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Alpha Base: Builders unite!

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  • Alpha Base: Builders unite!

    A signup thread for several Pbems I'd like to get started.

    Alpha Base: Builders Unite

    {Edit: Still need 4 players as of my last post. C'mon Apolyton!}

    I'd like to set up a fairly standard email game with an emphasis on the long game. There is nothing more gratifying than getting that last Tree Farm built or fortifying a beautiful builder empire. Long games are great for single players, but what about for multiplayer? If you can only play for a few weeks or want to stick it out all the way, this might be a good builder game for you. If you'd like to be a substitute in the future, keep an ear to the forums.

    As we all know, many, if not most Pbem's die off just as they are getting interesting! To this end I'd like to make it No Passwords. If people don't play a turn in 24 hours without notice, it may be posted and played by a substitute. {Edit: This seems kind of harsh. I just mean that there would be a way to keep it going. Details can be worked out} Someone (me, if I'm playing) will post a turn to the forums every round. Hopefully, this will ensure that if any one player drops off, the game will keep going. So, builders unite!

    Game: Smac or Smax, state your preference
    Players: Up to Seven
    Map: Huge
    Format: Open passwords. Otherwise standard.
    Rules: Random Map, Tech Stagnation, Transcend, Flex Start, Geography viewable, random personalities if any AI. Others?
    Moderator: I'll moderate and/or play. Random map.

    Make suggestions! I had an interesting thought. What if, every 10 game years we each posted a save-game position and a text commentary, all zipped up in a file? That would serve two purposes. First, should you have to leave the game (as often happens in lengthy email games), there will be a quasi-secret strategy guide for your replacement. Secondly, it might be fun to open up all the zipped comments and strategies at the end and post them to the forums as a play-by-play from each faction's perspective. This idea requires some trust between the players, not to open up the zip files! But I think it would be fine. Anyone who needs to open a 'Secret Journal of Lady Deirdre' must be in dire straights anyways Any other suggestions?

    If you'd like to play the builder's game or be a future replacement, make a post.

    Also, if you'd like to CMN such a game, let me know. We don't necessarily have to have an outside moderator, but it would make the trust issue of setting up the random map more palatable.


    Anyone up for some rapid one-v-one games? I'll play! If you'd like to get a moderator to set up the map, etc., that's fine. Otherwise we can just use a random map and keep it simple.

    Game: Smac or Smax, your choice
    Players: You, Me, and Five AI
    Map: Huge
    Format: flexible.
    Rules: I'm flexible on these..... Random Map, Tech Stagnation, Transcend, Flex Start, Geography viewable, random personalities if any AI. Others?
    Moderator: I'll moderate and/or play. Random map.

    -Smack, who needs a PBEM or three!
    Last edited by smacksim; June 18, 2004, 21:37.
    Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game

  • #2
    Count me in for an Alpha Base game (preferably Morgan, don't play other factions too well).

    Tech stag AND Huge map could well be a bit too much (= too little action), especially for "builder" factions like Domai with an inherent research penalty.

    Random map is fine as long as there is enough continent and 2+ nut tiles for everyone to start building (since you will have to wait for Doc:Flex a few years on a huge map...)

    How about disabling Conquest victory?

    The 10 years strategic guide is a very good idea.
    In my opinion it is rather unimportant when the text gets read by a fellow player or not, since you talk about things past and not about future things.


    • #3
      I would play, but my ISP has a habit of stuffing up.
      I can play the turns if I have an e-mail address to send the turns to, and get the turns by e-mail.

      As for the one-on-one, what times are you available? We might as well make a 6-hour gaming binge every day where we each go through 4 turns.

      At the moment I'm studying for my final exam on Thusday, so I cannot start the game for 48 hours.


      • #4
        As a 1-1 variant, try a same-faction game (ie an original 14 faction against its clone, with 5 AI)

        You can get Lal, Morgan and Drone clone factions here


        • #5
          Googlie, nice variant. I can see why one would do this to level the playing field.

          Enigma_Nova, I'll PM you and perhaps we can get a game going after exams.

          AndiD, you're in the Alpha Base game. Good suggestion for disabling the conquest victory. I see reasons for this and against it. As to map/tech stag, etc.. here's what I suggest in more detail:

          Pods on
          Random map, with some possible options, most of which require a moderator to set things up....

          1. Map could be checked by a moderator to see if anyone's position is so bad as to warrent re-rolling the map.
          2. We could all be given Doc:Flex to start
          3. The 'Disband all units to re-spawn +1 former' trick could be made legitimate.
          4. A CMN could put Nut Specials near the starting locations.

          Personally I only like options 1 and 3. But as I said, I'm flexible.

          Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


          • #6
            Hey smacksim!
            Lets play a 2x2 game!

            I already have a map, if you wanna play, Ill show it to you!

            Available teams are:

            Believers + Gaians
            Morgan + Spartans

            Choose one & the other will be mine!

            I will just set up the commlinks then & tomorrow we can start


            Huge ( 3 large, 1 smaller continent)
            Ocean ~ 65-70%

            average everything (IIRC)

            starting assets: 3 CPs & 5SPs & 1 UR for each (3 rovers & 3SPs for spartans)

            SMAX, definitely!

            Youre in?
            -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
            -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


            • #7
              Smacksim, your suggested PBEM games are very interesting.
              But I can only send turn every 4-5 days so I need a very slow pace.
              "Sicut Nox Silentes"


              • #8
                binTravkin, I'm in. How about a random map though? One neither of us has seen completely exposed. IE, hmm, where is the jungle, where are the flats? If you mean that you've started a 2x2 game and havn't looked at the map in the scenario editor, that's fine with me. I'll PM you with my email and we can get going. I'll play either set, but the Morgan-Spartans look more powerful than the Believer-Gaians. I do love the Gaians though, so I'll take them!

                Knightsoul, perhaps you could partner with another builder for the builder game? Typically the first few turns happen rather quickly and then a game slows down. With (hopefully) seven human players, turns every 4-5 days is reasonable.

                Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


                • #9
                  You want an unexplored map?

                  I've played on that map once & viewed it a few times in scenario editor -> I could transfer it to you & you take a look too..

                  Flats & Jungle is by AI

                  Gaians & Believers have a small thermoshallow sea IN their continent
                  Morganites have Mount Planet in close vicinity

                  will post map here in a few mins
                  -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                  -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                  • #10

                    It is a SMAC scenario, but I will try to re-make it to SMAX

                    If I wont manage, will debate for another map (but I would greatly like to play on this)
                    Attached Files
                    -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                    -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                    • #11
                      binTravkin, lets take this discussiong to PM. I think we can work things out and get started. Looking forward to it.

                      Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


                      • #12
                        Yeah, lets start PMing -> I already sent one to you!
                        -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                        -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                        • #13
                          4-5 days?!
                          Never mind the Alpha Base game.


                          • #14
                            1on1 is with speed turn in 1 day EN!
                            -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                            -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                            • #15
                              We still need 3 or 4 other builders for the builders game. Is anyone out there wanting to play?

                              I'm still looking to get more 1v1 games started. binTravkin and I start next week.



                              What I mean is that a round being played in 4-5 days is pretty good actually. Not that each player would take 4-5 days. That would make 28-35 days per game year! -S
                              Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game

