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Aldebaran Succession Game

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  • #31
    Originally posted by GeoModder
    What happened with that CP and Ogre I put on the edge of the Silicon Ridge? Couldn't a base be founded there?
    The Battle Ogre is in our base "Survival" on the Silicon Ridge. The Ogre is 70% damaged.

    Originally posted by Chaunk
    It's not that doctors are giving me a headache, just they're annoying. The best way of dealing with a drone at size 2, is to make that into 2 size 1 bases IMHO. Our cash flow is so poor that it's almost impossible to do that consistantly though.
    Oh Chaunk,
    when will you ever give up your Morganic ways! I spent a total of 8 EC's during my ten year tenure. Our Faction is now relatively "flush" with a whopping 68 EC's! Regardless, I agree with and have embraced Chaunk's approach of dividing bases down into non-Drone producing bases. The following is a synopsis of my ten turns:

    - gave Universalis' Tacit Controls so that their MW wouldn't kill our beached CP @ 59/21.

    - Galactics transport w/ troops sunk by IoD @ 40/40!?! That was too close for comfort, IMO!

    - boarded our CP and rover and headed towards pod @ 51/21.

    - More Drone Riots....

    - native IoD @ 41/39 destroyed by Galactics Heli!?!

    - Fierce Vengence founded @ 18/28.

    - brought our one Probe Team back to Survival, reason that it is our only defense unit currently.

    - our transport podded a kelp farm @ 51/21...


    - Vendetta w/ Riley..... Can this get any worse....

    - podded Batle Ogre MK1!

    - We Will Not Comply founded @ 38/40.


    - Universalis builds Dozer Factory.


    - Built Secrets and Lies @ 33/29 with CP from transport.


    - moved Ogre into our HQ, and we still can't support two workers without Drones!?!


    - Psionics discovered. Have decided on "The Chironator" for our next tech, due in 14 turns. I made this decision based upon the fact we need defensive capabilities, IMO. We live on a long peninsula which is easily invaded either by sea or land at many points, and so we need a quick riposte to an invasion, so as to ready ourselves in case of another invasion on a different front in the immediate years following. Because the Galactics possess a chopper, we can't just depend upon NL's to defend this border (or offer as riposte to an invasion), nor can we defend our western border effectively with mindworms against the Colonists who already have 3r armour. My reasoning on the subject.

    - I have brought our transport to Chaunk Cove and started building a Shroud there with the intent of infiltrating the Galactics so as to be able to judge their strengths against us.


    - not much....

    As I leave off, some parting thoughts:

    1. Too many Drones! I would say for the short term ignore nutrient bonus squares, farms, and anything that gives our Factions an above average nutrient bonus.

    2. I have initiated in several cities Probe Cruisers. Please build them, and lets explore the high seas!

    3. Infiltrate the Galactics: we really need this, as they were flying their chopper over our eastern coastline more often than I liked!

    4. I have constructed a road between Survival and Fierce Vengence on Silicon Ridge. Essentially this position mirrors Kesselring's Winter position in Italy in 1944, only in reverse. Essentially with the road build, we can easily ferry troops back and forth between any threatened front in this sector. We can also use these bases to quickly concentrate our forces for an attack. I suggest finishing building the road infrastructure I have undertaken along the spine of our peninsula.

    Good luck and look forward to seeing how our empire expands!

    Attached Files


    • #32
      Addded Stockpile to unit build queues. Set garrisons --> Hold, from Sleep. What's up with that?
      Switch to State Economics for Police and Industry. No more doctors. In my current build, State = 2 Police, 1 Industry -2 Efficiency.


      Find Matsumura. Get a governor elected. Start trade, which will pacify the AI a little bit.
      Find new base sites. There must be free land somewhere! Perhaps it's time for sea-colonies?
      Pacify our neighboring Galactic Colonists, if possible.
      Continue terraforming infrastructure.

      Made Peace with Galactics in exchange for Social Controls. Continued builds. Moved Transport out to sea. Lindly of the Lovers has started the Field Institute!
      Founded Defiance Freehold. All but two of our citizens are drones by nature. Ack.

      Founded Persist and Persevere. The clever Peacenik Former is making a road across our territory to her base 'Raja City' at the south end of Silicon Ridge. Quite nice of our pactmate to include us in her plans.

