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Proxima Centauri: Divergence - Turn Tracking

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  • #16
    I think there may be difference between macintosh exe and pc exe. Mac allows for larger than 256 tiles maps, while pc versions do not.
    My pc always crashes trying to generate large maps, however i can still play.
    2102 to the institute.
    Map creation contest
    WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


    • #17
      I am using a Windows system and I have not had a problem generating large maps. My previous system was a P3 @033MHz running Windows 98SE. I was able to generate 1024 x 512 maps without crashes.


      • #18
        Turns sent to Paradigm.


        • #19
          hmm, are you sure or just speculating? or can you refer to somewhere?

          It would be cool if we could get the facts straight. Does mac support custom maps with a standalone alphaCentauri while pc doesnt?

          And why can I play my turn if it doesnt have support for big maps in the standalone? I mean I did play my turn without complication...

          I will install the the stuff on my smac-smax so that I can see if it will be more smoothly, just to see.

          Also if smac lack this support while smax doesnt, should we all install smax and then do the setup and then start up with a smac game.... I mean cos it didnt crash now, it might in the future and that would be so bad?


          • #20
            dude, if you can say that you dont have smax in the same directory, then that would would be cool. Cos if you have a standalone smac and it work with 1024 x 512 single games, then that would be great news... then I just have to get a faster computer to play the freaking turn if it crashes! though dont expect me playing 1 or few turns a day or something... facts would be nice to have ASAP.

            P.s. oh yeah, the vertical renders first so it is 256 x 128 etc. ofcourse. And ofcourse I will test with smax in directory just to make sure what the major problem is...


            • #21
              Ok, after some testing, standalone or mix, as long as I use custom map, it launch OK. I can launch 1024x512maps, though it says 256x256 and above and it will effect perfomens and yes it does get slower, but playable at 1024. Anyhow, the problem is when launch standard-, huge map etc., then its a problem for PC users, not when I use costum settings. So the alpha.txt should have standarvalues in tiny to huge maps. If you whant to play a custom map, then just set those values. The reason why the multiplayer game launched is probebly due to that it was launched as a custom map and not huge planet.

              Would a change in the alpha.txt back to standar tiles be bad for the multiplayer game that has a custom sized map and not huge map.?


              • #22
                Turn to Syndicate.
                Paradigm Omnimedia - You'll Pay Us to Tell You What You Think


                • #23
                  It seems that the issue, at least from the information Firstblood is providing, is with the Worldbuilder map generation sequence. According to him, he hasn't had any problem playing his PBEM turn on the larger (480x240) map, just with generating random maps under the modified alpha.txt. Others have noticed issues with building larger-than-recommended maps under Windows. Because I generated the PBEM map on a Mac, there was no problem.

                  I believe Preview only has SMAC installed, not SMAX. My installation is also SMAC-only.

                  Changing the alpha.txt file back to the default (unaltered) for use in the PBEM game would result in corruption/conflicts, since a number of key variables vary from one to the other. Not a good idea. And as I think I said before, the map sizes in my custom alpha.txt have been returned to their original values.

                  You say you can launch 1024x512 maps. Since our current game is only 480x240, I don't forsee there being any crashing problems despite your somewhat older machine.

                  If you think these issues are going to be a continuing problem and you want to bow out, let me know.
                  Paradigm Omnimedia - You'll Pay Us to Tell You What You Think


                  • #24
                    hmm. Even though I have one install on xp and one on 98se, there is a problem... I need to play your single game, or Im screwed soon enough. so yes I can either create a batchfile switching alpha.txt or do manual copy/pasting or simple just be a bad player... and no there is no problem to create a batchfile so there should not in anyway be a launching problem for me again and I will be able to play your "add-on" and get better, so whatch up, ...I hope

                    My turn was sent to convenant 2102


                    • #25
                      I hope this works for you. We certainly don't want you handicapped for lack of access to the mod in practice sessions!

                      If for some reason you need me to generate random maps for your single-player session, let me know.

                      Also take comfort from the fact that, on a planet as large as this, it commonly takes longer to encounter other factions. So, there will be more turns to build, expand, and prepare.
                      Paradigm Omnimedia - You'll Pay Us to Tell You What You Think


                      • #26

                        Paradigmâ„¢ OmniNet News
                        15.41.30 / M.Y. 2102 - (Elysium Highlands, Chiron): Ground was broken today in a simple ceremony at the future site of Paradigm Headquarters, the first permanent settlement to be built by Paradigm Omnimedia, formerly Morgan Industries. After a brief statement from Paradigm CEO and Maestro Jason Clor, the gold-tipped excavation probe of a specially-outfitted former unit bored into the flattened hillside in the area dubbed "Elysium Highlands" to symbolically begin digging the foundation for what will eventually become a pressure-sealed habitat for thousands of Paradigm employees and their families.

