Originally posted by GeoModder
What happened with that CP and Ogre I put on the edge of the Silicon Ridge? Couldn't a base be founded there?
What happened with that CP and Ogre I put on the edge of the Silicon Ridge? Couldn't a base be founded there?
Originally posted by Chaunk
It's not that doctors are giving me a headache, just they're annoying. The best way of dealing with a drone at size 2, is to make that into 2 size 1 bases IMHO. Our cash flow is so poor that it's almost impossible to do that consistantly though.
It's not that doctors are giving me a headache, just they're annoying. The best way of dealing with a drone at size 2, is to make that into 2 size 1 bases IMHO. Our cash flow is so poor that it's almost impossible to do that consistantly though.
when will you ever give up your Morganic ways! I spent a total of 8 EC's during my ten year tenure. Our Faction is now relatively "flush" with a whopping 68 EC's! Regardless, I agree with and have embraced Chaunk's approach of dividing bases down into non-Drone producing bases. The following is a synopsis of my ten turns:
- gave Universalis' Tacit Controls so that their MW wouldn't kill our beached CP @ 59/21.
- Galactics transport w/ troops sunk by IoD @ 40/40!?! That was too close for comfort, IMO!
- boarded our CP and rover and headed towards pod @ 51/21.
- More Drone Riots....
- native IoD @ 41/39 destroyed by Galactics Heli!?!
- Fierce Vengence founded @ 18/28.
- brought our one Probe Team back to Survival, reason that it is our only defense unit currently.
- our transport podded a kelp farm @ 51/21...
- Vendetta w/ Riley..... Can this get any worse....
- podded Batle Ogre MK1!
- We Will Not Comply founded @ 38/40.
- Universalis builds Dozer Factory.
- Built Secrets and Lies @ 33/29 with CP from transport.
- moved Ogre into our HQ, and we still can't support two workers without Drones!?!
- Psionics discovered. Have decided on "The Chironator" for our next tech, due in 14 turns. I made this decision based upon the fact we need defensive capabilities, IMO. We live on a long peninsula which is easily invaded either by sea or land at many points, and so we need a quick riposte to an invasion, so as to ready ourselves in case of another invasion on a different front in the immediate years following. Because the Galactics possess a chopper, we can't just depend upon NL's to defend this border (or offer as riposte to an invasion), nor can we defend our western border effectively with mindworms against the Colonists who already have 3r armour. My reasoning on the subject.
- I have brought our transport to Chaunk Cove and started building a Shroud there with the intent of infiltrating the Galactics so as to be able to judge their strengths against us.
- not much....
As I leave off, some parting thoughts:
1. Too many Drones! I would say for the short term ignore nutrient bonus squares, farms, and anything that gives our Factions an above average nutrient bonus.
2. I have initiated in several cities Probe Cruisers. Please build them, and lets explore the high seas!
3. Infiltrate the Galactics: we really need this, as they were flying their chopper over our eastern coastline more often than I liked!
4. I have constructed a road between Survival and Fierce Vengence on Silicon Ridge. Essentially this position mirrors Kesselring's Winter position in Italy in 1944, only in reverse. Essentially with the road build, we can easily ferry troops back and forth between any threatened front in this sector. We can also use these bases to quickly concentrate our forces for an attack. I suggest finishing building the road infrastructure I have undertaken along the spine of our peninsula.
Good luck and look forward to seeing how our empire expands!