turn sent to Sevencubed
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Alpha Omega - turn tracking thread
something happened
I didn't get the file yet. Arcainite@aol.com
I think I was reading it and AOL's spam blocker came up and then I hit delete to delete the spam and I think it deleted the mail I was reading too and I couldn't get it to come back.
PS - I found it. AOL put it under Old Mail.
PS2 - Turn sent. However, I'm having problems with Alien Crossfire autorunning all the time. Has anyone else had this problem? It interferes with the game launching if you don't get into the game fast enough you can't.Last edited by Arcainite; December 2, 2004, 05:17.
Turn sent to Senethro. Nothing exciting is happening at sea yet. If you see an area marked Private Property that would be where I want to make landfall so I can get in on the excitement of dry land. If you colonize there I will view it as an act of aggression. If you are already near there, I will allow you to get close enough to establish communications, but any chicanery will be met with naval bombardment and an end to negotiations. I am open to trade agreements for any who find me.
PS - I only marked one square Private Property so you don't have to worry about me going hogwild with outrageous claims. All I want is a foothold SOMEWHERE. I won't even be able to settle it for awhile as slow as things are going. This is just letting everybody know so they can't say "oops, I didn't know you wanted that piece of land." Cooperation in this matter will ensure my peaceful intentions towards you.