      Mindworms landed next to We will not comply. Killed the worm, but Darn, there's a spore launcher sitting on the IoD. Must make a navy to deal with this...

      Notice that the Galactic's Capital is not Aldebaran One, which means they lost it, possibly to the Syndicate? We'll have to explore their lands a bit more. Now that we have some peace, it shouldn't be a problem...

      Shroud, Formers, and 2 Scout patrols finished. Starting on a laser destroyer in our new base, Agreement by Force. Spore Launcher took out a forest. No big deal.

      Librarian in Survival base takes care of the extra drone (size 3). Still no doctors needed.

      Two probes now boarding the ferry in Chaunks Cove. Will infiltrate the Galactics, then go steal techs from the Lovers. Who cares if they hate us. They are far away and have Zak and Riley as neighbors already....One note: I would have started a Secret Project instead of the probe-cruiser at our base with the nut+mineral bonuses. But I'm finishing the probe-cruiser as Darsnan requested.

      Syndicate secret project 'The Bank of Aldebaran' is nearing completion. Ho hum.
      Galactics started project 'The Shroud Guild'. Two forests grew. Go trees, go.
      One shroud built.
      Rushed former at Secrets and Lies for 11 ECs. We now have 72 ECs.
      Starting another Transport in Chaunk Cove. We'll send this full of probes around the south end of the galactic empire, looking for Matsumura. Normally I'd be building probes to help rush-build a secret project or two. But we're a little behind on that front, so let's get tech parity and get the next batch of projects.

      Syndicate finishes the Bank of Aldebaran
      Former completed in Secrets and Lies. Starting Scout.
      Generally I'm aiming for building rec commons everywhere. That way we can get our core bases growing without drones, and possibly with more specialists. We need the Huge Gnome Project!
      I leave it to you to choose targets for our 2 probes....perhaps infiltration is enough this mission?
      Rushed Former at We Will Not Comply: 13 credits. We now have 69 ECs
      Attached Files
      Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


      • #33
        Our Western Empire as of 2355, fifty five years into the game and we have 10 bases. At 2360 we have 13 bases:
        Attached Files
        Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


        • #34
          2355 Eastern Empire:
          Attached Files
          Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


          • #35
            Turn to GeoModder
            Attached Files
            Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


            • #36
              MY 2360

              - Infiltrated the Planetlovers, and stole the Charinator from them. We're at vendetta now, partly since I couldn't get out of the probe screen again to take a look at who better put the blame for the tech steal.
              - Hurrried former in Hero's Waypoint and the Probe Destroyer in Outlaws and Inlaws.

              MY 2361

              - Hurried the transport in Chaunk Cove.
              - Let all free formers start on roads or forests.

              We're at war with the Planetlovers, and they already have a transport an a laser destroyer next to We Will Not Comply.

              MY 2362

              - Infiltrated Riley.
              - Traded Field Sciences with Riley and mediated a Truce between Riley and the Universilaty.

              MY 2363

              - started Cascading Networks (Field Sciences was the previous).
              - hurried some rec commons and formers

              MY 2364

              - Transport with 3 shrouds on the way to the Planetlovers intercepted by a laser destroyer.
              - Tried to take out that IoD with the laser destroyer from Agreement by Force, failed.
              - Started the Shroud Guild in our capital, have not used the AA's yet, perhaps the next player sees better need for another project.

              Frankly, I have no clue whatsoever anymore what and how I have to play this game, I better stop with it before I wreck it completely for you guys.
              Last edited by GeoModder; February 13, 2010, 15:58.
              He who knows others is wise.
              He who knows himself is enlightened.
              -- Lao Tsu

              SMAC(X) Marsscenario


              • #37
                I have been watching with great interest the development of the game since it started. It is very interesting, and I'm really having a ball trying to guess the next moves being played bay the players. I have one objection, though. I think it would be a lot more interesting if every 10 or 15 turns, the poster would also post pictures of the empire so far, and also, the statistics tables, in order for a more "visual" game, for us guys that are sitting on the side. Kinda like smacksim is doing, but a little more information. And every 20 or 30 turns, maybe a series of pictures showing the disposition of forces in and out of the empire. What do you guys think? Just a thought.


                • #38
                  Join in, I would say...
                  Besides, the game is not password protected. Nothing stops you from downloading it and opening in the Aldebaran mod.
                  He who knows others is wise.
                  He who knows himself is enlightened.
                  -- Lao Tsu

                  SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Lord Raptor
                    I have been watching with great interest the development of the game since it started. It is very interesting, and I'm really having a ball trying to guess the next moves being played bay the players. I have one objection, though. I think it would be a lot more interesting if every 10 or 15 turns, the poster would also post pictures of the empire so far, and also, the statistics tables, in order for a more "visual" game, for us guys that are sitting on the side. Kinda like smacksim is doing, but a little more information. And every 20 or 30 turns, maybe a series of pictures showing the disposition of forces in and out of the empire. What do you guys think? Just a thought.
                    Heah Lord Raptor,

                    This is a good idea and I'll see about doing this in the future. Essentially during the week why I am relatively busy, and so don't always have the time to flesh things out as much as I'd like, but I'll make a more conscious effort in the future.
                    I also picked up Photoshop today, so I'll see about editing some pics for the mod as well!



                    • #40
                      I don't know about the rest of the team, but while Smack is constantly tweaking and updating things, I don't see the need to take really close detailed notes, as strategies are always in flux. Oh wait, I'm Smack.

                      But I do agree that reading the old Succession games is quite enlightening because a lot of players do analysis while the game is going on. I think of this game as a bit more relaxed, and giving us all a venue to complain about how tough this or that faction is, or to suggest improvements. I've already begun to think that the United NonComplicity Front's (The Outlaws) -2 Police penalty is too high. We are veteran players and we are finding it to be quite painful. Their bonus's are not that strong +2 Eff, +2 Probe, so why not just get rid of their penalty altogether? We shall see.

                      Thanks for the input too. And Darsnan, glad to hear you have the editor of editors. It's much fun!

                      Turn, I think, is to #endgame.

                      -Smack, from vacation...
                      Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


                      • #41
                        I'm going to pass for this round, and pick up on the next cycle in ~20-30 M.Y.s. RL calls and sometimes can't be ignored.
                        #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

                        Quantum P. is a champion:


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by GeoModder
                          Frankly, I have no clue whatsoever anymore what and how I have to play this game, I better stop with it before I wreck it completely for you guys.
                          All right, if GeoModder has backed out of playing then I am probably up next. I'll get to the turn in about 4 hours or so.



                          • #43
                            Thanks for taking my thoughts into consideration. The reason I can't join is the fact that I don't have SMAX. I couldn't find it in Romania, and I haven't downloaded the Aldebaran mod. I'm looking forward to the next moves.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Lord Raptor
                              Thanks for taking my thoughts into consideration. The reason I can't join is the fact that I don't have SMAX. I couldn't find it in Romania, and I haven't downloaded the Aldebaran mod. I'm looking forward to the next moves.
                              Have you tried E-Bay? I know for a while the SMAX disks were high priced, but now they should've come down in price since the release of the Laptop Collection CD's.

                              Anyways, onto the report from a tumultuous 10 years!

                              2365 Observations:

                              - Raja City surrounded by Colonist troops.
                              - Galactics base of Ta Chu is building a transport in 2 turns and the base is full of troops!
                              - I'm starting the turn with a whopping 13EC's. So much for fiscal restraints I initiated on my last turn, eh guys!


                              - podded free Rec Commons @ Agreement by Force!
                              - Redirected Outlaws and Inlaws to build a Tokamat and moved 3 artifacts to city. I agree with the comment previously that this city should become our SP city, and so am setting it up to be Drone proof, at least for the forseeable future.


                              - traded with Peaceniks for Colonist map by giving them Field Sciences. Rejected tradnig further at this point.
                              - Colonists are building worms in 3 of their 5 cities currently!
                              - Planetlovers land two 4/2/1 Infantry and a 4/1/2 rover next to Chaunk Cove! I've moved several Formers, the Battle Ogre out of our HQ base, and our rover towards Chaunk Cove.


                              - Chaunk Cove falls to the Lovers! Oddly enough the 2 4/2/1 Infantry have remained outside the base, so that my Ogre kills the lone rover that is in the base. I've retaken Chaunk Cove with our rover and stuffed the city with 2 Formers as well.
                              - Probe Cruiser gets washed out of the Sargasso by a tidal wave and ends up way farther south. The cruiser pops and IoD with another pod!


                              - Lover Infantry destroy our rover and a Former in Chaunk Cove! One Former left in base, which goes into Drone Riots!
                              - Peaceniks call again wanting Zak's commlink for 30 EC's, which I accept. I also trade the Chironator for our current research tech of Sentient Algorhythms. For some strange reason my right index finger then chooses our next tech to be Information is Power !?!
                              - Peaceniks also gift us a heavily damaged Aldeb Garrison (1/2/1).
                              - Found base "The Quiet Rebellion" @ 18/20.
                              - gamble and attack with my 2/3 movement points Ogre and destroy one of the Lover Infantry, but heavily damaging the Ogre. Move a new scout towards Chaunk Cove as well. Our Probe can't subvert the remaining Infantry unit - we're about 25EC's short....


                              - lost heavily damaged Ogre at Chaunk Cove to Lover Infantry. Still have 2 Formers in city plus scout(s) on the way!
                              - Still 20 EC's short to subvert Lover unit.....


                              - lost a Former to Lover Infantry, but moved a scout into Chaunk Cove.
                              - Probe Cruiser pods an IoD. While trying to get away runs into another IoD. Only option is to move onto fungal square with pod, and yep, another f'ing IoD! Argh!
                              - 15EC's short for subverting Lover Infantry....


                              - Lost Probe Cruiser to IoD, and lost a scout in Chaunk Cove causing Drone Riots as pop is reduced to one!
                              - 10 EC's short to subvert the Lover Infantry.....


                              - lost last Former in Chaunk Cove. Scout still two turns away. Not good....


                              - Chaunk Cove destroyed by Lover Infantry. CEO Chaunk is rumoured to have perished defending the base! Finally have enough EC's to subvert the 4/2/1 Infantry - a turn too late.....
                              - started building new CP @ "Agreement by Force" to replace Chaunk Cove. Suggest new name be "Chaunk Memorial" to our dearly departed CEO.....


                              - Peacemakers call again (I think Sarita's got the hots for me! ) . Offer Syndicate comm freq for Cascading Networks, which I accept (note: I am not contacting Syndicate on my turn - I'm leaving that to the next player in rotation).
                              -Sarita calls election for Governor. Electoral College consists of the following:

                              Lovers: 21
                              Matsumoti: 23
                              Zak: 32
                              Pacifists: 20
                              Us: 21

                              Zak calls me and asks us to vote for him in return for a donation of 100EC's, which I accept. We now have 109EC's in the bank!

                              Observations at end of my turn:

                              - suggest start building "The Greatest Game" when we finish researching current tech in 2 turns. I've set up several "feeder cities" which are building infantry scouts which we can quickly move to the city and disband for the minerals.
                              -there is a Lover Laser Infantry outside Colonists HQ of "Colony Prime". The silly Colonists have panicked and stopped building an SP in order to rush a Chironator Infantry!

                              Anyways, sorry no pictures this time - been a long day, tomorrow I've got a 5km run, Wednesday I chase a little white ball, well, you get the idea....

                              btw SmackSim, how many more little blurbs have you put into the text files like the one I found tonight for "Informationnis Power"?

                              Anyways, after having repulsed ther first Lover assault group, I look forward to seeing how th rest of this turns out!

                              Attached Files


                              • #45
                                suggest start building "The Greatest Game" when we finish researching current tech in 2 turns. I've set up several "feeder cities" which are building infantry scouts which we can quickly move to the city and disband for the minerals.
                                Probes make slightly better disbanders because they are free in the travels and consist of more minerals (less going to waste while building).

                                btw SmackSim, how many more little blurbs have you put into the text files like the one I found tonight for "Informationnis Power"?

                                Geo, sounds like you got rather mauled on your turn. We might recover . So what are the team's thoughts on reducing the Outlaw police penalty?

                                Sounds like a **** of a turn. #endgame is busy. Who's up? Chaunk I think....yeah. Turn to Chaunk.
                                Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game

