If you are interested in taking over the Chairmanship of Morgan Industries in, what may be, one of the longest running PBEMs to date, read on. CEO Archaic passed on the leadership role to me in M.Y. 2213. Durning my term of office, we went from 2nd place on the power grid to first palce. ICSing among other things has taken it toll on me as leader and now that it's 2268, it's time for me to step down. If you think you'll enjoy a complex position with plenty of advanced tech et.al., and have the drive to achieve final victory, please apply below....1st come 1st served. 
He're a link to the threat. Let me know and I'll send you the turn and password.
BTW, if you're interested I could send 2213 along to you if, you're curious.

He're a link to the threat. Let me know and I'll send you the turn and password.
BTW, if you're interested I could send 2213 along to you if, you're curious.