go to Chris jackson on the Northern frontier


                                This is Chris Jackson reporting from my location with the 12th Mechanized Brigade. I am not permitted to disclose our location except that it is a frontier area. So far the troops have been training and they can say that upgraded weapons are expected very soon. Generally the mood is upbeat . . . While they respect the Spartan capabilities, it is believed that the Spartans would not find it prudent to attack into prepared defenses. I spoke with Colonel Shootsfromthehip earlier today.

                                " Colonel . . you seem remakably upbeat for a man who could be facing war. Any reason for the optimism?"

                                "Why yes Chris. While Spartan preparations to invade were unmistakeable, we spotted them early and it is not too late for the Spartans to move to a less hostile deployment. "

                                "Surely you are not counting on a Spartan pullback. Their public announcement promised University eradication"

                                " Of course not Chris but the other benefit of early notice is that we are fully deployed. We have good troops, well trained, with equipment as good as anyone . Since our mission is simply to protect the University homeland, we will have the advantages of sensors, road mobility, short supply lines and helicopter reconaissance. "

                                "But doesn't this war footing cost the taxpayers a lot and hurt the economy?"

                                " I don't know about that stuff. I'm just a soldier with a job to do. I do know that no cost is too high to protect our people from possible aggression"
                                You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo

