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one way to victory

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  • one way to victory

    what about a game with 4 factions when each faction can have victory only in one way:

    Diplomatic: PK's
    Economic: Morganites
    Tracnedence: UNI (maybe Gaians?)
    Military: Spartans (maybe Hive?)

    Dont know how fair it will be (economic victory seems almost inposible...), but it seems interesting.

    Any one in?
    "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye

  • #2
    If the CMN gave all opposing factions -2 Probe and Morgan 2% interest rate then economic victory would be possible.

    Presuming that Co-operative victory is off, Peacekeepers might need triple votes and Spartans begin with AMA, Impunity Power and Command Nexus.


    • #3
      I'm not sure that would be very fair for PK...but cooperative victory should be off.
      "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


      • #4
        If co-op is off then the only one that isn't going to require a military campaign is transcend. Interesting idea though
        Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


        • #5
          well maybe is not fair to put it off, but waht would eb the point esle way? do you think it wouldnt be fair play?
          "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


          • #6
            Economic victory:
            possible without military conquest (still need LOTS of defenses) but excruciangly hard.

            Diplomatic victory:
            possible without military conquest only if there's a homerule that if PKs get 75% votes game is over in the same moment.
            Otherwise there will just be all-against-PK vendetta.
            PKs can get triple votes by EG, but still need population equal the sum of all other faction pop to succeed.

            possible without military conquest, but you're hardly gonna survive to the point, especially if there's Sparta aimed at conquest around.
            -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
            -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


            • #7
              sounds logical rule.
              may be also sortening the time of countdown for economic vistory.
              "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


              • #8
                may be also sortening the time of countdown for economic vistory.
                To zero.
                As if you get so much ECs, it's an acievement itself.
                -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                • #9
                  ok, so lets say something like this:

                  Economic victory- the moment the count down begins.
                  Diplomaatic victory - the moment 75% of votes are reached.

                  factions would be -
                  PK - diplomatic victory
                  Spartans - military victory
                  Uni - Tradendence
                  Morganites - economic vitory

                  who's in (but me )
                  "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


                  • #10
                    I'd say Gaians for Transcendance would make a more balanced game.

                    (some faction modifications wouldn't hurt either. I still think economic is too hard. No CPU opponents and opposing factions -2 probe would make economic vicotry cheaper, because economic victory = mind controlling all un-allied bases)


                    • #11
                      agreed on no AIs and -2 porbe.

                      do you think it will be too easy for Uni getting to tracnedence in comparison to the other players victory?
                      "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


                      • #12
                        do you think it will be too easy for Uni getting to tracnedence in comparison to the other players victory?
                        IMO it will be more easy for Sparta to conquer everything than for Uni to go Transcend..
                        -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                        -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                        • #13
                          agree, but it is more suitable for spartans to conquer (and then maybe for Gaians to want tracendence).
                          but may be hive or belivers could go for conquer...
                          "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


                          • #14
                            no volunteers, probably too hard...
                            "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


                            • #15
                              That's what I expected from losers from Apolyton. Just lot of talking and real action is nowhere (though this is a really good idea).

                              However if you will find some more players you can count me in (under few special conditions). I will play morganites/pirates for econ victory or peacekeepers for diplomatic or gaians for any victory condition.


