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Glimpse of Chiron turn tracking thread

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  • But you received your extra pop after I called the council. The council is supposed to be instantaneous at that moment in time.


    • Okay, we have a proposal. Rather than let this interfere with the actual game play (diplomacy wise) I think we should resolve it pretty quickly.

      Sebed, can you agree to accept the 3 to 1 vote to have you replay the turn, vote for Senethro, and have Lord_Icewind abstain from voting?

      I know it's not really ideal, but it would give us the closest aproximation (the result anyway) to what would have happened if we all voted during Senethro's turn, as single player mechanics would dictate.

      and how on earth is everybody pacted with teh Hive? The jerk won't even speak to me!


      • I got to be his Pact ***** by declaring war on the Pirates.

        Now theres Machiavellan for you.


        • Originally posted by Senethro
          But you received your extra pop after I called the council. The council is supposed to be instantaneous at that moment in time.
          you are wrong...
          i received extra-pop exactly at the same turn when you called council...
          if i were before you in turn-order the situation would be clear and you wouldn't be among candidates...

          besides... if Yang has so many "friends" why ONLY i wanted to vote for him?


          • Unfortunately not Sebed, unless we were playing simultaneous turns. Even in SP there is a turn order but Council is one of those events decided instantaneously.


            • it has no matter - anyway - the game mechanics didn't let you win and this is exaclty what i was counting for and you cannot make me to change my votes...
              it was your tactical mistake Senthro - if you called council 1 turn earlier you would have won...


              • I didn't have the votes to call it a turn earlier so I fail to see how I've made an error.


                • so... your mistake was to play poor diplomacy with me and not making sure i vote for you... though you are better Machiavellan than i ever thought, you failed...


                  • But had the council been done correctly then I wouldn't have needed your vote. Unfortunately the coding has been shown not to be functional enough to handle close situations.


                    • But had the council been done correctly then I wouldn't have needed your vote.

                      so... why you wanted to bribe me?

                      Unfortunately the coding has been shown not to be functional enough to handle close situations.
                      let it be so, i don't bother


                      • So despite having the most votes and having the requirments I'm not going to be governor?


                        • it's me who has the highest number of votes, Senethro
                          and i wasn't even among those 3 (!!!) candidates!
                          but i don't bother...
                          and we already have a governor - it's Senethro's (and also mine) pact-brother


                          • You didn't have the most votes when I called council before you built PTS so, unsurprisingly, you were not among the candidate list.


                            • **** happens
                              but i don't bother, do you?


                              • Alright, we're arguing on tangents here.

                                At the time of the election the viable candidates were Senethro, Hive, Cyborgs. That's who we all got to vote on, except Icewind. He didn't get the choice to cast the ballot he wanted, and that changed the results.

                                I don't think arguing about what-if things happened sooner or later should change it.

                                Sebed, if you won't agree to what has been argued here, and the 3 factions' desire to employ Senethro's fix to your desire not to, then we can PM our CMN. We all need to agree, however, that his say will be final no matter what he does... even if his solution is something crazy like installing Sparta as governor.

                                I think it's smoother and classier if we can work out a decision by ourselves, but given the magnitude of that deicision then we either need to all go along (even if under protest) or have the old arbitrator come in.

                                It's awkward that the sides on the issue are along "party line," so to speak, but I think that the effort in PBEM usually goes toward minimizing the weird effects of turns taking place on different comptuers (no accepting human faction bribes from AI, no "send a stern rebuke" when you probe rape somebody and get caught so that they never know it happened, no "demand withdrawal" from the diplomacy menu).