                        Maestro Clor was reflective in his statement, quoting from Aristotle, Lao Tzu, and most notably the English poet John Milton: "The mind is its own place, and in it self can make a Heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven." With these words, he set into motion the building of what he described will be "a global awareness, a shared perception, an unfettered network of sensation and ideas that will span the globe and bring information in all its multitude forms to all Chiron's inhabitants whenever they chose." To be included in this network, according to Clor, will be live 24-hour news and entertainment broadcasting, universal access to multimedia data via public-access terminals, and live performances simulcast to hologram theatres around the world from Paradigm's studios.

                        Conceptual design courtesy of Paradigm Omnimedia

                        Plans for a second settlement have already been made, although Paradigm officials refused to comment on its purpose, design, or location. Plans for memorial to the victims of the crash of Descent Vehicle Three, which included then-CEO Nwabudike Morgan, are also underway at Paradigm Headquarters. Details of further development at this site should become available in the coming weeks.
                        Contributed by Paradigmâ„¢ OmniNet News Service
                        Paradigm Omnimedia - You'll Pay Us to Tell You What You Think


                        • #27
                          2102 -> Disciples

                          Lacking other forms of entertainment, Covenant citizens have taken to sculpting the abundant pink organic material nearby.
                          "Cutlery confused Stalin"
                          -BBC news


                          • #28
                            Turn to Paradigm


                            • #29
                              Turn to Syndicate.
                              Paradigm Omnimedia - You'll Pay Us to Tell You What You Think


                              • #30
                                Turn to covenant

                                *Me:Silence please, The joint cheifs have made some recommendations. First...they say that this is where we should build the base/HQ. As you all know, we dont know what is ahead of us, we need to get things running ASAP and so I agree with their good jugdment, my powerfull fellows, regard this place to be our Capitol* "conclusion - if we had more resourses, then we could have started of with tactical-boost City buildup, I hope the others wont be to lucky either" The dark was comming rather fast, we had no choise but to drug us with antisleep-drugs to make sure we had safe heaven before we accounter any aliens or disloyal factionsmembers. "We shall not forgive the betrail so easely."

                                *Me: We lack enough resourses, so team bravo, go upward in that eastern direction and as we can't spare you no heavy weapons, I do except you to rather run then badly fight, so keep your eyes open. Also, as you know, we have no choise but use the tactical-standaloneloop setup, so do what you can, ...may the shii be with you!*

                                *Newly appointed General Obogan:Scout master[Bai], go west and check out the poods.* *Scout Bai:sure, thing boss* *General Obogan:you either call me General or Sir, Im no longer ship-cloth co-ordinator* *Scout Bai:Yes, General!*

                                "day 3 allready" *Me:Have you heard anything* *Communications-Officer:Vanish-shi: Yes, no new U.F.O:s, then what we find in base perimiter, repported, Sir* *Good, carry on*

                                *Scout Bai: Rover Commander Taipei: You go ahead, and check for clear path from this red sticky stuff, the rover will just get stuck anyway "im sure of it", so you go ahead "Just a few moments later" Dammit, why should I be so indipendent-wiseguy all the time, ...puh, Im dead tired allready, this will takes days to go through, I havent even gotten half-thrue* "where am I, why do I talk to my self, this red fungus might be worse then I thought, I must repport to spare future lifes and maybe they can send an extraction team, the rover is probebly out of range by now, im not going to make it" *scout Bai:Scout-Beta-Afro-Indipendent here, over* "no one responding" Had no choise but to continue, there were no way to tell how far it was to the nearest way out of this hell whole.

                                day 3 is comming to an end. We have found some awsome insects during the past 2 days, but where are all the big animals, no alien attacks or danger at all, all what we could find this day was red fungus of some sort. it seems not to hospital any insects at all, so what good is this fungus, what function does it have. Had no choise but to order my scout to enter the fungus area not so far away from our baseborder, will see what happens tomorrow, this was a must priority to aviod getting suprised by a supreme threat when we least expect it and we need those freaking poods, the more the marrier.

